Spore Story

Chapter 1219 Illusory Shopping

Chapter 1219 Illusory Shopping

"Then, I'm off to work."

"Well, be careful on the road, our children are already able to be independent, and don't need me, mother, huh."

"..." If you want to be moved, please change the self-proclaimed 'mother' first.

Leaving the familiar and unfamiliar neighborhood slowly, wandering in the air on the street leading to the technical department.In any case, he didn't tell his parents his real identity in the end, but just spent one night describing his life in recent years, explaining his current job and status by the way.

Of course, the job status he explained would not be the core elder and chief officer of the technical department, that would be no different from confessing.

In the eyes of the Kong family's parents, their son Kong Huan is now an assistant to the core elders and also a liaison officer of the technical department.

But even so, such a son is something to be proud of for both parents.

But in contact, Kong Huan could also feel that they seemed to have discovered something.Several people also appeared to be dubious about the explanation of the void.But his natural disconnection or trust prevented his parents from further questioning, which also made him relieved, grateful and full of warmth in his heart.

"Perhaps, it's not bad to maintain an ordinary family like this."

"Dalang biscuits, one yuan each."

"Louzhu Shaobing, two for one yuan."

"Here comes a Louzhu."

Quan Dang nostalgicly took over the seductive biscuits from the small vendor of the Dunjia people, took a bite, and the crispy and soft feeling immediately lingered in the mouth and tongue, which made people have endless aftertaste.

"Woo, not bad."

Although the energy body does not need to eat, everyone has a little desire for tongue, so there are not a few energy friends on the street who are holding food and munching.

Looking around the street at this time, although the Pengzu has the title of a large land and a sparse population, but because most of them are concentrated in a few specific residential areas, coupled with the peak hours of work in the early morning, and this is the capital, it turned out that when I came back in the middle of the afternoon yesterday, it was still sparsely populated. The street is a busy scene at this time.

"It has been developed for at least 60 years. To be able to achieve such a scene, as the main consciousness, I also have a sense of accomplishment."

"Silver scale breastplate, blue quality, five..."


Look up, scan, and confirm the target.

Imaginary eyes suddenly focused on an ordinary facade, but what he bought was not ordinary goods, but armor.

But if you think about it carefully, now this armor, which was once regarded as a key development project by friends, has long since become a civilian product.

Those armor or armor parts that add or integrate the function of floating, mind power experience, friend network connection, energy attack, etc., have now become a kind of human civilization that is already thin in the illusory memory. , known as portable electronic devices.

On a whim, Kong Huan came to the store.

After waving a shiny silver breastplate and yelling a few words, the shopkeeper stopped this activity, which was more like self-entertainment, and then turned his attention to the 'little' customer, Kong Huan.

"Kid, what do you want to see?"

"Um, just take a look, don't worry about me," Kong Huan waved his hand.

Just at this time, Dunjia people who came out to buy from two big families and one small family also stepped into the shop, and the shop owner took advantage of the opportunity to leave Kong Huan and greeted him.

The decline of these armors in the regular army was originally due to the fact that ordinary armors have lost their effectiveness after friends have been upgraded, as all friends have grown to soul-level strength.After the emergence of mobile armor, conventional armor was reduced to an auxiliary role, making them gradually transferred to civilian use.

Nowadays, these special electronic products of the friend family dressed in armor are mainly suitable for people or non-friends.

So as to whether Kong Huan will buy anything, the shop owner has no hope.

This is indeed the case. After walking around, in addition to letting Kong Huan understand the current armor technology and development ideas of the Pengzu, as well as the development level of the energy array technology used on the armor, the functions of these armor (electronic) products, based on his inspiration God-level strength can easily do or even do better, and it is worthless to buy.

So after going around in a circle, he exited the small shop.

But at this time, the Dunjiaren, who entered with the empty illusion, were also fooled by the shopkeeper... Ah no, under the promotion, they bought a lot of goods.The Dunjia child even wore a sci-fi style collar around his neck, while the Dunjia father kept teaching him.

"You are also ten years old now. You have already learned some basics at school, and you have begun to have your own opinions. That's why Dad, I bought you this network access collar. But you must remember that no matter what you see on the Internet What you see and what you hear, all judgments must be based on your own thoughts, don't get lost in it."

"Understood, Dad, don't those complex websites you mentioned have age restrictions."

"You should listen carefully to what your father said! You child. Now your father and your mother and I are old, and we don't have the conditions to cultivate to the soul level. In the future, we will rely on your generation to work hard to reach that level. Turn energy into a friend, and then you can hope to become a great eternity."

"Don't worry, Mom, you don't understand my level, haha."

"Yes Yes."


The Dunjia family walked away step by step while chatting, stepped out of the shop thoughtfully, and swept across the entire street again.Except for those friends who seem to be in a hurry but are relatively calm, the rest, whether it is the Dunjia people, Moon spirit people, Shadow clan people or black bone people, all have completely real busy expressions.

