Spore Story

Chapter 152 is an experiment

Chapter 152 is an experiment

At one end of the road paved with stone slabs, on the opposite side of the road from the quarry, a group of apes are kicking and punching their clay, so happy...

"Tell me, this... clay. Is there any hatred between the big boss and clay? Everyone has been fighting for a long time." A quack ape recharged his energy depressedly, bent down and punched clay on the ground, but the heavy fist had already I can no longer punch to the end like the beginning.

Feeling the thick and sticky feeling of the clay on the ground, the companion next to him took a lot of effort to take the clay out of the ground and knead it into a ball, then turned to look at the quack ape who was also struggling, shook his head and said: " What the big boss said yesterday seemed to be about the hollowness in the clay, and it can only be reduced by smashing it like this."

The quack apes didn't understand the orders of the big boss, but the flying quack apes were a little better.

"After smashing it all morning, it seems to be getting stickier and tighter. Is this what the big boss said to reduce air bubbles and cavities?"

From the changes in the clay's consistency from morning to now, the flying-wing quack apes found that the results of the morning have become more and more vigorous.Under such circumstances, the clay on the ground has long been sticky and thick under the successive powerful punches, and even cracks appeared on the stone slab below.

"Stop!" Looking at the gravel splashed by another flying-wing Quack ape, Quack stopped the movements of the apes speechlessly.

It's not that the quack apes are tired, but that these guys are too energetic, and now they are even starting to use electric current to stimulate the afterburner to beat.

The reason why he called to stop was that Gaga didn't want to have a few rock fragments embedded in the pottery that he had painstakingly fired later.And more importantly, the clay seems to be suitable.

"This should be enough." Walking to the side of the temporary dinosaur skin pond, Quack grabbed a piece of clay that had been ravaged by the flying wing Quack ape all morning, squeezed it hard, and nodded in satisfaction. "That's right, maybe even the molecules will squeeze in after a long time."

"Molecular?" All the apes expressed their ignorance.

"It's nothing, come here and watch my clay take shape." Waving his hands, he pulled all the apes over to form a pile. As a member of the onlookers, Quack showed no signs of timidity. This kind of scene could no longer scare Quack.

"Because it's too tight, now I need some water to soften the clay." After washing his hands in the pond, and then sprinkled water on the surface of the clay, Gaga began to explain the details step by step...

Under the curious eyes of the apes, dozens of balls of clay were made into hundreds of pieces of pottery, and the main shapes are: saucer, cylindrical cup, wide mouth bowl, small pot and altar.

For experimental reasons, Gaga set pottery with different sizes and thicknesses for various shapes, and then piled them up in different categories to dry in the shade.

Near the time of dinner, the first batch of more than 20 pieces of shaped clay were sorted and put into three pottery kilns, and then the fires were lit separately.

After that, the second batch and the third batch were put into the remaining dozen pottery kilns after dinner and the next morning.

At night, the hut of the aura priest.

Outside, the chill of the strong wind blew across the ground, and inside the bedroom was lit by the flames of the fireplace.

Secretly touching the shaped clay piled outside her house with soft tentacles, Lingyun turned her eyes and turned her bright sight to Quack by the fireplace. "Big leader, why don't you put these together today?" There are still more than a dozen stone frames left in the pottery kiln, but the big leader still puts more than a dozen pieces of shaped clay into the kiln. Went to Xiao Lingyun's house to blow some air.

"It's nothing. Since it's an experiment, the pottery kiln should also be tested. And these dozen or so are all experimental products with great differences. By the way, have you done it?"

"What... oh." Faced with Quack's sudden question, Lingyun's tentacles flicked wildly.

Immediately withdrew the tentacles that he had just stretched towards the clay, thinking that the big leader was dissatisfied with his casual touch of the clay, Lingyun sat in front of Gaga obediently, recalled the previous feeling, nodded and replied: "It should be done , there is no feeling of water."

"Okay then, go and bring over the dozen or so pieces. I'll bake them directly in the fireplace, and be careful not to damage them."

Realizing that she wasn't dissatisfied with her fiddling with the clay, Lingyun immediately resumed her petite little loli attitude, put her hands on her hips, waved her tentacles and called out a few quack apes from the same team, and then directed them to act while herself Extends a tentacle and grabs a small plate towards the fireplace.

At this time, a cool wind came from the gate, and a few little quack apes suddenly ran in from outside and rampaged, seemingly playing the chase and dodge game popularized by quack.

"Don't run around!" Being dizzy from being shaken by a few little guys, Lingyun showed her masculinity, holding the plate in the tentacles with both hands, and then stretched out the tentacles one by one, quacking several teenagers who had reached the same height as Lingyun. The ape lifted it up, which shows the strength of Xiangyi Quackape.

Since the foundation of the Lingyun house has already been laid, Lingxue also divided into two teams in order to reduce the burden on the cave while building the foundation, with the help of the Lingyun team, a bunch of little quack apes and apprentice priests , One of the outbuildings was built outside the priest's house: the collective dormitory for the juvenile quack apes.

