Spore Story

Chapter 134 The First Sacrifice

Chapter 134 The First Sacrifice

Under the control of Konghuan, the empty consciousness body (now also known as Youshen=.=) floated through the mountain wall little by little, and flew to the altar on the top of the mountain.

The platform on the top of the mountain is only 9*9 in size, because Kong Huan hasn't figured out the weights and measures yet, so it was randomly designated by Kong Huan.

From Kong Huan's point of view, first of all, there must be a stable educational management organization, and then the implementation of other things will get twice the result with half the effort.Therefore, an illusory pursuit of being able to sit but never stand, and lying down but never sitting, really implements one's own philosophy.

Fortunately, for his own laziness, Kong Huan trained the other quack apes very diligently, so that the species of quack ape did not become the protagonist in a certain song.

At this time, Lingyun and the nine captains in the lair were standing in the open space left under the altar on the platform, which seemed to be quite empty, while the other quack apes were standing on the ridge around the platform. The needs of these quack apes.

Lingyun seemingly ordered the nine captains to put the Triceratops skull on the platform, and then put the fat and other flammable parts from all over the Triceratops into the skull, and piled a pile of dry firewood on it.

A strong electric light flashed, and Ling Yun, who was standing by the altar, used the electric shock tentacles to hit the skull on the altar with an electric shock more than one meter long.

A burst of explosive sound came into the ears of the quack apes around, and in just a moment, all the quack apes who had doubts about pupation threw it out of the sky, "Pupation is what we need to do, how can we escape it? !” said a certain quack ape clenched his fist, and at the same time kept looking at the altar lit by the electric shock, waving its tentacles excitedly.

"That's right! I said that Priest Aura must be very powerful, but I'm too tired to sleep with the big boss all the time."

"Ah, is that the reason? I thought it was..."


Ignore Quack Ape's digression again. As a priest, Lingyun must continue to sacrifice, whether it is for himself, for the Oneiroi, or for fun.

Seeing that the flames had completely covered the skull of the Triceratops, hot black and red rays of light emanated from its eye sockets, corners of the mouth, and cracks in the bones, setting off the altar at this time with a strong deterrent force of bloody wildness, the priest Lingyun opened his mouth slightly .

"Worship the Dream God!"

Shocked by this scene, feeling the heat of the flames and the coercion of the giant burning skull... and the strange intimacy in it, they kneeled around the altar according to the order of Lingyun.

At this time, the void floating above the altar clearly felt the fear, emotion, and curiosity of most of the quack apes.But Quack still found that a few quack apes didn't have such emotions, they just had some doubts, curiosity and even expectations.

For example, Lingyun, the priest who often meets the Oneiroi, and the little loli who has also practiced sacrifices many times in dreams, she only has the emotion of anticipation.

"Expectation? What are you expecting?" Gaga expressed puzzlement.

The other quack apes who didn't feel much fear were the captain or the quack apes who were hunting the Triceratops. "Take your time, the majesty of a god is not established in one sacrifice."

What follows is nothing more than some eulogies praising the Oneiroi and promoting the power of the Oneiroi. At an unreal level, there is no need for everyone to look forward to it.But for ordinary quack apes, this kind of catchy eulogy is more popular with quack apes who lack entertainment than sacrificial activities.

"I didn't expect that we still have some talent for writing eulogy, ah ha ha ha."

Seeing the quack apes below are like cults, ah no, they are pious believers repeating their own eulogy over and over again, and I feel like my whole body has become light and light (the consciousness body is floating. =. =), even to the quack ape The emotional influence they sustain also becomes weaker.

"It sounds good to read." A certain quack ape said to his teammates.

"That's right, Priest of Spiritual Rhythm is very powerful. Speaking of which, who is that Oneiroi?" The teammate replied.

"Dream God, Priest of the Spiritual Rhythm said that he is a very powerful god, but what is a god?"

"Aura Priest said that gods are very powerful things, but they still don't understand."

"If you can see it, you should know something."

"That's right. We don't even know what the Oneiroi looks like."

"Yeah... ah, Priest Spirit Rhyme is up."


Seeing that the skull was roughly burned to ashes, Lingyun stood up eagerly, and then looked at the quack apes who got up one after another, the corners of their cute mouths curled up, and their emotions became agitated and excited.

"The sacrifice is over!"

"Now, go build me a house!"

"Um, I'll fall!"

The ignorance of the quack apes below made me somewhat depressed and illusory, but because of Lingyun's sudden excitement, she turned to Little Lolita, just in time to listen to the words of the priest of Lingyun.For a moment, Kong Huan felt his consciousness weighted down, and he fell on the altar like this.