This is not the same as the situation in fantasy imagination.

Because he clearly remembers that the whole family has fully promoted automated factories and established a high-quality and comprehensive welfare system.Even a black-boned man can easily live on welfare without working at all.But what is shown in Kong Huan's eyes now is not the scene full of leisurely crowds in the street as imagined.

"Why is this?"

"What are you talking about, go and look up the decree by yourself, I'm busy," Lingxue replied resentfully after being disturbed.

"..." Empty and speechless.

However, following the duplicity of Lingxue's guidance, he found the relevant bills on the Internet.

It turned out that in order to avoid the collective laziness caused by an overly leisurely life, the government originally set up propaganda and guidance on technical work and cultivation, etc., in the hope of making people actively busy to enrich themselves.

But obviously, biological inertia cannot be solved by so-called propaganda and public opinion guidance.

Later, the government reformed the relevant laws and regulations.

The new decree has tampered with the use of the Friends Network and the Fantasy World, which members of the Big Friends system are inseparable from today: They stipulate the use rights of the Friends Network and the Fantasy World, and stipulate that only through work, etc. Only by making contributions to the family can the corresponding 'contribution points' be obtained in exchange for the use of the network and fantasy world with clearly marked prices.

For example, in the Pengzu network, a practice material website, ordinary basic practice materials can be opened for reading, but further upgraded materials must be exchanged for corresponding 'contribution points';
Another example is the fantasy world, this second-world-like area where all intelligent creatures are easy to indulge. It is not only a game, but more importantly, it can be used as a training place for cultivation or combat experience, and is sought after.But now, a month of internal time in the fantasy world requires a little contribution point to obtain.

Under such circumstances, with the level comparison, people's enthusiasm was not only not suppressed, but was stimulated.

Now, the government has further spread this kind of 'contribution points' after discussing with the court of God and the elders' house.The result is that nowadays, there is nothing wrong with the benefits provided by the automated factory, and you can use them at will, but if you want to get some special products other than benefits, you used to use the "trading point" of the friends, but now it is replaced with "contribution" point'.

For example, a family space shuttle needs 100 contribution points in exchange.

Of course, the scope of contribution points is already very wide, and now it has almost reached a limit.If you go one step further, it will change from 'contribution points' to 'transaction points'.Originally, if there were only friends in the entire universe, or friends did not trade with outsiders, it would be fine, but now that they need to trade with foreigners, the limitation of "contribution points" is obviously greater.

"I see."

When he came back to his senses, Kong Huan looked at the busy street again and realized something.

As for why friends don't feel as busy as non-friends, it's because they don't have the same needs as those non-friends.

Fantasy world?Nowadays, after the school has strengthened the education of xinxing, it is not as dangerous as before to create a fantasy world under the supervision of someone. Any friend at the level of Youshen can do it; practice?Any family of friends has comprehensive practice materials, even if they don't, they can rely on their growing strength to explore; as for the Internet?For friends who are connected to the Internet from birth, they are different from those non-friends who connect after they have a certain degree of self-consciousness around the age of ten.

"Adapting to the crowd is different," leaving such an exclamation, Kong Huan walked forward again.

However, as he got closer to the technical department, the number of non-friends around him began to decrease sharply, and the scenery became more and more familiar.

It is clear that fundamental differences in physical fitness have led to the isolation of friends, no matter how fair they are.It's just that this may have become something that endangered the stability of the Dapeng clan system. Now that Lingxue has fully promoted the "pure energy transfer to friends" technology, it has reversed and turned into encouraging non-friends to work hard and contribute. , and consciously support the cause of friends.

Because in the eyes of non-friends, as long as you work hard, you will become a friend one day.Under such circumstances, if you continue to oppose your friend meaninglessly, you can only say that he gave up on himself from the very beginning.

As for racial differences...

Since the primitive period, friends and various ethnic groups have been merging, and now the ideas of all ethnic groups in the Dapeng ethnic system have long been unified. The so-called "independent race" thought is the most likely black-boned man, after being integrated into the Peng ethnic group At that time, that kind of concept had not yet emerged.

Is this also considered a head start?
Standing at the gate of the technical department, looking at the soldiers of the Moon Spirit and Black Skeleton standing firmly at the gate, feeling the shadow clan agents who are not shuttled around in the spiritual power, observing the people who are working and opening stores in various places. The expressions on the faces of the Dunjia merchants and the sporadic tourists from the Sea Race became more and more calm.

"The next step is to find a hopeful way forward for this increasingly harmonious family of friends."

Done, there have been two updates today, and that's it.

By the way, I always feel like I lost something recently, but since I can't remember it, it must not be something important. ~\(≧▽≦)/~
(End of this chapter)

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