Spore Story

Chapter 165 For the Horde

Chapter 165 For the Horde
PS: Thank you book friend 091018141920433 (100) for your reward. =w=
"Okay~ slow~ oh~ Chu Xia, Oneiroi is really long-winded." Chu Jie flew in mid-air, flapping the four wings on her back and looking at Chu Xia who was approaching her. It's unabashed.

This is also the common advantage of quack apes now - everything is expressed on the face, simple, but cute.

"Dream God is also for our own good, isn't it easy to cause problems if it is detailed?" Smiling and nodded to Chu Jie, Chu Xia pointed to the emptiness that was floating out from the entrance of the temple, and when Chu Jie turned her head, suddenly One flapped its wings and flew into the distance.

"Ah! You sneaked away!" Chu Jie stared blankly at Chu Xia, who had already rushed forward. It took her a while to react, and then she hurriedly chased after her. A string of hearty and relaxed laughter.

In the illusory impression, Chu Jie is a typical violent woman, while Chu Xia is just the opposite, with a typical temperament of a gentle elder sister.

Well, this is also the reason why Kong Huan made Chu Xia and Chu Jie form a team together. To a large extent, it was to let Chu Xia infect Chu Jie and let her calm down so that she could learn more knowledge instead of just fighting. It could be called a guarantee.

"This meditation method has the effect of exercising your mental strength. All you need to do is..." In the middle of the temple, Kong Huan was facing Lingyun who woke up again after a short sleep. He taught the kind that was said to be very useful, but he had never succeeded. past meditation.

In fantasy, even if it is useless in mental exercise, meditation can also be used as a method of hypnosis before going to bed. At least the hypnotic effect on oneself is much faster than counting pleasant goats. Gray Wolf or Pan.

"Huh?" Just looking forward to this method of exercising her favorite mental power, Lingyun suddenly found that the empty illusion in front of her stopped explaining, and she was looking at the door of the temple in surprise, which was behind her. .

"Dream God, what do I need to do?" She stopped halfway through her words, and Xiao Lingyun clearly expressed ignorance and dissatisfaction.

"It's over, it turned out that Chu Xia was polluted by Chu Jie!" At this moment, an illusory cry came into the head of this lovely candidate for the high priest.


In fact, when Kong Huan clearly saw the two four-winged creatures rushing towards him, he had an ominous premonition.And when Chu Xia's and Chu Jie's almost panicked expressions appeared in Kong Huan's eyes, he let out a heart-wrenching cry.

You must know that although Kong Huan is powerless now, he also has the great idea of ​​Tiao Ga teaching several harem candidates, but now, he seems to have serious doubts about his Tiao Ga teaching method.

Not to mention the little Lingyun in the past, I originally wanted to cultivate a cute little lolita, at most arrogant, but now she seems to be a charming young lady;
Let’s talk about Chu Jie this time, Chu Xia, who wanted to make herself feel perfect, went to Anan Chujie’s temperament, but at this moment, it seems that she and Chu Jie went out alone, um...less than half an hour, Chu Xia's smiling face that made the ape feel like a spring breeze disappeared unexpectedly.

"You can't do this, return my gentle Chu Xia!"

But what makes Kong Huan even more flustered is yet to come...

"Boss, it's not good, Beast Tide!" Ignoring Kong Huan's words, Chu Xia was already close to Kong Huan, so she explained the reason for her panic.

"Beast tide?"

Counting the beast tides that Kong Huan encountered, the first time I met a piranha classmate, I directly treated the fish school at that time with better troops and simplified administration; the second time I met Flame MM, I enthusiastically retained the then Kong Huan many times; the third time This time... Uh huh, it seems that he did it himself. Although the casualties were not serious, it tested his psychological endurance.

Well... So, when he heard the word "beast tide", the first thing that Kong Huan thought of was to hide immediately, there was no way, psychological shadow;

Then, the hollow fantasy who claimed to have a lot of experience in facing the beast horde suddenly remembered that he was a conscious body, so he didn't have to worry about the impact of the beast horde. You know, apart from the threat of the mysterious call, even a forest fire wouldn't kill him. emptiness of consciousness;

At this time, Kong Huan suddenly remembered that the hundreds of quack apes in the Gashan tribe are not conscious bodies, so he was excited, looked around his companions unconsciously, and immediately ordered Lingyun nearby to call all the quack apes to take precautions. Shock preparation;
Then again, he remembered the position of his Gashan tribe...