[The system has detected the emergence of mysterious sacrificial activities, and the key point of the road to civilization is mysteriously opened. 】

ritual mystery
Target: The total number of members is higher than 200, the number of groups that have built mysterious altars and accept sacrifices from members (0/100)

"Ah! Another one, um, not bad." Because he was setting a secondary goal that was relatively easy to complete, Kong Huan quickly forgot the dissatisfaction in his heart, floated out of his skull little by little, and floated into the air again. "Since the sacrifice is over, let's go back."

At this time, a Quack ape who was walking behind inadvertently looked back at the altar, but saw the scene where Quack's skull floated out and floated into the air. He decisively and quickly grabbed his teammate beside him and pointed to the altar, "Look, That's a goddamn thing!"

The voice of this quack ape was very loud and full of energy, and instantly attracted the attention of all the quack apes, including Lingyun who had already begun to descend the mountain.

"Big boss! No, it's Dream God?" Recalling Kong Huan's order, when he sees himself floating in the outside world, he should call Dream God. The position in the heart is still beyond doubt.

After a few steps back to the altar, Lingyun stood beside the altar in doubt, and looked at Konghuan floating in mid-air.

"Worship the Dream God!"

According to the previous plan, the effect of Konghuan coming here was only to exert a mental influence on these quack apes, but what he did not expect at all was that after touching the altar, he was discovered by ordinary quack apes at this time.And Lingyun began to greet the quack apes to sacrifice again according to the law.

"What's going on here? Aren't ordinary quack apes unable to see me?"

Suppressing the doubts in his heart, Kong Huan looked around at the quack apes who were looking at him curiously, and immediately let go of his mental power, making all the quack apes feel awe again.

This time everyone has a goal, and the quack apes are obviously much more stable. All the quack apes knelt on the ground in awe, expressing awe at the translucent Oneiroi who has no wings but floats in mid-air, and began to follow the aura Recite the hymn.

Nodding in satisfaction, Kong Huan looked at the quack apes below, exuding his own language fluctuations.

"My children (cover face), get up."

This is not a sound, but a sentence generated directly in the brain, and all the quack apes expressed shock at this hand.

Even if the illusion affects other quack apes' emotional feelings towards themselves, the innate affinity of the main consciousness to the subordinate species can never be eliminated. Before being in the body, this feeling will be affected by the body and produce certain Hidden, but it still makes ordinary quack apes respect quack as the big boss.

At this time, the unrepressed sense of intimacy exuded by the empty illusion made all the quack apes feel a peaceful and warm atmosphere from the empty illusion.

If Kong Huan could understand this feeling, he would find that it was almost the same as the breath he felt when he encountered the strange call during the day.However, Kong Huan didn't notice this at this time, and he thought it was because his emotional influence and consciousness exchange had a very good deterrent effect.

Therefore, Kong Huan looked at the quack apes in awe below, and happily started the first speech of Oneiroi's external world.

However, according to the already messed up plan, Kong Huan is still only exaggerating its own mystery and power. All the ordinary quack apes have nothing to gain except knowing the status level and mystery of the gods.

But only this time, Oneiroi was remembered by the quack apes, remembering the warm sense of intimacy and the exchange of consciousness.

Unavoidably, the mystery decreased due to staying too long, Kong Huan finished his speech, flew up little by little, and finally disappeared into the clouds.At this time, Lingyun looked at the disappearing Konghuan suspiciously, and got up again, muttering something.

"The sacrifice is over." Greeting the quack apes around to get up, Lingyun ran down the mountain impatiently again, "Hurry up and build me a house, Dream God agreed!"


"What's going on? Obviously ordinary quack apes shouldn't be able to see me?"

Hiding in the clouds, looking down secretly, he found that after all the quack apes had left, Kong Huan landed on the altar again.He looked around the altar, but Kong Huan didn't find anything wrong with the altar he knew so well.

"So, is it a problem with the quack apes, or a problem caused by the combined effect of several aspects, meow, do you want to sacrifice and experiment again?"

Looking at the quack apes who started to get busy on the mountainside, after thinking about it for a while, Kong still felt that sacrifices should not be performed too frequently, which would reduce the awe and mystery of the gods for ordinary quack apes.

After carefully inspecting the altar again, and using mental power and consciousness to sense separately but still getting nothing, Quack began to float down the mountain.

For the experiment, Kong Huan cautiously approached the quack apes on the hillside path to observe their reactions, but found that everything was back to normal at this time, and none of the quack apes could see him.

"Can I only be seen on the altar?"

Keeping the doubts in his heart, Kong Huan returned to his body.

Then, Quack opened those confused eyes, and released a huge spiritual force to sense the entire mountain range and the quack apes on it who were urged by the aura to build houses.

Suddenly, Kong Huan's heart moved, and he turned his head to look behind him.

"Wake up!"

(End of this chapter)

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