Spore Story

Chapter 1217 Let them think so

Chapter 1217 Let them think so

Thank you 'Shui Yunnian' and 'Book Friends nvlkFoJetr0f841' for their rewards, as for the update teasing of 'The Virtue Has Been Eaten', um... we were just passing by, quack.

Ordinary people
In this universe, the difference between individual civilizations and ordinary people's civilizations is far greater than what ordinary people imagine.

Because of cognition.

The limit that ordinary people can imagine is only to a certain extent, but in the face of individual civilizations that exceed their imagination, they generally choose to believe in their own fantasy, and even use "rationality" reasons to weaken their own fantasy self-righteously , taking this twice weakened result as the 'reality' of individual races in their eyes.

Under such circumstances, wrong estimates will inevitably appear.

But in fact there are some things that Lingxue didn't tell Feiyue.But she believed that Fei Yue and many elders of the friend clan could understand this point.Don't look at the fact that the Pengzu seems to be at a disadvantage under the oppression of the Starry Sky Council, but in fact, as long as you think about it, the Pengzu only needs a core elder at the spiritual level, and the thousands of civilized representatives in the Starry Sky Council will be in the blink of an eye. Under the influence of the spirit, he becomes an absolute 'one of his own'.

Or rather, fanatics.

"'Crazy Believer', that's a good title, hahahaha."

The elders of the church sitting in the chairman's office of the New Star Joint Conference Center, when they received some public opinion reported by the intelligence department, were dissatisfied with the representatives of civilization who fully supported the temple, but there was no trace of anger on their faces.

"People without power can only be slaves forever, and use words to obtain self-satisfaction. It is already a favor for such people to give them freedom and a better life within restrictions. If you are still talking about it... But forget it, As a great elder of the church, how can I have the same knowledge as such an ant? Right, elders."

He raised his head, and three-dimensional images of several churches appeared one after another in front of the office.

In terms of status, both parties are also spiritual god-level church elders.

But facing this colleague who pushed the church to the pinnacle of power and now sits on the ruling throne of one of the three major forces in the universe, the eyes of these church elders are not all support and approval, many of them are instead With doubts and hesitation, some even have dissatisfaction.

"Elder Pugubu, the power of the Holy Church should not be wasted in power struggles with mortals. Why do you act like this?"

"Yeah, excessive prestige can only lead to useless troubles, we don't need these things."


Facing the rebuttals of several elders, the speaker only frowned slightly.

"Elder Lu Yili, what do you think?"

"The church needs reform, but we can't see the way forward, we can only smear the way forward." The elder who was asked just dropped such a meaningless sentence, and closed his eyes in meditation without moving.

"whispering sound."

For this kind of paddling, everyone can only express their disdain.

"Elders, just as Elder Lu Yili said, the church needs reform." It was Speaker Pugubu who broke the stiff atmosphere: "We stopped tens of thousands of years ago, although the Pumi Garcia attack at that time caused us to The loss was heavy, but at the same time, it also woke up the old people who were self-sufficient, and only then did we develop once again, and further weakened the limitations of the universe on us. But now, we have stopped moving forward again, do we have to wait for others Do it again, crack our shells with brute force?"

"That being said, Elder Pugubu, the Holy Church has always insisted on watching..."

"That's our shell that must be smashed, respected elder! Bystanders, although bystanders are clear, but who can say that the authorities must be confused. And bystanders can only be spectators forever, watching others experience everything, watching Watching others succeed and fail, watching others advance and retreat!"

"What's the point?"

"At the end of the day, everything is someone else's, so what do we get?"


The last few elders also closed their eyes.

This scene made the elder Pugubu, who became the speaker, shake his lips. In the end, he didn't react violently. He just shook his head in disappointment and sat back on the speaker who represented the speaker's full strength. the elders of the church.

Their long lifespan has made them accustomed to their current life and they are unwilling to make changes.

Well, let me be the one who changes everything.

Regardless of success,

Still fail.

But just when Speaker Pugubu felt that the meeting was going to end without a problem, the elder Lu Yili who took a neutral attitude opened his eyes and looked at this alien in the church with probing eyes. A person who declared that he wanted to reform the church when he was a consul, and is now putting it into action.

"What does your Excellency the Speaker think of the friends?"


Seeing the heads of several elders suddenly raised, Speaker Pugubu just shook his sleeves in disdain, with a relaxed expression.

"A population of only a few hundred thousand, living in only one star system, does not even have the ambition to control the forces it belongs to. Don't such a race built behind closed doors feel very similar to us tens of thousands of years ago? Even if they have some elders, There are some archon ranks, and there are many divine court warriors who are stronger than templars. But fighting alone, what is there to worry about?"

"There's nothing to worry about."

Regarding Feiyue's worries about the current situation of her friends, Lingxue just calmly shook her head to appease her.

"Some people say that we stand still and build cars behind closed doors. But the times are different, and we cannot apply other people's experience to us. If you think about it carefully, do we friends really build cars behind closed doors? Our technology really comes from ourselves. ?"

Thinking back carefully, Fei Yue nodded clearly.

Yadu technology, Zerg technology, main consciousness research module... these things alone are far beyond the current level of civilizations in the universe, and they are enough for friends to study for a long time.

What's more, in essence, the Friends Race does not need too much ordinary civilization technology, because in terms of the reserved technology alone, except for a very small part of the core technology, the Friends Race has surpassed the advanced civilization category in the current universe.Among the known civilizations in the universe, the only ones that can provide reference for the friends are the Sanctuary and the Tree Clan, plus at most one Nest Clan.

As for these races, apart from the Holy Church being the enemy, the Tree Clan and Nest Clan are all members of the core circle of friends.

"So, what others think is their business, we just need to pay attention to ourselves. What's more, let the enemy look down on us, that is also our ability and blessing."

"Uh," although she agrees, Feiyue can only use black lines for Lingxue's way of promotion.

"Then, let's continue to let the enemy misunderstand like this, and we will continue to 'close the door' to 'make a car behind closed doors', haha." Lingxue returned to the sofa, grabbed the documents that needed to be processed again, and finally turned to Feiyue who was still in deep thought. Said: "When the void world makes progress, when we have more and more friends through pure energy transformation, by then, we will have both a retreat and strength, and we need to worry about a person who has fallen and indulged in secular power. the sanctuary?"

"Yes, patriarch."

"What's more, the eyes of our friends, from the beginning, are not focused on this self-righteous kind."

(End of this chapter)

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