Spore Story

Chapter 146 Flame Dancing

Chapter 146 Flame Dancing

"Meow! Even if I'm the big boss, dream god and main consciousness, I don't have to be so enthusiastic!"

Kong Huan, who was flying far away, discovered the signs of the forest fire before the scythe, and Kong Huan, who still had a fresh memory of the last fire, was not interested in experiencing it again.

"Water...damn! There is no container; sediment... meow! It's still a container..." Although he really wanted to sprint towards the fire point, Kong Huan quickly realized his predicament, "Damn it, I'm the body of Youshen, I can't touch it. Touch the material world!"

At this time, he found the scythe flying out.

"The fire must be extinguished quickly!" The war scythe ignored the strange creature that was coming, and in a hurry, it hovered and landed on the rock. A strong electric current hit the rock, and the explosion woke up all the quack apes.At this time, the war scythe had already jumped out of the rock, and when it was still more than ten meters high, it folded its wings and smashed to the ground.

Resisting the pain in his hands and feet, Zhan Scythe stretched out the longest wings of his body and swept towards the fire, ignoring the temperature of the fire and drove it to his body.

"Ah! Bastard, why me!" While screaming, War Scythe rolled up a stone with its tentacles and threw it at the fire, but the speed of extinguishing the fire was too slow.And this method is the experience that Xiangwing Quacking Ape gained from once the fire burning down the mountain was rolled down and smashed by the stones brought out by Quacking Ape running on the mountain.

"Idiot! Leave the fire in the open! Tree! The tree is on fire!" The war scythe, who was anxiously trying to extinguish the flames, was stunned by the words that suddenly appeared in his mind.But he quickly looked up to the original location of the fire, where a small tree was already burning.

"This..." Feeling the high temperature coming from the pavement far away from a wing, Zhansi stopped in fear.Seeing this situation, Kong Huan became even more anxious, now if only one tree was burning to extinguish the flames, then the fire would spread to more trees, even the light rain in autumn would be helpless.

"Go and knock down the tree and drag it to the open area! Only then can the fire be controlled! Quick!" Kong Huan was never angry at the void consciousness like this, and for this reason, he had to order a flying-wing quack ape to rush towards the burning tree .

"Extinguish the fire! Extinguish the fire! The fire must be controlled!" Gradually firming his belief in his heart, the war scythe spread his wings and rushed to the small tree, then stretched out his fist and punched the hot tree trunk, The wings on the back blocked the path of the small tree burning sparks spreading to the woods behind.

With a creak, the blazing young tree was finally knocked down on the fire below, but the wings of the scythe were already broken.

"Drag away." The little tree was completely on fire. If it stayed here, even if it was blocked by the scythe, it would not be able to control the fire for a long time.At this time, only the scythe with the idea of ​​"controlling the fire" was left in the brain, and as soon as it received the command from Void, it immediately swung its thick tentacles around the broken tree trunk, and flapped its wings intending to fly to the open land before.But the already damaged wings were broken under one leaf, and could no longer provide lift.

"Drag away... go."

The pain numbs the nerves, and the only thing left in his heart is the belief of controlling the fire. He stepped forward with both feet, and walked step by step towards the open ground as the fire spread to the body along the tentacles.

"I can bring you back to life even if you're burned to death!" Seeing the scythe slowly being engulfed in flames, Kong Huan began to control his mental power to surround the flaming scythe. "Meow, why does it feel so hypocritical."

"What a pity." The pain of scalding interfered with the action of War Scythe, but the semi-conscious War Scythe just screamed miserably while carrying out its own actions.

The small tree was dragged away, but Kong Huan soon discovered that the branches of the big tree were still on fire.

At this time, a black shadow fell from a high altitude, smashed several burning branches and fell to the ground, and then, the tentacles of the war hammer that revealed the figure rolled up, and threw these dangerous fire sources into the open place, and then the painful Looking at the scythe that finally stopped.

Before he had time to rejoice, Kong Huan turned his head to look at the scythe whose whole body was already on fire. At this time, the burning tree trunk under his feet had completely left the danger zone.

Commanding the war scythe to stop and dodge, Kong Huan found helplessly that the current fire had completely swallowed the war scythe, and the semi-comatose war scythe could no longer accept Kong Huan's orders.

"Hey~" Wrapping all the spiritual power that Youshen can control now around the war scythe, the illusion floated to the side of the war hammer who was anxious outside and didn't know what to do.

"Boss, the scythe..."

"Is it the scythe? Don't worry, the scythe will continue to live."

Waving his hand to stop Warhammer from asking questions, Kong Huan looked at the scythe wrapped in flames, his heart still heavy. Even if he kept the consciousness of the dead, without his body, he could no longer be considered a living thing.

Suddenly, the scythe spread out its flame wings that were burning with a strange blue light, stretched out for more than ten meters and retracted instantly, and the whole body of the scythe fell to the ground amidst the fearful eyes of the quack apes around it.

After letting the warhammer drive all the quack apes away from a certain distance, and using sand to extinguish all the fires, the empty fantasy that had never expected to encounter such a thing when he came here floated beside the still burning war scythe.

Then, he felt the ghost of the war scythe break away from the shackles of the body little by little, and gathered at the top of his head to form a small consciousness body, and then, this consciousness body was completely wrapped and protected by the illusory spiritual power.

"Go to space and rest."

