Spore Story

Chapter 1250

Chapter 1250
Temilia announced the closure of the family. This news surprised ordinary people, but it was expected by the high-level officials of various clans, but they did not expect it to be so soon.But not long after that, nearly a hundred middle and low-level civilizations appeared in the universe one after another, and they also followed suit and declared that they would seal the clan.

What is this for?
Is family feudalism popular today?
Are they ignoring the economic loss caused by doing so?

But even so, people can still use 'the emergence of the system and the failure of strangling the friends' tribes caused each tribe to worry about itself' to explain it.

However, as the queen of the star elves, Bella saw something different from it.

"Has the friend clan started activities again?"


Liya, who has been involved in government affairs since returning to the clan, trembled slightly when she heard the word 'friend clan', and approached carefully to ask.But regarding this, Bella just sighed depressingly: "Liya, you should be clear that you are first and foremost a star elf, and you are also the future queen of the star elf, and now the princess."

She is now beginning to regret the arrangement of pushing Liya to a friend and studying on an artificial star.

What she did at the beginning was just thinking that she could rely on her friend's ability to open her heart to give this little daughter a pure and beautiful childhood.Fortunately, her daughter has indeed become cheerful and smarter, but on this road, she has gone too far.

"I know, mother," Liya, who knew she was wrong, lowered her head.

"Hey," sighed, the queen just patted Liya on the head, and didn't say anything to blame, but she didn't explain the news of the friends.In her opinion, even if the friend race still exists today, as the public enemy of the universe, their pressure is greater than that of the Zerg race.Liya, who has already started to get in touch with important affairs, will have a clear understanding of this after a long time.


She scanned the report in front of her again, recalling the conjectures in her heart, but she was also worried that things were not that simple.

After a moment of hesitation, she finally made up her mind.


"Yes, mother."

"The Femis river system has been the territory of the former Grand Duke Femis, and was wiped out by the empire due to his rebellion. Of course, its territory was also taken back by the empire. Although you are a little young, you still need a chance to exercise as a royal family. .So in a few days, I will formally confer on you the Fimis River System as a prince, so you should go and exercise too."

"Mother, but I don't want to leave so early."

"Haha, who was it that clamored a few years ago to go to the artificial star to go to school and not to stay?"

"Mother Majesty!"

"Okay, but this time, you can't refuse," the queen, who was in a better mood, patted Liya's head and said, "The Femis River System is located in the Eldore galaxy circle, and it is surrounded by people who support the royal family." Lord, so you don't have to worry about trouble. Moreover, I allow you to take those two little maids and the city of Galdelia with you."

"Can't we discuss it?"

"No," the queen shook her head firmly.


The queen, who was relieved, patted Liya, indicating that she could leave.

Looking at her daughter who reluctantly turned and left, Bella also felt a little hard to let go.But she is very clear that although the flowers placed under heavy protection will grow beautifully and beautifully, it is difficult to withstand the wind and rain. Only when she is personally responsible and contacts the rule that does not care about light and darkness, but only for the benefit of the race I will understand her painstaking efforts now.

"Although it's a bit early, but with the current situation in the universe, how many years of peace can there be?"

"Queen, there is confidential communication access."

"Turn in."


————— Stand in line ————

64 months of the 14th year of the Peng family calendar.

The second New Friends Island Fortress has traveled to the vast universe between the galaxy circle of Eldore and the galaxy circle to which Pumi Garcia belongs. Dozens of jumps are required to complete, but my friend had no such plan.

However, it is in this vast and empty universe that even the gravel cannot be seen, at this moment, nearly one-tenth of the communication connections of the currently known universe civilizations are carried on.

"The communication receiving point is set in an area outside the three space phases, and the connection with the fortress star is through the void gate, so even the system can't find where we are. It's just the invasion of the void gate. Due to the nature of the infection, the start-up time of our communication cannot exceed three hours, otherwise the system will find the infection point and locate it easily."

"Three hours... It's a bit tight, but it's okay, anyway, it's not a one-time decision," Lingxue nodded to show she knew.

This time to contact all ethnic groups, the friend clan was the right choice.

The targets of these choices are either those civilized races that have stayed in advanced civilization for many years and cannot progress, or the races that have been confirmed to have master consciousness or even traverser master consciousness.This ensures that these races will not immediately report to the system or turn to arrest friends under reason.

As for those ordinary middle and low civilizations, although they may be invited, there will be more reliable existences among them than these higher races.

However, they are too weak.

