Spore Story

Chapter 161 Is it confinement

Chapter 161 Is it confinement
PS: Continue to combine the two chapters into one, members of the Gashan tribe who are driven by emptiness, collectively ask for votes, =w=
Speaking of it, it was too tragic to click, so we wondered if we should just have more than [-] chapters a day, and said it painfully.

【far eye】

Thanks to Airfish for the monthly ticket =w=
"Are you all here?" Sitting on the stone chair inside the temple, Gaga looked at Lingyun Lingxue in front of him in high spirits.

"Boss, all are here. Including my priest team, Lingxue's leader team, nine official priests, big leader your Gaga team, and the remaining 89 teams, and finally three old apes, [-] people The juvenile ape and the four children are all quite a few." Seeing Lingyun looking at her, Lingxue reported the number of members who had been checked in the square outside to Quack on the stone chair after careful checking.

"Very good, then, let's start the sacrifice as planned." After speaking, Ga Ga nodded to Ling Yun and closed his eyes, and then his consciousness began to leave his body.

A few steps to the entrance of the temple, due to the large number of apes, it is impossible to let all the apes enter the temple.Therefore, the function of the square outside the temple was displayed in this way, and just now inside the temple, there were only three apes, the big leader, the Lingxue leader, and Lingyun himself.

Standing on the steps of the temple, Lingyun looked at the curious fellows below.

Then, with a solemn expression, she used her growing mental power to envelop the quack apes in a small area, and the consciousness communication learned from the Oneiroi began to be displayed in front of the quack apes. Soon, the aura was light and slightly With a young voice, spread in the square.

"Prepare for the Oneiroi Priest, all official priests move forward and enter the temple..."

Suddenly receiving Lingyun's order in their minds, all the official priests looked at Lingyun who was more than ten meters away from their side in shock.

When did her mental power become so strong?In the past, although the spiritual power level of the aura priests was very high, it was due to the difference in skills, and the total amount was not much higher than that of the priests themselves.

Is it...

Thought that the official priest had thought of a possibility, but felt a little amused by his fantasy.Shaking his head, he quickly dismissed the thought.

No matter how you think about it, as a priest of the Oneiroi, respect for the Oneiroi comes first.Lingyun is the host of the priest at this time, and her orders represent the instructions of the Oneiroi. Thinking of this, all the official priests who were still standing still hurriedly got up and walked towards the temple one after another.

"Squad Quack, bring the three old apes into the temple..."

The status of Gaga Squad is second only to the big leader, at the same level as the leader, and among the priests, the status is slightly higher than that of ordinary priests.

At this time, after receiving Lingyun's conscious command, although Chu Qin and the other apes lamented Lingyun's level of spiritual power, they still quickly accepted this reality out of their trust in the Oneiroi as always.

He stepped forward to help the three old apes who were trembling and could barely move.A group of flying-wing quack apes walked towards the temple with the support of the three quack apes.

The rest of the quack apes looked at the three old apes enviously. The status difference between the Xiangyi quack ape and the quack ape was not only the setting of the quack, but also the difference in wisdom and strength. The ape took him into the temple, which was already beyond reach for the quack apes.

Without turning his head, Lingyun already noticed that the inside of the temple was basically full, which was mainly due to the influence of the wings of the flying wing quack ape.Seeing this situation, Lingyun's voice came to mind of a dozen captains.

"The team leaders stepped forward and prepared at the steps outside the temple..."

This has a greater impact, because the dozen or so captains have basically never encountered such a thing as conscious communication. Although they are in the square and can vaguely hear Lingyun's lovely voice, they have received Lingyun's voice in their minds. The voice, the communication of consciousness like another voice made them feel at a loss.

Frowning insignificantly, Ling Yun looked at the somewhat busy captains, and a trace of dissatisfaction flashed in her heart.

"These guys are really unstable." (You were not much better before=.=)

It wasn't until Lingyun repeated the previous order again that more than a dozen captains rushed to the front of the steps, looking at Lingyun with strong curiosity for a while, and then turned their heads to look at the temple.

