Spore Story

Chapter 1169 When I Didn't Say It

Chapter 1169 When I Didn't Say It
Thank you 'EternelAnge' for your support =w=
The silent and empty cosmic world was suddenly broken by a series of space distortions.

The next moment, a huge disc-shaped flying object, surrounded by more than a dozen short and fat flying objects, appeared in the normal space.After a while, the steel above the saucer-shaped flying object began to shrink, revealing the transparent dome inside, and through this, we saw the existence of an independent world inside.

Of course, this is our space-time garden.

What needs to be done to leave the artificial star, the most important thing is the negotiation of Temilia, the subject of Aiyi and the diplomatic group of Liya. After these problems are solved, there has been no social interaction in Bell Academy. I didn't even see a few people who saw me off, so I set foot on the journey home.

And along the way, the most active person is of course Little Princess Liya, who has never been to the Friends of the Double Moon Star.

"Is that illusory, Xinpeng Island really a naturally generated floating island?"

"of course."

"From the beginning of development to the present, you have not mined Double Moon Star on a large scale, and even fixed your own living area to ensure that it will not affect the environment?"


"Han Huan, have you really been bullied by your wife all the time?"

"Hmm... how is it possible!"

"Cut, fail."

"Failure, sister! Who told you this kind of thing, and I'm only seven years old!"

"Tch, don't think that I don't know your reincarnation ability. According to your mental age, you are an old monster. Don't you think it's too much to quarrel with a girl as young as this lady?" Sometimes, Liya, a guy who has been with friends for a long time and has become unscrupulous, will put herself in the position of a child.

"Are you a little girl from head to toe?"

"What do you think?" The little princess puffed out her flat chest, and she looked like a little star elf loli from head to toe, perfectly refuting the empty words from her body.

"Okay, kid, come here, uncle will give you a lollipop." In the blink of an eye, a bunch of candies appeared in Kong Huan's hands.

"Although you are very happy to eat it," Liya snatched the candy, but stared at Kong Huan suspiciously: "but why do I think your behavior is so suspicious? Could it be that the candy was drugged?"

"Forget what you don't want," leaning on the sofa with a look of whether you want it or not, vainly basking in the sunlight filtered by the dome that is harmless to plants, and asked casually: "But then again, you Is it really okay for a majestic elf princess in the starry sky, the future queen, to just run around with our friends?"

"What's wrong? Anyway, His Majesty is very supportive," Li Ya looked vigilant, and the thoughts in her mind were obviously: Do you want to find an excuse to let the old lady leave?
"forget it."


"forget it."

At the same time, Lingxue, who was several river systems away, also said the same thing.

However, what she was facing was not a leisurely guy like Liya, but a proposal based on her previous suggestion of "destroying the civilization system of some qualified indigenous people, so as to reconstruct the civilization system dominated by the friends", and The staff of the assessment agency who made the preliminary plan.

When he received Lingxue's reply, the staff member who had been busy working on this report for several days with his colleagues immediately burst into tears, without being so bullying.

"Hmm, in fact, we proposed this plan before, but we only intended to use it as a backup," Lingxue explained with some embarrassment: "I've already seen the plan, and it's really good, but after all, it involves a lot of living things. Life and death cannot be decided lightly, so we still need to think carefully and choose among the available plans.”

"We understand this." The evaluation agency really doesn't need to pay too much attention to details, everything is based on success, so the staff who have encountered similar situations before nodded clearly.

"That's good, but there are new tasks for you here," Lingxue heaved a sigh of relief.

"Please speak," the staff stood respectfully in front of Lingxue.

"Ah, it's actually a very important matter." The previous words did not come casually. At this time, after Lingxue regained the patriarch's seriousness, she quickly handed over the new document to the other party through the network, and then explained To: "Previously we set the standard for pure energy quantification at 16 years old, but some elders felt that this was too low."

"Among them, the main reason is the problem of reproduction rate," she explained: "So not long ago, we discussed it again internally, and felt that the previous 16 standards were indeed a bit hasty."

"Oh?" The staff didn't interrupt.

"At the beginning, the problem we considered was to complete the pure energyization of the whole family as soon as possible, and ensure that it would not affect the pupation of those who have their own independent secondary pupation, so we came up with the 16 standard. And children under the age of 16 occupy a small population, Even if my family is in danger, it can be well protected."

"However, as you can see, the method of obtaining the source of the same race from aliens cannot solve the population problem for the time being. In this way, we need to consider self-reproduction. And the reproductive rate of the pure energy body is too low, even the reproductive rate of the energy body Not too high..."

“… So, we discussed it again and felt that we should even put a limit on the age of quantification.”

"But the patriarch, now many newborns are born with energy bodies?" The staff reminded: "Besides, as advanced pure energy, after they grow up, the new generation of reproduction is likely to go further than the energy body, It is not impossible that even babies are pure energy bodies."

"Of course you don't need to worry about it," Lingxue waved her hand.

"Our preliminary consideration is to specify a general standard, such as not being able to quantify before the age of 16; not being able to purely quantify before the age of 35 or even 40; and for those born with an energy body, it is not allowed to be purely quantized before the age of 16; As for the future birth with a pure energy body, of course you don’t need to care about it.”

"So, the task is for us to sort out and establish a more accurate age, right?" The staff quickly responded.

"That's it." Nodding in satisfaction, Lingxue handed a special card to the other party: "During the mission, you can temporarily call some related confidential civilizations. This is a permission, but remember to keep it secret. At the same time, due to the Since the performance since then, the network level of you and several others in your organization has been improved, please pay attention to check."

"Ah, this is really looking forward to, thank you patriarch."

For the current friends, more and more things are transferred to the network with core elders and elders as nodes for processing, especially key information, which is supervised by the core elders in the network nodes, and the security Needless to say.Therefore, the network level has almost become another status symbol for everyone in the friend clan.

In this way, when they learned that their level had been promoted, the staff immediately swept away the regret that the previous plan was used as a backup.

"Right, one more thing."


"Last month, didn't the evaluation department make an evaluation report on 'the attitudes of the new generation of friends and children towards the relationship between various ethnic groups, and the environment in which their outlook on life is constructed'? How many have you done now?"

"This... Although there are not many people, the evaluation is still in the process of testing because of the strict requirements on the construction environment. The three simulated illusions used for testing have been running for almost a year. According to the current progress , the first reports should be ready within three days."

"That's good. Anyway, as soon as possible. Recently, there are some topics that need the ideas of the new generation of our family as a reference."

"Yes, we'll get it done as soon as possible."

(End of this chapter)

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