"This is halfway up the mountain. How could the herd of beasts rush here?" Thinking of this, Kong Huan breathed a sigh of relief and finally calmed down.Then, he looked at Chu Xia with a bit of blame. As for the impatient and violent Chu Jie, he was ignored again.

"Chu Xia, be careful. This is halfway up the mountain. Generally speaking, animal swarms will not rush up the mountain, because it will slow down the speed. It is also for this reason, even if they rush up, we don't have to worry too much. , with the reality of quack ape..."

Unexpectedly, Chu Xia didn't seem to be buying empty accounts, she clearly described what she saw and heard with the speed of a breeze: "Quack Mountain is very low and slow, rushing up from the foot of the mountain with the speed and scale of a beast tide, It should only take a few breaths!"

Kong Huan's expression that had just relaxed suddenly tensed up, it seemed that he hadn't thought carefully.

However, Chu Xia seemed to have no intention of even giving her time to blame herself: "There are flying creatures in the air this time, and I saw no less than thirty four-winged pterosaurs alone!"

The empty pterosaur broke out in a cold sweat. Although the four-winged pterosaur has no advantage over the flying-wing quack ape, there should be no problem in a three-on-one tie, and even the four-winged pterosaur will still have the advantage. .But now there are only a dozen flying-wing quack apes in the tribe, not to mention there are other flying creatures in the sky.

"However, the hordes of beasts should just pass by. They can't possibly bite the Gashan tribe."

It's okay not to talk about emptiness, but when he uttered these words, he found that the expressions of Chu Xia and Chu Jie, who had been unable to get in their mouths, instantly became gloomy, very gloomy, even gloomy than the sky a while ago. In his mind, Chu Jie and Chu Xia's character had already been roughly finalized.

"This... did I say something wrong?"

"Boss, this beast swarm is very abnormal. We saw it clearly from the high altitude just now. There are beast swarms in all four directions. Although I don't want to believe it, the center of the four-dimensional beast swarm seems to be the Gashan tribe. "

It is the Gashan tribe!

At this moment, Kong Hua's expression was the same as that of the two women.

If it is a beast tide in one direction, Konghuan can quickly come up with the idea that "this should be the heavy rain a few days ago, which caused floods or other disasters in some places, and then the animals took refuge in the great migration", and he firmly believes it.But in four directions, the target is still aimed at the Gashan tribe...

"Not good! How long is it?"

Chu Xia was taken aback by Kong Huan's fierce expression. She had never seen such an expression on Kong Huan's face. Although she knew it was not aimed at herself, she still felt a little afraid.

Backing away a little, Chu Xia recalled for a moment, and then said to Kong Huan who was waiting quietly: "The beast tide in the four directions is not far from the Gashan Tribe, and now there should only be time for a pot of food."

"One pot of rice? Do you want to make a chili soup pot?" Lingyun's expectant voice came.

"No! Have the other apes woken up?" Looking at Lingyun who came back, Kong Huan waved his tentacles anxiously, stopped Lingyun's words, and then asked directly.

Looking at the surrounding situation, Lingyun also realized that it was not time to cook: "Oh, everyone has not been asleep for a long time, only Xiangyi Quackape and the two hunting teams woke up, and the other guys haven't woken up yet. "

As soon as he heard this, Kong Huan felt troubled. It seemed that the sky had only been sunny for less than two hours, and everyone had only had less than an hour of rest.

"How could it be such a coincidence!" Muttering in his head, Kong Huan immediately flew into the air, released his mental power and began to scan in a straight line: "Fortunately, he hasn't entered the range of mental power scanning yet."

"If you enter, it will be too late," Kong Huan didn't say. Although he usually doesn't take care of things, Kong Huan, the big leader, has always been absolutely trusted by the entire Gashan tribe, but it has also produced almost absolute dependence.

If Kong Huan panics now, then the Gashan tribe will probably have to be expelled today.

