Spore Story

Chapter 1232 Killed by My Imagination

Chapter 1232 Killed by My Imagination

"Is this the void world?"

Although I have the memory of the void world provided by dozens of void walkers, as well as almost all the research materials of the friends on the void world, it is the first time to 'see' the emptiness of this world with my own eyes, and now I am excited. A trace of... blandness?
That seems to be the only way to say it.

Because for Kong Huan, who holds the memories of dozens of voidwalkers, even though he has never been to this world, he actually sees everything in this world with a sense of sight.What's more, relying on those experiences, in order to avoid trouble, he has maintained an extremely calm fluctuation of consciousness after entering, so that the world has not been affected by him at all.

In this way, the void world that the emptiness "sees" is its most real aspect - absolute "nothing".

But before paying attention to these, Kong Huan was attracted by another situation: the moment he entered this world, a feeling of pressure that had lingered all his life suddenly disappeared, suddenly surfaced in his heart.

"It's as if all the depression has disappeared."

"what happend?"

At this time, Kong Huan once again discovered one of the benefits of the void world: since there is only consciousness, and even now he can only feel his own consciousness, without external interference, his thinking clarity is far from that in the system universe That noisy environment can be compared.

Now he even doubts how much he can accept the system universe after experiencing this kind of relaxation and sobriety?

Of course, the wife and children are still there.

In an instant, he also thought of the possible source of that sense of 'relaxation'.

"I'm afraid this place is really a world independent of the system world."

"Because only in this way, once I leave the system universe, I will be isolated from the system. In this void world of 'nothing', unless the system can enter here and connect with my consciousness, it will no longer be able to do anything to me. impact. So, am I feeling relieved?"

This is excellent news, because it proves Pengzu's conjecture about the void world.

And through this, Kong Huan also understood that some things can only be felt by his main consciousness.It is conceivable that with the little profit he gained from entering the void world this time, as long as he successfully returns to the friend clan, it will immediately improve the void research of the entire friend clan by a large margin.

But right now, of course, there is work to be done.

"Let me take a look. I haven't felt the connection of the main consciousness very much, and it's not very clear. Really, if I knew it, I would have exercised more." Although complaining about this, Kong Huan will not continue to waste time: "This world The concept of time does not exist, and the time I perceive is the time that I really flow. Although it is not urgent, but who knows the situation of other people, it is better to find it as soon as possible.”

From the small cell period, Kong Huan can feel that his main consciousness is connected with other consciousnesses of the same kind.

The clearest time is the period of marine life, but since then, as the race set foot on land, the number of members has increased, the scope of control has expanded, and the emergence of self-awareness of race members makes it subconsciously treat these members as an illusion of independent individuals, The feeling of the connection between the consciousness of the members and the main consciousness has been weakened a lot.

Now suddenly to pick up this feeling again, to search for it, I am afraid it will not be easy.

But it's strange, just when he was thinking about connecting the consciousness of those friends floating in the void world, there was an immediate reaction in his consciousness.

"Hey, it went so well?"

He was busy thinking 'they are all around me'.

Although this method is painful no matter how you look at it, it is really effective in the void world.It's a pity that hope and disappointment seem to be inseparable forever, which makes people resentful but helpless.Facing the six groups of consciousness that actually appeared beside him in his imagination, Kong Huan's complacent expression froze.

This is indeed the conscious body of the six groups of friends, but unfortunately, it is already a completely purified conscious body.

To be clear, it is the kind of thing that has completely lost its self-awareness, and it will consciously enter the reincarnation channel without any manipulation when it is thrown into the will space of the planet.

"How is this going?"

The void world is a place where people can be killed by their own imagination.

Based on the experience summed up by the Voidwalkers that emerged in his mind, Kong Huan roughly guessed what happened to these six friends Shenting: I am afraid that after entering this world and breaking away from the consciousness network, they were out of unfamiliarity with the Void world. and fear, and imagined various dangers in the subconscious, and then died in these dangers manifested in the void world, causing self-awareness to dissipate.

"Hey, at least bring you back to reincarnation, that's the only way to go."

Thinking in this way, relying on the huge amount of consciousness and cohesion of being the master consciousness of the spirit god level, under the control of Konghuan, six groups of consciousness bodies surrounded him like satellites.

Without any movement, the illusion once again strengthened the feeling of connection between the main consciousness and the members.

Although only six dead unconscious groups were recovered, at least it proved the role of the main consciousness connection.In this way, his confidence has improved a lot.And because of the spaceless nature of the void world, he didn't think of using conventional methods such as walking to do useless work in the past.


After six hours of consciousness calculation, there are more than 20 unconscious clusters floating around the illusory conscious body.But these gradually increasing unconscious clusters did not make him happy, but made him more worried, because they were all dead friends' conscious clusters.

