Spore Story

Chapter 172 Bilibili

Chapter 172 Bilibili
PS: We are also working hard to improve our level to write better books. I hope you will continue to support us.

fantasy vision (reality)
On a sunny afternoon (it had just rained heavily for N days, and bloody after a great war), a certain ape walked out of a majestic and sacred hall (dilapidated, under restoration), and his eyes stayed on the clean and tidy In the square (which is currently being used for stacking corpses), when I suddenly looked up, I saw a person of the opposite sex (both conscious bodies, definitely of the same type), asking you with an expectant voice: "Am I pretty?"


"Gah, what was said just now?"

Kong Huan's eyes radiated a cold light and scanned the surroundings. After finding nothing abnormal, he carefully looked at the strange (all Xiangyi Quack apes agreed that it was beautiful) luminous body in front of him again.

At this very moment, a group of unscrupulous flying-wing quack apes are watching him inhumanely.

"Sure enough, watching this kind of behavior does not distinguish between countries, races, or even the world."

Although it was easy to say, Kong Huan took a few steps back in a subtle way, and retreated to the periphery of the crowd after a while.

"Ah? What are we afraid of?" Kong Huan looked at his actions depressedly. After so many years of master consciousness, he was actually scared back by a luminous body. This... this is too embarrassing!

Therefore, Kong Huan walked directly through the body of the flying-wing quack ape in front of him, and after leaving several flying-wing quack apes feeling numb for a while, he broke into the crowd of onlookers, and finally became one of the onlookers.

At this time, the luminous body spoke again: "Hang Huan, I am very powerful!"

What a beautiful voice this is, it really sounds like the leader... Huh?Who is the leader?

Shaking his head, which hadn't been on a horse for a long time, Kong Huan could hear it this time. Although the luminous body still emitted a light that was not strong, but completely enveloped his body, the sound was very familiar.Think carefully about the only dead soul who is no longer present, and then, a bunch of crosses popped out on the empty forehead.

"Chu Jie!" The voice was very suppressed, well, anyone who is startled by one of their own is like this, let alone the main consciousness, forgive me.

"How about it, Void, I took out the energy core in my own body, and put it in the consciousness body, and it became like this in a short while, it looks pretty good."

"What?" I wanted to take the opportunity to teach X, no, it was to educate Chu Jie, and briefly said "a few sentences" about God's stability and other related matters. Who knows, Chu Jie's description of her behavior suddenly changed It attracted the illusory consciousness to the past.

"Energy core? How did we forget this thing?"

A strange combination of dead souls, gods, priests, and unknown creatures quickly shifted the onlooker's target to Chu Jie's corpse. As for Comrade Gaga Ape who screamed first, well, he has fainted gorgeously, what a disappointment , I thought how brave I was ╮(╯▽╰)╭.

Eyelids twitched as he looked at Chu Jie's corpse. The hole in his chest made all the onlookers sigh. Looking at the wound, he was worthy of being a patron saint. Those who died had such personalities.

"What kind of creature's attack method is this? It's so visually stunning."

As for Chu Jie's reaction, no one could see it because of the light, but from the erratic wagging of the other party's tail, it could be seen that the other party's heart was not very calm.

"Hey, Chu Jie, I'm sorry for you, but you died so badly." Although Chu Jie died, she was promoted to the Youshen level by a blessing in disguise, so death is very light on her.It seemed that this reckless Chu Jie's luminous body should not be dangerous, so Kong Huan patted the luminous body sympathetically.

"Huh? It feels a little numb, but isn't the conscious body immune to electricity? Could it be our illusion? Well, it must be."

"Come here." Kong Huan raised his head to summon his younger brother, ah no, it's his subordinate.

"Oh, Lingxue, you're here too, just in time."

"After the temple is finished, these corpses will be buried in the cemetery planned behind the temple, and a few calcium carbide trees can be planted in the cemetery in the future."

Seeing that Kong Huan had finished instructing Lingxue about the burial of the corpse, Chu Jie's hesitant voice entered Kong Huan's mind again: "Well, Kong Huan, this hole was made when I just took the energy core. "

"I X."

