Spore Story

Chapter 176 Soy Sauce 3 Ape's Thoughts

Chapter 176

PS1: Thank you very much for Feng Se wanting to drop the monthly pass O(∩_∩)O.

PS2: When the number of words finally exceeds clicks, what should we do? [far eye...]

"Walk slowly, empty, have fun outside!"

These are very nostalgic words, if Kong Huan hears them, maybe he will be moved, but the reality is, at this time, Kong Huan has long since disappeared.

So, we have to doubt the sincerity of the Talking Ape.

"However, sincerity is a magic thing?" Xiao Lingyun stood on the top of the tree and pointed to the sky, laughing without any pressure: "Ahahaha, there is no time to control it now, we can do whatever we want!"

Hearing this, all the flying-wing quack apes around them trembled, then again, and many times. In the end, only a few of the nearly twenty flying-wing quack apes remained, and the rest fled away on the grounds of work. .

Chu Xia and Chu Qin said that they had no pears and their mouths were dry.

Pingling, Pingshi, and Pingming said that the pears are big and have small mouths.

So, I sent away Kong Huan who went out to search for the key items of "farming", and witnessed the other dozen flying-wing quack apes fleeing without morality. In the end, under the encouragement of responsibility, the leader Ping-ling stayed behind, with two bright The loyal subordinate Pingshi Pingming approached the little aura on the trunk step by step with fear.

Although he is very doubtful about his working ability, at least in terms of individual strength, the Xiangyi Quack apes in the flat-collar lair have no doubt subdued under Xiao Lingyun's clean dinosaur leather skirt.

"Lingyun... High Priest, what, what are we going to do now?" Ignoring the little Lingyun who was still intoxicated with himself, the seemingly powerful words popping up from time to time, as the boss here, Ping Ling consciously He should take up the responsibility of the master and approach the high priest of aura on behalf of all the lair members.

"Hmm..." Fingers unconsciously curled up the shimmering tentacles, Lingyun looked at the surrounding situation, her eyes flicked from side to side, it was obvious that she didn't have any ideas in her heart.

At this time, she felt a thirst in her mouth.

"It's been such a long journey, let's have a bowl of hot soup first."

Seeing the bewildered and hesitant expression on the flat collar, Lingyun blinked and retracted the tentacles, as if she had made a major decision, and added under the watchful gaze of the flat collar: "Well, if it's troublesome, come here Hot water is fine too, but cold water is not, Kong Huan said that you can’t drink too much cold water.”

After finishing speaking, Lingyun looked at Pingling with the eyes of "I'm thinking about you", which made the three big (opposite) Xiangyi Quackapes on Pingling's side break out in cold sweat.

Pingshi, who still had some pain in his head, carefully touched his companion beside him, and asked in a weak voice that this companion who grew up could not accept: "Hey, Pingming, I know hot food, it's just barbecue But this hot water... Could it be that the water is used for roasting, and the hot soup, bowls, etc., why haven't I heard of it? Have you seen it?"

God is pitiful, Ping Ming, whose knowledge of the Nest’s army is second only to that of the leader, is at a loss when he hears Ling Yun’s casual words. The leader knew the Oneiroi a long time ago, and it was already a reality recognized by everyone.

But Ping Ming's eyes gave Ping Ling a chill for no reason.

"Okay, Lingyun, you should have scanned them with mental power before, so don't play with them, the business is important."

"Tch, I'll spare you all for Chu Xia's sake."

Walking quickly to a big tree covered with bacon, Ling Yun pointed to the dew-wet meat on it, nodded and sighed and began to attack the cause of the apes.

From Xiao Lingyun's point of view, these guys don't have a good impression of her anyway, and she learned from Kong Huan that she and her party didn't spend much time in this lair area.

Then, under Lingyun's understanding, he can smoothly conclude that under the premise of completing the mission, he can act unscrupulously.

"Hey, that flat collar, isn't your bacon going to go bad after a while?"