Several captains who usually have a good relationship with Lingyun even plan to go up to talk to Lingyun at this moment, but every time they want to go forward, they will feel a pressure. This kind of pressure makes them have to give up. So they simply stayed under the steps obediently, discussing academic issues softly with the captains beside them.

Looking dissatisfied at the captains who were talking below, Lingyun lamented the ignorance of these captains and lamented the magnanimity of Oneiroi at the same time.As I said to Oneiroi, the more you know, the more you can feel your ignorance, and the more you can perceive the gap between yourself and other apes.

"Is this the case with me now?"

"Cough cough." A slight cough awakened the distracted aura.

"Ah! I'm sorry..." Lingyun apologized for her actions in her heart, and Lingyun turned her gaze to the quack apes again.

"The priest team manages the juvenile apes well, and the leader of the team..." Speaking of this, Lingyun looked at Lingxue, who had just coughed to remind her, at this time Lingxue was looking straight ahead, but Lingyun was very clear from the spiritual level. Feel the other person's approval.

Cute smiled, and Lingyun's voice entered the target's mind again: "The leader team restrains the adult apes."

Afterwards, Ling Yun paused, and his expression became serious again.

"All quiet!"

With Lingyun's large-scale spread of spiritual power, all members, whether in the square or in the temple, received this order in their minds, which shocked the Xiangyi quack apes who had a certain understanding of the use of spiritual power. .

But what they don't know is that the spread of large-scale orders this time is just a tricky method of Lingyun Academy.

This method of spreading fixed language fluctuations, such as "all quiet" fluctuations, regardless of the target, in order to achieve a small amount of mental power and command a large number of individuals at the same time, is just another research result of the use of mental power, named by Kong Huan It is 【Fixed Command】.

However, the fixed command is not very effective for the spiritually powerful Void, which is mainly used by the priests.

Just like the difference between sending text messages and talking directly, Void has strong mental power and can talk directly at any time; while priests have weak mental power, they need this kind of short "text message" communication.

The words stopped here, no matter whether it was Lingyun Lingxue in the square, in the temple or on the steps, they immediately became quiet at this moment.

At this time, in the temple, the Gaga team began to fly out of the temple and circled around the temple. The sacred tone matched the solemn atmosphere in the entire square, and the sacrificial effect was LVup again.

Seeing this scene, Ling Yun's figure swayed indistinctly, and the consumption of fixed commands in the audience was not as small as imagined.

At this time, Lingyun felt a coolness in his mind, and then, the voice of Oneiroi clearly entered the minds of all members, which was far beyond what Lingyun had shown before.

Once, we wandered in the wilderness, but we didn't have a stable home;
Once, we camped on the ground without a safe house;
Once, we gnawed on flesh and blood, but had no warm food;

we open mountains;
we pave the way;

we build houses;

we plant trees;

We work hard and study hard;
at last
We have our homes, we have our houses, we have our food;
"At this moment, I declare in the name of my Dream God. From now on, our lair will be promoted to the tribe, the name of the tribe, Gashan."

"You guys, become the first members of the Gashan tribe!"

"Gashan! Gashan!..."

All the quack apes began to repeat this word involuntarily. As the repetition intensified and the number of repeating individuals increased, the quack apes' emotions gradually fell into unconscious frenzy.

In order to achieve this effect, in the empty phantom plan, it is planned to directly affect several of the quack apes from the beginning, so that they will automatically repeat the word after the empty phantom consciousness communication arrives, and then drive the group, using the group effect, so that The quack apes gradually developed a unified conscious emotion.

But what Kong Huan didn't expect was that when his communication stopped, all the quack apes, except for a little confusion at the beginning, repeated this behavior on their own without the guidance of Kong Huan.

"very good!"

So, under the constant repetition, affected by this strong atmosphere, all the quack apes, including the winged quack ape in the temple, remembered this name - Gashan tribe.

