Spore Story

Chapter 1189 The Secret of the Race: Floating Armor Will and the Emergence of the Nest Clan

Chapter 1189 The Secret of the Race: Floating Armor Will and the Emergence of the Nest Clan

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The Fujia tribe is secretly breaking away from the control of the Star Federation, breaking through the shackles of the Star Federation in various ways, and making concerted efforts to become a normal and equal Star Federation race.It is impossible for the advanced civilization of the Star Alliance not to know this, but why are they still so relieved of the Fujia tribe?
One of the most important reasons is - the vice brain.

From Star Alliance's point of view, the Floating Armor tribe's dependence on the sub-brain is so high that without the sub-brain, they will immediately turn back into the lambs to be slaughtered.

Although the Fujia clan already has a production line for sub-brains, the core technology and parts supply are completely in the hands of Star Alliance.So they were very relieved, and even secretly thought that once the Fujia tribe dared to cross the line, they only need to press a button to eliminate the function of the secondary brain, and then solving the Fujia tribe is just the work of some porters.

For a long time, the performance of the Fujia clan has indeed been as everyone expected.

Even Lingxue knows that certain races of the Star Alliance have secretly shut down the sub-brains of some Fujia people more than once, in an irregular, irregular, and indeterminate manner, and then observe the other party's performance, or even kill the other party, to confirm the floating The degree of dependence of group A on the accessory brain.

For thousands of years, the performance of the Fujia tribe has undoubtedly sent a message to all the tribes of the Star Alliance: they are very dependent on the vice brain.

As a result, all the clans of the Star Alliance felt relieved.

But now, what did Lingxue see?
"Why bother."

Sighing, Lingxue knew that the representative of the Fujia clan in front of him had obviously already given up.

It was the first time she felt that things were out of control, and even the reaction of the Fujia Clan representative in front of her was beyond the expectations of the fellows he brought.For a moment, she even felt the sudden murderous intent of those Fujia clansmen, but of course, that quickly subsided under the contrast of strength between the two sides.

But then, that murderous intent turned into resentment and doubts towards that representative.

Among them, trust is few and far between.

"I know, but I've been thinking about one question ever since my mind cleared up. Are we Fujia people really going to give up everything else, including freedom, dignity, and even the lives of most people, for the sake of the so-called continuation?"

"This involves things and attitudes. Each race has its own views. I'm sorry I can't answer it," Lingxue avoided the question.

"No, it's just my own random imagination."

After a brief silence, Lingxue waved her hand to isolate the entire office.

She still can't understand the confession of the representative of the Fujia clan in front of her. She is very clear that she has not done any action to affect the mind, but why, the other party dares to preserve the secret of countless people of the Fujia clan with their lives, and it may even be the Fujia clan. The only secret of Clan A's future rise, just confessed.

Protagonist halo?

Lingxue is not a self righteous fool.

The current situation is that it only needs any non-Fujia people present to say something, and what awaits the Fujia is another, even more intense genocide war by the Star Alliance.

After all, the horror of a cockroach-like race with uncontrolled intelligence...

Although this analogy is a bit too much.

"Compared to everyone, but I don't want to wait any longer." At this time, the representative of the Fujia tribe explained to the same kind behind him: "Old guys beg for stability, I understand, but I don't accept it. Now the Star Alliance is about to fall into turmoil. It is the best opportunity, and I don't want to lose this opportunity because of their stability mentality."

"You know what you're doing! You're gambling with the fate of our entire race!"

"It's better than being treated like an animal slave day in and day out."


"I can't make a promise."

Lingxue suddenly interrupted the internal quarrel of the Fujia clan, but this place is still in her office.

However, her answer undoubtedly made the face of the Fujia clan sink. Surprisingly, the worried eyes of the representative of the Fujia clan who was desperate for everything became calm instead.

"As the leader of a race, I will not make promises about the race just because of your few words. Everything depends on the future performance of you Fujia people. Slow down the desire to reproduce? All this can only be seen in the future development."

"However, I will watch carefully," Lingxue said with a meaningful smile on her face, "Look, wait, maybe... looking forward to it."

"This is already the best promise," the representative of the Fujia tribe bent down in satisfaction.

————The subbrain floats————

At the same time, on the antnest planet several river systems away, Kong Huan and the others also witnessed another race with a long history, the Hive Clan, who confessed to the friends the secrets belonging to their race.

It's just that this time, the Hive Clan used actions instead of words.

And this kind of performance made Kong Huan and others who were still complaining about the Nest Clan's secrecy a moment ago feel deeply moved.

Right in front of them, the three yin gods who appeared to be victorious stood up after completing the boxing guessing in a strange way, while the one who failed came to the side of Kong Huan and the others in a slightly dejected manner, signaling them to fly into the sky.

He didn't explain anything, he just motioned for everyone to watch.

Then watch it.

A few minutes later, the three Yin Gods who had finished their discussion on the ground suddenly raised their heads and turned to the Yin God in the sky, probably nodding, but they didn't care about the existence of Kong Huan and others at all, as if they were the only ones left in the whole world. Nest people.

Then, they burst into a sudden burst of intense light.

"High energy reaction below!"

When Chu Ling's roar came, everyone resisted not to look away, wanting to observe the specific changes.But the strong light and the abnormally distorted space blocked the exploration of Kong Huan and others.When the glare passed, the three Yin gods had disappeared, and three hundred Youshen-level spheres suddenly appeared on the spot.

But it's not over yet.

Just when Kong Huan and the others noticed the appearance of these three hundred Youshen-level spheres through their spiritual power instead of their sight, they suddenly flew into the sky and scattered away.Perceived, these ghosts rushed to various parts of Ant's Nest, and gradually stayed over the areas on Ant's Nest that were known by Kong Huan and others to be suitable for building cities and gathering points.

"What are they going to do?"

Feeling skeptical, Kong Huan and the others were shocked by this idea at the same time, so they had to wait quietly.

Then, 200 of the [-] ghost gods of the Hive Clan once again burst out with intense light over their respective areas.

Perhaps it was due to the difference in level, although the light this time was still strong, the space distortion it caused was no longer as undetectable as the Yin God.In addition, there was a Youshen doing the same action right under the crowd, so this time, the spirits of Konghuan clearly felt the transformation.

The biggest movement is that these Youshen bodies are proliferating crazily like cell division.

But at the same time as the expansion, the strength of a single individual is rapidly weakening.

From a single ghost, to a single soul, then to a single ghost, and then to a single ghost and even lower... In the end, when the densely packed, hundreds of millions of nest clan octopuses occupied the area hundreds of kilometers under the feet of Kong Huan and others. On land, this spread stopped for a while.

Then, the light dissipated.

In an instant, a Yinshen coordinated a hundred Youshens to manage the structure of 100 billion low-level hive people, and it was established on Antnest Planet.

The real Hive Clan just appeared in front of everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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