Kong Huan feels that he has finally realized the strength of the original members, without any human moral constraints. Except for the few behavioral norms that Kong Huan usually sets, these guys are almost all based on animal behavior. It is very important to respect the corpse, in their opinion...

Is this the problem?
"It's a long way to go."

I don't know whether it is Konghuan who is changing the quack apes, or the quack apes are changing Konghuan. In short, after seeing the glorious effect obtained by Chu Jie's fusion of energy cores, the other two Xiangyi quack apes strongly demanded that they also take out own core.

Then, Kong Huan agreed without hesitation.

"That looks like it should be a good thing."

The corpses of the two flying-wing quack apes were quickly found, but this time there was no need for Chu Jie to disembowel them. As the creator of this species, Kong Huan knew the approximate location of the energy core.After pointing it out one by one, without the help of a living priest, Chu Jie grasped with two thoughts, and took out two energy cores that also emitted a faint light, and the total amount was not large.

However, hope is good, but reality is cruel. After trying various methods such as installing, smashing, swallowing, and inserting to no avail, the two ghosts of the priests could only stare at the two with pitiful eyes, full of regret. An energy core fell to the ground again.

"Two factors, Chu Jie's consciousness concentration and her thought power, these two factors may work together or interact with each other, so that Chu Jie can fuse her energy core, so it seems that you can't integrate Now, work harder in the future."

Seeing the souls of the two priests who were hit hard, they gave up the energy core on the grounds of the conclusion of "who made themselves not gods", and the empty heart became alive again. They can't do it, can Chu Jie continue to merge?Can you do it yourself?

"Chu Jie, try to fuse one of them yourself." After instructing Chu Jie to act, Kong Huan then turned to look at the owners of the two energy cores and asked for his opinion, but the result must have been nothing but regret and envy. No complaints, the main consciousness fouled.

An energy core that also exudes a faint light, under the attention of the onlookers, slowly approached Chu Jie's body, then slowly inserted into Chu Jie's body, and finally...


fell to the ground.

"No way." Chu Jie's disappointed tone fell into Kong Huan's ears, but there was nothing unexpected about Kong Huan, and his expression was still calm. In fact, in Kong Huan's opinion, if it could be done, it would be really against the sky...

"Ah! It's done!"


Thinking about the illusion of giving it a try, looking in shock at Chu Jie who was shining like a little sun at this time, his disbelief was beyond words: "You... didn't you just say you can't do it?"

"Oh, but I tried again just now, and suddenly I felt a feeling in my heart, like an electric explosion when I still had a body, so when I released some, they became one piece."

This innocent tone, as if saying that he was at a disadvantage, caused the crowd of onlookers to fill the sky with black lines.

And speaking of this, seeing the silence of the crowd, Chu Jie thought that the high-intelligence Quacking Winged Apes couldn't understand, so she released a strong light in the reflector like a demonstration.


The sound of a thunderclap suddenly spread throughout the entire Quack Mountain, and the nearby surviving members suddenly had their ears ringing and their eyes dazzled. The worst thing was the screaming Quacking Ape who had fainted, and was pushed by Chu Jie again just after waking up.

"Hopefully there are no side effects."

However, Kong Huan was not in the mood to observe other people's performance. Although his conscious body was shaken by the thunder, it was nothing, but Chu Jie's obvious random electric shock (it was considered a lightning strike ( ⊙ o ⊙ )), It actually smashed a small hole with a diameter of more than one meter on the ground that was hit.

And the corpse of a priest inside, under the unexpected action of such a strong lightning strike, was unfortunately everywhere, um, it was reduced to ashes, which directly saved the tribe from the step of cremating him, well, although Void currently does not have the idea of ​​cremation.

"Uh, my body, you died so badly."

