Spore Story

Chapter 112 An Ape

Chapter 112
"What's the matter with this weird sense of sight!"

"Let me tell you, I will never use my mental power, this time! Hmph"

After expressing contempt for his previous wavering, Gaga strengthened his belief once again.

But Quack, who was curious about what kind of animal came again, was unable to check the situation because of the sight problem. He could only listen to the thud-thump-thump sound coming from his side, and the dinosaur sounded very angry. After roaring a few words, he rushed over while creating an earthquake.

"Well, yes, at least it's more bloody than that Tyrannosaurus rex!"

That's what I said, but at this time, Quack is no longer in the mood to understand who will win and who will lose, "What's the point of you all fighting over and over again, hey, the sea of ​​suffering has no limit, and it's always right to turn around."

"We're just a quack ape, we need little dinosaurs to come and velociraptors, velociraptors to come and Tyrannosaurus rex, and tyrannosaurus rex to come and diceratops (the name we just gave each other=.=), Then another unknown animal continued to come. Hey! By the way, if this continues, will it lead to some epic creatures? It seems fun to say, huh.” (==)

Bang bang bang!
On the battlefield not far from Quack, monster roars and strange impact sounds could be heard from time to time.

"Could it be evenly matched this time?"

At this time, a flash of lightning suddenly flashed in front of his eyes.

"Hey! It's still an electric creature. Well, I hope you can win. In this way, even if we, who are also electric creatures, are eaten, we can play a greater role."

Suddenly, a violent roar mixed with unwillingness and heavy impact reached Quack's ears.

"Sure enough, we have to be good at electric creatures!"

No need to watch the battlefield, Gaga knows who wins and who loses.

"Big boss, electric creature, what?"

"Electric lifeforms are just... ah!"

"What's the situation with this weird sound, we seem to be hallucinating."

"Illusion?" The brisk Chinese reached Quack's ears again.


"Chu Qin?"

"Well, what is the hallucination? Big boss."

"Hehe, don't worry about that, just like the Big Mac, carry me back."

"Ha! You're so heavy."

"It's nothing, just memorize and memorize, I'll get used to it."


Opening his eyes with difficulty, Quack felt the body temperature of his companions in front of him, and finally realized one thing, that is - he was really not suitable for a lonely life.


The temperature of the fire drives away the cold and darkness of the night.

A group of Quack apes were happily looking at the fire in the middle, waiting for the barbecue they got from Dioceratops, while Quack lay comfortably under Chu Qin, rubbing his face against his thighs under his head.

"Hmm... When I return to the space, I must change to a flexible skin. The current skin is too dry and uncomfortable."

"That, big boss."

"Huh?" Opening his eyes, Quack looked up at Chu Qin.

"It's itchy, don't move, okay?"

"Well, okay, let me lie down for a while."

As a result, after meeting Chu Qin and the others, since the sky had already darkened, they lit a fire next to the rock, and the quack apes started to light a fire to cook, and the source of food was precisely what quack had killed before. The two Velociraptors and the Dioceratops killed by Chu Qin and the others.

Because it was a combination of more than a dozen quack apes and a fire, no animal dared to treat the group of quack apes at this time.As a result, Quack, who had regained a sense of security, asked Chu Qin to give her otaku's favorite - a knee pillow, without looking for a reason.

However, due to the dry skin of the quack monkey at this time, and the knee pillow is not as beautiful as imagined, the current quack can only endure the soreness of the neck and try hard to hold on. (=.=)

"Speaking of which, it's a miracle that I actually met you."

Finally, with the help of the tentacles, Quack sat up, leaned on Chuqin's back without hesitation, and enjoyed the freshly roasted dinosaur meat.And at this time, Gaga finally remembered that meeting Chu Qin and the others in this place seemed incredible.


"It's just that the impossible happened."

"What a mess."

"Um, just tell me how you found me."

"Oh," Chu Qin seemed to recall for a while, before the other party's light voice came from behind, "Yesterday, you were arrested by pterodactyls, we heard you shouting 'help me, save me, save me, save me, save me, save me, save me' me!'"

"Wait!" Quack suddenly felt something was wrong, "I remember that time I shouted 'you go back, I'm fine.'"

"Eh! Is that so?"

Although Chu Qin behind her couldn't see this movement, Gaga nodded firmly, "It must be like that. Do you think that as a big boss, I would call for help?"

"Just now, I was almost eaten, big boss."

"Um, did you hear me yelling for help?"


"That's right. Go on, how did you find me?" Gaga thinks that it can't be used for discussion on this issue, and it will be very confusing.

At this moment, Quack felt Chuqin behind him move. "Yesterday, I heard you yelling, oh, after hearing your yelling, we followed you in the sky and the pterodactyl. Then, when you fell down, we chased after you, but we didn't find you."

"did not find?"

"Well, then, Chu Dian said, he can feel you."

"What!" Hearing this, Quack was startled. If it wasn't for his physical inability to move, he might have jumped up. "Chu Dian can feel me, what's going on?"

"I don't know. After that, Chu Dian took us and found you and that dinosaur."

"Oh, Chu Dian!"