"Who is dealing with the Gashan tribe? The possibility of this kind of purposeful animal horde is almost zero. Is it the phantom beetle? Or... the system?"

But even if he knew who it was, nothing could be done with Konghuan.

In the case of phantom beetles, the possibility of Void Phantom destroying the opponent is less than 1%.Because in Konghuan's memory, the phantom spirit beetle is like a summoner, and he rarely shows up. If the other party didn't take the initiative to attack last time, and then he was too unlucky, Konghuan could hardly kill the phantom spirit beetle.

But the current Konghuan is a conscious body, and the spiritual power that Youshen Konghuan can control is even less than when he was in the body of Quacking Ape, and its maximum radius is only 2000 meters.The effective attack range of the original phantom spirit beetle is only 500 meters, not to mention tens of millions of years have passed, if the phantom spirit beetle had evolved long ago.

More importantly, the current temple domain is the name given to the barrier that confines itself but protects the souls of the dead.The area of ​​the temple, which has been expanded twice, only wraps the newly built houses of the Gashan tribe, at most it only reaches halfway up the mountain, and even the stone road is not completely wrapped.

As a result, Konghuan's attack range is greatly reduced. If it is really a phantom beetle, even if it has not evolved, the current Konghuan cannot find and kill it with the opponent's wisdom.Not to mention, in the face of such a large number of beasts, it is impossible for Konghuan to use the only mental power that can attack the material world, because he will also be tired.

If it's not the phantom beetle, but the system...

"Hehe, if it's the system, it's better, at least he shouldn't kill them all."

But the current situation is that the information is unclear, and no one can fully explain the nature of things. Except for the phantom beetle and the system, maybe there are many creatures that can do this kind of thing, who knows.Even if he told Kong Huan now: "This is a collective decision made by all the animals, to kill the Gashan Tribe." I'm afraid Kong Huan was only surprised for a while, and then continued to do what he should do, such as... arranging defense.

"Dream God, I called Lingxue and the others, and now I'm going to pull up those guys who are sleeping late." She waved her fist very cutely, and Lingyun, who had just returned, turned her head and rushed to the houses of each team, setting off a wave of excitement. There was a burst of grass flying ape jumping.

It's a pity that almost all the apes now have zombie-like faces, and no one has the heart to appreciate them.

Because she has been worrying about the tribe's problems, coupled with the noise of thunderstorms, Lingxue hasn't had a good night's sleep in the past nine days.Now she just fell asleep and was pulled over by Lingyun. Although she was strong enough to hold her spirits up, she couldn't hide the tiredness between her brows.

Kong Huan sighed and nodded to the exhausted members, and then pointed out Chu Xia: "Then, Chu Xia, explain the situation to everyone, and make a long story short!"


"To put it simply, this time there are four groups of dinosaurs with no less than the number of members of the Gashan tribe. They are rushing towards us from four directions. The reason is unknown, but the hostility is obvious. Among them are no less than thirty dinosaurs. The four-winged pterosaur, as for the strength of other creatures, it doesn't seem to be that low, and I saw a lot of animals that are no less powerful than the flying-wing quack ape. More than that."

Satisfied and nodded to Chu Xia, Kong Huan turned his head to look at the members who had changed color. Seeing them looking at him worriedly but with a hint of expectation, Kong Huan could only smile wryly in his heart, but he still had to keep calm on his face .

"Damn it, the leader is really painful, especially for us who have to do everything by ourselves, Brother Pig's lesson from the past."

"The situation is critical now. It won't be long before the beast horde arrives, so even though they are unkind comers, as the master, we still have to welcome them well."

Although he really wanted to adjust the atmosphere, Kong Huan suddenly found that after a short period of panic, the members began to become more aggressive. It was only at this moment that Kong Huan remembered that the people sitting here were not human beings whose fighting spirit had been sapped by stability, but still The main members of the Gashan tribe who have not completely escaped from the ranks of animals.

Seeing this, Kong Huan's expression relaxed, and his words became more relaxed.

"Lingxue, didn't you say that the warehouse is running out of food?"

Thinking of the combat strength of more than 200 quack apes plus a dozen flying-wing quack apes, Kong Huan realized that his worries should be slightly lowered.

