Spore Story

Chapter 1202 Come to Do Things

Chapter 1202
On March 62th, 3nd year of the Friends Clan, at the end of the first phase of the Pfister Battle, the confrontation between the sixth group of the Star Council and the seventh group of the Nova United Conference ended.

In this battle, the Armed Forces of the Friends of the Gods showed their fangs, eliminated one temple administrator and seven warriors, destroyed one United Fortress, paralyzed three, captured two, and also destroyed 122 main warships of the United However, only one person was seriously injured, and the United Seventh Group withdrew to the original line of defense under the protection of the twelve churches and the three consuls who arrived later.

Such an astonishing result has undoubtedly shown the world the fact that the friends are not weaker than the Holy Church.

Under such brilliance, the battle that should have been the protagonist on the other side is not so dazzling.

On the same day, the third group of the parliament successfully raided and regained the territory of the Cairns business group, further pushing the front line to the territory of the second group of the joint second theater, and at the same time stabilized it.During the battle, another unit armed by the friend Shenting (the one of Konghuan) successfully wiped out twelve templars and two fortress stars of the enemy.

However, the battles in the two directions are collectively referred to as the "Keynesian Wheel Battle" by later history because of their great relevance.

Then, let's move forward to a month later.

After the "Keynesian Wheel War", the parliamentary side gained the initiative in the battle for the first time, but due to the extremely high consumption of the war in the previous two months, although friends provided it with confidence and strength, as the general parliamentary side Civilizations, however, are mostly unwilling to make their friends appear too dazzling.

In this regard, the Rising Star Joint Conference is actually pretty much the same.

Of course, this is just a conspiracy theory view.

Officially, this was to better fight with friends, so allow time to resupply the regular troops and give soldiers time to rest after the battle lasted more than a month.Similarly, the side of the Rising Stars United Conference also suffered a defeat in the 'Keynesian Wheel Battle' and needed time to sum up the gains and losses of this battle, especially the threats shown by friends.

As a result, there was a one-month calm period between the two sides in such a tacit agreement.

In the historical documents of later generations, scholars regard the period from February 2 to March 2 of this year as the period when the two sides of the second spiral arm of Pfister temporarily ceased fire as the first stage of the "Battle of Fist".

Then, the time came to April 62, 4 in the Pengzu calendar.

—————Wheel Rolling————

There are not many festivals in the Pengzu, and a few such as the Harvest Festival, New Year, and National Day can satisfy people's holiday desires, so of course there will be no April Fool's Day on April 4.

So it's just a normal day.

Due to the calmness of the battle on the front line, apart from leaving a small number of Shenting warriors to stay behind to protect the headquarters and train the Fujia clan at the same time, it is impossible for Kong Huan, an elder of the Peng clan, to stay on the front line all the time, so he had to be reluctantly accepted by Chu Ling. After waiting for someone to drag him back, he continued his duties as a diplomat of the friend clan stationed in the Starry Sky Council.

But in fact, Chu Ling handled most of the matters related to friends in the Starry Sky Council very well, so he didn't need to bother.

Therefore, what Kong Huan really needs to do is to meet some civilized councilors who Chu Ling and Lingyun feel cannot be neglected as supervisors and senior councilors, and show respect for the "traditional friendship" between the two parties, and at the same time discuss what should be done today. Trivial things like where to eat.

It was fun at first, but after a long time...

"I think it's better to let Lingxue send a professional over here. We are almost bored to death." Lying on the desk of the luxurious office provided by the Starry Sky Council for advanced civilizations, Kong Huan looked up weakly and looked at the opposite side. Chu Ling, who was looking up at the sky while handling the documents, seemed to be acting like a baby.

However, before Chu Ling pretended to be serious to refute, Ling Yun beside her couldn't wait to raise her hand in support.

"Even if we want to send someone, we will have to wait for more than half a month. The problem of distance cannot be solved," Chu Ling replied.

"That's it, then hold on for another half a month," Sora replied decisively and without restraint.


In fact, Chu Ling, who didn't want her spirit-level strength to be wasted here, of course would not refute, at most she just shook her head pretending to be serious.

Then, in the communication...

"I knew you wouldn't last long, but I thought that you would ask for a change of shift half a month earlier," Lingxue said in the opposite communication without any surprise, embarrassing the three main consciousnesses on the other side of the communication. He lowered his head: "Okay, in fact, the personnel have been prepared a long time ago, and they have already set off a week ago. If it is fast, they will arrive in another week."

"Okay, sister Lingxue understands us!" The rabbit jumped up happily.

"Since this is the case, do you have any specific suggestions for our next arrangement?" Kong Huan asked.

"That...there are a few choices," the patriarch raised his paw...ah no, the palm: "One, come back to do research, and now several key topics are very complementary, we need a You are obviously the most suitable person for several research groups connected together;"

"What about the others?" Kong Huan didn't rush to agree.

"Secondly, the training or leadership of the Shenting Armed Forces. You two, Kong Huan and Chu Ling, who have relatively more combat experience in this area and have good illusion skills, are also very suitable for this role."

