Spore Story

Chapter 903 Blue Moon: The Problem of Upgrading

Chapter 903 Blue Moon: The Problem of Upgrading

The crisp clapping sounded in the silent meeting room.

"Everyone seems to be used to using the Internet. This is good, because we will also provide you with a certain amount of this type of Internet collar in the future. After you take it back, please explain the specific functions to the tribal chiefs and elders, and then let them Assign a relevant user member. We will use this as a basis to connect all the tribes, so that we can reach the level of strength when the whole blue moon was united a few years ago."

"Didn't you say that you can only contact within five kilometers... Ah, sorry, I just thought about it unconsciously... No, that's what I wanted to ask too!"

"No, it's nothing, this issue is really critical. If the collar is calculated separately, of course it can only be up to five kilometers away, but we will build a transfer station based on the six main roads underground, and each tribe will not be far from the main road. five kilometers so we can unite all the tribes..."

As the application of the network became more proficient, more people asked.

"Then what if the battle deviates from the five-kilometer range of the main road?"

"What if that transfer station is destroyed?"

"If the main road is discovered, will there be any problems?"


After a series of questions, Bai Nong and others were well prepared.

Although the collar was completed more than half a month ago, and until now, a production line has only been built in the core base, and less than a thousand pairs have been accumulated, but the application of the Internet has been in Pengzu for decades, and it should be used under various circumstances. How to deal with it is well planned.

So, after Bai Min and the others answered the questions one by one, every team leader got a satisfactory answer.

According to Bai Nong's suggestion, among them, the team leaders whose mental power has reached the ghost level or above should learn what they have learned and put them into practice, weave a small network based on their respective mental powers, and temporarily separate the team and the teams around the team who are unable to create a network. Involved in this conference network.

The strategic and tactical command capabilities displayed at this time made the members of the various tribes with combat experience shine brightly.

But at this time, the topic has shifted away from the Internet.

Beiming, who was in charge of the military, spoke at this time: "I'm afraid everyone has a big question this time. Why did we support you with so much supplies? In fact, seeing me come up to answer this question, I'm afraid you already have an idea, right?" .”

"Really!" The crowd became excited.

Although from the beginning, the Blue Moon people were forced to fight, but most of the current Blue Moon people grew up in the war, and they are more or less belligerent.Recently, in order to ensure the safe and stable development of the core base and the entire tribe, each of them has been forced to suppress their war emotions.

Now, seeing Beiming, who is in charge of combat, come forward, everyone immediately understood that there was obviously something big going on at the core base.

"That's right, we're going to have a big move," Beiming smiled, and pointed his finger at the display protruding from the ceiling above his head, which is divided into four directions. Along with Beiming's actions, there is a list of timetables displayed on it: "Now the time is On April 48, 14 in the calendar, and the end of the long-awaited double moon protection, we have received a notice from the double moon before, it is January 1, 49."

"That is to say, there are still three months before the Liberation Day comes!"

"Three months, whether it's long or short," Lumen nodded after hearing Beiming's speech, and then habitually reached out and pressed Chongzhan who was in agitation: "Be quiet, don't lose it." It hurt our face!"

"However," at this time, Beiming's words changed: "Although the time of Shuangyuexing is set on January 1 next year, it does not mean that we will launch an attack immediately at that time. After all, our purpose is to After the Zerg gets their attention, hit the bugs by surprise."

"Then when can we go to war!"

"Yeah, I've been holding it in for more than a year, and I'm almost sick!"

"That's right, during this period of time, the Zerg bases around our tribe, even the underground ones, have been thoroughly inspected. Even with the supplementary materials this time, they can be easily killed!"


"Everyone be quiet!"

Smiling and shaking his head, Beiming didn't feel any dissatisfaction with these people's complaints. On the contrary, he was very satisfied. He waved his hands and made a full picture of a blue moon above his head: "I believe that the Zerg bases around you should be cleaned up. With the supplementary materials and armaments, all of you here will definitely be able to complete it in a short time..."

