Spore Story

Chapter 1212 What I Think Is Reality

Chapter 1212 What I Think Is Reality

Thank you for the reward of 'Bujin de Will'.It is said that today is a two-in-one chapter, because it is not easy to talk about it separately, so there is only one chapter today.

That's it, ga =v=
"Are you ready?"

"Of course, you can rest assured, leader."

"That's right, with me taking it with you, don't worry even if it's the first time."

"All in all, pay attention to safety, I don't expect to receive a distress signal in Baiyue."


In the heavily guarded hall, several purely energyd friends were standing in front of a hollow circular object.Among them, a void celestial being and an ordinary person with pure energy are closing their eyes to condense their consciousness.On the side, the busy pure energy body friends are mostly carefully adjusting and setting certain data.

After a long while, the person who was called the team leader looked up from the data.

"Attention, prepare to enter."


As he pressed down with his fingers, the energy that was huge enough to support a medium-sized stargate was output from the mass-energy power furnace, and finally gathered on the circle with a diameter of only three meters in the center of the crowd.

For a moment, ink-like water ripples spread from the center of the ring.

In the end, the entire circle turned into trembling ink, but there was only a thin slice, as if it had no thickness.

When the curtain-like shaking of the ink finally subsided, two friends who just used energy to weave a virtual coat had already stood at the door.Careful researchers even noticed that some smoke-like black air occasionally drifted from the door, but it quickly dissipated.In the detection equipment, this black gas did not bring any harmful data.

"Okay, listen now, first of all, use the consciousness control technique you learned to connect your consciousness to my consciousness." In the fluctuation of ink, the Void Celestial Man ordered seriously to his pure energy friend.

"Ah, yes!"

"No, it's consciousness! Not mental power! Start again!"


"Okay, that's it." The two successes were not bad, and the leader of the void celestial being nodded with satisfaction: "Then, try your best to stabilize this consciousness channel and imagine it as a completely permanent thing. This is not to separate from me, but the result of separation...you understand."

"Flying to nowhere, got it, captain!"

The pure energy body took a deep breath to calm himself down, and then he kept thinking of the words 'stable consciousness connection' in his mind.This is a relatively stupid method, but for friends who have not studied consciousness very deeply, this self-hypnosis-like consciousness control technique is actually the most effective.

Sure enough, within a few seconds, both of them nodded in agreement.

At this time, the consciousness connection is stable, and the consciousness of the two people has become almost one person's consciousness. Only a weak independent consciousness separates the two, but both thinking and emotion are already in common.This is not an easy decision even for friends who have been integrated into the Friends Network since childhood.

"Very well, hold my hand, although it is not necessary, but it must be just in case," the Void Celestial Being relaxed and shared his thoughts with the pure energy body through consciousness: "Then, let's jump in together."

The newcomer nodded unaccustomed.



"Three, jump!"


The two holding hands made a jumping movement at the same time under the common consciousness, crashed into the curtain-like ring, and disappeared in the moment of water ripples.The testing instruments faithfully recorded the process of the natural energy stripped from his body slowly dissipating and finally integrating into the world when the pure energy celestial being enters.

"Okay, turn off the power, you won't need this thing when you come out."


-----another world-----

"Is this the void world?" Curiosity, confusion, fear.

"Exactly, don't think about seeing with your eyes, because there is no such thing as visual light; don't think about feeling with your sense of touch, because there is nothing here for you to touch, even though we are both conscious bodies without physical volume; Don't even think about listening and smelling, because there is no medium to spread those. Simply put, there is nothing in this world except consciousness."

The calm and stable emotions of the Void Heavenly Man affect the pure energy body who enters this world for the first time.

Gradually, the fear in his heart disappeared, replaced by endless curiosity.

