Spore Story

Chapter 1209 Your daughter is a god

Chapter 1209 Your daughter is a god

Thank you for the reward of 'Story of the Starry Sky' =v=
The hall of the highest elders meeting of the friends clan.

After Lingxue informed Kong Huan of the technical issues, she then made some announcements about the friends' government and society.Just when the people who had completed the purpose of the gathering were about to leave the parliament hall, 8051, who was sitting beside Kong Huan, holding Yinya's elegant voice, called out to stop everyone.

"Wait, I still have something to say."

Without waiting for everyone's reaction, she put Yinya's hands on the round table in the center of the council hall where everyone was sitting.

"It's about Yinya, and it's also about the future of the friends or us spirit gods."


When they first heard 8051 mentioning Yinya, they thought they were going to continue discussing the illusory family issue.Needless to say, the dark blood smirked, and the others couldn't escape it, but they looked at 8051, the 'big woman', expectantly and curiously.But when 8051 immediately talked about the future of Friends and Lingshen, they quickly became serious.

"Everyone has been a spiritual god for a while, and the seemingly infinite peak of the spiritual god has existed for a long time, but it has never been able to pry into a higher level..."

8051 said to himself.

"At the beginning, Kong Huan proposed that the void is the path for the future development of spirits and gods. This is possible, but it has not been proved. In fact, there is another path that may become our goal, but due to the difficulty and danger of this path Sex, I didn't tell everyone in advance."

"What! There is another way!"

"Please be quiet and listen to me."

After appeasing everyone, 8051 continued to explain.

"Since I propose it now, of course I will tell everyone what this path is."

"But before that, I need you to look at Yinya's performance. In fact, I can't understand how Xiaoya, who was born just because of my desire to have a child for Konghuan and retain the will consciousness of the original planet Blue Moon Such a detached ability appeared." Having said this, 8051 patted Yinya on the head: "Xiaoya, just do what mother told you before."


Yinya nodded, looked at the curious eyes around her, and suddenly climbed up the table with a little pride, stood in the middle of the table and pondered for a moment, and finally decided what to do.

Then, she took a deep breath and held up her small arms that had begun to grow, but still had some baby fat.

"Plasma ball."

The three words were spit out lightly, and when everyone was still confused, a suspended plasma ball suddenly appeared in front of Yinya's arm.This scene seems to be nothing, because any friend has the ability to control energy and create an equally small plasma ball.

But the problem is, when Yinya did this, everyone could clearly understand that she didn't mobilize any energy.

In other words, this plasma ball appeared out of thin air.

At this time, Yinya spit out the second sentence.

"Helical magnetic field, applied three centimeters in front of the plasma ball, with a length of one meter."

Almost at the same time, everyone clearly felt the one-meter-long spiral magnetic field in front of the plasma ball.

This completely stunned everyone, because this is a magnetic field without support.Such a phenomenon that completely disregarded physics left everyone speechless, and even felt that this was just an illusion, or that the thing that generated this magnetic field was just invisible.But in fact, except for Yinya who is a Youshen, the rest of you are all spirit gods, so how could you not discover this little trick.

At this time, Yinya had no energy to pay attention to the expressions of the crowd, and she was concentrating on the plasma ball at the front of her arm.

"Transform the plasma ball into infinity, and enter the spiral magnetic field at a speed of three per second. The exit of the spiral magnetic field is aligned...outside the window, start."

The next moment, something even more unscientific happened.

Obviously there is only one plasma ball, as if infinitely replicating, it keeps entering the entrance section of the spiral magnetic field.After being accelerated, the plasma ball shot straight to the distant window through the exit, and flew to the world outside the window, pulling out a long chain of plasma machine gun bullets in the air.

"This is unscientific, what about energy conservation! What about magnetic field theory!"

A group of people are going crazy.

Seeing that Yinya's performance had achieved the desired effect, 8051 smiled and patted Yinya's shoulder, signaling her to stop, then pulled her into his arms and gently massaged the little loli's head.This attitude is many times better than the usual attitude towards Wu Huan.

"Everyone has seen it, what do you think?"

"a lot of."

"very curious."

"I really want to know."

"8051, please explain quickly, you will be scolded if you talk nonsense."

"..." A certain planet's will is full of black lines.

"Well, in fact, this is a result that even surprised me." Resting his chin on Yinya's head, 8051 squinted his eyes to feel the friction brought by the little Lolita shaking his head, and explained slowly: " Everyone knows that Yinya combines the functions of the illusory main consciousness and the will of my planet. Although it is only a part, Xiaoya should have very high authority."

"Besides, since Xiaoya was conceived in the space of the planet's will, she carries a part of the planet's will, so she should have higher authority."

"But, not now."

"What's the situation?" 8051 continued to explain: "Xiaoya herself should have become a moving space of planetary will. Through this space, she can achieve many things that we can only do in the space of planetary will. But now she only gets I have acquired the ability to influence the energy of the physical world with words, or even just with thought."

"Like she made an infinite plasma cannon before?" Darkblood said.

"Well," 8051 nodded: "But actually, even I have a lot of puzzles about it. But Yinya's performance is very similar to another path I remember to break through the spiritual god. That is, plundering the authority of the system."


What is the system? The Alliance of Travelers was so powerful at the beginning and it eventually disappeared. Nowadays, Kong Huan and others treat it with an attitude of avoiding it.But 8051 said something like plundering the system's authority, which is basically telling the system 'I am here'.

Isn't this courting death?
"No wonder you dare not say this route," Kong Huan sighed.

"That's right, but Xiaoya was an accident. It seems that without attracting the attention of the system, she merged the main consciousness of you, the phantom, the will of my planet, and some permissions of the will of the original blue moon planet, and then conceived in the space of the planet's will. Purified in time, and the result became what it is now.”

"Although it doesn't have such complicated permissions, it has gained the ability to control energy."


"Well, it's too troublesome to explain it with scientific theories. Let's put it in popular terms. The current Xiaoya is like a real "conceptual god" who has obtained the priesthood of "energy". He can affect matter completely with his thoughts The energy of the world, but because there is no huge consciousness to support it, it can only exert very little ability."

"Uh, it's getting more and more mysterious," the corners of Kong Huan's mouths twitched.

"That's the way it is," 8051 disapproved of this: "People regard things that they can't understand and temporarily can't explain with the technology they control as fantasies and mysteries, but when their technology reaches that level, they find that there is something that is impossible to understand." But it's a very simple thing. It's like the effect of a chemical agent."

"So, you want to say that our daughter Xiaoya is a 'concept god' stronger than our spirit god?"

"It's the future. Xiaoya's consciousness is too low now. Although conceptually speaking, the combat power of a concept god depends entirely on imagination, but even Xiaoya's basic knowledge is not enough for imagination."

"So, Xiaoya, are you always chasing Aiyi?" Kong Huan suddenly reacted, and looked at Yinya kindly.

"Yeah," Yinya, who still couldn't adapt to the illusory identity, just nodded slightly.

"Okay, so 8051 means we can go this way too?"

"Eh? Did I tell you?"


(End of this chapter)

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