In Gaga's view, this is a collection of kindergarten + school + dormitory.

This dormitory is connected with the priest's house, and a small yard is enclosed in the middle.

The dormitory is less than ten meters wide and tens of meters long. It is concave and has three fireplaces inside.Even if the number of juvenile quack apes increases in the future, we can continue to build a few more such dormitories next to the priest's house. Anyway, the roads and open spaces around the priest's house are reserved.

With the proficiency of the three quack ape teams in the quarry, the production speed of large-scale stone bricks also began to increase steadily. Therefore, it only took more than six days to complete the dormitory attached to the priest's house. Quack Ape's residence is also convenient for the management of the priest team.

And the little quack apes who just moved in today are still excited about novelty at this time, and they are still running around in the middle of the night.

The lightning flowing in the smooth tentacles and Lingyun's serious expression made the boys and girls caught by Lingyun feel uncomfortable when they were playing a chasing game. Turning his head to look at it, or simply closing his eyes and waiting to be dealt with, but there was no movement.

Seeing the movements of the little quack apes, Quack frowned slightly and then quickly stretched them out, looking at Lingyun with a playful face, "Lingyun's prestige among these little guys is really high, worthy of being the king of children."

Carefully opened his eyes to look at Lingyun, and found that there was no next move, a young man opened his mouth to speak.

"Lingyun, let the little ones go to bed quickly, go to bed early at night, and don't run around, or you won't be allowed to have breakfast tomorrow." At this time, the voice of rattling came, stopping the boy from following up.

"Oh," handing the plate in his hand to Quack, Lingyun put a few good-looking little guys on the ground, then shook the sore tentacles, and looked at the little guys angrily, "Still stunned What are you doing! Go back to sleep for me, and ask those guys inside to sleep for me obediently, and I will come to check the bed later! If..."


"Check bed? When did I teach the word Xiao Lingyun?" Putting the food in his hand aside, Gaga turned his gaze to Lingyun.

At this moment, after obediently listening to the little Lingyun's lecture, the little guys finally turned around and fled the scene quickly as if they were being pardoned, but Lingyun followed secretly to look at the door, then quietly walked to the window, opened the cover Dinosaur skin, a gust of cold air suddenly invaded the house.

"It's so cold." Several quack apes in the house suddenly looked at Lingyun complaining, wrapped their clothes around their bodies, and moved a little closer to the fireplace.

Not noticing the expressions of the apes in the room, Lingyun nodded and put down the dinosaur skin curtains after observing the little quack ape dormitory through the window. After a while, the heat permeated the entire bedroom again.

"Are you all asleep?" Seeing Lingyun's previous actions, Gaga roughly knew the result.I saw him reaching out to put the shaped clay in his hand into the fireplace, and then waved his hand to call the aura in the nodding over.

Putting a dozen small pieces of shaped clay into the large fireplace, Gaga put another piece of dry wood to make the flames warmer, and turned to the aura team who had begun to rest.

Judging from the scene at this time, one man (quack=.=) and eight women (spiritual team=.=) are in the same room, "This is our dream."

Rolling his eyes to look at the apes, Quack still let go of his thoughts depressedly, "Hey, there is no sex interest now."

The main purpose of this evening is to use the fireplace to bake pottery, to test whether it can be successful.Although you can also go to the dormitory of the little quack ape, but it is spacious here, and there is a Lingyun team to help you, so why not pinch it.As for other magical reasons, they are all floating clouds.

Shaking his head, he looked at the aura team who looked very beautiful under the multiple influences of Quack's ape body and illusory psychology. He casually handed a piece of dry wood into the fireplace, and then nodded to the stubborn but stubborn Ling Yun, who was sitting beside her, said, "Go to sleep, I can only watch these things."

"Oh." Opening her confused eyes, Lingyun looked at Quack, then at the burning fireplace, nodded obediently and fell backwards, wrapping her wings on the floor, and finally lay on her stomach thatch bed.


"Why are you so lazy." Shifting his position, blocking the light from the fireplace, Quack didn't realize it at all, and didn't know that Lingyun's trick was just learned from the big leader, Gaga, the so-called improper posture The lower beam is crooked.

Shaking his head and looking at the aura that had begun to emit sleep fluctuations, recalling that he has been busy since he became an official priest, and had no time to surround himself with the aura, he stopped trying to preach her indecent movements, sighed With a sound, he turned his head to look at the fireplace, and turned the pottery that had been baked on one side one by one to make it evenly baked.

"Lingyun, Lingxue, and Chuqin are all very busy these days." Suddenly, he was taken aback, and with a wry smile, he shook his head and looked at his callused hands and some withered tentacles, "It seems that the body is a little old , and... very tired."

PS: Continue to exercise our writing skills... Ga=w=
(End of this chapter)

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