Spore Story

Chapter 1207 Council Hall

Chapter 1207 Council Hall
Thank you for the reward of 'Story of the Starry Sky' =v=
The front line is fiercely confronted, but the friends in the rear are not idle.

Saten, who has been working in the Supreme Council of Elders for a while, greeted his cute little colleague Garland as usual, and was strolling on the road leading to the elder's office after receiving a 'warm' gift from the other party.In this corridor, she has to go back and forth dozens of times almost every day, sending a lot of documents to the elder's office.

Although she would not peek at the documents, she could also understand the busyness of the patriarch and core elders through the number of documents.

What's more, with the continuous improvement and improvement of the Pengzu network, various government departments have now started to work more and more online.Most of the short-term or confidential documents have been handed over to the Internet, but the number of paper documents she is responsible for has not decreased at all.

This also shows how busy the government is.

Especially with the war between the Star Council and the Nova United Conference, and the Pengzu becoming one of the three high-level races of the Star Council, even though the number of people stationed on the front line is small, the number of things to be responsible has increased dozens of times.

"Just now I seem to see the patriarch and a few core elders who are rarely seen approaching the Supreme Council Hall. It's really amazing. There must be some important decision to be made," Zuo Tian thought curiously, and couldn't help being a little envious: "It's a pity that I'm too stupid. If I can have the strength of Youshen level, I can help everyone better."

At this moment, a figure passed by her and walked straight to the parliament hall.

Can't help frowning, Saten remembers that the only way that road leads to is the council hall, this child doesn't look familiar, and there is no one to guide him now, could it be that he got lost?

Taking a step forward, she stopped what appeared to be a 13-year-old child.

"Kid, don't run around, it will disturb your work."

"Little, kid."

"Kid?" Seeing that the child didn't respond, Saten frowned again, and couldn't help but want to grab him and take him away from the council hall where 'the elders are working hard to discuss important matters'.

But this action was easily avoided by the opponent.

Is it the Youshen class?
There are also many children who have reached the Youshen level at this age.

Sure enough, I'm still too stupid, and I can only wait for the clan to lower the threshold of pure energy conversion to the soul level before I can further improve.

Thinking of these, Saten suddenly looked gloomy.

"Little girl, why do you think so much? Everyone has their own way of life. Your current job is more important than the jobs of many ghosts and friends, isn't it?"

"That's right," Saten, who was always optimistic, quickly recovered.

But soon, she noticed the fact that she was being comforted by a child and was also called 'little girl' by the other party, and she immediately looked ashamed.

"You don't have to thank me, little girl," said the child across the street, still complacent without knowing it.

"Don't call me a little girl, although thank you for your comfort, this is not a place where children can run around!"

"I'm not a kid," the kid on the opposite side suddenly put on a straight face, and directly connected to Saten's node through the network. With the node authority of the Pengzu network that is completely set based on identity and strength, he can immediately show that everyone The identity of a friend: "I'm a fantasy of one of the core elders of the friend clan. After all, I'm old enough to be your grandparent."

"Hey hey hey hey!!"

————Teaching the little girl————

"Maybe we should control the ability of Void Illusion to attract bees and butterflies, or even cut it off directly."

"..." As soon as he entered the council hall, Kong Huan heard Dark Blood's powerful words.

"I have no objection, there is already Yinya anyway, um~~ right, Xiaoya," 8051, who was holding Yinya's little loli, completely ignored the existence of emptiness. Could this be the legendary "loli in hand, the world I have got'.

Fortunately, the few people who were a little moved by Dark Blood's speech calmed down after hearing 8051's speech.But the scorching eyes that immediately turned towards Kong Huan made him Alexander.But then again, judging from this result, could it be that 8051's previous speech was actually a rescue for himself?

"Okay, Kong Huan is here too, let's get down to business, shall we?" Lingxue and the others didn't seem to notice Kong Huan's arrival until now, and calmly patted the table to signal everyone to be quiet.

"Well, it's just a family matter, why did you come to the council hall?"

Kong Huan felt that it was necessary to remind the beautiful 'girls' to pay attention to the location, but Lingxue was very speechless to this sentence.

"Family matters? Don't you think that we gathered in the council hall just to discuss you and 8051's lovely daughter Xiaoya, as well as the internal problems of our slightly chaotic family?"

"Eh, isn't it?"

"Nonsense!" The misunderstood Lingxue and the others all stared at Kong Huan.

"Um, okay, I apologize." Immediately lowering his posture, Kong Huan stepped forward and sat between 8051 and Lingxue who were holding Yinya: "So, what are you going to discuss?"

"It's not a discussion, it's just a briefing on several key technology developments in the clan and the progress of several key projects," Lingxue replied while sitting on the sofa: "As for the people like Dark Blood, they are just If you are watching a good show, just ignore it as the background."


"Hmm, first of all, a few key technologies..."

According to Lingxue, several key technologies currently designated by Pengzu are related to the research of heaven and man, including the seemingly unrelated Pengzu network.

"The first is the pure energyization technology. This technology has entered the practical stage. At least friends of the Youshen level have performed pure energyization. The success rate has reached 99.7%. Now, this technology is divided into two parts. One is the study of pure energy conversion of soul-level friends; the other is the study of non-friends borrowing the process of pure energy conversion into friends."

These two advanced studies are still in the experimental stage. For example, the former Dunjia friend of the delegation that Kong Huan met before is the successful individual of the latter advanced study.

These fantasies are understood.

However, since it has progressed to human trials, it also shows that this plan has reached the later stage.

As for the soul-level pure energy research, it has entered the late stage of research.

"Then there is the popular technology research of physical celestial beings. Since it is planned to be mainly used for non-human beings, the accumulation of research experience will be faster. And as it is related to biological research, it will be much easier for us to rely on the data support of Zerg. So now it is possible to physically strengthen carbon-based individuals in small batches."

However, according to what Lingxue said, in order to ensure a steady flow of water, this physical strengthening was divided into many stages for the reason of 'safety'.

After being launched on the market, it can be used as a key project for friends to gain prestige, support and resources.

"Furthermore, the popularization of emptiness is the most difficult thing. Even now, our research is still limited to the study of the emptiness world and the observation of the emptiness process of heaven and man. We must realize it like pure energy transformation Every friend enters and exits the void at will, and it may take a long time."

"What if it's a door?" At this time, Kong Huan interrupted Lingxue's speech: "With the current technology, can we create a stable door that allows us to freely enter and exit the void?"

(End of this chapter)

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