Spore Story

Chapter 181 The Fake Lolicon's Victory

Chapter 181 The Fake Lolicon's Victory

"Well, are you back?"

Chu Xia, who was instructing a quack ape to erect two hollow bricks of a kind of illusory experiment to the periphery of the house, suddenly noticed a commotion in the west.Afterwards, all the quack apes left behind, no matter how big or small, ran westward in unison.

Looking at the quack apes beside them who were eager to try but not interested in working, Chu Xia nodded and agreed for them to go and have a look.The apes immediately showed gratitude, and then rushed westward with the current.

"I don't know what the harvest will be for the Loulong group that hunted this time?" After checking the construction site and confirming that there is no problem, Chu Xia also stretched her wings, and then jumped into the air.

At this time, the quack ape team that was rushing forward suddenly ran back in panic, and some bold ones even hid behind the walls of houses along the way, looking westward with a pair of curious eyes, as if they were looking for something.

"What's going on here?" Frowning her eyebrows like ink hooks, Chu Xia grabbed a quack ape running backwards and asked what happened, but the quack ape answered: Everyone is running, I also ran away.

"This..." Dumbfounded, she lifted off again and flew towards the west. Chu Xia had no comment on Quack Ape's herd mentality, so she could only put it aside. Didn't Kong Huan say that everything has two sides? It's just that there is more on one side and less on the other.

"This is?"

As the height increases and approaches to the west, in Chu Xia's eyes, two huge meat mountains appear, they are slowly moving towards the flat collar tribe, no, it should be creeping more appropriate, and the trees in front of them, They pulled out of the ground strangely just before the arrival of the two meat mountains, and then flew aside. In this way, a road cleared of trees appeared behind the meat mountains, and it kept approaching the tribe.

Obviously, the fast-running quack ape was frightened by the aura of the two meat mountains, but soon, Chu Xia saw the facts clearly from a high altitude, and then brought several other flying-wing quack apes who stayed behind Landing to stabilize the disorganized Quackape below, the other two Flying Quackapes were directed to come and meet them.

As Chu Xia saw, these two meat mountains were exactly two of the three-headed Loulongs that were wiped out when they ran eastward, and because of the distance, the riots at the ambush point in the west were not observed by Chu Xia and the others. arrive.

After eliminating the three Loulongs, several Xiangyi Quackapes tried to bring them back by themselves, but who knew that the weight of Loulong was beyond imagination, even if the Xiangwing Quackapes were pulling all their strength on the ground. , can only make Lou Long move a little bit.

And because there is not much difference between the flying-wing quack ape and the quack ape in terms of strength, they finally decided to leave two flying-wing quack apes as guards to prevent other animals from taking advantage, while the other apes immediately returned to the ambush point, On the one hand, check the situation, and on the other hand, bring Quack Ape to move things.

But when they arrived at the ambush point, what they saw was the ambush point where the dust had just weakened, Loulong scattered around, and quack apes still terrified on the ground of the ambush point.

"What happened here?" A flying-winged quack ape looked at the tragic battlefield below and could hardly believe that this was the previous ambush point. After the initial riot, they chased the three-headed Loulong and left. They wiped out Lou Long, but possessed the air supremacy and used the hardwood pottery spear to directly stab the head, so they didn't have much fear of Lou Long.

And looking at the six-headed Loulong corpses exposed at the ambush point, and Gaga who were gathering in twos and threes, dragged out corpses of their companions from under the lying Loulong, among the broken rocks, and beside the fallen trees. Apes, the few apes who just arrived looked at each other in blank dismay.

What just happened that we don't know about?
For Xiangyi Quackape, they could still see the figure floating in mid-air, and a dozen or so shadows behind the figure.As for the high priest, she could be vaguely seen shuttling among the group of quack apes below, and bound some wounded quack apes with rattan, or smeared them with something called medicine.

"Dream God, we have killed the three-headed Loulong in the east, where is it?"

Hearing the voice beside him, Kong Huan withdrew from the mood of reflection, turned his head and looked at the flying-wing quack apes circling beside him, he briefly said that after the quack apes escaped before and the Loulong group went berserk, He ordered them all to go down to help collect the corpse of Quack Ape and deal with the injured Lou Long who was still alive, while Kong Huan himself drifted down slowly with two tails and a dozen unawakened souls with a bad face.

An all-round slight mental impact upgraded from a mental impact blows away the dust within a radius of 100 meters from the landing point. Looking at the revealed battlefield, Xiangyi Quackape, who had just rushed back, couldn't hide his surprise.

"This is our ambush point just now?"

That's right, just a moment ago it was still a river crab area with green trees facing the wind, green grass and blue sky, but after they left for a while, when they came back, it turned into a desert full of dust and broken limbs. It was indeed very difficult to accept.