Facing Lingyun's sly eyes, although the flat collar knew there was something wrong with it, in order to solve the troubles plaguing the lair, he could only nod depressedly to confirm.

"That's why, you guys are really stupid. At that time, Void...that is, the dream god you called (you also called it like that not long ago=.=), I must have told you to hang up the bacon." See Ping Taste nodded proudly to confirm, Lingyun pouted contemptuously: "Humph! A guy who only knows how to use it, but doesn't know how to adapt it. In such a humid area, the bacon is hung here in such a grandiose way, tsk tsk, no wonder it will be preserved. Not long."

"Don't you know that bacon needs ventilation? It needs to be dried? It needs to be wormed?"

Faced with Lingyun's scolding, Sanyuan lowered his head in embarrassment, and at the same time envied those companions who had run away in his heart, they are so happy, the power of this high priest is too great.

"No, I have to repair them all when I go back, um... let them be responsible for the internal organs of the lower body of the prey."


...time flies...

Not only is it not small.

Little Lingyun blinked cutely, and scanned the surroundings like a radar, and soon his eyes lit up again, and the eyes of the flat-collared three apes who saw Lingyun's reaction were even darker.

"It's broken, and I found out what's wrong. Why haven't I found so many problems?"

Domineeringly pointing at an extinguished fire not far away, Lingyun looked at Sanyuan with a surprised and serious expression, this was the first time Xiao Lingyun showed a serious look after many times today.

And Chu Xia, who was planning to bring Xiao Lingyun back to the right track again, became a little more serious when she followed Lingyun's eyes to look at the fire.

Regarding the issue of fire, I had a friendly exchange with the war scythe in the form of flames in the tribe, and later I empathized with a few apes from the calcium carbide mine, such as Lingyun, who lived for a long time.

As for Chu Qin, she showed a very good image of a people's cadre doing practical things. At this time, she was checking and summarizing the situation in various places in the nest.

"You actually set the fire so close to the trees, you really are ignorant and fearless! Tsk tsk, if a forest fire is caused, these more than 300 quack apes may be built into it like this."


The three monkeys burst into tears, with their heads lowered to their knees, there is no way out, it's not that I can't do it, it's that the opponent is too strong, my brother doesn't care about it.

So, the whole morning, the three apes spent little by little under the torment of Xiao Lingyun's constant criticism and criticism, as well as Chu Xia's comfort and encouragement.

I believe that with this experience, they will never feel contempt for any seemingly innocuous guy in the future, so it is said that they will gain wisdom by eating a fall, and suffer if they can't eat it.

"Ah...well, that's about it."

Stretching her limbs behind her hands, Xiao Lingyun showed a satisfied but tired expression as if she had just finished her favorite thing.And San Yuan, who had never straightened his waist all morning, finally breathed a sigh of relief as if he had been pardoned.

At this moment, they only hope to complete the transformation of the high priest's lair as quickly as possible, and then immediately bid farewell to each other in tears (excited).

Seeing Chu Qin also returned to her side, Ling Yun nodded to her.As for her little unhappiness with Chu Qin, it seems that it has no effect on their relationship now.

"Chu Qin, do you have any ideas?"

It seems that Xiao Lingyun is the main person in charge, but the actual work is ultimately planned by Chu Qin, which is the limitation of individual ability.Compared with specific planning and management, Lingyun is more suitable for dealing with those children and priests.

In terms of actual management ability, the entire Gashan tribe is probably incomparable to Chu Qin except for Lingxue and Konghuan.

At the calcium carbide mine back then, five or six hundred quack apes were all managed by Chu Qin, and they were in order, and there were never any major internal problems. From this, one can imagine how capable Chu Qin is.

However, since arriving in the Gashan Tribe, due to relatively late pupation and some special reasons, Chu Qin's sense of existence has gradually decreased, and she has faded out of the management circle, but this does not prevent Chu Qin from continuing to improve her abilities.

Therefore, with the observation this morning and the information collected when she first arrived, Chu Qin already had a rough plan in her mind.

"Through my rough observations this morning, combined with the current major food issues, I think that the construction of warehouses should be given top priority..."

