Spore Story

Chapter 1227

Chapter 1227

Thank you for the reward of 'Story of the Starry Sky' and the support of the monthly ticket of 'Lame Antelope'~\(≧▽≦)/~
In any case, Pengzu's consciousness network technology has made unexpected breakthroughs due to the appearance of Lei Shenzhihai.

Although according to Bai Min, the consciousness network after the breakthrough cannot completely replace the spiritual power network, at least the spiritual power network is aimed at all members with spiritual power, and the consciousness network can only be used for friends (including through pure energy quantification) non-friends who become friends) work.But even with the existing achievements, the time for friends to enter the void world will be greatly extended, which is great news, isn't it?

What's more, the perfection and stability of the consciousness network will greatly reduce the difficulty of cultivating void walkers.

In this way, the achievement obtained at the cost of a Yin God class not only gave the friend an unprecedented boost in the research of the two core technologies, but also because of the understanding of the principle of Lei Shen's sea in the process, the friend's understanding of It also has a certain resistance.Further research in the future will be safer, and there will be no more mistakes that will cost your life.

So after the communication ended, both Kong Huan and Lamia were beaming with joy.

However, different from the satisfaction brought about by the results of the research, the joy on Lamia's face, as the frontline commander and the person in charge of this experiment, is more due to the gains, making up for her The psychological comfort of guilt caused by the sacrifice of a yin god.

"Now, Xiu Ming's teammates can feel at ease."

"Ah, yes." Kong Huan nodded slightly ashamed.

The friends' understanding of the souls of the dead is too deep, and they clearly know that Xiu Ming's death that melts into the sea of ​​Lei Shen is a real death.Therefore, they cannot delude themselves into comforting the mourning of someone who is completely dead.However, what the other party gained at the cost of death can comfort those who are still alive, and can also increase people's nostalgia and memory for him.

In the eyes of friends, this is the best sacrifice for a completely dead person.

————— Bear ————

Friends study the Sea of ​​Reshen with great fanfare because of its challenge to the special status of individual races.

But at the same time, because the initial secrecy measures were not in place, the news here has already been circulated in the upper structures of various places.Therefore, apart from explicitly intercepting all investigations, the Pengzu didn't plan to waste useless efforts to keep it secret.Of course, the core situation is still in the hands of the friends.

At this time, as the temple that was first planted here with friends, its warriors, such as Gan Daofu and others, had already fed back information through the sea of ​​hearts before they died.

Therefore, the Holy Church, which is also an individual race, will obviously not sit idly by.

"For the friend race, we have been studying it for six or seven years. But this race has been changing, which is confusing, which is why we have not been able to come up with effective countermeasures. But recently we found that the friend The changes of the family seem to have finally stabilized under a structure, that is the Shenting pure energy body that is fighting against us."

Standing in the meeting room of the new headquarters building of the Holy Church located in the New Star United Conference Center, a Holy Church Archon is reporting the situation to several elders on the stage.

The elder sitting in the middle, whose chair is a bit shorter, is the current speaker of the Rising Star United Conference.

"So, what's your conclusion?" He asked the consul on behalf of several elders.

"You have already understood the composition of the God Court. The core of our research is concentrated on the body of this group of God Court Armor, which is similar to the pure energy life form, but it is countless times more stable than the pure energy friend's body."

"According to our research, this kind of body not only has the ability to transform various energy forms of pure energy life forms, which is why they can always retreat safely under our attacks; it also has the powerful spiritual power of an individual race and awareness support..."

"Don't talk nonsense, we just want to know how to eliminate them!"

"Yes, Honorable Speaker..."

"Now it's an internal meeting of the church, call me an elder!" Impatiently correcting the consul's speech, the speaker could feel the approving nods of the church elders behind him, and he felt relieved.He is very clear that after he instigated the Holy Church to control the Nova United Conference as the elder of the Holy Church, and became the speaker, these people did not say anything, and they did not know how guarded they were to him, so he will pay attention to everything he does recently. The impact seems to be very low-key.

"Sorry, Your Excellency." The poor consul corrected himself in horror before continuing to explain: "According to our research, it is actually not difficult to eliminate this group of pure energy bodies of the gods. No matter how stable they are , can’t get rid of the fact that their bodies are made of natural energy.”

"Oh," everyone became interested.

"Yes, based on this situation, we combined the key technologies of several pure energy races to develop a weapon. It can imprison the existence below the elders, and as long as friends enter it, they will not be able to escape. At the same time, it Through the cooperation of several weapons, all the natural energy in the unnatural state within the range can be absorbed, extracted and transformed into a natural state. In other words, the body of the pure energy body will be destroyed..."

"But how can friends be surrounded by you obediently?"

"This...of course we have a solution."

A smug smile appeared on the consul's face.