Let's just ignore the hilarious mourning of a certain priest. At this time, the awakened apes are watching Chu Jie who is in a daze with incomparably fiery eyes. She was very uncomfortable under the eyes like that, although she seemed to have the slightest relationship with Loli Wood, but she was hardly afraid and couldn't bear it, so she took a few steps back.

"That, emptiness, I didn't mean to."

"You didn't intentionally have anything to do with us. With such a powerful force, it seems that you are the right choice to be the patron saint!"

All the apes nodded in agreement, the tribe is safe now, with this mental power (PS: only Kong Huan and Chu Jie know the name Nian Li now.) and Chu Jie, whose energy attack is stronger than Kong Huan, all members can sit in the formation. Don't worry, Kong Huan can retire and return home.


Therefore, Chu Jie's patron saint status was recognized by the tribe's senior management because of a casual attack.

Seeing Chu Jie who was in a dilemma after being surrounded, Kong Huan gradually calmed down, "From the perspective of Chu Jie's situation, the energy cores can be fused with each other, and the power of the two energy cores after fusion... It seems that it is not enough. It's as simple as doubling."

Glancing at the small pits and the remaining ashes on the ground, Kong Huan couldn't help sighing: "This is a square paved with stone slabs."

Staring fixedly at the remaining energy core under his body, Kong Huan was hesitant: let Chu Jie test whether it can continue to fuse to create a super strong person; or stay and test whether it can be used to strengthen himself What about strength?
"Chu Jie!"

"Huh?" Hearing the hollow greeting, Chu Jie intended to pass through the Xiangyi Quacking Ape in front of him, but unexpectedly, he bumped into the opponent directly, and Chu Jie pushed to count +1 (sprinkling flowers).

"Huh? Has the energy core materialized the body?" Looking at Chu Jie's body that had gradually stabilized from just now, the two energy cores after fusion seemed to have become a slightly larger core, while Chu Jie At this moment, Jie's face can be roughly seen clearly.

"This," Xiang Xiang floated into the air again, and at this moment, Chu Jie, who was looking at himself in confusion, shook the energy core in his hand. This core, and then, it entered Chu Jie's body again under the eyes of everyone.

"Why do we feel that evil thoughts appear again, and the evil spirits recede." Huang Huang.

It seemed that they suddenly woke up to something. When the energy core entered Chu Jie, all the living members flashed tens of meters away like a ghost (hmm, there is indeed a group of ghosts=.=).

Sure enough, a flash of thunder with excellent sound and light effects followed, but to the disappointment of some Xiangyi Quackapes, but to the relief of other members, the energy core finally fell off.

Fusion failed.

"Try again." Looking at the greedy eyes of some flying-wing quack apes, and the movements of other flying-wing quacking apes carefully protecting their chests, Kong Huan's heart tightened. "This method cannot spread."

After many failed experiments, Chu Jie finally threw the energy core in front of Kong Huan helplessly, "No, it seems that I can only fuse two, but I'm super powerful now."

"Yes, Chu Jie, you are now considered a qualified patron saint."

Kong Huan absent-mindedly answered Chu Jie's question, looked at the energy core that had fallen on the ground, and turned his head to tell Lingxue beside him to keep it temporarily: "If anyone in the tribe can use it, and it won't threaten the tribe, you can hand it over to the energy core." Give it to him, of course, if you can use it."

"Although it seems that only two can be fused, but one has two. Who knows if it's because Chu Jie's strength is not enough." Suppressing the worries in his heart, thinking of the simplicity of Xiangyi Quack apes, the emptiness is a little relaxed Take a breath.

If the current flying-wing quack apes are modern humans with complex thinking and profit-seeking, a catastrophe may be inevitable, but fortunately, the current flying-wing quack apes have just left animals, and their behavior has begun to be restrained, but they are not so complicated. The mind, although the desire is not small, has everything on the stage, and in some cases, it is even more rational than the so-called higher creatures.

Therefore, Kong Huan said the following explanations in front of these flying-wing quack apes, and when those comatose flying-wing quack apes woke up, Kong Huan would also try to let them know.

