Spore Story

Chapter 25 The Little Beetle... 1 Day

Chapter 25 The Little Beetle... One Day

The sun slowly rises from the sea level, illuminating the barren land and waking up the sleeping sea creatures.

A ray of light shot into the hidden hole, shaking the long tentacles in front of its head, and the little beetle woke up from dormancy on time.Twisting his body covered with lightweight beetles and looking around, it seems that the predators and urban management who searched illegal buildings at night have not come to the door. Of course, if they are found, the little beetle can't do anything now. Feeling over here.

Then move on to a new day.

Extend the long tentacles out of the narrow hole, the water flow is normal, and there seems to be no hunting creatures such as gatekeepers and monsters around.So, slowly swinging the six pairs of jointed limbs below him, he moved the body in battle armor close to the entrance of the cave.

Then start doing morning exercises.

one, two...

Xiaojiaye quickly stretched its head out of the hole, then immediately twisted its joint limbs, and quickly retracted it.A huge black shadow flashed across the front of the cave in an instant, and then stirred up a burst of sand in front of the cave near the bottom of the sea, making the entire water area cloudy and invisible.

Quickly swinging six pairs of arthropods and jumping into the muddy water, the little beetle quickly moved away from the previous hole in a familiar direction.

It is a predator several times the size of a small beetle. Every day it wakes up a little earlier than the beetle, and then faithfully guards the waters where this group of beetles live, like , This is a lurking giant beast.Once a beetle emerges from the hidden and narrow hole, they will instantly release the power accumulated in the whole body, and with a sudden bounce of the body, the negligent or unlucky beetle will be thrown, and then its power will be released. The moment when the powerful mouthparts do their job.

After swimming out of the muddy waters for a while, the other party did not make any attempt to catch up.

Turning the body and looking in that direction with one side of the glasses, the muddy waters quickly became clear under the action of gravity and water flow, and the figure of the predator slowly emerged.

It is feasting on a beetle.

It seems that just now, the other party's target was not me at all, but the little beetle will not feel a little bit of regret for realizing that the action just now was in vain.If he didn't repeat the movements just now every day, maybe he is the one who is in the other party's mouth now, no, he doesn't even have the qualifications to stay anywhere now.

For the incident that one of its companions is being eaten, Xiaojiaye will not have any reaction, no emotion or the second, the main reason is that various similar things happen every day, so that the creatures in the sea can understand clearly. Recognized the basic law of the jungle of the jungle.

To say that the species the little beetle belongs to should be very famous, of course, the premise is that there are creatures that pay attention to this kind of thing.

They are the first creatures on this planet to evolve eyes that can observe details carefully.

That is, they are the first creatures to see the world in its entirety.If from the point of view of some stream-of-consciousness people, the world is not what it is, but because the world is what it is in our eyes, so the world is what it is, then aren’t they the species that created the world? Well, isn’t it? It is the god in the legend.

But in fact, the small beetle species have no consciousness and ability of the so-called "god".Although the beetles flourished for a long time in the generally blind world when they first obtained perfect eyes, creating a large number of bases that now cover the seas of the world.

However, the appearance of eyes is just the beetles taking the lead. Soon, more and more creatures with perfect eyes appeared. Some of them are pacifists like the beetles. No, they should be vegetarians at this time the ones.There are also predators, including omnivores and carnivores, because they no longer hunt each other when they bump into each other basically by luck. At this time, carnivores can find food (animals) with their eyes. The prey begins to separate.

Predator and prey can see each other for the first time, eyes become a hunting tool and the first line of defense, and then the super beetle emerges as the times require, and the once peaceful and peaceful world begins to become chaotic.

Originally, everyone couldn't observe each other, so if you don't get close to me, I won't deal with you.Now I found you far away, and then I was hungry, and you, who are not as good as me, had to be rushed over and eaten by me.And maybe some creatures found the prey at the same time, so the division of spoils would also cause a mess.

The living environment has become harsh and competition has become fierce.In order to survive better, battles are happening every day and in every corner, and various evolutions for survival appear.Thus, the first explosion of species since single-celled organisms was produced, and the tree of life grew a large branch, spreading across the entire planet.

From this point of view, wouldn't the eyes become the trigger for the explosion of life?

All in all, all in all, ignoring the same kind that is being swallowed, the little beetle continues the journey of survival with the perfect eyes left by its elders.Turning over a rock carefully and smoothly, a market composed of marine plants appeared in front of you, and various creatures shuttled among them.