"Also, regarding the Sea of ​​Leishen..."


Although both the Star Council and the Nova United Conference have closed the passage, the cosmic connection, which was originally a circle from the perspective of the path, has become a 'U'-shaped structure.Under such circumstances, it is obviously impossible for the two sides to allow the army to attack the opponent through the same high-alert Freedom Alliance, so it has become a situation where the Freedom Alliance has become a transit point.

But for individual races, this channel restriction is not very effective.

Not two months after the consul reported to the elders of the temple, nearly a thousand templars led by ten consuls dispersed through the The Liberty Alliance has entered the sphere of influence of the Starry Sky Council, and has been approaching the planet Lei Shen's Sea, which has the most friends and gods on the surface.

Of course, for this situation, the Star Council is obviously also prepared.

However, there are policies at the top and countermeasures at the bottom. Various facilities monitored on the border and ordinary gods are armed. In the end, only a dozen templars who tried to pass the border were caught, so that they failed to attract the attention of the upper echelons of the Starry Sky Council.Moreover, in order to keep it secret, the Templar did not even let the Templars lurking in the Starry Sky Council approach them.

As a result, nearly 300 people from the Pengzu Shenting Armed Forces, who also did not get any news, are still staying overseas in Lei Shenzhi.

At the same time, nearly a thousand templars have already gathered on an asteroid in a star system one star system away from the Sea of ​​Reshen.

Those defensive radars that can guard against large-scale fleets, or even smaller fleets, are obviously completely ineffective against small 'civilian' teams of no more than 1000 people.What's more, it took about a month for these nearly a thousand people to enter here through the normal transportation channel.

"It's just tight on the outside and loose on the inside. This kind of defense can't detect us at all. It seems that friends are not very open to their allies."

"I have said long ago that fundamental differences in race determine everything. Can a person be friends with a group of ants?"

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, the information has been sorted out."

The intelligence gathering work on the friend was originally considered difficult by the church because of the friend's move to completely close the Lei Shen Sea.

But unexpectedly, due to the attractiveness of Friends' news, as soon as they learned about Friends' actions, media organizations from all over the world gathered like sharks.The analysis of journalists and the comments and summaries of a large number of civil personnel on the Internet have all caused a huge leak of information.

Faced with these, the Holy Church even only needs to sort them out to get a nearly complete chart of friends' activities.

This kind of situation, I am afraid that even if the friends themselves have not thought of it, it has doubled the confidence of the church.

"Over the past five months or so, the armies of the tentacle monsters have basically stayed here. Although their members can move freely in the universe, it is impossible for them to stay outside for a long time, so most of them stay in this satellite level. On the fortress," said the commander of the temple, a consul, pointing to the three-dimensional star map.

"According to network intelligence, there are a total of 320 Shenting armed forces staying here. Although its specific structure cannot be determined, the number of consuls is estimated to be no more than six, and the main strength is concentrated in energy."

"By the way," the consul pulled a portrait into the center of the image: "This person is called Lamia, the frontline commander of the God Court, and the elder of the elders of the Peng clan. We must pay more attention to it. According to the analysis, she He should have the same fighting power as the elders of our clan, so this person will be handed over to a few of our consuls."

"Then, the next step is the specific arrangement..."


"The new members have already arrived, and we have just assigned them to each team, but I'm afraid it will take some time to adjust."

On the fortress star, the frightened Lamia is reporting the situation to Kong Hua in detail.

Taking advantage of her inattention, Kong Huan landed on the spaceship at an altitude of [-] kilometers in the Lei Shen Sea to check the situation by himself, which obviously frightened the poor commander who lost a Yinshen level just a few months ago.So right now, she has the attitude that she will use a lot of work to pin down Void on the fortress.

In this regard, the self-knowledgeable emptiness can only accept it helplessly.

"Actually, you don't have to worry about it," Kong Huan argued: "The research results of the technology department have deepened our understanding of Leishen liquid. With the consciousness intensity of my spiritual master consciousness, there is no need to worry about being assimilated by that simple Effect."

"But elder! You are my patriarchal consciousness. What if this situation spreads to the entire race after you are affected?"

"That possibility..."

"Even one in a billion is possible!"

"Feel sorry."

"Okay, as long as you can understand, elder," Lamia sighed, and handed the document in his hand to Kong Huan.

"what is this?"

"The latest intelligence report from the Starry Sky Council is said to be that there are signs of large-scale activities in the army of the Nova Joint Conference on the border, so we hope that we will send some of the Shenting armed forces to the front line to assist. In addition, the Shenting armed forces from the border entry and exit management office of the Freedom Alliance have arrested 21 templars, but nothing was found, and they are being escorted to the double moon star."

"Oh, is there going to be a war again?"

"Who knows..."

Boom! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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