"Wait, Chuqin, shouldn't the temple be the first place?" Lingyun thought it was nothing to interrupt Chuqin's words, because what she said at this time was related to a very important temple: "You know, the temple is the protection of the temple. Didn’t Kong Huan also mention the key point of Revenant, should it be the primary construction target under normal circumstances?”

"But that is under normal circumstances. If the food problem is not resolved, even if the temple is built, most of the quack apes will starve to death and become dead souls. Then what is the point of this temple? What the empty fantasy needs is the nest of living quack apes , rather than a bunch of dead souls.” Although Chu Qin’s words are reasonable, they are somewhat stimulating and even Chu Xia, the two apes who regard the dead souls as another kind of life of the same kind now have some differences with Chu Qin in this regard.

Frowning slightly, Chu Xia looked at Chu Qin in front of her, and recalled that since that time, Chu Qin had gradually withdrawn from the management, and now it seems that the reason for this should be Chu Qin's personality.

Lingyun was very angry, but she didn't burst out. Instead, she stared at Chuqin angrily, and took a breath to calm herself down.

Even though it looks like a loli, and its mind is similar to that of a child, Lingyun is the same age as Lingxue, and was once a leader. Whoever treats Xiao Lingyun as a child should be the real one. toddler.

"Then, tell me, Chu Qin, why did you build a warehouse first?"

In fact, most of this is out of anger. The problem that Lingyun first pointed out was the storage of bacon. Faced with the biggest food problem of the Pingling tribe at this time, it is obviously very important to expand the warehouse for more effective storage of bacon. .

But in Lingyun's view, this is not enough to make it overwhelm the priority of the temple and become the first thing to be built.

Sure enough, Chu Qin's initial answer was also the same as Ling Yun's.

She gathered herself together, glanced coldly at the three male apes who felt that the atmosphere was not right and acted cautiously, and then pointed to the bacon on the branch as well as the seeds in the tree hole.

"No matter bacon or seeds, according to their current storage methods, they will not work. When building a warehouse, a fireplace is also built in it to dry the warehouse space. Coupled with the ventilation of the warehouse, the storage time of these foods can be effectively extended. .”

After a slight pause, Chu Qin looked at Xiao Lingyun, who had no waves in her eyes, and Chu Xia, who was still smiling, and continued: "We in the Gashan tribe all know that hunting is also divided into seasons, time and objects, and there is You don’t have to wait until you run out of food before going out to try your luck and hunt.”

"With the warehouse, the flat collar nest can hunt several dinosaurs every day like us; it can also choose the right time to hunt a large number of dinosaurs at one time; it can even hunt large groups of dinosaurs at the cost of some small casualties, In this way, they can obtain food for a quarter or even half a year at one time. In this way, with some other small things, they can continue to survive in this area in a short period of time... at least for a few years."

Speaking of this, Chu Qin looked at Lingyun who was still expressionless, and knew in her heart that the other party must have thought of this, so she acted so calmly. From this point of view, to persuade Xiao Lingyun, the nominal principal, You have to go deeper.

Thinking of this, Chu Qin sighed a little lonely, "At that time, why didn't Kong Huan agree with her own way of doing things?"

And Chu Xia, who knew the inside story, looked at Chu Qin's expression at this moment, and a complicated expression flashed in her eyes.

As for the three aborigines, they only have the power to execute.

Shaking her head, Chu Qin put the tentacles on the back of her head, and then looked at the curious quack apes around, some of them took out a few seeds from the tree hole to satisfy their hunger, their faces covered with mud, a pair of Curious eyes are looking at the six powerful ones in the middle.

"I think the main purpose of the warehouse's first construction is to promote..."

"Food rationing."

It is the food rationing system. Ling Yun and Chu Xia, who knew what this thing was, looked at Chu Qin with a serious face in surprise at this moment, and the other three aboriginal leaders, please continue to ignore them gorgeously.

It is said that when Kong Huan left before, he had already informed his own personnel with his mental power that he would have to wait two or three years at the earliest to use farming to solve the food problem. Not current reality.