With a change of expression, Kong Huan floated to a slightly protruding ground, and with his thoughts, he peeled off the soil little by little, and finally pulled the two severely deformed quack ape corpses out of the soil.

"It's a bit like the guy who ran away, forget it, what happened to him, anyway, it's over."

Carrying the corpses of the two quack apes, Kong Huan still kept silent and floated towards the place where Xiao Lingyun was being treated, and there were more than 30 quack ape corpses piled up next to it, most of them were young apes.

"M's, the casualties are comparable to the beast tide of the Gashan Tribe, and!" There were only a dozen consciousness clusters floating behind Kong Huan, which indicated that the other dozen had dissipated.

Looking at the floating illusion, Lingyun took out the last bit of medicine powder from the dinosaur skin bag around his waist, moistened it with water from the bag, and then gently applied it on the quack ape who injured his left hand. With a look on his face, he stood up and suddenly threw himself into Kong Huan's body.

"Empty, a lot of dead, uncomfortable."

"Yeah, I'm not feeling well either, let's take a good rest."

In this hunting, a total of nine Loulongs were harvested, including two juveniles, four old ones and three adult Loulongs. The amount of food harvested has reached Konghuan's expectations, but the losses he paid far exceeded his expectations.

A Loulong was carried or pulled by six teams of quack apes to move towards the tribe, and six flying-wing quack apes cleared the way ahead. On the first day, a four-kilometer-long and seven-meter-wide dirt road was cleared from morning till night.

But the first to enter the tribe was not food, nor flying-wing quack apes or Konghuan, but quack apes arranged by Konghuan to carry 27 quack ape corpses on their backs, and there were a few pieces of beep——, presumably squashed quack apes The apes can no longer be distinguished, so they can only go back to the tribe to take a large piece of dinosaur skin to hold.

These corpses were placed in the type 1 area at the top of the crossroad behind the temple by Konghuan, which was used as a cemetery in the plan of Konghuan, but what Konghuan did not expect was that it would be used so soon, and the level 0 temple domain had not even been opened. .

"Oneiroi, the food provided by these Loulongs this time is really unexpected. After the slaughterhouse handles it, it may be enough for us to eat for more than 40 days." The first batch of two-headed Loulong carcasses who were able to enter the slaughterhouse by detour along the south side, initially calculated the amount of food harvested this time, but did not notice that the empty face was very bad.

"I didn't expect the harvest from hunting Loulong to be so big. It's really surprising."

"Enough! Don't you feel any emotion about the death of so many quack apes this time?"

This was the first time that Kong Huan used the vibration of the mental membrane to produce a sound. The strange sound instantly spread throughout the tribe, and the flat collar who was in it was staring at stars and dizzy.

Seeing the timid and hesitant flat collar, Chu Xia pressed his shoulders and walked to Kong Huan's side.

"Empty, I know this makes us very sad, just like the last beast tide, but Pingling and them are different from the Gashan tribe."

"What's the difference? They're all from the Quackape Tribe." Kong Huan, who was frowning, was obviously dissatisfied with this excuse. If Chu Xia didn't say something, Kong Huan...would probably not do anything.

Sitting on the steps of the temple next to Kong Huan, she reached out to hug Xiao Lingyun, who was also in a bad mood, and rubbed her little head. Then Chu Xia slowly raised her head to look at Kong Huan, who was full of confusion and resentment.

"The Gashan Tribe has always pursued to reduce casualties and hunt safely. We usually have a lot of leisure time, so we often get together and have a good relationship with each other. Therefore, when there is a large casualty, everyone will be very unhappy. But this time the Pingling tribe suffered these casualties, the members of the tribe behaved indifferently, and even cared more about the few Loulongs than those dead companions, so, you are not used to it, and so is Xiao Lingyun .”

Kong Huan also sat on the steps angrily, staring at the trembling flat collar, while Xiao Lingyun nodded.

Chu Xia sighed, and then continued: "You have always been planning, or experimenting with pottery, or looking for usable plants, so unlike me, I was just supervising construction, and Gashan Tribe was more free, so there are A lot of time talking to those quack apes."

"For them, the casualties this time were a little bit higher, but not to an unacceptable level..."

Stretching out her fingers, she pointed to the quack apes and Xiangyi quack apes who were all going to watch Loulong enter the arena. Chu Xia nodded to Pingling and signaled him to preside over the recovery of Loulong behind. Then she looked at Konghuan and stopped him. question.

"Hang Huan, you know, now I know how happy the Gaga apes of the Gashan tribe are. Yes, it is happiness. They only need to do what they should do in comfort every day, and they don't need to worry about safety, because With the protection of you and us flying-wing quack apes; you don’t need to worry about food, because there are hunting teams that rotate every day and various cooking ingredients; you don’t need to worry about the cold, because there are comfortable houses and warm fireplaces. What about leading the tribe?"

