Spore Story

Chapter 27 Night World... Tranquility

Chapter 27 Night World... Tranquility

Under the cold moonlight, in the quiet shallow sea, several black shadows jumped over the rocks.

The long-term ejection and jumping action method has trained the two electric shock tentacles under the lightning bugs to be more powerful and flexible, which provides the lightning bugs with higher mobility.

If it is difficult for the lightning bugs during the day, then night is the hunting ground for the lightning bugs.There are also many predators in the shallow sea at night, but compared to the daytime, there are already a lot fewer and much weaker.In addition, they are all creatures that move in the dark space, and the lightning bugs are basically on the same starting line as them, excluding the shell problem.

After having relatively perfect eyes, most of the creatures have become accustomed to going out during the day and resting at night.Most of the creatures that move at night are creatures that have not yet evolved perfect eyes, that is, some soft-bodied creatures and creatures that mainly use other senses, such as the sense of smell.

Of course, advanced night vision doesn't seem to be possessed by creatures, well, probably.

At this time, Thunderbolt is leading more than a dozen Thunderbolts in the group to shuttle between rocks, looking for creatures that can deal with them, and satisfy their growing needs for nutrition, components, and evolutionary value.

"Huh? Is this a snail?"

A hard shell appeared in the lightning induction. It was a primitive snail with a thick and hard house on it. It was crawling up the rocks in the same way that the snail family has not changed since ancient times.And after discovering a guy who almost changed the race name to a snail because he didn't find a good method approached, the authentic ancestor of the snail immediately hid in his solid fortress without hesitation.

Although the dark night seems to be much safer, there are relatively fewer animals going out, so the thunder and lightning that has not found other creatures after swimming for a certain distance, how can it be possible to let go of the opponent when he is hungry.In addition, it is located among rock groups, so there is no need to worry about sudden attacks by large predators, and there are no signs of small predators such as rock monsters.

So, the squatting began, and time jumped.

After a short period of time, the snail felt that the surroundings had been calm for a long time, and there was probably no danger. It slowly stretched its soft body out of the shell, and then came the impatient lightning bugs. Cluster electrotherapy.

[Get 2 evolution points]

【Acquire new components】

The snail soon died, and the thunder bugs dragged the snail's soft body out of the hard shell through the cracks in the opponent's body, and then shared and ate it to satisfy their shriveled stomachs.Taking a closer look at the opponent's hard and thick shell, but with a strange shape, Lei Dian thought about it for a while, and resolutely gave up the idea of ​​taking this shell as his own.

"That's just a moving target."

It's still light.

"Now that beetles with lightweight shells have appeared, it means that snail shells can no longer keep up with the needs of most creatures. Then, it is obvious that there must be many ways to deal with this kind of original hard shell snails."

Of course, this is Leiden's idea, and we don't know whether it is right or not.

Leading the group to leave quickly, luckily escaped two sleepwalking predators attracted by the electric light.Then, a fierce battle broke out between the two predators of the same species, and it seemed that their kindred relationship was harmonious.But the current Thunder Bugs have left here far away, and they don't have any idea of ​​making a profit and waiting for the other party to fight to the death.

Carefully paying attention to the thunder and lightning around him, he found a hidden small cave under the rock, in which two light beetles were sleeping. Speaking of which, the hiding places for these guys who need to rest at night are really hard to find. This is the first time that the thunder and lightning Discovering the hiding place of these guys, could it be that the legendary blind cat ran into a dead mouse.

"good chance."

It is obvious that Thunderbolt will not consider the probability of this kind of opportunity. Now it is not a question of why it can be found, at least not until there are creatures who like intrigue.Leading his companions to slowly use his tentacles to approach the cave where the opponent is hiding, carefully avoiding the warning tentacles of the opponent sticking out of the cave entrance, Lei Dian went into the cave alone.

They didn't let other companions in, because with their abilities, it was almost impossible not to touch those soft warning tentacles.As for Leiden, maybe it was a single-celled organism in the previous stage. Under the control of the main consciousness, Leiden can still control the cells in the body in a small range and for a short time.

Carefully moving between the two light beetles, it seems that due to overconfidence in the concealment of the hole and the vigilance of the tentacles, the other party is still unaware of the upcoming danger and dreaming sweet dreams, of course, they can dream under the conditions.

Quietly using the buoyancy to float in the water, Thunder slowly extended the two tentacles to the soft part between the opponent's carapaces. Fortunately, because the cave is not big, the two beetles are very close together, otherwise the length of the tentacles that Thunder would have wanted to complete I'm afraid it will take several times longer for this kind of fine work.