"So Captain, what shall we do next?" Curious

"You feel it first, but don't disconnect the channel of consciousness." Vigilance, seriousness

Curiosity affects the pure energy body. In this world, the only thing it can feel is the consciousness channel with the captain of the void celestial being.Other than that, there seemed to be nothing around.He even felt that he had entered a world with only himself and the sky, and the concepts of time and space did not seem to exist.

"so amazing!"

While the feeling of nothingness makes people feel horrified, it also brings more novelty to the prepared pure energy body.

He tried to move his conscious body, and he could clearly feel the activities of his own consciousness.But such activities did not bring about any interference in reality, and even if he did not use his own consciousness channel with the void celestial beings as a reference, he even felt that he would not be able to feel the activities of his own consciousness.

Want to give it a try?
"Absolutely not!" warning

Severe emotions came from the heavenly beings in the sky.

"Never disconnect the channel of consciousness because of your curiosity. Even if I am pulling you now, there is no such concept in perception. So, if you feel that you are not pulling me, you really are not pulling me, then once Disconnect and you will have a hard time finding me again."

"Sorry." Sorry, sorry
"It's nothing, every newcomer will have this idea, but you are all trained, and you will train others in the future, so you are still a little self-conscious. I am worried that if there are more people in the future, I am afraid that one or two will appear. It's a strange thing to seek death." Fortunately, worried
"It's really troublesome for you," said the same joy, worry, and a little expectation.

"It's better not to expect that kind of thing to happen. The tragedy that suddenly appeared in Baiyue last time was not bad. According to our judgment, the distance of the place of appearance may be related to the judgment of the person's consciousness. If you feel that you are far away If it is far away, it is possible to appear in the sun, or even go to the cosmic space between galaxies, and then it will be really troublesome." Warning.

"Ah," shocked, scared

"Okay, you should also feel something, so let's start a formal experience. Remember, don't disconnect your consciousness!" Tired, depressed
"Yes, Captain." Firmly

"First of all, I will let go of your hand. This is actually a conscious thought, because from the concept of the outside world, I have not held your hand. In a sense, this void world It is an ideal world where only consciousness exists, so every thought of our conscious body that enters it will affect this world." Recalling, explaining
"Weixin, doesn't that mean that all wishes come true?" Surprised, curious
"In theory, this is the case, but I advise you not to try it for the time being, at least wait until the few experiences I arranged are completed." Warning

"Ah, yes," curious, expectant
"So, do you think now, do I hold your hand?" There was no emotion

"Now, uh...it's the same as before, I don't feel it at all, it should, probably, maybe not anymore," hesitantly, puzzled
"Not sure are you?" Scrutiny

"Yes." Worried, sorry.

"No, don't worry, it's actually normal. Because like I said before, when you feel like you're not pulling, you're not pulling. But that absolute conscious thought, it works at other times, but in making sure I There is danger in the distance from you. On the contrary, this kind of vague thought allows you to find me again through the thought of "I didn't let go of him" even when you are out of conscious connection with me, Make sure I can take you out of this world." Soothe, calm
"Huh, fortunately," fortunately, it's fun
"Don't find it funny, but don't worry too much. Let's do the second thing next, perceive presence. You feel my presence now because you can feel the existence of the consciousness channel, and at the same time feel my through the consciousness channel. Thoughts, so as to realize the communication between the two. But in fact, you don’t feel the existence of my conscious body.”

"So how to do it?" Expectation, doubt
"It's very simple, but it requires the cooperation of both parties. If there are many people, and everyone builds a consciousness network, then you can directly hand it over to the consciousness network to complete this. But now there are only two of us, and it's your first time, so just It must be agreed by both parties.”

"In short, you and I must both agree with each other's existence."

"Is this still 'want'?" wondered.

"Yes, just like when you construct the channel of consciousness, through the 'thinking'." Calm, serious
"Oh, your being, your being, you are being..."