This is a form of interdependence. The tribe members trust the Oneiroi, and the Oneiroi leads them to have a bright future; while Void relies on the tribe members, and feels the warmth of their companions from them.

"That's right, Oneiroi, according to what Chu Xia and Chu Jie said, if there is really so much food, I'm afraid we won't need to hunt for hundreds of days!" Hearing the empty words, Lingxue's eyes suddenly lit up: "However, look We have to build a few more warehouses, otherwise it will not be enough, but this year we have to build the Gadian dirt road.”


Although he was relieved that the members of the tribe were less worried because of Lingxue's words, Kong Huan was speechless about Lingxue's digression.But this is not a big problem. In this kind of primitive battle, morale is the first, and other magic horses are just clouds... It's strange.

At this time, Lingyun just woke up all the quack apes, and began to lead herself and Lingxue's team to manage the apes gathered in the square.

"Okay, let's assign tasks now." After bringing the important leader Lingxue out of his worries and distractions, Kong Huan got up and led the members of the temple to the square.

Looking at a group of quack apes in the plaza who were sleepy due to lack of sleep, but more puzzled, they frowned unrealistically, but immediately changed into a Danding expression, and then covered everything with mental power. quack ape.

"Tribe members, now is your test."


"It's the test the priest said."

"I haven't woken up yet."



Temporarily stabilized all the quack apes with mental power, Kong Huan canceled the pre-war mobilization that he planned to make, because, he remembered, for the quack apes, this kind of mobilization is not very effective, it is not as good as a pot of chili meat Soup works.As for the Xiangyi Quacking Apes, they had already been mobilized just now.

What's more, at the end of the mental power scan that the illusion has been continuing, the whereabouts of flying dinosaurs have already appeared.

Gaga Mountain is not a mountain range that stretches for thousands of miles, but its range is still wide.However, when planning the construction of the house before, Kong Huan knew about the situation of the entire Gaga Mountain. Now the most convenient place where the beast tide can rush up the Gaga Mountain is the stone road intersection slightly west of the south.

"Chu Qin, take Chu Jie, Chu Xia, Chu Zheng and the two priests of the temple, plus Ling Yun and Ling Qi's two hunting teams, and take three quarrying teams to guard the stone road beside the entrance of the cave. Remember , don't rush out!"

"Because after rushing out, if I die, I don't know if I can take back the dead soul." Kong Huan sighed in his heart.It happened to be the southwestern edge of the temple area. For the upcoming battle, such a large-scale battle, it is almost impossible to avoid death. Therefore, Kong Huan at least hoped that these apes fighting for the tribe would not lose their souls. also dissipated.

Seeing Chu Qin start to gather his southwest defense force with the help of Lingxue, Kong Huan turned his attention to Lingxue again.

Although the southwest is the most convenient way to charge towards the tribes on the mountainside, other places have to be guarded as well.

"Lingxue, you take the remaining hunting team, take four more teams, and then also add two temple priests, as well as Chuchen, Shi Yu, and Lingfu (the leader of the pupated former southern lair) to the northwest. Be alert on the gentle slope, if there are enemies rushing up, guard it; if not... then continue to be alert, the priest must pay attention to treatment."

Lingxue nodded and chose her own team from the remaining teams. At this time, Chu Yifei came back.

"Oneiroi! The quarry to the north has been washed away by mudslides."

"Oh, got it, huh? What happened to your foot?" When Chu Yi approached, Kong Huan discovered the wound on the opponent's foot, and immediately called Ling Yun beside him to treat it with water and medicinal powder.

"Well, I'll do it myself, I've also learned healing." Looking at Lingyun who was not used to it, Chu Yi waved his hand, looked at Kong Huan and said nonchalantly: "It's just that I was accidentally hit by a stone. gone."

"Can it still move?" Although through mental observation, Kong Huan confirmed that Chu Yi did not hurt his bones. Presumably, the soil should be soft, so he was just crushed and scratched by the stone, but Kong Huan still looked at Chu Yi with blame: "Why are you so careless, you must pay attention in the future."

As for the landslide, in my illusory memory, the quarry is located on a higher terrain and it is not easy to climb. My primary goal now is to face the beast tide, and the quarry will have time to build in the future.