The moment the tentacles touched each other, lightning flashed in this small cave.And the two light beetles woke up the moment they were touched by the electric tentacle, but the electric shock from the tentacle to the soft part temporarily paralyzed the body.

The opportunity was fleeting, and the light beetles that didn't dodge or fight back at the moment of waking up had nowhere to escape.The lightning bugs who had been waiting outside for a long time ejected and rushed into the hole at the moment of the lightning shock, and then surrounded the two beetles in a gang fight.

The narrow and dim entrance was suddenly flickering like a lamp in a haunted corridor. At this time, no matter how strong the anti-electricity ability of the opponent was, there was nothing he could do, and he was quickly wiped out by a group of lightning bugs crowded inside.

[Get 5 evolution points]

【Acquire new components】

[Get 5 evolution points]

After the seemingly easy sneak attack wiped out the two sleeping light beetles, a new problem emerged, how to eat them?

This is a very speechless thing.Surrounded by beetle carapaces that are much lighter than the thick and hard carapaces of snails, the fresh and tender meat inside is simply impossible for the current thunderbolts. But the shell of the light beetle completely covers the body.

Under the rogue, Lei Dian had to give up the delicacy surrounded by carapace.

Fortunately, the evolution points and components have already been obtained, and there is no loss, but the gains are not as much as expected. As a human being, ah no, you can’t be greedy as a bug.

The lightning worms moved out of the cave one after another, continuing their search for the target along the edge of the rock.And the next goal will appear soon after, and it seems that tonight is not bad.

This is a very primitive fish-like creature, covered with a thin layer of armor, relying on the twisting of the body to push the water forward.However, it seems that the spine has not yet appeared in their bodies, and the time and force of movement are very low.Like thunderbolts, they like to swarm among rocks and feed on plankton.Even though they have eyes, they don't seem to want to rest much in the dark night of the shallow sea.

Then, this group of little fishes encountered the lightning bugs who hunted and killed children who did not return home at night.

"It's up to us to educate this group of children, don't go out at night, let alone wander in the alleys at night. Of course, the reward is your life."

Relying on the not-so-slow speed, Leiden led most of his companions to overtake the school of fish from the other side of the rock, and the school of fish blocked the passing rock opening in front, leaving a few behind to prevent the other party from escaping.

Then, without knowing it, the little fish crashed into the pocket array formed by the lightning worms using the terrain.

The whole process went as smoothly as the ambush paradigm that has occurred in human history.

The moment the enemy was ambushed, they became chaotic and fled in all directions without organization and discipline. They were quickly caught by the electric shock net formed by the electric shocks of the lightning bugs.After that, the lightning bug gave these paralyzed little fish one-on-one electric shock education.In view of the similar numbers of the two sides, and the fact that the ambush side has a great advantage in attack, none of the fish escaped, and all of them were wiped out. At the same time, a total of 22 evolution points and an unknown component were presented to the attacking side of private property.

At the summary and commendation meeting, the leader of the ambush party, Comrade Lei Dian, expressed his satisfaction with the success of the ambush, and the fact that his side achieved zero casualties also made the leader laugh (of course, under the premise that it can make a sound) .However, the leader also warned all comrades participating in the battle to guard against arrogance and impetuosity, make further progress, and not be dazzled by the small victory in front of you.Everyone should clearly realize that we are just an insignificant screw in the melting pot of this society, and there is still a long way to go to become a melting pot.

The comrades who participated in the war said that through this ambush, it further proved the correctness of the leader's line, so we will be more determined to follow the leader's line, and shine for better survival and evolution.Afterwards, under the reasonable control of the leader, all the comrades were distributed according to their work, and they all got their due share of remuneration.Finally, under the wise leadership of the leader, comrades of the Thunder Bug, continue to move towards a bright future.

The ambush went well. Although the electric shock looked very powerful, Thunder knew that this attack method consumes a lot of nutrients. This made it impossible for the lightning bugs to rely on plankton and plants if they wanted to use electric shock. Fortunately, everything has been going well until now.

Time slowly across the sky, in the gloomy waters, the soft sun's rays pierced the darkness of the shallow sea, all kinds of predators and prey started a new day of confrontation in order to survive, while the lightning bugs looked for a hidden place The safe gap, like many nocturnal creatures, has entered dormancy, waiting for the next night to fall.

PS: Well... =w=
(End of this chapter)

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