During this period, Konghuan's plan is to implement a division of labor system in this lair to reduce food consumption, and at the same time organize several huntings for large groups of dinosaurs. Should be able to complete this task relatively easily.

In this way, the flat collar nest should be able to support the basic experiment of illusory crops.

But in Chu Qin's view, the illusory method is not impossible, but not enough.

Therefore, after considering various issues, Chu Qin thought of using the warehouse to concentrate the main food to implement the food rationing system, and under the effect of the warehouse to extend the storage period of food, this can further effectively reduce food waste, thereby further reducing food waste. In one sense increase the amount of food.

"But, Chu Qin, you also know about the problem of 'food rationing', which will bring those troubles."

At this time, Lingyun actually no longer objected to Chu Qin's proposal from the bottom of her heart, but thinking of the system that was trial run in the Gashan Tribe in less than ten days, both she and Chu Xia still had some doubts. hesitate.

It's not that the system is bad, but that it will cause a lot of trouble in implementation.

"We are all aware of these, but the implementation of food rationing is the key to the current flat-collar lair. As for the problems that follow, we can increase the supervision, and even use the winged quack ape to cooperate with us in guarding. Hmm... As long as this buffer period is passed, or the illusory large-scale hunting plan can be successful, can't this system be relaxed at that time?"

Later, Chu Qin was still a little relieved, after all, there were indeed many problems in the implementation of this system.

First of all, the nest members who are used to public ownership will definitely feel dissatisfied and even sabotage their work when they cannot freely use the food they hunted.

This can be seen from the fact that in the Gashan tribe, even though there was nothing to sit on, they still complained everywhere.

However, from Chu Qin's point of view, this is just a matter of habit, and at the same time there are other factors that Quack Ape is too idle.Think about it, if everyone is very busy, who will have time to run to find food from time to time, or even chew their tongues;
The second is the issue of guards, because no matter who is chosen, the guards of the warehouse will always be members of the tribe.

For those who are used to being undisciplined, most of the time they don’t know how to refuse other companions to eat, and they often guard themselves and steal themselves. In order to guard this warehouse, they have to leave the hunting team...

But in Chu Qin's view, it is not difficult to solve this problem. The Gashan tribe can't realize it. It's more because of their illusory kindness that they can't be cruel to the implementation of the system.

In the end, it is the most important impact.

Although the food requirements for pupation of quack apes vary, they are generally similar. If a rationing system is used, this will cause most members to be unable to obtain enough food, which will affect possible pupation.

Although this is usually invisible, it can still be seen through the illusory description and their summary that, at least for now, this system will have a negative impact on pupation.

And it was this last point that was the reason why Chu Qin hesitated about the rationing system.After all, the flying-wing quack ape is an important part of the quack ape group, and from the last beast tide, it can be seen that the flying-wing quack ape on several lines of defense is almost a decisive force.

"According to the illusory schedule, this system should only be implemented for about two years... Two years, just the latest batch of quack apes are fully grown up and can begin to pupate, so the impact of this system should not be great."

It seemed to convince Ling Yun and Chu Xia with his own words. In this way, with the three apes next to him confused, the arrangement of building the warehouse first was decided.

"If rationing is really going to happen, then the management system has to be reformed at the same time, which will facilitate many things after that."

After thinking about the strong demand of the rationing system for a powerful central management organization, Chu Qin expressed her thoughts.

This time, both Lingyun and Chu Xia directly agreed to the suggestion.

So, after the three monkeys sat around, with 99% ignoring the attitude of the other three monkeys (1% was to let them find something to eat=.=), the six monkeys rectification group (three of them soy sauce =.=) made A decision can affect the entire small plain.

First build the warehouse, and at the same time carry out the transformation of the management system.

Then build temples, team houses, and various ancillary facilities one after another.

And the three were finally remembered by Ling Yun, and the three leaders (Ping Ling, Ping Shi, Ping Ming) who obediently baked the dinner were finally able to understand the general plan from Chu Xia.

