Spore Story

Chapter 1215 The Friends of the Star Council

Chapter 1215 The Friends of the Star Council

Thank you 'Shuijing Minghuatian' for your reward =v=
"This is the dispatch plan for the fifth batch of Shenting armed forces and the training arrangement for the seventh batch of Shenting armed forces, Lingxue." After placing a paper document on Lingxue's desk, he took Shenting from Chu Jie. Chu Ling, who was on the armed training mission, added later: "In addition, what do you think about the Starry Sky Council's request to allow foreigners to join the armed forces of the God Court?"

"Aren't they afraid that there will be another church?" Lingxue said disapprovingly.

"You have to ask them yourself, or Liya's mother. She is the speaker of the parliament now, and she is also the person who supports this decision the most," Chu Ling said disapprovingly.

"You don't need to ask, she must answer something like 'I believe in friends'," Lingxue shook her head with a smile, then returned the document that she had reviewed and signed to Chu Ling, and added: "If I really want to tell you my opinion, I still think that the training door can be opened to the parliamentary races to a limited extent. According to the plan, this step can be implemented in the near future. However, even if the matter of the church comes out, even if they don’t say it clearly, those people are really on guard caught."

"So you think this is a kind of temptation?" Chu Ling frowned.

"I'm afraid there is." Lingxue sighed, but then shook her head: "But judging from the speaker's character and previous performance, she doesn't seem like someone who would devise such obvious schemes. So I think she should be Sincerely. It’s just that, instead of looking at a certain person, we look at the entire group. And the parliamentary civilization that occupies the majority of this group probably thinks it’s a temptation.”


This tangled situation made Chu Ling speechless for a while.

"Really, we are all weakening our sense of existence, and we just want to delay time to ensure the breakthrough of core technology, but they are all focused on teasing us," she covered her face: "In this way, how can we Isn't it embarrassing to be caught in the middle? I knew I could learn from the Holy Church."

"I don't want to be entangled by these troublesome things like the Holy Church," Lingxue curled her lips in disdain: "It's really superficial to pursue such a little fearless right."

"and then?"

"Then? Let's do what we want. In short, this request cannot be agreed to, so many civilizations are watching. But in private, I will talk to the speaker about the attitude of our friends. In principle, we still agree to the training, but This unnatural wariness of the Companions must be removed. Damn the Templar."

"Okay, as long as nothing happens."

Chu Ling, who was already tired of such political issues, decisively took the signed document and turned away, throwing it to Lingxue, who had been the patriarch for many years in everyone's eyes and was the most suitable to deal with it.

—————Ice cream passing by, it’s cold————

In May of the 63rd year of the Pengzu calendar, after further realizing the threat of the Holy Church and the strength of the gods' armed forces, all ethnic groups were on the one hand guarding against the Pengzu, but on the other hand they expected to obtain similar abilities. Unable to stop the entanglement in his heart, he finally held a conference led by the chairman of the Starry Sky Council and the current Starry Sky Elf Queen.

However, it is a pity that the desires of intelligent races are always so insatiable.

Originally, everyone had great expectations, hoping to obtain a meeting that was recognized by the friends and all races, and could prevent the friends from acting like the church. The final condition was finally obtained by voting, but the friends The representatives of the ethnic group withdrew from the conference center at that time.

Even from the perspective of the civilizations of various ethnic groups who have calmed down afterwards, this is some unreasonable condition.

Among these conditions, the starry sky council civilization actually asked the friends to hand over a complete set of training methods for the gods' armed forces, which included energyization technology, pure energyization technology, basic spiritual power building skills, basic consciousness theory, energy expansion technology, etc. The core technology of Pengzu.

According to these hot-headed civilizations, this may be to ask the friends to hand over the technology, and then the Star Council will uniformly train the gods who belong to the Star Council.

This can not only meet the purpose of providing a large number of holy court weapons comparable to the templar, but also prevent the friends from becoming a second templar.

But the problem is that this completely ignores the wishes of the friends.

Historians of later generations even wondered about the thinking of the members of the meeting at that time, which is not a condition that can be drawn under normal circumstances.However, it is not difficult to understand after careful analysis. In short, two words: fear and alert.Through war, they realized the fighting power of individual races, so they feared; through the gradual control of the Nova United Conference by the Holy Church, they guarded against friends of the same attribute.

At this time, if the premise is that the congressmen are not brain-dead, then this move may be an enhanced version of the temptation.

But in any case, it is impossible for Pengzu to agree to such conditions.

At that time, the representative of the Pengzu in the parliament dropped a sentence, "You kept saying that for the future of the Starry Sky Council and the future of the universe, you asked our friends to hand over our core technology. Well, why don't you also work together for these In the future, hand over your core technology, and then share it with everyone, so that everyone can become an unbreakable unified civilization?"

Even the representatives of the most brain-dead and bottom-line Smecta civilization are silent before such speeches, let alone other middle and advanced civilizations.

So after the representatives of the friends left, the group of people discussed it again, and felt that the price might not be enough, and hundreds of artificial stars and dozens of key technologies lower than the core technology were attached as conditions in exchange.But in fact, the speaker who only maintained order from the beginning to the end did not have any hope for this.

Perhaps in the eyes of the Queen Speaker, this is just a group of greedy and civilized actions, which should not pass in the parliament.

Unexpectedly, things went awry again here.

It is not known who disclosed the situation here through what means.Under the guidance of some well-fed people or spies, the public opinion began to talk about the threat of the Holy Church, and at the same time, began to point out the conservatism and isolation of the friends, and lashed out at the friends for not being for love and justice. , call out all your actions.

