Spore Story

Chapter 122 The Missing Cocoon

Chapter 122 The Missing Cocoon

"Even if it is pupated in advance, after all, it is a second-order evolution using pupation components. The increased strength of this winged quack ape is not comparable to that of ordinary quack apes."

Looking at the quack apes at the entrance of the karst cave on the half slope, and fearfully looking down at the flying-wing quacking apes whose light was beginning to weaken, Kong Huan was slightly relieved for the flying-wing quacking apes that had pupated ahead of time.

"It's actually an aura, it doesn't seem like a big problem... But, I hope so."

I scanned the Xiangyi Quackape below in all directions, and found that compared with the second-order evolutionary shape in the space, it didn't look much different except that it was only 1.5 meters tall.Looking at Lingyun who was happily observing the new body, Konghuan floated closer to it, "Let's check the inside carefully."


Suddenly, Lingyun, who was adapting to the body, looked at the illusory consciousness.

Looking around suspiciously, he found that there was nothing but Lingyun and himself, so Kong Huan turned his head to look at Lingyun, and pointed at himself in disbelief, "Can you see me?"

"Of course I can see it, you are there, aren't you? But, you can fly without wings, it's amazing."

The body of consciousness is the appearance of Kong Huan condensed in space. It has a somewhat quacky appearance, but it is mainly the appearance that Kong Huan has almost forgotten in human memory. It is basically impossible to recognize it as an illusion.

"This is the consciousness body, you can't recognize me? Could it be that there is a memory problem? Who are you?"

Puzzled, he slapped the flying wings on his back a few times, maybe because he felt that he was familiar with Feiyi, Lingyun put it away, "I am Lingyun, who are you? It looks a bit like a big boss, but not like , so strange? Who are you, could it be the big boss? But the big boss doesn't seem to be able to fly?"

"Um, it seems that the memory is okay." The head that was asked by a bunch of questions from Lingyun, ah no, it was the dizzy Kong Huan who calmed down for a while before looking up at the curious baby-like Lingyun in front of him, "I am Quack, But you can call me Void."

Confused by Kong Huan's statement, Ling Yun began to revolve around Kong Huan in doubt, "The big leader is Quack, and Quack is Kong Huan, so the big leader is Kong Huan, and he is also Quack. But the big leader said that an individual only needs one name , that quack is not a fantasy, and then the big leader is not a fantasy, but since the big leader only needs one name, then the quack is not a fantasy, no, so the big leader is the big leader, and it is not quack or vain, ah! Dizziness."

"Don't talk about it, I'm dizzy too." The double-eyed mosquito-repellent quack looked depressedly at Ling Yun, who was circling around him, but at this moment she was so dizzy that she was about to fall to the ground, bowing down to her rapping skills.

However, because of this, Kong Huan didn't notice the abnormality of the aura. Even if his brain was confused or he went around a few times, since he was an individual who could fly, how could he be so dizzy so easily that he couldn't stand up?
"Forget it, you can still call me Big Leader, Quack, Kong Huan, it's all floating clouds. I'm floating..." Floating depressed, Kong Huan planned to return to the lair with dizzy aura, although there was an accident in the middle , but at least there is nothing wrong now, "Lingyun, follow up and go back to the lair, you are the first quack ape that I know to have completed the pupation, what a joy to congratulate."


Dizzy, Lingyun got up from the place where she fell down, and Lingyun staggered back to the cave step by step following Gaga, who was flying in front of her. After her back was closed, the winged claws on the ground stabilized Lingyun like the other two feet. Rhyme's figure.

As soon as he entered the warm cave with a fire, Lingyun found a suitable place and pounced, "It's so painful, I'll sleep for a while." Before the illusory consciousness in front of him could react, Lingyun Under the awe-inspiring gazes of all the quack apes, he fell into a deep sleep, without even the fluctuation of the dream.

"Could it be the feeling of weakness caused by the pupation just now, or maybe it's a side effect of premature pupation, then, go get a good sleep."

Gently looking at the sleeping Lingyun, Kong Huan sensed the location of the quack ape team who went out to search, and then sent out the consciousness of "returning to the nest" in turn, and then returned to the body, "in the spirit."

He was attracted by the huge movement of Lingyun's pupating before, and then remembered the order of Quack and returned to the spirit. Even though his heart was itchy, he still continued to wait at the entrance of the cave. At this time, he was looking at Lingyun sleeping in the distance, or Looking at the huge flying wings on Lingyun's back, this made Lingzhong's desire to chrysalis grow stronger again.

"I really want to pupate quickly, but there is no response now."

When he was suffering in spirit, the voice of the big leader in the cave suddenly came, "Ah, the big leader woke up. The Lingyun leader is back."

"I see, tell Dongkou's team to go back, and let them guard Lingyun after the Lingyun team comes back, and don't let other quack apes disturb it."

"I know, but the big leader and the Dongkou team have all gone to see the leader Lingyun."