Early morning of the 20th.

The communication place located in the fortress was arranged by friends into a huge international conference center.However, the representatives of various civilizations who showed their images one after another found that everyone except themselves was shrouded in a cloud of fog.After the initial doubts and doubts, most people accepted this confidentiality arrangement.

After all, even though they are enlightened, it would be a good thing for everyone if they could keep their own identity a secret.

At this time, they also had a good impression of the friends who made this arrangement.

After a while, after confirming that everyone in the conference room had basically arrived, Lingxue stepped onto the podium in the conference room.And when she appeared, there was undoubtedly a little confusion in the conference hall.Although these participants knew that they were accepting the invitation of the friends and were moved by the conditions of the friends, there was no doubt that they still had some concerns.

But when Lingxue, who had always existed as the highest authority of the friend clan before the universe fought against the friend clan, appeared, this worry disappeared immediately.

Regarding this, Lingxue just smiled calmly.

"Then, since you have chosen to participate in this meeting, you have already made up your mind. But how about we get straight to the point?" There is not much time, and Lingxue does not intend to waste it, let alone facing such an issue that concerns the entire race and even the entire race. Events beyond the universe, these races don't intend to insult such a meeting with nonsense.

So just as Lingxue thought, all ethnic groups agreed.


A series of data windows appeared in front of the phantoms of representatives of various races, and Lingxue's voice of explanation followed.

"First, let us understand the reality of this universe..."

The system universe, which is the world where existing civilizations exist.

From the perspective of the people living in it, this universe is so stable and reasonable, without flaws.By studying the material composition, physical rules, etc. of this universe, people have obtained the method of using its rules, such as energy conservation, to create wealth and enhance power for their own racial civilization.

People call it science.

Relying on this method, civilization has grown step by step from the original aborigines to an advanced civilization standing on the pinnacle of the universe.

However, as long as the members of the advanced civilization will find that there is still a more detached level of civilization above the advanced civilization, that is the super civilization.However, for tens of thousands of years, apart from vaguely hearing rumors of some super civilizations, why has no one we are familiar with reached that level?
Facing Lingxue's question, all civilizations still waited patiently.

That's not the sign of a good listener.

Thinking with some depression in her heart, Lingxue could only continue explaining.

"Skip the super civilization for now, let's continue to look at this universe..."

The emergence of the system makes everyone understand that this universe is not that simple.

There is no single scientific theory that can explain the existence of the system, or even any knowledge of common civilizations in existence that can explain its existence in the slightest.After experiencing the initial siege of friends, the civilizations who had recovered from their shock began to doubt the existence conditions, significance, causes and consequences of the system, and so on.

However, all they got was confusion.

At this time, all ethnic groups began to flock to the system information distributed by the friend clan before they were besieged.

However, after reading those detailed materials, the civilizations hesitated, hesitated, and feared.But whenever they want to doubt, there are so many things in reality that will prove their authenticity bit by bit.And as a higher civilization, they have mastered many secrets, and they have subconsciously confirmed the authenticity of the friends' information.

Then, after confirming the existence of the system, people have to discuss another issue: the relationship between civilization and the system.

"Toy? Experiment? An insignificant chess piece? Or something... It can't be a son, right?" Such a speech is a bit harsh, but it is the best explanation at this time.

And in this case, it is easy to arouse the indignation of these civilizations.

As a civilization that has developed little by little from the aboriginal period, whether it is those who have master consciousness or representatives of higher civilizations, regardless of the difference in strength, they all have one thing in common: they all have a sense of pride and absolute confidence in their own civilization .

Otherwise, they would not be able to get to this day, let alone be selected to join this meeting.

So they feel anger and fear when faced with plausible negation.

But take it as soon as you see it, Lingxue is also very clear about this.

"Of course, even if the system regards us as these, we can't refute the fact, can't we? Because we have no power, we are even created by it. Even our friends can only continue to flee now, even It is impossible to stand in front of you in person, but to discuss through such communications modulated by various confidential means."

In this way, the friends and civilizations were quickly brought together.

"Then, we wondered, why are we friends? Why are we being systematically hunted down?" Obviously, all civilizations are considering this question, and there is only one guess.

"Void," Lingxue said the answer in everyone's mind: "However, why did this 'void' cause such a big reaction in the system, and then caused all races to be ordered to attack us? We are also puzzled. But with the escape During these days of research on the void, we have gradually discovered something."

Suddenly, everyone's attention was highly concentrated.

(End of this chapter)

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