Spore Story

Chapter 1224 Research

Chapter 1224 Research
The universe is changing all the time.

There are good and bad changes in this kind of change, but when placed in the universe as a whole, it has never had a substantial impact on the universe.

The orange-red planet was named the Sea of ​​Leishen by the Stoutes, and Leishen means orange in the Stoute language, which is obviously just a name for a shape.In fact, if there was not another planet in the star system where the orange-red planet is located, which was developed into an ecological immigration planet by the Schotts, this adjacent orange-red planet might be given a certain number and then forgotten.

However, the peaceful period of this Lei Shen Sea planet may soon be over.

The news of the death of six gods and five templars was so great. At that time, the spaceship belonging to Lu Yi's team that was the closest at that time asked the Sitte to send troops to search.

Even after a short while, an order for secrecy came from within the friend clan, so that the search troops of the Schotts had not set off yet, and they avoided losing their lives.But at this time, it is enough for thinking special people to guess part of the situation through the performance of Shenting, and spread it around ten or ten times.

What's more, the Star Council has a liaison officer on the spacecraft.

So it is conceivable that the information that 'this mysterious orange-red liquid can cause fatal damage to individual races that are almost rampant in the universe' is now probably placed in the intelligence departments of the various races of the Star Council. before.As for the Holy Church, perhaps they also learned something about it through the Sea of ​​Mind, which has a much better contact distance than the Peng Clan.

At this time, apart from investigating the cause, the first thought of the friends and the church is probably to destroy the planet.

Therefore, the action must be fast.

Under such circumstances, it was obviously too late for Kong Huan, who had planned to rush over from his friends to help, so he had to ask Lamia, the commander of the frontline Shenting Armed Forces, to personally act.At the same time, the Shenting Armed Forces even used the power of the higher races of the Starry Sky Council on the grounds of confidential investigations to temporarily bring this planet without life forms under the control of friends.

According to the constitution of the Starry Sky Council, after the higher races have declared temporary control over the inanimate planet, it can only be taken back if 70% of the members of the Starry Sky Council vote against it.

Before it was taken back, this planet belonged to the core territory of the higher race.

"With the personality of the Queen's speaker, you may hesitate, but in the end you will not agree to hold such a vote that will definitely lead to the breakdown of the stability of the three higher races. So you only need to firmly reject the request of those civilizations to investigate together. Moreover, You have to complete the research as quickly as possible, and then decide whether to destroy it directly or incorporate it into our permanent core territory depending on the situation."

During the communication, Kong Huan and others are telling Lamia who is already in Lei Shen's overseas country the precautions.

"Then what if the star elves and Temilia both ask for research?" This is obviously an unavoidable place.


Kong Huan hesitated, but Lingxue next to him was obviously more experienced in dealing with this aspect.

"The star elves are also ordinary carbon-based races based on consciousness. This kind of planet is quite dangerous to our friends, and it has a lore effect on the star elves. So you can refuse on the grounds of safety, but you really can't refuse , You can also propose to wait for friends to at least study a safe entry method, and then study together..."

As for when a safe entry method will be developed, it obviously depends on the subjective judgment of Lamia and others.

"...As long as we maintain a tough attitude and consider them, the star elves will not persecute them, and they will even help us block the news here."

"What about Temelia?"

"This race is not easy to deal with. Although there is a saying that 'all conscious bodies entering the planet will be swallowed', there is also a saying that 'ordinary robots will not be affected at all'. And Temilia's research on mechanical bodies The level is beyond the reach of all ethnic groups..."

Speaking of this, Lingxue also hesitated.

If Temilia is allowed to join the research, with Temilia's mechanical body technology, it is obviously possible to better explore this planet.Perhaps it has avoided many dangers of the friend's research, but on the other hand, it must also hold the danger of being controlled by Temelia, which can threaten the friend's orange-red liquid that failed the fusion test of consciousness.

The choice between trade-offs is a test of the decision-making ability of the superior.

At this time, Fei Yue, who was in the same office as Kong Huan and Lingxue on the opposite side of the communication, put forward her own opinion.

"Don't we have the third-level artificial brain technology that Temelia urgently needs? From Temelia's point of view, this technology can be regarded as the core technology. Then if we further complete the consciousness body of Temelia's control mechanism , transfer to the third-level artificial brain, but do not open it to Temelia, does it mean that we have mastered the life-and-death technology of Temelia?"

"what do you mean?"

Before Kong Huan could react for a while, Lingxue's eyes lit up.

"Exchange?" She nodded approvingly: "It's a good way."

"What is it?" Kong Huan asked.

