Spore Story

Chapter 1240 Transfer

Chapter 1240 Transfer
"As for the later stage...it's hard to say."

Lingxue sighed, because even with 8051, they couldn't estimate the system's reaction.

If the system responds beyond imagination due to the large-scale immigration of friends in the later period, the price paid by the friends will be astonishing.But at this time, the friends have no way out, so they can only increase their strength as much as possible, weaken the enemy, and distract the system's attention.

"Through the shadows lurking in various places, we have already thrown out the system and the intelligence of the former time traveler alliance after a little modification. After a period of fermentation, these news may make many ambitious high-level civilizations and time traveler civilizations There have been changes in our favour, but this can only be regarded as a second hand."

"In this regard, our requirements are not high, as long as it can distract the system and reduce our pressure."

"Actually, what we lack is time," Darkblood added.

"It's time again. It's only been less than ten years."


Time is something that the elderly friends and core elders present will have a full sense of sight when they hear it.

Thinking back carefully, Pengzu seems to be racing against time since its birth.It is obviously an immortal race, but it is busier than many ordinary races with a lifespan of less than a hundred years. This is unscientific!
In this regard, several people can only express helplessness.

Things are basically determined like this, and all tasks are proceeding in an orderly manner.

Regarding the appearance of the second 'mysterious order', Lingxue and the others could guess that it would definitely appear without any confirmation, so in order to hurry, everyone became extremely busy.However, one month after the meeting, things did not develop as expected by friends.

Except for a few investigations near the borders of the controlled civilizations, the outer universe civilizations neither contacted the friends nor attacked the friends, as if they had forgotten the friends.

"Didn't they receive the system notification?"

"Impossible," 8051 felt a little unconfident.

After all, she is only an auxiliary system, and it used to be, and now it has been decades, and God knows what changes will happen to the system on a whim.But now, due to the contraction of the whole clan, after throwing out all kinds of information that needed to be disseminated a month ago, most of the shadows who were outside have also returned.

Now it is very difficult for the Pengzu to obtain information from the outside world.

"According to the reports of some intelligence personnel who developed in the cosmic civilization, the interior of the Starry Sky Council has been strangely calm recently. On the surface, it seems that all ethnic groups are just focusing on the first order, closing the interior to check out the opposition, and consolidate the rule. The only thing that can be counted as the situation is that the Nova United Conference seems to have held a meeting with the Star Council, but there was no result other than confirming the peace intention."

"Where's the army?" Looking at the shadow chief officer Otonashi in front of him, Lingxue and the others expected relatively obvious information.

"The armies of all ethnic groups on the border with us have not moved, and the mobilization of armies of various ethnic groups in the parliament is just a routine adjustment," Otonashi said, but he mentioned something that made everyone feel that there might be a connection: "I don't know why, the parliament originally The border guards appear to be reorganizing."

"Is it going to be used against us?" Fei Yue put forward her own opinion.

"It's possible," Dark Blood nodded in agreement.

However, Otonashi shook his head.

"According to the intelligence, they are equipped with attack weapons against the Zerg. Everyone knows that the weapons needed to deal with the Zerg and our friends are different. The main requirements for the weapons against the Zerg are range, attack speed and short-range Defensive ability; while dealing with individual races like our friends, weapons should require precision, flexibility, and high attack, which are completely two extremes."

"You said, Zerg appeared again?" 8051 asked suspiciously.

Otonashi nodded.

"The shadow analysis results also think so."

"Why is that?" Lingxue suddenly became a little dizzy: "Isn't the Zerg a weapon controlled by the system? What the system wants to do now is to let all the races deal with our friends, so how can the Zerg appear again at this time?" , so that the various races in the universe cannot attack us with confidence?"

"Could it be a misunderstanding?"


"What I mean is that the system actually sends Zergs to deal with us. But because the various races don't know about it, or even if they know it, they don't dare to trust it. So when the Zergs reappear, they have to temporarily deal with the less aggressive ones. We put it in second place and turned to deal with the bugs?" Chu Xia analyzed.

"Ha, can the system be so stupid?" Several people were a little incredulous.

"I don't think the system will make such an oolong," Chu Xia said, "but the current situation is difficult to explain."


A group of people suddenly fell silent.

But no matter what the situation is, it is a fact that Pengzu has passed another month smoothly.


February 64, 2th year of the Peng family calendar.

This is probably the busiest New Year for my friends. Relocation, relocation, reformation, policy revisions, etc. all enrich my life.

In the early hours of the morning, Yu Control, who was awakened by the alarm clock, smashed the alarm clock without hesitation, and then woke up unsteadily.