Time cannot be perceived here, even if a part of the calculation power is allocated in the mind to calculate the flow of time, it will still be forgotten if one is not paying attention.After an unknown amount of time passed, the pure energy body suddenly brightened up, as if the only light source in the dark world, that fellow void celestial being appeared in front of his eyes.


"Pfft, why are you like this!"

Because the Void Celestial Man who appeared in front of the pure energy body had a stone-like face, his brows were tangled together as if he was contemplating a very serious question, so that his entire face seemed to be stiff, but it was the face of that body. Other parts are pretty normal.

But regarding this, the Void Celestial Man that appeared on the opposite side was not too surprised.

"Because this is a world driven by consciousness, there is no 'one reality' in this world. The 'I' in your eyes is who you think I am. And likewise, the 'you' in my eyes is also what I think you are , the two do not conflict, but they are not necessarily the same. Do you understand?" Question

"Um, to understand, it just makes me see what I want to see, is it similar to building a fantasy world?" Proud

"Well, very good. But can you tell me what I look like to you?"

"This one……"

Looking at the curious look on the hardened stone face, the pure energy body gritted its teeth, but still couldn't bear to tell the other party the truth.

"That, you are slightly different from the outside, but handsome, trust me." I can't believe it myself
"Don't lie, don't forget that we are connected to the channel of consciousness. You must have noticed the expression I made in front of you, right? Why can you still make an expression that matches my real situation when it is clearly who you think I am? Because you have obtained my emotions and thoughts through the conscious channel, you subconsciously made that 'me' make such an expression."

"And I can also understand your thoughts in the same way. As you can imagine, the 'I' in your eyes must not be a good image," Tangled

"Pfft, sorry," apologetic, weird

"It's nothing, anyway, judging from the situation of the previous guys, I can roughly imagine what the situation will be," Wuyu said.

"Ha ha," I don't know how to answer
"Okay, the next thing to do is to change the image you imagined into the real image in your memory. This is just a kind of control of the conscious mind over the subconscious mind. But the control of the subconscious mind is very crucial in this void world One ring. Because sometimes it is a very common change, once the subconscious mind thinks it is dangerous, but you cannot control it, it is really dangerous." Strong warning

"Ah, yes, Captain!"

I have still done a lot of relevant training, and for those friends who can be the first batch to participate in the void exploration, they are all those with a firm will, and it is not difficult to control their various emotions and desires that originate from their subconscious mind.The only difficulty is to be constantly on guard against the influence of the subconscious mind.

In a moment, the celestial beings in front of him had returned to their normal appearance.

"Okay, now at least for this void world, the two of us already have the concept of immediate 'form'. Next, we will proceed to the third experience, positioning." Step by step, come to the side of the pure energy body: "In your opinion, I am now by your side. Whether it is actually the case is meaningless in this world."

"In fact, the concept of space is entirely based on your ideas."

"You think there is a distance of two meters between me and you. As long as I don't object in the consciousness connection, then we are 'really' only two meters away. It seems to be mutual, but sometimes it is also a guarantee of safety. For example, you are in this The world has encountered an enemy, who is launching a seemingly overwhelming attack on you, but as long as you firmly believe in your consciousness that this is not true, and firmly believe that the distance between you and the other party is far, far away, and the other party's attack cannot be covered. Then even if the other party In his eyes, you are beside him, and he can't attack you. Do you understand?"

"It always feels like..."

"It's amazing, isn't it?" The Void Celestial Man said jokingly.

"Well," the pure energy body nodded, but after thinking about it, he felt that the other party should not be able to see it.But thinking about it further, the other party also got his own idea of ​​"nodding" through the connection of consciousness, then the other party should also be able to see his "nodding" movement, and he would be embarrassing.

"That's it. It seems that your understanding is good."


"But one thing you must remember is that the method centered on 'thinking' is not invincible. When the opponent's consciousness is stronger than yours, it is easy for him to use his strong consciousness to interfere with your thinking, thus Cause your "idea" to fail. Even if the other party's consciousness is not strong, it can also affect your "idea" through the creation of various consciousness communication scenes, which will cause you to feel that you have failed in your consciousness, and then you will really Failed."