"It's actually very simple. Originally, we didn't plan to open up this technology, but Temilia insisted on being tough in this regard, and we have reached a stalemate. However, if we use the research on this orange-red planetary liquid as a bargaining chip, it means that the two sides control each other Not only will it make both parties fearful, but it will also strengthen our relationship, which is a win-win situation.”

"So that's how it is," Kong Huan, who finally came to his senses, had no choice but to give Fei Yue a thumbs up.


"However, Patriarch Lingxue, let's not say that we are exposed to danger because of this, and this kind of thing can't be hidden from the starry sky elves, right?" Lamia on the other side of the communication reminded.Now the Starry Sky Council is ruled by three clans, and it is also a tripartite confrontation. If Temilia and the friend clan exchange dead spots like this, wouldn't it be another way to exclude the starry sky elves.


Nodding her head in agreement, Lingxue then thought about it and added.

"It's nothing to expose our danger. As long as the research on Lei Shen's Sea goes well, then the harmful effect of that thing on us will be greatly reduced. Just letting it go like this can only be regarded as an attitude. But the two senior The closeness of the race will definitely make the star elves feel threatened, maybe we have to expand this range a little bit."

"Zoom in?" The other three looked at Lingxue together.

"Yes, it's magnification." The originally hesitant eyes became more and more clear as Lingxue continued to speak: "Lamia, you reject all external support requests and make up a random reason, anyway, to prevent others from entering. But under the premise of ensuring your own safety, you should strengthen your research there, and Kong Huan will also lead the team to rush there."

"Eh? Me," Kong Huan was taken aback.

"Of course, it will take more than a month for you to rush there now. During this time, Lamia's research is the best. If you can't research it, you can help in the past, and even serve as a shield." Lingxue said mercilessly Said.


"But at the same time, the friend clan will contact Temilia and the star elves, and propose that the three clans exchange each other's dead spots to strengthen the relationship between the various clans of the Star Council. Temilia's side should be able to solve it , but the star elves will not be so relaxed. But facing the current situation of us and Temilia, they should not be too persistent."

"Then our research here..." Lamia was puzzled.

"Of course continue, don't worry about the discussion of the three clans here. If you finish the discussion before the end of the discussion, then the three-clan meeting is just a three-clan meeting. But it's okay if the three-clan meeting is over and your place hasn't finished yet. Let the two The participation of a higher race, on the one hand, speeds up the progress, on the one hand, avoids the participation of middle and low civilizations, and on the other hand, deepens the unity of the Starry Sky Council, why not do it?"

After finishing speaking in one breath, Lingxue's face glowed brightly.

Afterwards, the relevant matters were improved, and everyone should continue to do what they should do.


"Break into the atmosphere, the target robot is normal..."

"Successfully landed and started collecting Leishen liquid..."

"The collection is successful, the target robot induces the gravitational engine to start..."

"At an altitude of 22 kilometers, there is no abnormality in the Leishen liquid..."

"At an altitude of 25 kilometers, there is no abnormality in the Leishen liquid..."

"Altitude 27 kilometers,..."

"At an altitude of 30 kilometers, the Leishen liquid began to decrease!"

"Reduce the speed, climb slowly, and record the dissipation speed! The research team is in place, pay attention to safety!"


"At an altitude of 31 kilometers, the Leishen liquid dissipates faster! The remaining 80%."

"Report, the research team is in place, at an altitude of 50 kilometers, and there is no melting reaction."

"At an altitude of 33 kilometers, the dissipation speed of the Leishen liquid is further accelerated, and the remaining 30%!"

"Damn it, it seems that this height is not enough. Is it really necessary to break in?" Lamia on the bridge nervously looked at the information on the data map with a stern expression.

According to Asakura's memory and the research report of Thinker, Tomoto concluded that the fusion effect of the Leishen Sea on the creatures of the conscious body will be strengthened as the distance approaches.But at the same time, this speed will also be weakened due to changes in the degree of consciousness cohesion of the conscious body itself.

According to this feature, Lamia and the technical department of the friends spent a day to formulate a preliminary exploration plan.

According to the plan, the Shenting Armed Forces will use three Shenting spirits who have entered the Yinshen level as researchers to reach a safe height of 50 kilometers, wait for the robot to collect the Leishen liquid, and accept the remote command of the technical department of the friends at this height to complete the project. Detection, testing and analysis of liquids.

But now it seems that the research height in this plan is obviously somewhat conservative.

"At an altitude of 35 kilometers, the Leishen liquid completely dissipated, and the collection failed."

"whispering sound!"

"Elder, the research team sent a communication."

"Come here."

The moment the communication was connected, before the three divine spirits from the research team could answer, Lamia, who knew the other party's intentions, gritted his teeth and asked, "How does it feel, can you bear it? Give me the real feeling data."

"Ah, yes!"

(End of this chapter)

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