Spore Story

Chapter 1178

Chapter 1178
"No, things are a bit weird," Yadu shook his head again, pointing at the spherical life body below and said: "It is true that the Hive Clan can make a spirit god by superimposing the power of one trillion individuals, but this does not mean that one Trillions of individuals will disappear, and it doesn't mean that it can be anywhere."

"In actual use, the one trillion individuals of the Hive Clan must be at least in the same river system, or even close to the spiral arm, so that it is possible to gather strength."

"And among them, the distance between the ordinary people of the Hive Clan and the spirit gods needs to be brought closer to the same planet."

"In short, where the spirit god hives appear, at least on the same planet and the same star system, there will be a certain number of ordinary hives. Even if there are no trillions, this number will not be less than one Ten thousand. This is also the reason why the Hive Clan lacks practicality and cannot be the main force in combat."

"Because where they are, there must be many ordinary people of the same race?" Kong Huan said.

"Yes, but now..." Yadu looked around.

In the observation of the spiritual power of the five friends and spirits, not only the surroundings, but even the entire planet where the ant nest planet is located, there is no response from any living body except for a few people on the battlefield.This is inconsistent with the description of the Nest Clan, which affects the biggest feature of the Nest Clan's combat effectiveness.

In this case, there are generally three explanations.

One, these three spherical life forms are not Hive Clans, but life forms similar to Nest Clans, which seems to be the best to accept;
Second, these three spherical life forms belong to the Hive Clan, but the so-called statement that "the same Nest Clan must be close to each other to superimpose power" was actually a lie to the Traversing Alliance at that time to ensure that the Nest Clan would not participate in the main battlefield;
Third, the Nest Clan didn't lie to people at the time, but the "clan extermination" didn't exist either. They just hid, and then borrowed billions of years to finally get rid of the trouble that requires the same clan to gather together to exert their power.

"The third type should be the most believable," Sora imagined.

But Yadu shook his head.

"No, how cruel the war between the traverser civilization and the system was at that time. As long as it was judged as an extermination, it would be considered an extermination by both the traverser and the system. That is the system scanning the entire universe to ensure that there are no individuals, thoughts , and even after the key technology remains, the news can only be confirmed. Looking at the fact that the Yadu tribe still has the inheritance of the god stone, they have not been judged as exterminated, and you can know how strict the judgment is."

"So, was the Nest Clan really 'killed' at that time?" Chu Ling raised her head.

"Well," Yadu nodded firmly even though he was also puzzled.

"Then what's the situation now?" Chong Chong pointed impatiently at the spherical life body below: "Could it be that they are not actually the hive."

"It seems to be like this," several people nodded.

"Maybe, we can try it out." Yadu rubbed his forehead in confusion, and said suddenly: "Aren't we looking for a super race? You know the purpose of it is illusory? Then, if it is really the nest clan of that period, The significance is greater than that of ordinary super races, isn't it?"

"But how can you be sure?" Kong Huan just lightly skipped over Yadu's sentence revealing his understanding of the core information.

"Language," Yadu seemed to think of something, and said with a smile: "Language contains a race's culture, social habits, cognition and so on. Although the language of the Hive Clan does not rule out the possibility of being passed down, our random If you jump to a place and accidentally meet a rare spirit god in the universe, but the other party not only looks like the Nest Clan, but even understands the Nest Clan language, you can basically determine the identity of the other party, right?"


————Dictionary crit————

However, the friend clan's arrogant onlooker attitude is obviously very unpleasant to both sides of the battle, especially in the Holy Church, which seems to be actively attacking, but is actually passively defending.With the deepening of the battle, although the rich combat experience of the individual in the temple accidentally suppressed the three "Nest" spherical life forms, the gap in the number and coordination made them still see no hope.

This also made Yadu more convinced of his speculation about the identity of the spherical life form.

"Generally speaking, the Nest Clan does not have an absolute level. Normally, each of them is an extremely weak ordinary person. They will only gather together to form a spirit god when needed. This requires paying a price we don't know Yes. And because of this characteristic, it is difficult for them to train a specific person to become a spirit god, which leads to the fact that even if a spirit god is born, the spirit god still lacks many things such as combat experience."

"This kind of situation makes the individual fighting power of the Nest Clan Spirit God weak, but it also makes the Nest Clan Spirit God one of the most cooperative races."

"Looking at it this way, the current spherical lifeform is more in line with the judgment of the Nest Clan."

But just as Yadu continued to add evidence to his speculation, the relatively tall man among the elders of the church below suddenly burst out with a powerful mental impact, pushing away the spherical life form that was planning to attack from three directions. , quickly turned around and rushed towards the crowd of friends.

"Hmph, are you courting death?"

Watching the play does not mean not being afraid to go on stage. Facing the two spirit gods rushing together, Kong Huan and the others waved their hands with disdain, and with the help of the clouds gathered by the hurricane that had not dissipated, they suddenly mobilized endless thunder to blast at the two.

