Spore Story

Chapter 1198 The First Battle: Still a Busy Battlefield

Chapter 1198 The First Battle: Still a Busy Battlefield

"Hey, I heard that the group of friends finally sent troops over."

"What troop! I went to see it, and there were only a hundred people here, and there were even a few of them. I really thought I was a god."

"Isn't it said that it is as powerful as the Templar? In the last battle, five Templars blocked a squadron. In other words, how can these one hundred friends count as two or three main fleets?"

"Who knows, I haven't seen it with my own eyes."

"No, I know."


In the corner of the artificial star fortress where the Pfister campaign headquarters is located, everyone looks very busy because the battle has entered a stalemate.But for ordinary soldiers in the headquarters under heavy protection, their work has become more leisurely.

Usually, as long as they don't be so stupid as to make themselves look lazy, those busy officers don't care whether these ordinary orderlies are twisting screws or counting ants on the deck.

Under such circumstances, many soldiers began to talk about friends who had just arrived.

However, it is clear that negative comments far outnumber positive ones before friends have played a practical role.

But at this time, as usual, he analyzed his friend's combat effectiveness, and then came to a soldier who was not optimistic about his friend's evaluation, but for the first time, he was firmly refuted by his colleagues.Turning his head to look, he realized that the other party's behavior was not very like the soldiers in the fortress star, because they didn't have their seemingly serious but actually leisurely attitude.

"Are you?" Several people asked curiously and vigilantly.

The other party did not answer immediately, but looked at these soldiers with irritating eyes, which made them feel that they were clowns in the other party's eyes.

"What do you mean?" The tone of several people became unfriendly: "Also, you are not a member of Fortress Star, right? Tell me your identity!"

"I'm the crew member responsible for transporting friends here," the man waved his ID card, and after a brief explanation, he didn't continue to speak, but turned and left.When his back disappeared in front of the corner, the man added: "Just wait, you will see each other."

"Is this man's head broken?"

"who knows?"

"Wait, he said he was the crew member of the fleet that transported friends this time?"

"Yes, any news?"

Several people immediately surrounded him curiously.

"Is such that……"

————Screw Rolled————

What happened to ordinary soldiers inside the fortress star did not cause the slightest emotional fluctuations for Kong Huan and others.

After the previous battle that was not considered a warm-up, the crew of the transport ship was still in a state of fugue until the friend troops were sent to the First Battle Command.Even if the members of the headquarters were concerned, they only answered without saying a word, which forced the headquarters to make a decision to let them rest temporarily.

As for the one hundred Shenting soldiers, recalling the pale faces of the crew members after being frightened, most of them were gloating.

Obviously, ordinary friends and soldiers don't have the patience of high-level people at all.

Of course, due to his aggressive behavior, intimidation of his comrades, and his previous unreasonable access to the energy system of his own battleship, the Shadow Hero of the God Court who directly eliminated the opponent's six main battleships and indirectly killed more than 30 main battleships was killed by Lamia. Sent mercilessly to the brig and guarded by two shadowy men who were bitter that this man had taken their chance to fight.

But two days later, the fleet arrived at the headquarters of the First Battle.

As a matter of course, the soldier was released, and no one proposed to transfer him to the confinement room of the fortress star.

What's more, his feat of killing several of the enemy's main warships is enough to offset his rash actions.As for Lamia's previous punishment, I explained to Kong Huan afterwards that it was just a regular beating of this guy who was quite restless during the training of Shuangyuexing.

This explanation made Kong Huan immediately worried about the safety of using this batch of divine weapons.

However, its combat effectiveness is beyond doubt.

————Pandaren Intrude————

On February 62th, 2nd year of the Pengzu calendar, the Pengzu army, which had been rested (wrangling) for two days, was finally divided into three mixed troops of 16 people after the fortress headquarters obtained the permission of the Pengzu, and they were sent to the The five war zones most likely to encounter the Sanctuary.

Among them, Kong Huan personally led a small army of ten people to the war zone of the former Cairns Merchant Group.

There, the parliament is quietly gathering a huge force of ten fortress stars and 36 main fleets, preparing to seize the opportunity that the alliance has not yet reacted to, and does not know friends to join the war, and launch a surprise attack on the alliance.

"As long as friends can block the attack of the church, we will win."

In this regard, Kong Huan and the surrounding Shenting soldiers are full of confidence.

However, through the observation of illusory mental power, it was found that after encountering a raid on the temple, which led to the failure of the seductive siege tactics that were supposed to win, the command of the third group appeared to be much more conservative.Although the arrival of their friends this time gave them a certain amount of confidence, they still seemed ordinary in terms of planning.

However, Kong Huan didn't have a better suggestion, so he completely took a bystander attitude and did his job well as a friend.