Seeing Lingyun and the three apes who were sleeping comfortably, Pingshi looked away from Chu Xia's beautiful face, and then looked at Pingling seriously.

As for the schedule given to them by Lingyun, due to some unexplainable reasons (illiteracy), this leather scroll full of strange graphics was put aside by the flat collar.

"Boss, although I don't quite understand their plan, I'm not a fool like Gugu who would hit a tree by itself. From what they said in the afternoon, I should be able to hear that the Oneiroi's 'farming' has to wait Have you been here for a long time, are they credible?" Rubbing his uncomfortable left eye, Pingshi turned his only working left eye to the flat collar.

"It's a bit blurry again." Sighing helplessly, Ping Shi still stared at his leader intently.

"There is no need to doubt Oneiroi, I am very aware of Oneiroi's strength (=.=), and..."

Pointing to the three women leaning on each other and sleeping by the fire, the flat collar did not reveal any male desire: "From their words, we can also know that there are still other things before the 'farming' is realized. Something that temporarily solves our problems, like that... 'rationing system'."

At this moment, Ping Ming frowned.

"Boss, you who have been staring at that Chu Xia, it is impossible not to see the expressions on their faces when they mentioned this 'rationing system', obviously this is not such a good thing, even the apes like them who follow the Dream God are right. It felt tricky, and now it’s going to be used in our place, it doesn’t feel good.”


Pingming's words did arouse the worries of the other two apes. Although they couldn't get their mouths open all afternoon, it would be a big mistake to treat the three apes like trees and rocks.

It should be counted according to the work, the leader of the flat leader needless to say, the highest officer; Ping Ming is a leisurely warehouse manager and patrol officer, and he is the head of logistics when he releases humans; Just one general staff member.

Therefore, they more or less heard something from the discussion of the three Lingyun women.

However, as members of the same species, there has not been any intrigue within this species at this moment, and even private ownership has not yet appeared. Therefore, the three apes, who have little experience, use their flexible brains to think about the time when they can't bear it late at night and are about to fall asleep. Didn't figure out what the problem was.

"Forget it, the Oneiroi wouldn't harm me anyway, otherwise I wouldn't have allowed me, a little leader with more than twenty quack apes, to continue to improve to the current level." Ping Ling muttered Talking to himself, it seems that he is looking for some suitable reasons for himself to sleep peacefully.

"But the Oneiroi just taught you fire, barbecue, language, and the task of gathering the same kind?" A trace of electric current flowed through the whole body, and Hiraishi stubbornly persisted, but the already groggy brain obviously slowed down. N percent.

"What else, aren't these enough?" Flat collar's rhetorical question made Ping Shi, whose brain slowed down, speechless. At this moment, there was a slight snoring sound.

The two apes searched for their reputation, and it turned out that Ping Ming finally couldn't stand his physical needs, and fell asleep on the dry ground baked by the fire.

"Hehe, go to sleep, let's see what they do tomorrow, we don't know much now, so don't think about it." After finishing speaking, the flat collar also fell asleep.

Although Lingyun and the others have brought such and other small problems, but at this moment, with a dream god that he fully trusts in his heart to rely on, Pingling can finally arrange from the nest to the management of Xiangyi Quackape , and temporarily freed from consideration of the future.

After several years, he could finally have a good night's sleep without any worries.

Rubbing the remaining left eye gloomily, Pingshi took a deep look at the starry sky and the dazzling but blurry double moons, and finally couldn't bear the physical needs, leaning against the tree trunk behind him, After a while, he fell into a deep sleep.

A few kilometers from here...

"Unreal, it's already so late, it's time to go to bed."

"What kind of sleep do the souls of the dead sleep? Have that time to think about how to improve your strength. You can't always be under the protection of my spiritual power like this."

"Cut, I'm so tired, you say yes, Chu Dian."

"Hmm! Oh, yes, that's it... Ah, why are you still pulling my tentacles after I said yes!"

"Because it's fun!"


(End of this chapter)

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