What is even more speechless is that due to the forwarding of many people who don't know the truth, the influence of this incident has continued to rise.

By the time the Queen Speaker ordered to control public opinion, this kind of discussion had gone completely wrong.

At the same time, facing the turbulent public opinion, some representatives of civilization thought that this time they could really make the friends back down, at least they could get some benefits, which led to the Queen's speaker's eyes as a condition that was only a comment and could never be passed. During the 12th discussion in the parliament, it was strangely approved by half of the votes, surpassing the advanced civilization, and sent a note to the friends.

This is completely contradictory.

On the day when the representatives of the Pengzu received the note, the Pengzu recalled the fifth batch of Shenting armed forces that had just been dispatched.At the same time, in the name of "rest and reorganization", the four batches of God's Armed Forces on the front line were withdrawn to stay in the fountain of eternity, and under the command of Elder Tia who was stuck at the threshold of the spirit god, they assisted in protecting the representatives of the friends who stayed in the fountain of eternity.

The violent reaction of the Peng family was obviously beyond the expectations of the representatives of the various groups.

But at this time, representatives of various ethnic groups have not yet realized the seriousness of the matter.As for the strong protests of the military in the war zone, they also regarded them as the roar of a group of incompetent people.Fortunately, there was no shortage of sober people. At least on the day when her friends evacuated, the Queen had an urgent three-hour phone call with Lingxue.

Afterwards, the Starry Sky Council also urgently held a closed-door meeting.

According to the guards of the Fujia tribe who guarded the conference center, at the beginning of the meeting, the attitudes of the representatives of all ethnic groups who entered the meeting were aggressive. The front-line commander, Elder Tia, arrived with a few representatives of his friends. Afterwards, the quarrel quickly subsided after an escalation. They rushed out of the conference center in a huff, and then led a friend who was armed with the gods to leave outside the conference center.

What is going on here?
One day later, people finally got a shocking news.

According to the investigations by the Armed Forces of the Gods and the Star Elf and the Temilia Intelligence Agency, many members of the parliament were hypnotized by the apprentices of the temple who had infiltrated the organization, causing them to make wrong judgments in the parliament.Among them, the Starry Sky Council highly praised the actions of the friends of the god court warriors to de-hypnotize the councilors and help them clean up the templar apprentices around them.

There is no doubt that the matter has been shifted from internal conflicts to external enemies.

As a result, the wind of public opinion changed drastically, and all kinds of speeches that praised the friends, cursed the church, and sympathized with the parliamentarians were clamoring.

And when the friends announced two days later that "in order to avoid similar incidents from happening again, a basic spiritual training academy will be established in the Star Eternal Source, the capital of the Star Council, to train a large number of Shenting apprentices who can be vigilant and avoid similar situations", The questioning remarks that were still lingering in public opinion disappeared without a trace.

But is this the case?

At that time, the Rising Star United Conference was still in the midst of internal turmoil caused by the border guards and the Holy Church. Do they have the strength to interfere with the internal situation of the Starry Sky Council?
will get

But not to the extent that it is now.

But so what, the culprit is the Holy Church, believe it or not, anyway, the high-level people think this is true.

First of all, the so-called congressmen were hypnotized, and indeed there were, but in fact only a small part of the congressmen who supported the bunch of conditions were actually hypnotized.But it is the activities of this small group of parliamentarians that have induced a large number of ambitious representatives to make wrong decisions in parliamentary votes.

The second is the Academy of Spiritual Power Training, which seems to be a regression of the friends, and at the same time, it also makes the public opinion that "the friends are the ones who control the councilors" has no basis.In fact, apart from the fact that this academy is located at the source of eternity rather than friends, the teaching materials, teachers, and even the style are all stipulated by friends, so what will happen to the students it cultivates?
But in any case, this turmoil was calmed down with a method of diverting conflicts.

At least in the eyes of ordinary people, the Starry Sky Council has returned to the family status of the river crab again.

Then, the friend clan training turmoil passed like this.

Members made an internal apology in the parliament, and the fifth batch of Shenting armed forces that stopped halfway set off again, while the first batch of Shenting armed forces received the news of returning to the friends, leaving the second to fourth batches waiting for the fifth batch. After the first batch arrived, they rushed back to the battlefield, and the teachers and students of the Spiritual Training Academy also started to head for the eternal source.

Everything is so crappy.

But anyone who can think knows that the rift between the friends and ordinary civilized races caused by the difference in the nature of civilization has already occurred.

This even includes the starry sky elves who are relatively close to their friends.

However, there is another thing that makes people laugh and cry in this turmoil.

That was on the day when the turmoil was the most intense and the Pengzu completely withdrew the front-line Shenting armed forces, the representative office of the Pengzu at the Eternal Source received an anonymous letter.The letter proposes that the Holy Church and the friends will unite to control each other's two major forces in the universe, so that individual races can become the rulers of the universe.

Although it can be seen at a glance that it is sowing discord, sometimes the method is not simple, but only effective.

There is no doubt that in this period, this letter, which seemed to be a child's fantasy, undoubtedly exacerbated the isolation of the friends.

However, from the perspective of friends, this incident is not without benefits.

"No matter how this turmoil occurred, and what conspiracy it contained. At least for our friends, through this incident, those young people in the family who were dazzled by the colorful cosmic civilization should be able to Understand that 'only the strength of our own civilization is the foundation', rather than the beautiful sharing, openness and freedom."


Ah, by the way, there is only one update today.Because the plot behind the deduction is very complicated, so please don't wait for the second watch, quack.

(End of this chapter)

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