Spore Story

Chapter 158 Where is Home

Chapter 158 Where is Home
"What! Like that kind of four-winged pterosaur, there have been a lot of calcium carbide mines recently!"

Ga Ga suddenly put down the barbecue in his hand, looked at the stone tree, then turned to stare at Shi Yu with a natural expression.

"Yes." Knowing that Gaga was confirming to himself, although he was troubled by the four-winged pterosaur, Shi Yu was even more surprised by the big boss's reaction. "Is it necessary to be so strong? They are just sneak attacking guys."

But since the big boss asked, he still had to answer sincerely: "Shortly after the quack apes from the eastern lair and northern lair came back, the four-winged pterosaurs began to wander around the calcium carbide mine. We thought..."

With Shi Yu's narration, Gaga learned about the scene at that time.

When an understaffed quack ape team went out to chase a dinosaur, they were used to keeping an eye on the sky at all times to prevent pterodactyl attacks, and they discovered the existence of four pterosaurs early on.But because of their usual experience in dealing with pterodactyls, they all used their tentacles to grab the stones while continuing to chase their prey.

At this time, they found that the four-winged pterosaur suddenly raised its height, and then fell downward.

The swooping posture was very similar to that of a pterodactyl, so the quack apes immediately stopped hunting and spread out in all directions, approaching the nearest tall tree, aiming at the target and throwing stones in their hands.

But who knew that the stone that could have blocked the pterodactyl was easily dodged by the opponent, and the quack apes only felt a flash in front of their eyes, and the opponent suddenly made an agile rotation just before touching the ground, and hid one of them under the tree. The quack ape, who thought it was safe and sound, caught it.

Since their companions were in the hands of each other, the quack apes became wary of throwing rats, and no longer threw stones at the four-winged pterosaurs that had slowed down, so they had to roar eagerly on the ground to deter them.

In the eyes of the quack ape below, the captured quack ape followed the normal procedure and released a burst of strong electric current at the same time it was caught, even turning the light blue blood from the wound into mist.But the four-winged pterosaur did not loosen its grasp as expected, but stimulated the muscles with the help of weakened electric current, and then suddenly raised the height, and the claws holding the Quack ape became even tighter, and the fingertips were deep. Embedded in that quack ape's shoulder.

The quack apes who had no other choice could only watch each other being dragged high into the sky by the four-winged pterosaur amidst the screams of their companions, and then disappeared into the sky.

This attack did not attract the attention of Warhammer and other apes, but soon after, more and more quack ape teams began to be attacked, and one attack even happened not far from the calcium carbide mine.

Although the four-winged pterosaur that attacked that time was chased away by several flying-wing quack apes in the calcium carbide mine, the injured quack apes eventually died of serious injuries.

Since then, more and more four-winged pterosaurs have begun to wander around the calcium carbide mine, attacking the outgoing team and the stray quack ape, and they also fought several times with the flying-wing quack ape, each winning or losing but dying Not many.

And this is one of the reasons why Warhammer sent the flying-wing quack ape to protect the returning female quack ape.


Originally, he had just seen a four-winged pterosaur, and Gaga didn't have any other opinions except for the novelty of the opponent's four-winged flexible mode.After all, when two four-winged pterosaurs faced off against a flying-wing quack ape, they escaped with an injury;

But if you think about it carefully, the two four-winged pterosaurs seem to be holding back Shi Yu, creating opportunities for the other four-winged pterosaur to hunt; while the other pterosaur did not notice the approaching Chu at high speed because it was completely focused on its prey. Jie, coupled with a little bit of negative character, this is why Chu Jie will give him one move to defeat the enemy.

Thinking of this, Gaga burst into a cold sweat.

"Lian Gu, Lian Yun, go and bring me back the body of the four-winged pterosaur." As if remembering something, Gaga really wanted to see the body structure of the four-winged pterosaur.

When Chu Jie wiped out the four-winged pterosaur yesterday, Ga Ga also got the hunting mission started by the four-winged pterosaur.

Blackhand level, but apart from 80 evolution points, there is not even a component reward.

In this case, based on Gaga's current cognition, he can only think that the other party's components do not have components that are not available in his own component library.But now, Gaga really wanted to see the other party's body to confirm his own thoughts.

But Ga Ga knew that this was basically impossible, let alone the shattered body of the four-winged pterosaur, only that the body of the other party was left there for a day and a night, and now it is good to find a few bones.

"Boss, there are only a few bones left." Amidst the banging sound, several broken hollow bones were thrown in front of Gaga. The shape of the fracture made Gaga easily think of the grief of the four-winged pterosaur at that time.

"..." This speed is really fast, Quack couldn't help but look at the two apes.

"There are only a few bones left, not even a shred of meat. These hateful scavengers, big boss, do you want to add scavengers to the hunting list?"

"No need!" Gaga could only silently shake his head to refuse the proposal to these two guys.

In order to maintain the ecological balance of the surrounding environment, Gaga has done a lot of work.Like this hunting list, there are several dinosaurs selected by Gaga with large numbers, good meat quality and fast reproduction.