"Ugh, it's scary."

"Of course, otherwise, why do you require only those with a strong will to come in." Void Heavenly Man curled his lips: "Do you think that letting a guy who is timid, or has dark phobia, deep sea phobia, etc. When he sees the darkness with nothing, and then thinks something like 'won't a monster suddenly rush out, and then I can't win', this world also matches his thoughts to appear such invincibility What will happen to him if he fights a monster?"

"Eh... was killed by a monster created by my fantasy?" Exclaimed

"Yeah, last time a newcomer 'fantasized' a giant starry sky monster. The most painful thing for Nima is that our consciousness is connected at that time, and what he fantasizes will also affect us. The result is in Before we realized it, we really thought that there was such a monster in this world, and we had a fight with that guy. Only in the end did we find out that it was the fantasy of the damned newcomer."


Looking at the embarrassing and angry Captain Void, the newcomer's pure energy body seemed to feel boundless anger from the opponent's body.Taking a half step back in fear, this action aggravated his worry.The Void Heavenly Man in his eyes even raised his head at the same time, casting that boundless angry eyes on him.

"no, do not want!"

"Damn, calm down you bastard, whatever you see is your imagination!" Nervous, annoyed

"Yes, this is a fantasy, it's a fantasy!" Nervously

Accompanied by his constant self-hypnosis and pacification, the bodies of the celestial beings and the pure energy body that had appeared originally disappeared, and the world returned to darkness again.

"Team, Captain?"


"Captain, you scared me, where are you!"


After the previous fright, the pure energy body that suddenly felt that everything disappeared, the fear in my heart was guided out a little bit.And because the reaction was too intense, he unconsciously disconnected the consciousness connection with both sides, which further aggravated the fear of the pure energy body.

Looking around, there is no vision, but it still feels like that dark world.

Darkness is often a place where mystery and fear are born.

Gradually, he seemed to see something moving in the darkness.

"No, that's an illusion, yes, it's indeed an illusion!"

Sure enough, it seemed that the existence and the things in the darkness disappeared, and the pure energy body couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief.

"Damn, where is the captain going? He won't exit this world, right? The Void Celestial Beings seem to be able to leave at will, but what should I do?"

"Ah, by the way, think 'Captain holding my hand'."

"Captain grabs my hand!"

"No, there is no touch in the hand, and it cannot be simulated at all."

"By the way, it's better to just think 'the captain is with me'."

"Right, that is it!"

Keep thinking, keep repeating, keep hypnotizing yourself.

I don't know how much time has passed, but gradually, the pure energy body seems to feel the existence of the void heavenly beings.And when there is this reason, a virtuous circle is established, and the feeling becomes clearer and clearer.

Soon, the figure of the Void Heavenly Man appeared in front of his eyes accompanied by a bright splendor.

"Captain, you finally appeared!" Surprised, scared.

"Don't talk nonsense, connect to the consciousness channel immediately!" The captain of the sky man in the sky on the opposite side didn't have the concept of a voice, but the other party's stiff movements still made a gesture with a similar meaning.

"Yes, right away!" The pure energy body that has been trained for this immediately made corresponding actions.

After a while, feeling the existence of the other party's consciousness, and the Void Celestial Man on the opposite side became much more alive, the pure energy body finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"I'm sorry, Captain, I..."

"It's okay, this is also part of the training. At least after this time, you won't be unable to find a way when the connection of consciousness is suddenly disconnected, right?" the captain of the Void Celestial Man on the opposite side comforted: "Then, we Go out first. After you recover for a while, you will be able to enter this world again. You know, don’t look at nothing here, it’s actually quite fun.”

"Uh, it's really... really exciting." The pure energy body twitched the corner of its mouth stiffly.

(End of this chapter)

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