"Now I realize why Pingling trusts you so much, and why the Gaga apes of the Gashan tribe trust the master of the temple and you so much."

Speaking of this, Chu Xia looked at the fact that she was scolded just now, but at this moment she still directed the quack apes to deal with Loulong's corpse with a smile on her face, and from time to time she turned her grateful expression to Kong Huan, Chu Xia and even Ling Yun beside him. flat collar.

"Think about it, why do they have such a flat reaction, because in their view, the food that can sustain life is far more important than the lost life. Because they have seen too many deaths of their companions, they are already used to it." The sad voice infected the apes beside him, Kong Huan also calmed down, and he remembered his responsibility again.

"So I was wondering, what about the other tens of thousands of your kind you mentioned, who didn't even learn fire and stuff from you like the flat collar, how are they doing now? Is it worse than the flat collar lair... ...No, it should be for sure."

Hearing this, Kong Huan's anger towards Pingling and the others has completely disappeared. In fact, it was more annoyed at himself for not considering the quack ape's psychological problems, which led to this failure. Just a venter.This is the illusory character, who always likes to take mistakes on himself, full of lack of self-confidence.

"I'm also thinking about it, that's why I trained a large number of priests, and I also took you to leave the Gashan tribe to explore outside. After the flat-collared tribe is roughly suitable, we will continue to move westward, gathering quack apes along the way, and making one after another. A standard tribe of more than 200 came out..."

"But this is so slow." The sudden insertion of Xiao Lingyun instantly stopped her from falling into the fantasy of the future again.

With a wry smile, Kong Huan patted Xiao Lingyun on the head, and said angrily: "I know that too, but I don't have any other better way. I, the so-called Dream God, just know a little more than you guys. It’s just an ordinary ape, like strength, isn’t Chu Jie surpassing me now?”

"Hang Huan, everything needs to be done step by step, but I have an idea." After a little hesitation, Chu Xia raised her head and stared into Kong Huan's eyes: "Is your plan using priests as the main body and using them as seeds to spread and gather?" People of the same kind. And our team can be regarded as another route, it can be regarded as a backup route.”

"Um... yes, no, that's how it is."

Kong Huan was stunned, although in fact he planned the road of their team as the main body, but in fact, compared with the two, as more and more priests reach the later stage, the road of priests must spread faster.The advantage of my journey lies in quality, while the advantage of the priests lies in quantity, that is, speed.

But when he heard that Chu Xia had her own ideas, although he was a little skeptical, Kong Huan still nodded to Chu Xia.

"If you follow your official priest training plan, they have to learn "Chinese", "Arithmetic", "Children's Training", "Apprentice Education", "Basic Spiritual Use", "Sacred Sacrifice Process", "Basic Use of Six-Leaf Clover" "."

"If you use the high priest, you must learn "Geometry", "Advanced Arithmetic", "Psychic Art", "Psychic Power Shock", "Revenant Protection", "Academy Management", "Temple Management", "Trauma Emergency Treatment", "Plant Planting" " Domestication of Animals, etc.”

Seeing Kong Huan's expression of thinking, Chu Xia nodded, but did not wait for Kong Huan's thinking to accept, but immediately asked: "Is it too much?"

"Too much?!"

Kong Huan was startled. His requirements for the priests used for the spread of civilization should be as comprehensive and rich as possible. Is this really too high?

In other words, priests should not have been used as the initial diffusers of civilization?
Thinking of this, Kong Huan seemed to grasp something in his heart. Seeing Chu Xia's inquiring expression, Kong Huan smiled slightly: "Chu Xia, what are you thinking?"

"Hmm... I was thinking, you don't need to be a full-fledged priest to master so much. Look..."

Getting up and walking to Kong Huan, Chu Xia found a relatively flat area on the side of the square under the steps, and then painted on it with her tentacles to match her narration.

"Our purpose, first of all, is to gather scattered quack apes. Then, the premise is communication. Therefore, the priest who is used to spread must first master language and spiritual communication. This is very important for Xiangyi Quack of the five tribes It doesn't take much time for the apes, because they're already learning."

Seeing Kong Huan nodding in agreement, Chu Xia was also a little excited, but she didn't show it because of her personality, but her speaking speed gradually became faster, and her gentle voice gradually spread in the small area by the square.

"However, in order to obtain these quack apes, there are likely to be flying-wing quack apes among them, and there may be a large number of groups. Then, the priest who is also a flying-wing quack ape but alone needs to There is a certain amount of strength that can deter them. The reason why priests surpass ordinary flying-wing quack apes lies in the use and training of spiritual power."

