Spore Story

Chapter 1174 An even weirder way to make bricks by creating planets

Chapter 1174 An even weirder way to make bricks by creating planets
How did the first planets form?

Cosmic studies have proved that when objects such as dust clouds and gravels move around a star under the gravitational force of the star, they will be glued together through mutual collisions, and their volume will continue to increase; As they increase, their external gravitational force gradually increases; in the end, their own gravitational force alone is enough to attract more and more meteorites.

In the end, when most of the scattered gravel in the surrounding universe is gathered into a whole, the foundation for the formation of this planet is basically achieved.

And among them, the most important thing is-gravity.

Initially, the main function of the gravity well bomb that pulled out the friend clan fleet in the transition channel was to explode super-strong gravitational force in a short period of time, thereby distorting space.But if you just want to smash the enemy with a piece of planetary fragments, or destroy a functioning mining planet knowing that you can't do your best, even for Pumi Garcia Temple, it will be considered worthless .

However, when the fragments of this planet split and dispersed, and then enveloped both sides... especially the target, artificially create a second huge gravitational force in the center of this rubble circle and several important areas around it ?
Thus, the activity of planetary reconstruction began.

First of all, these already messy gravels will become more messy, and the impact will be strengthened, causing more splitting and bonding.

Then, these fragments of the planet, which have just broken apart, will speed up to repeat the scene similar to the beginning of the planet's formation, enveloping everything in the rubble.

This was originally a scene that the scientific research team would use cautiously. Most of the time, it could only be observed by simulating or looking for specific natural locations. At this time, it was used by the Pumi Garcia Temple to deal with the Time and Space Garden Fleet of the Friends. The ultimate goal turned out to be just a few children (in the eyes of ordinary people).

"Although I know that it is absolutely impossible to be a child if I reach the level of a spirit god, I am still very upset," several church elders lamented.

"Yeah, and in order to ensure that these guys are in a weak state and that they will not be caught during the whole process, we actually need to go out and come to such a short distance in person," the elders continued to complain: "Although we will So these consuls should be able to block the impact of the planetary reconstruction, but it still makes people uncomfortable."

The consuls who were pulled over had tears in their eyes...

At this time, information from the fleet came through the communicator in the spacesuit.

"The second batch of gravity well bombs is activated!"


"Extreme gravitational anomalies detected at a distance of [-] kilometers!"

"Not good, a large number of gravitational explosions have been detected around, it is a gravity well bomb!"

"how come!"

There was chaos in the Space-Time Garden.

Nearly a thousand expensive gravity well bombs were activated, and the planets that had just split apart quickly recondensed under the action of gravity.But for life on the planet, the whole process is meaningless, because it is impossible for any life to survive on it.

In the beginning, countless huge fragments were condensed together by the effect of gravity.

Although the effect of the gravity well bomb can only last for a few seconds, after a few seconds, these fragments already have inertia, and the re-condensed large fragments gradually form an irregular sphere;
Then, this irregular sphere moved according to the previous trajectory of the mining star, and then rotated again.In some chaotic regions, the continental-level rubble splits again, and after splitting, it turns into rubble and squeezes back into the planet, constantly filling the shape of the planet, making it more like a sphere;

At the same time, huge material pressure began to act from the outside to the inside.

Under high pressure, the core of the planet that gradually transformed into a sphere began to melt. The material that was originally cooled from the lava when the planet collapsed, some of which remained on the outer shell when the planet was rebuilt, was also dissipated due to the expansion and contraction of the new lava in the core. expansion, causing it to re-burn in global volcanic eruptions;

Gradually, the semi-magnetized newly born and dry planet has become more and more spherical, and gradually stabilized.

Some parts are just a few burrs or depressions from a macroscopic point of view. Indeed, standing on the surface of the planet and looking at it from a distance, it can be found that they are empty mountains and dry seas that are constantly forming and changing.

Under such a scene, whether it is the Space-Time Garden Fleet at the center of the explosion, or the Templar Elder squad not far away, they should have avoided it, but due to inexplicable reasons, they made a calculation error. Without the protection of the elders, The Pumi Garcia hapless ghost fleet was pulled into the gravitational zone and fell, and at this moment, there was no movement.

The whole process lasted for nearly a month.

A month's time is obviously not enough to regenerate a collapsed planet, but it is enough to stabilize the shape of the planet, and the shell... is stable compared to the god-level guys.

Until this time, the anomaly of the gravitational system of the entire star system caused by the initial collapse of the planet has also been transmitted to every star system in this piece, and they are also among the planets with exhausted resources.

At this time, if one stands on the ant nest (let’s call this unlucky or lucky planet for the time being), people will be able to see the planets in this star system, start to move irregularly, and rebuild the grandeur of the entire star system’s gravitational system process.And considering that the Antnest star collapsed within a day and recondensed under the gravity well bomb, it can be expected that in another ten days and a half months, the star system that has not completely restructured the gravitational system will have to suffer another disaster.