"The sacrifice begins!"

The simple retelling lasted for a long time, and the quack apes became more and more fanatical.

Seeing that the atmosphere was good, Lingyun recalled the process and started the general sacrificial procedure. At this moment, several official priests looked at Lingyun in front of the temple enviously, and some of them also looked at the three who were about to return home. Nest Priest.

When can I preside over a sacrifice like this?Such thoughts flashed through the minds of the six priests who were going to be transferred to temple priests and professional education.

When can I promote the lair to the tribe?The three priests who will be inaugurated as the lair priests and return to the lair have such thoughts in their hearts.

The sacrifice was carried out step by step. With the experience of the previous two sacrifices, Kong Huan stayed directly above the temple this time, and completely let go of the control of the spiritual power, feeling the same kind around him with pure consciousness, and even closed his eyes. The eyes no longer observe the surrounding environment.


Konghuan's Youshen-level consciousness suddenly jumped, and was forced back to normal by Konghuan himself.

"It has appeared." Suppressing the surprise in his heart, Kong Huan didn't dare to have any more distracting thoughts, and focused on the changes that were happening below.

The sacrifice continued.

As the sacrificial steps went backward step by step, Kong Huan felt that something was gathering inside the temple.

"Could it be the legendary belief? How is it possible, hehe." Kong Huan thought about it expectantly, but in order not to lose his sense of those things, he didn't dare to think too much.

Mysterious things gradually gathered inside the temple, and with the observation of these things, Kong Huan also noticed some connections.

"It seems that some steps in the sacrifice will promote the fluctuation of these things. For example, when the carol is chanted, these things seem to increase; but some steps will not have such a change, such as when the priest speaks... "

"However, the relationship between these things has yet to be verified. If the priest's speech can improve the effect of the carol, more data is needed." Kong Huan believes that his primary purpose at this time is to figure out What are these things.

But at this time, the sacrifice was almost over.

"No, I can't stop, I'm going to have some eyebrows." The feeling of half-understood provoking Kong Huan's heart of inquiry, the mysterious things gathered in the temple seemed to be attracting Kong Huan, but there was a trace of confusion in the depths of Kong Huan's consciousness. Weird resistance.

It feels like I understand the reality of something mysterious, but Kong Huan can't break through that seemingly fragile membrane, "Meow, are you kidding us!"

Kong Huan was furious, the indifferent concept brought about by not dying for a long time made Kong Huan throw away the last trace of worries.Under Kong Hua's control, his consciousness began to descend continuously, drifting over the roof of the temple's tiled roof, and drifting into the spacious interior of the temple.

Then, he floated to the altar in the center of the temple.

Only then did he feel abnormal, but it was too late.

"No... can't move!"

Surprised and angry, no matter how Kong Huan controlled the movement of his body at this time, he could only stand on the altar in a daze.

With a consciousness value close to [-], what brought Wuxuan was not the help of contact and restraint, but a heavier resistance.

"Damn! What's going on!"

There was unprecedented panic on his face, Kong Huan seemed to have exhausted all his strength, but it was still in vain.

As soon as his consciousness relaxed, Kong Huan temporarily gave up doing useless work.

At this time, the sacrifice was coming to an end.

"Maybe we can act after the sacrifice." Kong Huan gave a little comfort in his heart, and the Xiangyi Quack apes in the temple also noticed the Oneiroi on the altar at this time, but in their eyes, the Oneiroi was just Standing on the altar like this, motionless but radiating a strong aura of domineering... well, it's a sacred aura.

"Oneiroi." All the members worshiped around the altar in the temple again, and with the end of the last step, the voice of aura spread out again.

"The sacrifice is over!"

[Mysterious sacrifice, advanced target god belief appears, cannot be opened due to task restrictions. 】

"It should work now."

When the sound of the aura came, a sense of relief came from the empty illusion, and the system prompts were taken for granted, gorgeous, and completely... ignored by the pleasant empty illusion.


foot?also can;
Float up?It will be all right.