Yinhun approached the illusory Youshen little by little, and suddenly, emptiness paused.Now that I don't have a body, can my consciousness be brought back to space?

turn out……


"Why is this happening!" Kong Huan looked at the ghost floating in front of his eyes in confusion, the other party couldn't enter his own ghost, and the ghost, who couldn't touch all objects, was able to grab this undulating ghost with his hands.

"Big boss! What is this?" Xiangyi Quackape could see the ghost spirit of Konghuan. At first, Konghuan thought it was because of his higher level of consciousness, but judging from the reactions of Warhammer and the Xiangyi Quackapes nearby, at least They can see the consciousness of the same race at the ghost level and above.

"This is a war scythe." Before he had time to explain to the Xiangyi Quack apes, Kong Huan only said one sentence, and then began to think of a solution.

Immediately returning to the lair of the karst cave and merging one's ghost consciousness back into the body should be the best choice at present, but it is already close to the early morning, and it is already morning to rush back from here, and during the time of integration into the body, the war scythe that loses the protection of spiritual power What will happen to the shade?
"Or, keep protecting it like this until midnight tomorrow night, and I will receive it physically?" There is only one feasible method for now, Kong Huan wraps the Yin God of the war scythe with spiritual power and grasps it in his hand.

Looking at the flying-wing quack apes who looked at Kong Huan and the ghost of the war scythe in his hand with suspicion and a little fear, Kong Huan glanced around and called out the leader Warhammer who still had a little memory.

"I'm in a hurry to bring back the ghost of War Scythe, so I'll make a long story short. You choose one of the flying-wing quack apes who has a quick mind, and let him go back with me. As for these fires, remember to dig a shallow pit first, and then put it on. Light dry wood, and never under a tree again... just light it in the open, you know?"

"Oh... big boss, this... this ghost?"

"Go and choose according to what I said first, and talk about the others later!" This kind of thing happened just now, and Kong Huan was not in the mood to explain too much.After the bewildered Warhammer picked out a frightened flying-wing quack ape, Kong Huan directly ordered the opponent to follow, then turned around and flew towards the lair of the cave.

Ghosts are at the second level in the hierarchy set by emptiness according to the changes in the contrast between consciousness and spirit.According to the illusory idea, ghosts are fine at night, and they can stay for a few hours during the day.

Kong Huan, who was a little calmer at this time, looked at the sky that hadn't started to shine, stopped at a mountain peak, and then weakened the protection against Zhansi Yinhun little by little.

Nervously looking at the ghost who was released by him little by little, it depends on this time whether his guess is correct.

When Kong Huan completely dissipated his mental power, the ghost of Zhan Sickle floated in front of Kong Huan without any protection.

"Big...big boss, that..."

"Don't talk, just watch." He waved his hand to stop the Xiangyi Quackape beside him, and Kong Huan focused on the ghost in front of him.

no response?

The ghost of War Scythe didn't react as if it was out of control, it neither disappeared nor moved, just a small ball floating in front of Konghuan.

"What's the matter?" Curiously, he circled around the other party, and Kong Huan touched him with mental strength, but there was still no movement.

Thinking of the previous induction to the same race, Kong Huan simply let go of all his mental power to sense the ghosts.


It was still a peaceful fluctuation, like a quack ape who was sleeping soundly without even dreaming.

"Could it be that the conscious bodies that appear after death are all sleeping?" Looking at the other party's reaction in confusion, the Xiangyi Quackape next to him guarded the side without daring to breathe, watching Kong Huan and the other party nervously. Said war scythe.

But is such a group really a war scythe?The war scythe was obviously ignited by the fire, so it was all over the body?Moreover, how did the war scythe become such a small group?
Suddenly, the war sickle consciousness began to fluctuate violently without warning, and then decreased rapidly. Although the speed was lower than the ghost reduction speed during the day, it was much higher than the ghost ghost reduction speed that Kong Huan expected.

"Damn it! How so fast!" As soon as he noticed the movement, Kong Huan immediately began to control his mental power, and then enveloped the ghost of the war scythe.

But when the ghost of the war scythe completely stopped reducing, it had already weakened a circle.Immediately calculate the reduction speed, and after a while, Konghuan updated his calculation data.According to the data at this time, the ghost who was previously set as a worry-free night by the illusion should only exist for more than an hour.And in this way, the ghosts during the day may only exist for more than ten minutes, which is only a little better than ghosts.

"Why is the gap so big?"

"Does the stability increase geometrically as the level increases?"

After such a situation, Kong Huan didn't dare to let go of his mental power anymore, but just as Kong Huan was about to continue on his way, the ghost wrapped in Kong Huan's mental power fluctuated again...


But reality does not change with illusory will, just a few seconds of brief fluctuations, the ghost of the war scythe suddenly trembled like a burning flame, and then it began to expand and expand again...

Gradually, the silhouette of a soaring-wing quack ape appeared.

But amidst Kong Huan and the stunned expression of Xiangyi Quackape behind him, this silhouette was finally finalized into the shape of seven parts of flame and three parts of Xiangyi Quackape.

Spread out a pair of wide wings as if breaking out of a cocoon, but this time the wings are five-meter-wide flame flying wings burning with light blue flames. In the burning head of the war scythe, there is a pair of light blue wings His eyes slowly opened, and then he turned his suspicious gaze to Xiangyi Quackape, and finally turned to Konghuan.

(End of this chapter)

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