Hearing these words, Quack realized that only the spirit remained at the entrance of the cave, and besides that, almost all the quack apes were curiously surrounding the sleeping Lingyun, completely ignoring the guards here.

Shaking his head with a wry smile, Gaga didn't know whether to feel depressed or happy about this curiosity. "Then why don't you go and see?"

It was a casual question, but Lingzhong replied without hesitation, "I can also see it here, and there are orders from the big boss."

Hearing these words, Quack couldn't help being taken aback.

Quack apes are generally obedient, but there will always be situations like erratic errands in doing things, which cannot be eliminated. The main reason for this is that self-control is not enough, and quack apes do not want to force these quack apes too much, but this quack ape in the spirit seems to be in this respect The performance is very good. "Well, keep guarding this small cave, I'll go and have a look."

Getting up and walking towards Lingyun who was sleeping, Quack drove the surrounding quack apes out of a certain range, then ignored the curious eyes of the quack apes around, sat beside Lingyun, stretched out his palm and gently brushed Lingyun's face. wing.

"Although the pupation is ahead of time, you are the first pupation body I have felt, and the first individual in the outside world to see my consciousness body. Maybe, you can be part of the belief propagation plan I considered before. , the original missionary that first appeared—priest. Young Priest Lingyun, you have a predestined relationship with this old man, haha.”

The darkness continued, but the fire in the cave continued to burn, dispelling most of the darkness. Gaga, who was thinking about the aura, suddenly felt sick to his stomach again, "Uh, it seems that I haven't eaten since I came out of the space in the morning. Talk about something, meow."

I looked at the quack apes who were all asleep around them. Since the cave only needs to block the entrance, basically there is no need to worry about safety issues, so the quack apes all slept soundly, which made quack feel embarrassed to disturb each other.

"Forget it, I'll do it myself."

Taking some bacon from one of the meat corners, I walked over to a fire.

At this time, the three teams that went out to search came back to the lair one after another with half-burned torches. As soon as the Lingyun team found the eye-catching evolved body Lingyun in the middle, they recognized each other and immediately surrounded themselves consciously. Around the aura.This made Lingzhong stand up hesitantly outside the small cave, and then sat back uneasy. After seeing the indifferent attitude of Quack in the barbecue, he gradually calmed down and continued his important work of guarding the gate.

...the missing dividing line...

"It's delicious! Barbecue, Big Leader!"

He took great pains to grill the bacon until it was charred on the outside and tender on the inside, with a tangy aroma. Although there was no seasoning, the so-called practice makes perfect. Quack has roasted the meat for hundreds of days, and this technique is not far behind.

At this moment, Gaga was looking at the bacon he had carefully grilled in front of him, but just as he was about to eat the meat when the temperature of the barbecue became suitable, a voice of Lingyun came from behind him.

"I don't wake up early or late, why did I wake up just when our barbecue was finished, this girl must have woken up long ago and waited."

Depressedly, he looked back and saw that he had run behind him at this time, staring at the drooling aura of the barbecue in Gaga's hand, Gaga had to carefully tear the barbecue in half, "I want this piece!"

Before Quack had chosen a target, the larger piece was swallowed by Lingyun in a few mouthfuls. Then, Lingyun's pitiful eyes looked at Gaga's hand, which was still in a daze, and there was another half there. barbecue.


Raising his left hand, Lingyun didn’t respond because there was no barbecue; so Gaga raised his right hand, but there was still no response because there was still no barbecue (=.=); The eager eyes turned immediately, and the crystal liquid at the corner of the mouth clearly showed the other party's wish.

"Say meow."


"so cute!"

With his eyes shining, Gaga suddenly couldn't help but want to hug Lingyun, who was almost on all fours and staring at the barbecue.

"No, I want to maintain the image of the main consciousness."

But maybe it couldn't wait any longer, Lingyun had already launched a surprise attack while Gaga was thinking about it, biting off the barbecue in the hands of the empty tentacles, swallowing it into the stomach before the empty hallucinations reacted, and then "Boss, more. Meow~ "


"Okay, let's bake it for you, and bake as much as you want." At this moment, the lolicon who thought she was hiding deeply fell into a trap.

In this way, until the sun rose in the morning, after eating the aura of three times the food of ordinary quack apes, he patted Weigu's stomach with satisfaction, and then lay down again at the previous sleeping place, and at this time, Only then did Quack realize from the constant roaring in his stomach that he had not eaten for a day and a night, no, it should have been eleven days and eleven nights.

However, what Quack needs to face at this time is the expectant eyes of more than 100 Quack apes who wake up one after another.

"Lingxue team and Lingyun team, your duty is to barbecue, act quickly!"

Obviously, ordinary quack apes have no human rights. Ignoring the resentful eyes of these quack apes, quack baked his own breakfast.

"Speaking of which, I don't think it's too far away from pupation. It should be cocooning today or tomorrow. I don't know how it will feel then?"

But now Kong Huan could clearly feel the sensation in his body, looking at the bacon that was still roasting, Gaga's stomach erupted in protest again.

"very hungry!"

(End of this chapter)

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