"Meow, you scared us to death." With a heavy sigh of relief, Kong Huan felt ashamed of his previous gaffe: "Just now, we didn't even continue to observe, damn it... huh?"

Touching the top of the temple in disbelief, there was a squeeze feeling from the joint between the tentacles and the top.

"Entity!?" Kong Huan collapsed a bit, and the self who had never changed his face (thick fog=.=) unexpectedly lost his composure one after another today.

"Subjects, these buildings. But... am I not a body of nothingness?"

"God, we're depressed. No, aren't we gods now? System, we're depressed."

But the roof seems to be impassable.

Floating back to the temple in an empty and depressed manner, and then drifting towards the door like a normal ape (by the way, floating is not the movement of a normal ape at all, huh).

"Hehe, that's not how you play with me!" Looking at the steps in front of him, Kong Huan kept moving his feet, but he was still unable to break through a barrier in front of him. The more force he used, the greater the resistance he encountered.

"Dream God, why don't you go out?"

At this time, Lingyun who happened to pass by his side was watching Konghuan's movements strangely.Oneiroi did not float unrestrained in the sky as usual, but walked on the ground like when he had a body. This is enough to make some people who understand Oneiroi's winged quack apes, especially the aura, strange, and now Oneiroi is even more On the steps, I made a posture of stepping forward, but I just didn't go down.

"Is Dream God doing some kind of cultivation?" Shi Yu, who was still in Gaga Mountain and was taught to be a priest by the way, saw the movements of Dream God, and was clearly obsessed with the cultivation that the big boss said.

So, he also imitated the movement of the empty illusion and stopped on the steps, struggling to maintain his balance with the intention of making the movement close to the empty illusion.

However, the other flying-wing quack apes were not in such a good mood. Lingxue was the leader, and although there were not many things to manage, there were also many things, so he just looked at Oneiroi strangely, nodded his head and left the temple.And the other priests also returned to their respective houses one after another, eagerly absorbing the basic High Priest lessons left by Void.

Therefore, only Ling Yun, who was the preparation boss of the temple, stopped beside Kong Huan. She flicked her tentacles and smashed Shi Yu, who couldn't grasp the balance, into the air, while looking at Kong Huan strangely.

But at this time, Kong Huan knew that he was suffering, and returned to Ling Yun with a smiling face that was about to cramp, and Kong Huan's "calm" voice came into Ling Yun's mind: "It's nothing, you can do your own thing, I see Look at the scenery."


He pursed his lips imperceptibly, looking at the scenery like this.

But even though she was very curious, Xiao Lingyun stared at her for a while and still kept one foot on her feet. After stepping out of the illusion of such a difficult posture, she turned her head and went back to the priest's hut not far away, and began to quack the underage The apes carry out the education of love.

"What's going on?" After such a fuss, the hollow and anxious heart calmed down a little.Recalling the previous scene, Kong Huan quickly set his sights on the mysterious thing he discovered before: "It seems that this thing is not simple."

This is obviously nonsense, if it is simple and illusory, there will not be so many problems.

However, as Kong Huan said, this time it is not a problem that can be easily solved.

roof, impassable;

Temple gate, no passage through;

Courtyard wall, climbing and refusing;
Ground seams, vertical entry is prohibited;


"Five days."

If Xiangyi Quacka Apes were allowed to see the illusory shape at this time, I am afraid that the image of Oneiroi in their hearts would be ruined just like that.

It's not that the conscious body has any adverse reactions, on the contrary, the illusory conscious body is exuding a mysterious color at this time, attracting the attention of all creatures (who can see him).But the empty illusion flutters, this body sometimes squeezes into the gap, and sometimes sinks into the ground...

Within five days, the three lair priests had bid farewell and returned to their respective lairs, while the formal priests who had no apprentices for the time being were recruited by Lingyun to assist in teaching.Although very unwilling, Lingyun finally admitted that she is an ape, and she is really too busy to do so many things.