This matter probably needs to be asked about the situation of the person concerned. Quack used his tentacles to make his posture a little more comfortable, and then swallowed the cooked meat in his hand. At this time, Chu Dian had heard Quack's cry and came over.

"Boss?" Sitting in front of Quack, Chu Dian looked at Quack suspiciously while holding the unfinished cooked meat.

"Can you feel me?"

"Well, it feels very powerful, stronger than other apes." While speaking, Chu Dian pointed to all the apes beside him.

"Tell me how you feel."

"Well... the big boss is the most powerful, then Chu Yi, then Chu Qin, then Chu Jie and Ling Yun, then Chu Xia, Chu Zheng, Chu Chen Lingxin, and then the rest of them."

While talking, Chu Dian pointed out the quack apes with different behaviors one by one.

"What about yourself?"

"Me? It's about the same as Chu Zheng."

"Can you only feel quack apes? How far can you feel your own kind?"

Excitedly looking at Chudian in front of him, Quack suddenly discovered that the semi-independent consciousness may have many advantages that he hadn't discovered. Chudian's feeling intensity is almost the strength of the team at this time.

Moreover, you must know that Chu Dian's mental power is not strong. Compared with ordinary quack apes, his only difference is the semi-independence of his consciousness. Have the ability to go beyond.

Looking at Quack who suddenly erupted with strong enthusiasm in fear, Chu Dian stepped back a little, "I don't know, big boss, it feels very far away, and Chu Qin and the others are not far away."

Depressedly drooping its tentacles, Quack remembered that the apes hadn't learned too much, "By the way, just like you are here now, if Chuqin is on that mountain, can you feel it?"

"It should be possible!" Chu Dian replied uncertainly after looking at Quack in embarrassment, and looking at the shadowy mountain under the moonlight.

Then he continued to ask a few questions, but Chu Dian's answers were all ambiguous, and it seemed that he himself didn't know.

"Forget it, let me experiment directly. Anyway, I can't move now, and 8051 said that there is no danger of my consciousness being separated from the body. Chu Qin, take care of my body."

Looking at Chu Dian, a semi-independent consciousness in front of him, and confirming that it should be basically safe now, Quack began to mobilize his mental power.

The spiritual power covered Chu Dian's conscious body little by little, and the feeling of being out of the body that had appeared before was transmitted to Quack's feeling again, "Could it be the reason for the independent conscious body? Hehe, it's a bit like the novel's The primordial spirit is out of the body, could it be that we are already the legendary high level of comprehension..."

The words kept spitting out of the mouth suddenly stopped, and in Chu Qin's feeling, the body of Ga Ga behind her suddenly softened, and she just lay down beside Chu Qin. "Big boss!"

Just a little surprised, and quickly found that Quack's body was not dead, and Chu Qin, who had previous experience in guarding Quack's body in the return space, carefully put Quack's body on her lap, and after looking around, she died in a short while. Began to doze off, after all, it was already late at night.

But in Chu Dian's perception, Quack's powerful aura suddenly disappeared, and then quickly appeared above Quack's body.

Looking suspiciously at the place where Quack's breath came from, and then at Quack lying on Chuqin's lap at this time, Chu Dian felt very confused.

"Well, I should be fine, let's sleep."

Looking at Chu Jie passing by in confusion, Chu Dian asked cautiously.

"How would I know."

Answering Chu Dian casually, Chu Jie looked at Quack who seemed to be asleep, turned around and lay down beside the fire to sleep.

"I really want to sleep."

In the silent night, Chu Dian's painful voice echoed, but even the quack apes who were watching the night just looked at Chu Dian in awe at this time, and continued to patrol.

"This is...a strange feeling...but so comfortable!"

The consciousness peeled off the body little by little. In Quack's perception, his consciousness was leaving the body and began to condense on the body. Finally, a consciousness in the shape of Quack ape appeared above Quack's body.

"Is this the feeling of independent consciousness in the external world? Now, am I quack, or an illusion?"

After thinking about it suspiciously, Quack looked at the condensed consciousness, and the scene seemed to be exactly the same as in the space.

"It's just an illusion now, hehe."

Kong Huan shook his conscious body, and began to look around curiously.

The first thing I saw was the body of Quack under her. At this moment, Chu Qin was putting the body of Quack on her lap, which made Kong Huan very happy. I haven’t noticed if it’s in the editing space, I hope I’ve gotten it before.”

At this time, Quack looked at Chu Dian in front of him. The weak consciousness was shrouded and bound like clothes on Chu Dian. At this time, he was exuding dissatisfaction and depression. Since he used language to think, Quack quickly understood. The meaning of Chudian.

"I want to sleep, uh, I have to make a report, what a good student!"

Speechlessly watching Chu Dian talking to Chu Jie who was passing by, and then being ignored and continuing to sit there blankly, Kong Huan didn't know that it was all trained by himself and Chu Jie.

"Forget it, go to sleep, I want to continue to experience this world!"

The mental power controlled by the independent consciousness seems to be very little, but Quack still easily used the mental power to soothe Chu Dian's thinking and let him fall asleep a little bit.

"Okay, let's use our consciousness body to experience the external world!"

PS: Happy New Year everyone =w=
(End of this chapter)

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