"Perhaps our friends are authoritative in terms of raids by elite troops and individual domination of the battlefield, but we cannot deny one thing, that is, from the very beginning, and even for a long time to come, our friends will lack large-scale Combat command ability," this is Kong Huan's explanation when some Shenting soldiers are dissatisfied with their side's soy sauce behavior in the pre-war meeting.

"You can't say that, elder, how can we say that we have commanded millions of troops in wars, haven't we?"

"Millions of troops, is that a lot?" Kong Huan shook his head.

"It's not a lot. At least the number of troops in the third group theater this time is only about a million."

"Hmph, but don't forget, these millions of people are troops whose command automation is not weaker than ours, and whose strength reaches hundreds of millions," Kong Huan said to correct the direction of the other party's understanding.

But after he finished speaking, he felt bored again.

"Forget it, don't forget who we are. We are the elite armed forces of the gods, and any one of you here has the strength to fight against a main fleet alone. In this case, give up the advantage and discuss these seemingly large numbers. Many, in our eyes, the command of a large number of troops, is it interesting?"



A consensus was reached, and now ordinary soldiers in the fortress don't care much about their friends, Kong Huan and the others are happy to be at leisure.

In addition to commanding the Fujia Clan Protection Headquarters in turn, Friends once again became idlers in the eyes of ordinary soldiers.

This nonchalant attitude made the soldiers who were busy in the battle even more hateful.

"By the way, isn't our attitude bad?" A friend asked his colleagues after feeling the emotions of ordinary soldiers.

"Don't pay attention to those people's thoughts, we and them are fundamentally different levels of existence," the samurai explained: "Now those people's thoughts sound annoying, so don't listen to them. After a little time, it will definitely be the same as the crew of the transport ship."

"But speaking of it, there was no sign of publicity in that battle, so it was our friend's first battle, right?"

"I listened to Elder Kong Huan's explanation that the military wants to keep what happened to us a secret temporarily so that this sneak attack can be successful."

"you believe?"

"At least that's how it looks on the surface."


In any case, the actual progress is still moving forward.

But what is surprising is that the friend's first opportunity to express himself failed to appear with several Shenting warriors as he wished.

On the 19th, while Kong Huan and others were still waiting for the third group to adjust its troops, detect the enemy's situation, and designate a plan, the United Alliance once again took the lead, abandoning the territory of the Cairns business group that seemed most suitable for breakthrough on the surface, but suddenly moved to occupy it. Troops from the territory of the Cairns Merchant Group appeared in the sixth group theater of the Parliament.

This put the First Battle Command into a passive state.

But others saw an opportunity.

"This is a good opportunity, Your Excellency, Commander! With joint reckless actions, the territory of the Cairns Merchant Group will inevitably be empty. As long as the sixth theater can hold off the enemy for three days, our third theater is sure to regain the territory of the Cairns Merchant Group, and even go one step further. Threat to the adjacent Joint Second Theater Command Center."

"Maybe this is a bait for the alliance? The opposing commander, General Barus, is a famous cunning fox of the Star Alliance!"

"At least we have confirmed from the reconnaissance information after we got the news that the joint combat power in Cairns is indeed empty," the commander of the third theater added in the communication: "What's more, the Cairns River system is surrounded by our troops on three sides. Even if you want to ambush, it is difficult to deploy, and the wide-area induction force field is not so easy to construct."

"But the Sixth Group?" The commander turned to look at the communication of the Sixth Group commander.

It's not that he doesn't trust his subordinates, but the strength of this joint raid obviously exceeded the ability of the Sixth Group. Even though communication is still possible, everyone can see the worry on the faces of those busy officers from the communication .But before the commander of the sixth group could reply, Ms. Tia, the commander of the friend force who had just arrived there, suddenly appeared.

In the communication, Ms. Tia was asking the commander of the Sixth Group some questions.

"With the current strength of the Sixth Group, how many enemy attacks can it resist at most?"

"Here... seven fortress stars and 31 main fleets, but the premise is that the opponent does not dispatch the temple to destroy the front line." Although he said the promise, the commander did not think it was meaningful: "Now the opponent has not yet The church was dispatched, but there were eleven fortress stars and..."

"Don't worry about it. In short, if we destroy the opponent's front, will you be able to defend more smoothly?"

"Of course," I was skeptical at first, but Tia quickly issued a mental technique with spiritual suggestion to the commander, which made the commander quickly dispel his worries and further analyzed the results .

But at this time, Tia had already answered the command for him in the communication.

"Then, General Boyaz, the Sixth Group has the confidence to hold off the enemy for as long as you need."

"Even, contain the enemy."

"If that's the case, then there's work."

(End of this chapter)

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