"So, this kind of priest needs to master the basic use of spiritual power, and for further development, in order to save training time, you only need to exercise yourself on the way."

"And in order to ensure that the gathered quack apes have a basic guarantee that they will not be short of food due to the large number, this is of course our main purpose. Then, the three-level system, cooked food production, pottery firing, house construction, etc. They all need to be mastered, but although these sound a lot, they don’t actually need to be mastered in school.”

Hearing this, Kong Huan no longer dared to ignore Chu Xia's idea, which greatly promoted his plan, and could even replace his previous plan.

"Actually, I have thought about it carefully. The priests we send only need to master written language, experimental methods, telepathy and meditation. Others..."

Speaking of this, seeing Kong Huan's focused expression, Chu Xia became in a good mood, and even paused for a while, until seeing Kong Huan's expression of desire and dissatisfaction, she continued happily.

"Others, we only need to equip each priest who leaves with a book, which can record in detail knowledge such as the three-level system, pottery firing, house construction, etc. If you need that priest to spread, just write Before the priest leaves, let her observe the industrial processes in the tribe, so as to have a basic impression in her heart. After gathering enough quack apes, they can quickly use the Things become real, don't they?"

"Chu Xia is so powerful." When Chu Xia finished speaking, Ling Yun was stunned for a while, and then looked at still thinking, sometimes frowning, sometimes showing off, but more of an illusory look of enlightenment, surprised Rolling around in Chu Xia's arms, the faint electric light flickered all over her body to express her respect.

"Sure enough, I didn't think about it before, thank you so much, Chu Xia." Looking at the things Chu Xia drew on the ground with emotion, Kong Huan nodded gratefully to Chu Xia.

Chu Xia didn't continue to say anything, just nodded and began to suppress Xiao Lingyun, but the joy on her brows added a bit of seductive charm to her.

"This matter can be done as soon as possible, otherwise, Chu Xia, you go directly back to the lair, and bring three more flying-wing quack apes from here, and on the way, recruit three flying-wing quacking apes from the Underworld Tribe, the Double Scythe Tribe and the Calcium Stone Tribe , and then go back to the Gashan tribe, let the three priests of the temple cooperate with you, and teach them the four subjects of "Writing", "Experimental Methods", "Spiritual Induction" and "Meditation".

"Including the non-priest of the Gashan tribe, the flying-wing quack ape, this should make up sixteen people."

"In fact, if you are smarter about "Psychopathy" and "Meditation", you can learn it by yourself, but we can't ask too much. These two subjects are the key points for priests to suppress ordinary quack apes."

Seeing Chu Xia looking at him, Kong Huan smiled and pointed at the quack apes in the slaughterhouse who were cheering.

"As for me, after this winter, I will go back. But during this time, I will also do what I should do, which is to write the book for those priests. By the way, they cannot be called official priests... so Well, after they build the temple, they will become official priests, and before that, they are [quasi-priests], higher than apprentices and lower than full-fledged priests. Moreover, they can also train quasi-priests by themselves at that time to further expand."

"Also, since agriculture has not yet been developed, in order to stabilize the regional food chain, it is best not to exceed [-] quack apes, but not less than [-]... That magical horse retreats and disperses."

Both Kong Huan and Chu Xia were somewhat intoxicated by this almost geometric expansion speed.

Considering this better diffusion method in detail, Kong Huan calculated the time it would take.

According to this training method, the training period for a quasi-priest should only be about 30 days, which is far lower than the hundreds of days for a full-fledged priest.

And when a new batch of young apes enter the peak period of pupation in the next year or so (Chu Qin and the others are all in this age group, so they are designated as the peak period of pupation by Konghuan), the new batch of flying-wing quack apes will become unreal enlarged quack apes The main force of the group (this group of young quack apes has a large number, the previous generation is Chu Qin and others, and the next generation has a large drop in reproduction rate due to the evolution of biological editing, resulting in a small number.)
"This speed..." [Yuanmu]

"Well, then I... let's go now?"

Seeing that Chu Xia was imitating Chu Jie's aggressive moves, Kong Huan, who was in a slightly better mood, calmed down, and stopped her with a smile.

"It's dusk now, at least you have to wait until all the houses here are built. This will only take about ten days. Don't be in a hurry. You must know that unfinished ends and pits are harmful Say."

"Hey, Xiao Lingyun, will you stay here with me, or go back with Chu Xia?"

"Hmm..." Lingyun looked at Chu Xia, then at Kong Huan, hesitated for a while with a distressed expression, and then plunged into Kong Huan's arms: "Let's be with Kong Huan, anyway, I will go back next year. "

"Hey." Kong Huan couldn't help but put on the letter V proudly, but what he got in exchange was only Chu Xia's unreadable white eyes.

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lack of motivation say
(End of this chapter)

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