At this moment, it seemed that under the influence of the gravitational fluctuation of the star system, the core of a planet near the ant nest star also fluctuated violently, which might cause some problems.But at this time, the miners on this planet had observed the anomaly of the ant nest half a month ago, and fled away, unable to witness all this.

Well, having said so much, we should also turn the screen back to the protagonist of this battle.

On the brand-new Antnest Planet, due to the collapse and reconstruction of the planet, the middle section of a huge mountain suddenly bulges abnormally.

Before the lava spewed out, several figures first appeared above the mountains.

The next moment, these figures all landed on the land that was still shaking violently, and a group of them collapsed almost instantly and fell to the ground.

"Damn it, I didn't expect the squeezing feeling when the planet was formed to be so strong. I have long said that I can't just use simulation demonstrations and peripheral tests to speculate on the real cosmic activities. Those hypocrites will not listen!" Looking at Da Du Under the dimly lit consul, an elder of the church curled his lips in dissatisfaction.

At this time, another elder who habitually scanned stars also discovered the wreckage of the fleet.

"Damn it, the fleet is finished, don't these idiots know how to stay away!" Everyone's face suddenly darkened.

"It seems that we need to stay here for a while."

"Cut, this kind of garbage planet."

The elders looked down at the somewhat damaged spacesuit, stripped it off dissatisfied, and covered themselves with a layer of ordinary robes with spiritual power.Without space suits, even the most powerful Templar cannot operate in space, which means that they did not send out to the space to capture a spaceship, but could only get follow-up troops.

This is obviously very uncomfortable for the elders who have always been free.

What's more, to a large extent, this situation was caused by their previous whim, referred to as - self-inflicted.

"Sure enough, I underestimated the universe," the younger elder sighed.

"The rebirth of the planet, I can feel that the planet that was about to be exhausted, due to the various physical reactions of the formation, some new veins have appeared. This is a surprise." The elder who led the team shook his head and said: Ancient Consul, write down these things and hand them over to the Pumi Garcia Mining Bureau when you go back, they will be happy for a while."

"It's possible that this is the effect of thousands of gravity well bombs, and the cost is enough to build an artificial star," the elder who seemed the tallest among the three curled his lips in disdain: "But now, what about those friends? ? They won't die, will they?"

"Attention, something is approaching!" The young elder suddenly looked up to the sky.

————The Awakened Floats————

Back to half a month ago, there was still only speculation about the process from beginning to end, and there were no confirmed friends. In the face of the sudden planetary collapse and reconstruction process, everyone was speechless... We ( Is our luck so bad?

But the facts cannot be changed.

Fortunately, the existence of as many as five spiritual gods in the entire fleet has seriously exceeded the expectations of the elders of the temple.

When a large number of planetary plate fragments hit the space-time courtyard, due to the size problem, the real threat to the space-time courtyard fleet is actually centered on the space-time courtyard, wrapping the entire fleet with a radius of five kilometers, a sphere as large as a sphere area.

In an emergency, Kong Huan had a sudden whim, and actively pulled the nearest fragments closer, and wrapped a layer of soil as thick as one kilometer on the outer layer of spiritual power constructed with the power of four spiritual gods.

But just this is obviously not enough to block external threats.

Therefore, except for the most stable Yadu who will use his spiritual power to protect the space-time garden fleet covered by the soil layer, the remaining four spirit gods will return to the fleet and work together to continuously thicken the soil layer. , thickening, and thickening again...the work didn't stop until several people felt that there should be no problem.

At this time, more than half a month has passed since the initial detonation of the gravity well.

At this moment, there is only a spherical soil layer with a diameter of ten kilometers at the core, but its thickness has reached more than 400 kilometers.This spherical soil zone with a diameter of nearly a thousand kilometers completely protected the safety of the fleet.And such a shocking project, under the concerted efforts of the four spirit gods, was completed in just [-] days, which is already enough to stand out from the crowd.

But just when everyone thought they could breathe a sigh of relief:
The eruption of lava in the 'nascent' planetary core begins;
The inward extrusion of surface materials under the action of gravity begins;
Sustained by the spiritual power of the spirit god, the density repulsion suffered by the sphere separated from the astral matter begins;

Another few days passed, and with a loud bang, a huge spherical star broke away from a certain continent of Antnest, and was thrown out of the planet's low orbit by taking advantage of the abnormal gravity of the entire solar system, and then was thrown out of the planet's low orbit by the planet in the high orbit. Gravitationally recaptured... In short, Antnest's moons appear.

Sprinkle flowers
Sorry for being so slow, my cousin got married today, which caused the update to be slow and said that the second watch will come in a while, huh.

(End of this chapter)

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