Creatures who are new to this scene may be surprised, because on the surface, predators and vegetarians live in peace.But those who stay for a long time like the little beetles will know that this is just because there are relatively few predators. If they are full, they will not be interested in vegetarians if they don’t provoke them. It is the dynamic ecological balance established after the long-term competition of organisms, although the small beetle will not understand this.

But recently, it seems that a group of country boys from the deep sea have appeared. They don't follow any rules. They will provoke them no matter whether they are full or not, whether they are vegetarians or predators.Relying on their good physical condition, if they win the fight, they will discharge and electrocute each other; Creatures drilled into the narrow cracks, most of the predators were hard shells, so apart from those super predators, ordinary creatures basically had nothing to do with them.

But after a while, after they integrate into this biosphere, they will become as harmonious as the current creatures.

Speaking of it, although these predators will basically ignore other creatures when they are full, they are not good products. It is common for the same kind to fight and bump their heads when they are full.

Just like at this time, the two big guys in front of the little beetle completely ignored the surrounding creatures and fought, and the surrounding creatures hurriedly avoided.The little beetles also quickly changed their direction, bypassing or even moving away from each other. When they were hungry, they would definitely attack the prey around them.

Slightly approaching a group of plankton, he opened his mouth and swallowed a bunch, filling his empty stomach, while carefully observing the situation around him.

Unspoken rules are a very strange thing, they appeared at the very beginning of living things, and predators also have their unspoken rules.Like the guy guarding the entrance of the cave before, if you escape the opponent's predation, as long as you escape a certain distance, the opponent will not come to trouble you again, and pregnant creatures generally will not be preyed, of course, for individual creatures that are too hungry That's another matter.

I don't know when these rules appeared, but at least they are useful to everyone, so the predator and the prey maintain this delicate dynamic balance.

Be careful of predators, but be even more careful of those wretched people who pretend to be pigs and eat tigers.

While thinking, the little beetle quickly and nimbly dodged a 'rock', and its movements were as smooth as flowing clouds and flowing water. This was also honed between countless lives and deaths, and after the rock-like suspicious person moved slightly, It became an ordinary rock again, motionless, except for a thin layer of muddy water, there was nothing to prove that this rock was just trying to attack the little beetle, even a judge could do nothing with it.

It's not that there is no food in other places, but that there are more and more abundant here, and it is safer than other places.

It may feel strange, but if you want to absorb the same amount of food, you have to travel a large distance in other places, and the chances of encountering hungry or strange predators are very high.In this place, although the abundance of food and the existence of a large number of vegetarians attract many predators, the number of predators is almost fixed at a value. After they eat some creatures here every day, other creatures basically It looks cruel, but they are used to it. This is a natural balance, and it is the same for both the predator and the prey.

After eating soon, it seems that this time I was lucky not to encounter any hungry or bad hunters, and also escaped the hidden hunters as usual. The little beetle left here cautiously and headed towards the Walk to the edge of the continental slope leading to the depths of the sea.

Although at times like this, the most correct thing to do is to return to the nest and wait for a new day, anyway, the predators there should also be full.But the little beetle is a different kind. It doesn't know when it started, and it has the dangerous habit of wandering around the cliff for a while after meals. This has brought it a lot of trouble, but it has also honed its ability to survive. .

Carefully moving along the rocks that were not abnormal, avoiding two passing carapace-covered predators and stepping on three slow-moving conch shells, the little beetle slowly approached the edge of the cliff.

In fact, it was dark below, and there was nothing to see at all.But the little beetle still remembered that it was here last time, and he found a bunch of unscrupulous creatures jumping out of the water, and now the little beetle is always glad that he left here so quickly that he was not dealt with by the other party.I remember that their eyes seem to be weak, but deep-sea creatures have no light, so why do they need eyes.

But they don't wait in the deep sea, why go to the shallow sea?The little beetle didn't think much about it.

And last time, when the little beetle just arrived at the edge of the cliff, it found a powerful predator. Although it was small, it was notorious in shallow seas, because they like to hunt in ambush the most.However, the little beetle that was about to escape at that time found that it was chasing a swimming fish. The erratic little beetle did not leave, but hid and waited. Haven't seen it either.

After wandering around, carefully avoiding the wandering predators, the light began to dim, and it was time for Xiaojiaye to go out.

For the little beetles and other creatures that have eyes and are active during the day, the night is full of dangers, so find a nest that looks safe, enter dormancy before night falls to reduce nutrient consumption, and wait for the reincarnation of night and day.

Bypassing the already-fed gatekeeper predators, Xiaojiaye gently crawled into her nest that was not robbed by other creatures.Watching the light outside gradually dim, Xiaojiaye slowly entered a dormant state.

"I survived today as well."

(End of this chapter)

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