This is not only the driving force for the surrounding Xiangyi quack apes to work hard, but also a civil war to avoid as much as possible.After all, Kong Huan doesn't want to see members of his species killing each other for their own desires.

"Okay, let's do whatever we need to do, let's go." After taking out the fourth energy core and letting Chu Jie put it away, and ordering Lingyun to wake up and hand it over to her, Kong Huan took the Xiangyi Quack apes to continue The restoration work of the temple began, but Chu Jie was also brought by Kong Huan's side, asking him not to run around.

"Even if you are stronger than us, so what, as long as you are an individual of our species, you have to respect us and the main consciousness, Quack."

Among the still living Xiangyi Quackapes, Kong Huan believed that Lingyun was the most likely to reach or even surpass Chu Jie.This is not only because Lingyun's mental power utilization skills are far superior to ordinary priests, but also because of Lingyun's previous performance in the battle of the temple, which made Kong Huan very touched.

Although he didn't see Lingyun's battle with his own eyes, Kong Huan also learned about the strength of Lingyun at that time from the mouths of the children and priests present, combined with the scene inside the temple.This kind of strength does not lie in physical strength, but in the strong will shown by Lingyun at that time, as well as the unusual spiritual strength.

From Chu Jie's situation, it can be seen that although the specific method has not been found for the cohesion of consciousness, it is absolutely inseparable from the will to firmly implement the meaning of self-existence.

The mental power to pierce through the seven-headed flying dinosaur in one blow is no longer the level of strength that can be achieved by the mental power controlled by the ghost-level consciousness.

What made Kong Huan even more convinced was that when he visited Xiao Lingyun in a coma before, he found that although his consciousness was still a little scattered (when he was in a coma, there would be free consciousness, but the subject did not leave the body), but his consciousness was gradually recovering, while other There wasn't much damage on the side.

Moreover, observing Xiao Lingyun's consciousness that was a little drifting due to coma at that time, it can be found that her cohesion level has reached the soul level, that is to say, Xiao Lingyun's consciousness level at this time is at least a soul.

"Sure enough, fighting is the best catalyst for evolution, but the price is a bit heavy." Shaking his head and looking at a corpse in the square, he closed his eyes and floated into the temple as if evading in vain.


"After the statistics of this beast tide, there are 1043 hostile animals, 117 flying dinosaurs, and 925 land animals. Among them, 140 electric creatures have buried their bones under the calcium carbide trees, and the blood and meat taken out are enough There is still some reserves for the calcium carbide needs of a few young children. And the meat taken from other relatively intact animals, based on the current consumption rate, can also feed the tribe for more than 300 days."

Speaking of this, Lingxue's beautiful face, which had been tensed for several days, finally loosened a bit.There are two blushes on the bright white cheeks, which is really cute.

Seeing that the surrounding members were all highly interested, Lingxue's mood also improved a lot.

And Xiao Lingyun, who just woke up next to Kong Huan, with her still dizzy head, was rubbing back and forth on the radiant Chu Jie beside her, looking very curious.

Obviously, the brilliance of Chu Jie's body has weakened slightly, and it seems that it is slowly converging, but it will take a few days for it to be completely successful.

"However, Kong Huan," although he was facing Kong Huan, Lingxue looked around at all the members at this time, and even patted the restless Lingyun with her wings, telling her to listen carefully: "This time, many teams are short of members. Let the young quack apes start to form teams ahead of time, they have basically finished their courses, and the rest only needs to be practiced. As far as their current level of knowledge is concerned, I am afraid that they are not inferior to apprentice priests, so I don’t think there is any need to wait until next year.”

"Well, remember that their main purpose now should be to pupate, and this age is the best time to pupate."

"Also, I thought about it last night. This time, we need to refine the system a bit more. In terms of levels, we still maintain the three levels of leader, captain, and member."

"However, among the chief priests, there are three sub-levels: High Priest, Priest and Apprentice Priest."

"And at the captain level, there are also small captains, that is, the leader of a small group of eight monkeys; squadron leaders, usually the leaders of four squadrons; and large captains, usually the leaders of two squadron leaders."