"I'm afraid I don't have time to rest now. Get ready for battle, Chu Yi." Seeing Chu Yi suspiciously looking at the two teams that had begun to assemble, Kong Huan explained, and at this time, the beast tide was only a few hundred meters away from Mount Gaga , Standing on the mountain, you can already vaguely see those dinosaurs rushing out from the high ground in the distance, many of which are species that quack apes once hunted.

Scanning the composition of the beast tide, the empty expression tightened.

There is no one below the boss level!
Before it was too late to feel emotional, Kong Huan used a spiritual power to appease and attracted the attention of all tribe members to himself: "The remaining four teams, led by Chu Yi, patrolled around Mount Gaga, except for those in charge of Chu Qin and Ling Xue. In other directions, where there are dinosaurs rushing up, you will rush there."
"Also, the chrysalis is mainly responsible for the sky, and the priest is mainly responsible for the emergency treatment of the injured individual. The quack ape on the land must learn to use the terrain to defend, and must defend well, but if it is really impossible, you can retreat to the tribe the edge of the house."

"For the Horde! Let's go now!"

"Yes! Chieftain."

Feeling the murderous aura that began to pervade the entire Gaga Mountain, Chu Yi, who had the highest individual strength except mental power, nodded to Kong Huan, then turned around and summoned the remaining team leaders, and led the team to start patrolling.And Chu Qin and Ling Xue had already led each other to their respective defense areas.

"Ling Yu," this is a team specially left by Kong Huan. He looked at the beast horde that was quickly approaching within 300 meters despite being blocked by trees and terrain. A trace of confusion flashed across his expression.

Shaking his head, although most of them are going to the battlefield at this time, so there is no need for Kong Huan to maintain his majesty, but even if it is to maintain his confidence, he must not be confused.

"The only purpose now is to destroy the enemy!" Confirming again in his heart, Kong Huan looked at Ling Yu's team, which was a team with extremely rich professional experience in the nest - the cooking team, or the chef team.

"Ling Yu, your team is going to light a fire and cook in the square. Make more hot soup for the priests to bring to other Gaga Apes. Everyone hasn't eaten today, and it's almost noon now. Members who have time must let Eat some, and be careful to boil it."

Finally, Kong Huan looked at the remaining priests and Ling Yun and her team who were waiting quietly.

"Lingyun, take the remaining priests of the temple and boil a few more pots of water for treatment. At the same time, beware of the enemies in the air. As for your team..."

"Your team, one ape with twelve little apes, is responsible for delivering food to the three teams and carrying the seriously wounded back to the square." The last batch of 89 little apes is about to reach adulthood, so Kong Huan is not worried about them either. How weaker than an adult quack ape.

"Oneiroi, where are the two of us?" Seeing that Kong Huan had assigned almost all the members except himself and the four pregnant quack apes, the two remaining old apes were a little anxious.After the death of two old friends, they realized that death has no worries, and they no longer have any fear.

"You?" Looking at the two old apes with some headaches, Kong Huan looked at the beast tide that had begun to adjust its direction and was about to approach the climbing place: "How about it, you two and the four pregnant ones, and the remaining five A little ape and the last batch of young children go to the temple, remember to protect them!"

The apes looked at Kong Huan's serious expression, hesitated for a moment or nodded in agreement, and then ran towards the temple. Only the remaining five little apes who were selected looked at Kong Huan with some dissatisfaction, but they still followed the two who pulled them. The old ape entered the temple.

"Remember, young children are the future of our tribe and the most important thing, so we must protect them!" Just before entering the temple, an illusory voice entered the minds of the five little apes.

Their eyes lit up, and the five apes reacted differently, but their footsteps into the temple were much firmer.

"Now I'm the only one left." Looking at the instantly empty square, although he was alone, Kong Huan knew that he was no longer alone.

"Hmph, no matter who it is, our soldiers will block it, and the water will cover it!"

The line of sight shifted to the beast tide that had begun to meet the team at the entrance of the cave, and the fighting emotions of those animals in the illusionary consciousness were slowly mobilized, and the feeling of bloodthirsty excitement began to permeate the whole body of the illusion.

At this time, Kong Huan discovered four beast tides, which finally converged into three.


(End of this chapter)

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