In fact, Quack promoted the most advanced complete ecological breeding in ancient society, but no ape could understand it.

Judging from Shi Yu's indifferent expression, the threat of calcium carbide mines doesn't seem to be critical, but Gaga still plans to use Youshen to take a look one day.The acceleration of the priest's plan now seems to be a top priority.

"How can I speed up the priest's plan?" Quack touched his chin, but didn't see anything from the bones, got up and left the house of the apprentices, and walked towards the priest's house where the Quack team was located.

During this period of time, Gaga and her team have been guests in the houses of Lingxue and Lingyun. According to the plan, Gaga will not start building a house that is slightly smaller than the sacrificial house until the [-] team-level houses in the first phase are completed. The larger shrine serves as housing for Gaga's squad and apprentice priests.

But at this time, what Quack was thinking about was still the problem of speeding up the priest's plan.

The priest's plan has already been set up, and it only needs to be done step by step. Even if the four-winged pterosaur or even the epic creature will have no problems, the problem now is that the four-winged pterosaur came early, so in order to deal with it, the priest The plan also needs to be completed earlier.

Now the first step is to teach a few apprentice priests. Lingyun is in charge during the day, and Quack has nothing to do; but at night, the education is in charge of Oneiroi, and Quack feels a slight prospect of speeding up.

Q: Where does Oneiroi teach?The answer: Dreamland.

The Oneiroi enters the other party's dream after the other party has a dream, through consciousness coherence.

Every time after Quack's consciousness leaves the body, he will stand by a few apprentices, and when someone starts to dream, he will enter the other's dream to teach.And after finishing a lesson, Kong Huan exited the dream again, waiting for the next apprentice to dream.

But dreams are not something you just do. If any apprentice sleeps very well for several days in a row and doesn't dream at all, then Kong Huan, who bears the name of Oneiroi, will be depressed: "We don't even have classrooms." , how do you talk about it in class?"

So, Quack remembered what a great man said: If there are no conditions, even if conditions are created, we will still be able to do so.

"Yes, why not take the initiative to induce them to dream?"

Well, that's it.

While lying between Lingyun and Chuqin, Quaga tossed and turned restlessly, satisfying his dream of being a dreamer; at the same time, he was thinking about how to induce other individuals to dream, so that he, the dream god, could come to the door.

Gradually, he felt his consciousness sinking a little bit...

A world of nothingness.

"Where is this place?" Looking around in doubt, the almost endless dark years of the small cells made Kong Huan adapt to this kind of space, but when Kong Huan intends to use his mental power, he finds... he can't feel it anymore!


No, it's doubt: "Didn't I think about the problem before?"

"Well... Let me think about it, first I lay on the bed, then I started to think about the problem, then Lingyun turned over and covered me with wings, and then I rolled towards Chuqin when I felt uncomfortable... Ah, it turns out It's a dream."

Looking around suddenly, Kong Huan felt a little doubt, "Do dreamers know that they are dreaming?"

Although he added the title of "Oneiroi" to himself, but the title doesn't mean anything, Kong Huan doesn't think that he can be called a god.

"Then what do you think God is?"

"Of course God is omnipotent...who!" The sudden voice startled Kong Huan, but what surprised him even more was that he felt a little familiar in this voice, as if... himself?
You know, the perception of increased mental power has made Kong Huan accustomed to controlling everything around him, and even the lack of mental power at this time is because he came up with the excuse of a dream.

"who are you?"

"who are you?"

"Of course I'm Kong Huan." As if an unhappy answer would turn him into another person, Kong Huan quickly sent his answer.

"Really? This is your answer. Who is Kong Huan?" There seemed to be a hint of disappointment in the voice, and even Kong Huan could hear it.


"Hehe," the inexplicable sneer made Kong Huan feel a burst of cold sweat on his back, "Where is your home?"

"It's been so long, who still remembers." It's been billions of years since this double-moon star, who still remembers what happened on Earth, the illusory and depressing voice filled the void world.

"Hey..." After the voice sighed, it fell silent, as if it had never appeared before.

"Damn! How do you get out of here?" Looking at the nothingness around... "Huh? This is it!"

Just when Kong Hua yelled, the empty space seemed to have never existed, just like that strange voice came and went inexplicably and wonderfully.

At this time, Kong Huan was already in a starry space, but what appeared in front of Kong Huan were two blue planets that did not follow the laws of physics and were less than one-third of the distance apart.

One of them is surrounded by two satellites; the other planet has only one.

Suddenly, the scenery in front of him flickered, and Kong Huan felt his body heavy, and his speed continued to climb towards the space between the two planets.


"Ah-ah?" Looking around suspiciously, what appeared in front of Gaga was the fireplace whose flame had been reduced to nearly extinguished.

Removing Lingyun's wings, Quack got up from the thatched bed, pinched his face, and felt a bit of pain: "It seems that it is not a dream."

Passing a piece of dry wood into the fireplace, he straightened his clothes and walked towards the window empty.

Outside the window, there is still a starry sky and the double moon that is round and waning.

"There seems to be only one moon on the earth, and my memory...is blurred."

"Where is my home?"

(End of this chapter)

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