"Well, then?"

"Then... Thirdly, you guys in the Starry Sky Council thought about it and found out that recently, many middle and low-level civilizations want to use our friends as the core to form a secondary force under the Starry Sky Council. This aspect needs to be dealt with There are a lot of problems, relatively speaking, you who stay in the Star Council have the most experience..."

"Forget it, is there any more?" Kong Huan and the others, who had been annoyed by this for a long time, shook their heads decisively.

"Not for the time being," spread his hands.

"Isn't there only Shenting and the research department in the end?" Lingyun complained.

"By the way, why don't you let us go to the front line? It's so fun...ah no, can it play a bigger role?" Chu Ling, who almost revealed her true thoughts, changed her words decisively, but even though she couldn't detect the other party because of the distant starry sky distance Emotions and thoughts, for Lingxue, who has been the patriarch for N years, it is not a good game to judge the heart through the expression.

"Now is the beginning of the battle. It is impossible for us to use high-end combat power to fight at this time," Lingxue retorted as expected.

"There may be nothing before the 'Keynesian Reel Battle', but afterward, the Holy Church, who has seen our strength intuitively, has reached a tacit understanding with us: in indecisive battles, the appearance of high-end combat power should be reduced as much as possible. It's the key to ensuring a balance."

"No way, Lingxue, do you believe in the so-called tacit understanding of the enemy?"

"Of course I don't believe it," Lingxue sneered, "but I believe in the ambition and interests of the Holy Church."


"The purpose of the Holy Church may not be visible as an ordinary civilization, but we as individual civilizations may not be able to see it. Now the Holy Church is said to be one of the three high-level races of the Nova United Conference, but Pumi Garcia and Holy Light Which race can compare to the prestige of the Holy Church? Or, spiritual power?"

"No way, do you mean that they want to use this to consume the forces of the races that will affect their control of the Nova United Conference?" Chu Ling responded quickly.

"Not absolutely, they won't be so stupid as to cut off their limbs at this time," Lingxue said noncommittally: "But at the beginning they could send the Holy Church to fight without any scruples, but now they reduce the frequency of appearances in various places, obviously they are not willing to join the battle." The battle broke out with us at the beginning, which is actually a kind of tacit understanding beyond ordinary civilization."

"It always feels so complicated," Xiao Lingyun's eyes had completely turned into mosquito coils.

"Little Lingyun, don't think about it," Kong Huan said as he grabbed the little rabbit with one hand and held it in his arms.

"Well, it sounds like nothingness."

"..." Chu Ling and Lingxue resolutely covered their faces.

In the end, the discussion still hasn't decided what to do next, but there is no doubt that returning to the Friends Clan is confirmed.

While waiting for the new representative to arrive and complete the handover work, Tia, who became the frontline commander of the friends, returned to the artificial star "Eternal Source" to exchange some frontline issues with Konghuan and others, and asked about the cultivation of the spirit god Some key points, and then hurriedly returned to the battlefield because his own strength was approaching a breakthrough again.

Immediately afterwards, the shift-changing delegation also arrived.

There is not much trouble in handing over the work. It is not difficult to transfer the memories related to this work into the mind of the new representative directly with a strong spirit-level consciousness.

The only thing worth mentioning is that the representative of this shift change and his entourage are all pure energy friends.

However, according to the representative's report, the three of Kong Huan were surprised to learn that two of the pure energyized friends and followers this time were not real friends, but two people who had undergone energyization and pure energyization. After the first process, the Dunjiaren are completely transformed into friends.

This situation surprised several people, because even the three spirit gods had not been able to detect each other's true identity before.

In fact, if it wasn't for the representative's reminder, and pure energy conversion would not have an impact on the brain level, the performance of these two friends transformed from armored men would be more ordinary than the other pure energy bodies transformed from winged men Even if the representative said so, the three of Kong Huan probably couldn't believe it.

"However, it is a pity that the success rate of Dunjiaren's pure energy conversion is too low, and it is less than 70% now."

"Moreover, to meet the transformation standard, you need the Youshen level. Even if you force it to increase, it will increase the threshold for Dunjia people to enter."

While the representative expressed regret for this, there was also a slight sadness on the faces of the 'friends' pure energy bodies transformed by the two Dunjia people.

Obviously, they only represent successful ones.

Among them, there must be failures.

As for the process of pure energy quantification, since it needs to do something to the consciousness, once it fails, the lightest price is confusion of consciousness.

In short, become an idiot.

"Don't worry, after I go back, I will also step up the work of transforming the Dunjia people. After all, the Dunjia people can be regarded as the most loyal members of our friend clan." Kong Huan's answer made the two of them completely regard themselves as friends, and treated them in every way. The former Dunjia, who is also a pure energy friend, dispelled the last worry.

As the original Dunjia people, they even know more clearly the meaning of the name 'Empty Fantasy' than some of their friends.

(End of this chapter)

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