"Now the members of the tribe, including the young apes, can form sixteen teams after excluding you and Lingyun's team at full capacity."

He paused for a while to let Lingxue and other tribal leaders digest it, and Kong Huan also took the opportunity to recall his thoughts last night. Seeing Lingxue nodded, Kong Huan continued to narrate.

"The team must carry out a good division of labor." Kong Huan first set the main point.

"The first is food. Four hunting teams are responsible for hunting and prey rough processing (skinning, cutting and deboning); Agriculture, now pay attention to collecting plant planting experience; a barbecue team is responsible for processing food, as well as cooking breakfast and dinner."

"These eight teams have eight small leaders, two squadron leaders and one big leader. The big leader is Xiangyi Quackape, who is in charge of you, and the small leader is taken by the small team, and the squadron leader is Xiang Yi. Wing quack ape chooses from the small captains."

After Lingxue digested it, Kong Huan nodded and continued.

"Then there is the life class, a pottery team is responsible for pottery making and charcoal making in pottery kilns; three quarrying teams are in charge of collecting and processing stones; a clothing team is in charge of leather processing and clothing making; Book Squad, in charge of making booklets out of leather; two Guard Squads, one for guarding the temple, one for tribal patrols, and cleaning of stone roads and squares."

"The quarrying team has a squadron leader, and the third pottery and clothing bookmaking team has a squadron leader. These two squadrons are under the management of a big captain. The two guard teams do not have squadron leaders, and they are directly managed by you, the leader."

Seeing Kong Huan staring at her inquisitively, Lingxue closed her eyes and thought about and digested what Kong Huan said. After the light spot shot from the small hole on the roof of the temple moved a little more, she nodded to express her understanding.

"Well, as for your leader team, they are still in charge of warehouse management and assisting you with your work; and Lingyun's priest team... Lingyun!"

"Kong Huan, Ling Yun fell asleep again." Chu Jie's helpless words came into Kong Huan's mind, making Kong Huan silent for a while.

"Forget it, when she wakes up, Chu... well, Lingxue, you should tell her."


"The priest team of Lingyun is still responsible for the management of young children, but because the birth rate of young children is low now, some parts can be separated to take care of the cleaning of the temple and the care of the old ape (now there is no one)."

"Understood, Void."

I am very satisfied with Lingxue's receptivity. Although this system has not changed much, the details seem a bit cumbersome, so Lingxue's performance is very promising in the eyes of Kong Huan.

"Well, the rest are seventeen flying-wing quack apes."

This matter was directly related to him, and all the members in the meeting immediately straightened their backs. Although they didn't know what effect this would have, it was like an instinct, and they made these actions when they were nervous.

"Among the four non-priestly Xiangyi Quackapes, except for two who will be selected by Lingxue to be the captains, one will be in charge of the connection with the calcium carbide mine lair, and the other will be in charge of the entire tribe's management before the completion of the Gashi Dirt Road. As for the high-altitude patrol, as for how to arrange it, it is still Lingxue's business. Don't look at me with that kind of eyes, I am just the maker of the system, not the implementer, and Lingxue is the leader, okay?" This feels so good, huh. ╮(╯▽╰)╭

"As for the thirteen priests, including the Gaga team, ten of you are selected. The main task is to learn knowledge, and then teach the apprentice priests; the second is to assist the aura and protect the tribe in times of crisis. As for the specific arrangements, the priests will Lingyun is the master, other aspects are up to Lingxue, you can make changes according to the actual situation, now that Chu Xia and the others are still awake, let Lingxue tell them."

"Okay, that's it. If Lingxue has any questions, just ask me directly." Anyway, you don't know that Shenma is polite, we like it.

They clapped their hands habitually. Although they didn't make any sound, the members who had been watching the void all the time consciously got up and left the temple that had just been built and was waiting for the official sacrifice.

Of course, the comfortable Lingyun who was sleeping and the group of dead souls remained indifferent.

(End of this chapter)

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