However, several people also understand that such an attack is not lethal to the spirit god, but it is no problem to hinder it for a period of time.

But unexpectedly, just when the two holy churches were about to be attacked by lightning, they suddenly tore apart the space and appeared a hundred meters away in an instant.This kind of short-distance space movement takes a very short time, and Kong Huan and others can't do it like they did when they blocked the church that wanted to move long distances.

As a result, something even more unexpected happened.

The thunder and lightning all over the sky lost their target, and the attention of Kong Huan and the others just shifted to the church which was more than [-] meters away, and they smashed on the spherical life form following the church.

Then the next moment, the attention of the three spherical life forms was immediately attracted by the friend.

"I'll go, even an idiot can see that it's an accident!"


Easily dodging the attack of the spherical life body, the Void Five blocked the opponent's charge and immediately looked at Yadu.

"Tell them to stop!"

"Ah, right now."

But Yadu panicked and couldn't think of what to say for a while, at this moment, Chu Ling yelled again.

"Those two churches want to run away!"

"Damn, we still want to escape after cheating!"

Five vs. three, the combat power of three spherical life forms is completely inferior to the five friend spirit gods who cooperated, but Kong Huan and others are not willing to let the previous participant retreat calmly after changing from a spectator to a participant .So the four of them looked at each other tacitly, and the huge thought force blasted the three spherical life forms that were approaching again, and blasted them towards the temple in the distance like hitting a baseball.

"Damn!" The elders of the church roared indistinctly from afar.

"Ah, why did you shoot people flying!"

At this time, Yadu, who was about to speak, looked at the spherical life form that was fighting with the church, and blinked his eyes in a daze.But after seeing the three spherical life forms, who had no intention of fighting against the church at the moment, and instead looked towards their friends from time to time, she hurriedly reminded them.

"Void, quickly gather energy. Nest people consume a lot of energy in the spiritual state, and they are easily attracted by high-energy objects at this time!"

"I see."

At the time of concentrating energy according to Yadu's reminder, the spherical life body on the opposite side obviously wouldn't make any changes immediately due to the thinking of intelligent creatures.But after a while, probably also annoyed by this three-way battle, the spherical life body began to restrain its mind and re-intensified its combat intensity with the Holy Church.

Obviously, they also saw that Pengzu's mind was completely soy sauce.

"It's just illusory, communication?" Yadu asked suspiciously.

"Wait for a while, now that the fight is in full swing, let's stop making trouble," Kong Huan shook his head, then suddenly smiled and looked at the crowd: "Let's step back a bit, and don't put pressure on them."

"Um, I feel really unkind," Lingyun said.

"Then don't retreat." Chu Ling smiled.

"Hmph, can you control what we do?"

So amidst the daily noise, the Holy Church and the 'Nest Clan', who were fighting intently, didn't notice the disappearance of their friends at all.

—————Friends in soy sauce————

The combat experience of the Holy Church and the cooperation experience of the Nest Clan conflicted with each other. After being killed by a spherical life body of the Nest Clan, the two sides actually fought evenly. This is an illusion that has retreated hundreds of kilometers away. What was found by et al.

But what they failed to discover was that the Holy Church had become increasingly unbearable for the current situation.

"Damn it, don't think we're easy to mess with!" The young elder finally lost his composure. Due to the combat habits of the Templar clan, he quickly landed on the ground, and with the support of the ground, lifted up countless stones . (the church stands on the ground)

This seemingly mighty move was flashy in the eyes of Lingshen.

But obviously, this holy church will not simply waste spiritual power, but seize the opportunity of the tall elder to drag the spherical life body, completely turn these stones into dust, and then create a small hurricane The spherical life form at the place is enveloped together with the tall elder.

The spherical lifeform didn't know the meaning of doing so, but still upholding the nature of refusing danger, it exploded with spiritual power to push the dust away.

But after the surrounding area was emptied, the two church elders also disappeared.

Of course, for the spirit god class, if this so-called disappearance lasts no more than three seconds, it is easy to rely on mental power to find the target.Sure enough, the spiritual force swept around, and the three spherical life forms quickly determined the life reaction in the stratum below, and launched a huge tornado against the ground to lift the entire land.

Surprisingly, there was no figure of the church inside, but two energy bodies that were dissipating.

Surprised, the spherical life forms quickly dispersed.

But the reaction was still a step slow, the space next to the spherical life body farthest from the group suddenly cracked, and the arm protruding from it barely gave the opponent time to react, and dragged half of its body into the space crack.At this moment, the crack suddenly began to close, and almost everyone could imagine the scene where the spherical life body was divided into two halves when the crack was completely closed.

But the captured spherical lifeform reacted quickly, and since he couldn't escape, he turned to charge inward.

(End of this chapter)

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