In order not to be seen by other Xiangyi quack apes, Kong Huan simply ordered Lingyun to tell the tribe members that the main hall of the temple after the sacrifice, that is, the place where the altar is placed, is forbidden to enter within six days.

In this way, the quack apes who knew the function of the temple and were planning to go to the temple to complain due to the influence of the previous sacred sacrifices could only temporarily stop this novel idea.

"Why is this?" Kong Huan sat cross-legged on the altar with a haggard look, exhausted physically and mentally from the powerlessness of the unknown: "The main hall of the temple, the nursing home, the house of the Gaga team, the priest's house...these houses can all be entered , but why can’t you get out of the temple?”

With his right hand propping his cheek, the tentacles waved and flapped aside. Although this move could not push a little air, it could at least make the hollow, sometimes hot and sometimes cold heart feel a little calm.

"What's going on here?" Looking up at the square outside the hall, Kong Huan sighed and looked back at the body on the stone chair. That body seemed to be dying, but he couldn't enter it.

"I didn't expect that the most likely way to die for this ape-ape-respected Quack body would be to starve to death, what a tragedy." Thinking of such an aggrieved way to die, Kong Huan was furious: "Meow, I'm so angry, let's go back to edit the space." ...Space, yes! Our lovely 8051, it’s been a long time since I’ve heard your cute voice.” (From this point of view, it’s illusory and M potential. Tea——)
Immediately restraining his spiritual power, Kong Huan began to look for the location of Lingyun and Lingxue. Fortunately, the spiritual power can still be used and spread out of the temple.

He didn't tell Lingyun and the others about their plight. It wasn't because Kong Huan didn't trust them, but because he didn't want to cause trouble. After all, this was his own business, and Lingxue and the others knew it and couldn't do anything about it.

"It feels like I built a cage for myself, and I'm completely self-inflicted." Shaking his head with a wry smile, Kong Huan regained his composure after instructing Lingxue and Lingyun about this period of time: "System, return to biological edit space."

[Entering the biological editing space, the main consciousness is separated. 】

[System Warning: The main consciousness subject is bound and cannot fully return to the editing space]

"What!" This is a serious matter, the editing space is the only safe haven for Kong Huan, forcing himself to calm down, and Kong Fantasy recalled the "complete" in the warning: "Is there a way to return?"

[You can choose to separate the original consciousness and return to the space, and the main consciousness will fall into a deep sleep and stay in the external restricted area. Do you accept it?whether】


"No way, separation? It always feels abnormal."

What Kong Huan didn't know was that, in fact, the situation he was facing now seemed to the system to be just a situation in the natural development, and it was the default behavior of the system.


If you choose No, you may not be able to return to the editing space, which is unacceptable to Void.

But as Kong Huan's voice fell, a burst of boundless tingling pain followed, and after a while, Kong Huan only felt that his whole body seemed to be being torn apart bit by bit. (The car cracks, quack.)
"Ah! Why don't you tell me in advance that it will hurt so much! Damn it! Bastard! FU..."

There is no such thing as the conscious body fainting, so the emptiness at this moment can only fully bear this kind of pain. It just enters time for a moment, but now it is repeatedly divided and magnified by this pain.

"Ah ah ah..."

【What are you doing?Very noisy. 8051 looked at the void in front of him with contempt. 】

"Ah?" Moving his body, Kong Huan found strangely that the previous pain was just like the previous life, neither the conscious body nor the memory seemed to have any feeling at all.

Immediately, the space was too long, and at this moment, when I heard the long-lost voice of 8051, I felt like a wanderer returning home, and I suddenly became excited.

【Speaking of which, have you learned to lose weight?Why is it so small. 8051 looked at the thumb-sized Void and complained. 】

"8051, uh, it's obviously half the size of the original body, the size of a thumb is too exaggerated."

[Big Mac's thumb. 】


"You are strong."

(End of this chapter)

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