"How long has passed in their perception? What happened to them?" Kong Huan was a little crazy.

At this moment, another group of conscious feelings came into my mind.

Although there was little hope for it due to the continuous blows, Kong Huan immediately strengthened the connection to this group of consciousness.

The next moment, another group of consciousness appeared in front of him.But it's a pity that this is still a dead mass of unconsciousness, which makes the hope that has not yet risen in the empty fantasy sink again.But at this moment, he suddenly noticed a difference: this unintentional group seemed to be connected to something besides the illusion itself.

As soon as his heart moved, he immediately searched along this connection, and successfully found the existence that was also connected to his main consciousness at the other end of the connection.

Obviously, the opposite is a friend who is still alive, otherwise it would be impossible to maintain the connection with this unconscious group.

Even in the eyes of friends on the opposite side, I am afraid that this consciousness group captured by emptiness is still parked beside him.

"Hurry up and connect!"

After six hours of emptiness in this world where there is nothing but lifeless unconscious mass and empty void, I finally found a friend who is still alive, how can I not be excited.Almost when he realized that there might be a living person on the other side, he connected his perception time with the perception time of the friend on the other side through the unconscious group.

The next moment, the time clock of illusory perception began to distort.

At the same time, a friend appeared in front of him who was running in the void with a face full of horror, but in the eyes of Kong Huan, he couldn't stand still.

He couldn't help shouting.

"Calm down, it's all your illusion!"

"Hey, here, look over here!"

But after doing this kind of useless work for a few seconds, Kong Huan reacted.

Although I see the other party, the other party has not recognized my existence, so I cannot perceive myself.In the illusory 'vision', the friend on the opposite side wields his mind power to attack the void from time to time, and occasionally makes a blocking action, and then there are scenes of being smashed into the air and even vomiting blood. The opponent's one-man show.

"Connection, consciousness connection!"

Constantly connecting with the main consciousness and the unconscious group with the other party as a relay, transmitting the voice of consciousness.

Kong Huan knows that only when he connects with the other party's consciousness can he see what the other party sees, and then rescue the other party.Fortunately, perhaps because this divine court warrior was in a 'battle' and his consciousness was highly tense, he immediately noticed the emotional fluctuations in his consciousness.

At this time, this 'voice' is no different from the sounds of nature to the warriors who think they have encountered life and death scenes.

In the next second, Kong Huan felt a huge threat coming from in front of him.

With the experience of dozens of void walkers, he didn't avoid it, and he didn't care about the ecstatic warriors who suddenly found himself.

With a sneer, he raised his head to look at the invisible and formless monster pounced on him in front of him, and silently said 'so close to the end of the world' in his heart.

Then, a scene that shocked the samurai on the opposite side appeared.The monster that had been chasing him for an unknown amount of time, and even killed his only teammate connected to his consciousness, although fierce as usual, couldn't attack the Elder Void right in front of its mouth.

'It turns out that the strength of the core elders is so strong? 'Shocked, excited, and blessed

And while he was thinking like this, the Elder Void on the opposite side didn't move, he seemed to just blink his eyes, and the roaring monster was continuously compressed amidst the tragic screams, and then turned into a tiny bead, And finally turned into a wisp of green smoke, disappeared without a trace.

"I'm saved," the ecstasy of the rest of my life suddenly flooded my heart.

In fact, Kong Huan really didn't do anything about the monster's death.

Due to the sudden appearance of the illusory, and relying on a phantasy of "the end of the world", a scene that the warrior of the gods could not understand was created.This scene aroused various speculations about the strength of the core elders in the warrior's memory, which in turn led him to think that monsters would never be able to defeat the core elders.

Officially, such an idea directly 'killed' this 'monster'.

In other words, the monster actually died in the 'imagination' of the samurai.

Although this monster was originally born only because of his 'imagination'.

For these, Kong Huan did not explain too much, but after ensuring that the warrior in the court would not have too many chaotic thoughts, he ordered him to immediately close all his consciousness, and then merged into the consciousness network, waiting for Kong Huan to take him away. Lead the meeting to friends.

As for the explanation, let's not talk about the issue of time, this kind of thing is explained in the void world, what if this guy suddenly has an idea to give it a try?
Therefore, even if you want to explain it, you have to wait until you go out.

And out of trust in Kong Huan, the core elder who all the Divine Court armed forces knew, and the favorability bonus brought by the main consciousness, the Divine Court warriors carried out the order without any hesitation.As a result, among the more than 20 unconscious groups beside Kong Huan, there was finally a group of living consciousness bodies that seemed unconscious but a little more glorious.

(End of this chapter)

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