He is a friend, an ordinary friend, who does not have a pure energy transformed body, and does not have a god-level level. When he was born, he had not yet completed the national upgrade, so he only had the ghost level, so after going through the national upgrade, and then Completed another chrysalis and became a winged man, and his current strength is only at the advanced soul level.

There are not a few friends like this among the friends.

Just like they sometimes laugh at themselves: "Friends in the eyes of outsiders are all god-level existences after becoming Youshen, who can 'control everything with a single thought' (from some novels that are not friends), and we They are just candidates for friends; in the eyes of the universe, friends are pure energy bodies, 'eternal, indestructible, controllable and omnipotent' (from a part of the public opinion statement of cosmic civilization), and we and those energy bodies are just candidates. "

This sentence is full of the views of ordinary friends.

Of course, this kind of complaint is not without negatives, it is just a kind of ridicule of outsiders' views on friends.

Back to reality, Yukong's behavior of smashing the alarm clock obviously attracted the attention of his family members, and before he finished getting up, the door was knocked.

"Brother, are you okay?"


Even though he answered, the door was still pushed open.

The younger sister, who is six points similar to Yukong, stepped into the boy's private territory carelessly, and quickly glanced at the alarm clock that Yukong threw to the ground, and then covered her head and complained depressedly: "Although the automation factory receives this thing for free, But brother, you should also pay attention to saving."

"Understood, anyway, after migrating to the void world, these things can't be brought there, can't they?" Yu Control replied nonchalantly.

"Really, even though that's the case, there's no certainty when we'll move there," the younger sister complained angrily.

Under the control of her mind, the body of the alarm clock was quickly picked up by the power of her mind and flew around the corridor and into the sorting trash can on the street.Seeing this scene, Yukong just turned his head slightly, stretched his waist like a cover, and walked around the little girl standing at the door to the outside of the house.

"By the way," he asked softly when passing by the door, "When did your pure energy arrangement come?"

"Brother, you finally remembered! It's this afternoon. Speaking of which, we have been in line for a week. Judging by the number, we seem to be the 16th batch." Speaking of this, the younger sister said a little coyly: "That , Brother, because it happens to be this time, the matter of moving..."

"Don't worry, I'm still a friend no matter what, not to mention Yuewu and Jiachen are there to help."

"Brother is the best!"

Immediately happily rushed forward to hug Yukong, who was blocking the door, and rubbed her tender cheeks against Yukong's face to express her excitement. The younger sister turned around and waved to Yukong, then floated directly down the corridor, He hurriedly hummed a passionate tune and rushed out.

In this regard, Yu Control could only shake his head helplessly, and then walked down the stairs peacefully.

However, on the Internet, he still entrusted with a little doting: "Be careful on the road, don't rush to get hit by a car like last time. If this happens again, don't think that I will take you to apologize. "

"Hee hee, don't worry."


When his sister's perception was completely out of the scope of his mental power scanning, he withdrew the released mental power, rubbed his swollen head, went to the kitchen and prepared a simple breakfast for himself, sat in the dining room and slowly Taste slowly while looking out the window at the city.

Since the order to 'transfer the whole people to the second new friend to the fortress star' was issued a month ago, the group of friends has been busy.

First, the migration of animals and plants, which has been carried out earlier, enters the later stage.

Then there is the relocation of people and industrial facilities.

When counting the industrial facilities in the dungeons, industrial areas, and floating islands, Yukong, who was a small administrator in the material management department, witnessed the unimaginable number of facilities accumulated by the friends over the past few decades.It was also this material statistics, which has been only living in a small area of ​​Yukong, and it was the first time to discover how huge the automated factory that provides stable and comfortable life for the members of the Dapeng clan system is.

That is an astonishing statistic.

According to a chief technical officer of Yukong’s department at that time, he said during the chat: “With the scale of these automated factories, they can be placed outside enough to support a rudimentary cosmic civilization with a population of 100 billion. If so, a lot of production capacity can be spared for other production.”

But now, since the newly built second newcomer has a newer production line on the fortress planet, most of these 'old' production lines will be left behind except for a few key ones that will be transferred.

Of course, it is impossible to keep the artificial brain that controls the core, and take it all away.

As for the rest, who will keep it for who knows.

But even so, it took Pengzu a month to transfer the first batch of key scientific research units and core production lines.In comparison, the transfer of personnel is much faster due to the establishment of a complete ecological circle and living facilities on the fortress star. Now, except for a few people like Yukong’s parents who still stay on the double moon star, most of them are Already settled in the second new friend to the fortress star.

"Go out and have a look."

(End of this chapter)

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