Everyone raised their heads proudly.

"However, our purpose is not to just occupy the tribes connected by the main road. This is an area with a radius of [-] kilometers centered on the core base, but to drive all the Zerg out of Blue Moon and tell them that Blue Moon is really The masters are us, those of us who were born here, grew up here, and have our roots here!"

"So, in the next few months, we will do more preparations."

"Based on the main road, we need to expand our underground control range by at least three times like a spider's web, so as to be able to occupy one third of Blue Moon's territory in a short period of time;"

"At the same time, after occupying this one-third of the territory, we also need to be able to seize the opportunity that the Zerg can't react for a while, and establish at least six nodes in this one-third of the territory that are the same as the original base of the core base. Replenish supplies for the future battles of all ethnic groups."

"This first step of expanding the scope of the main road will be completed within three months; while the second part of the raid will be carried out at the same time as the establishment of the core base and sub-bases, and it will need to be completed within one month."

"Hiss..." There was a slight gasp in the crowd, but thousands of people gathered, and the momentum was still not small.

People who have had the experience of fighting Zerg, although they have experienced the power of the mechanical soldier ant colony in the fantasy world created by Bai Nong and others, they have confidence in it.But they felt that it was still difficult to clean up the Zerg in a radius of [-] kilometers in one month while also building sub-bases.

In this regard, Bai Min retorted nonchalantly on the Internet: "Everyone only sees our current strength, but don't forget what the current core base looked like more than nine months ago?"

As a result, most of the rebuttals were immediately reduced.

The core base nine months ago, most of the people here actually don't know much about it, because the various tribes were discovered by the Shuangyue friends one after another, and then migrated to the main road instead of moving in at the same time.But after they moved into the vicinity of the main road, they all sent representatives to the core base to check.

Therefore, everyone is very aware of the growth rate of the core base.

Although it's not as good as the Zerg base, it's nothing compared to their tribes.And they are more aware that the only limit to the development of the core base is minerals, because now all the tribes are helping the core base to accumulate minerals in their spare time, but they are only transported regularly because they are worried that too frequent transportation will be discovered.

According to what Beiming said before, after expanding to [-] kilometers, let alone the problems of increased control range and increased control difficulty, the benefits brought by the doubling of the number of mineral deposits alone will support the growth of the core base. Metaphor.

"But this is very likely to be discovered by the Zerg before reaching the general attack," a team leader put forward an opinion through the Internet.

Beiming gave a reply to this: "As long as it is not discovered on a large scale, it is okay to kill those Zergs who found us or even their bases. We are the rebel army. If we don't do something, those who clearly did not destroy us If the bugs are not done well, they will not be able to rest assured, of course, everyone will need to preserve their strength when the time comes."

"I see!"

Many people in the crowd showed eager expressions.

"Hmm! Let me declare first," Bai Nong's gentle tone came from the Internet: "Before the general attack begins, please don't take the initiative to attack, and don't subconsciously relax your vigilance because of Bei Ming's words, and then lure the Zerg to find out After that, I used an excuse to go back and kill them.”

"Cut!!!" Disappointed...


"Sure enough," Bai Min, who saw everyone's reaction, covered his forehead depressedly: "Don't these guys have a sense of the big picture?"

"If there is, you won't be able to muddle along after being broken up." Bai Nong shook his head: "But now that it has been integrated through the network, even if it lacks the necessary overall view, with the support of our intelligence, we will add With the assistance of mechanical soldiers, they only need to fight one or two battles before they can wake up."

"Even if there is not much growth, we can still select young people from this group of people to open classes for early childhood education. This is no problem."


Bai Min was noncommittal about this: "But speaking of it, brother, when the system protection is over, the pupation components of the friends will also be upgraded, right?"

"Yeah, what's the matter?"

"If you upgrade, at least some people, maybe dozens, maybe hundreds, will immediately undergo secondary pupation, right?"

"Very likely."

"But there is a problem here... the system protection has not covered Lanyue and Baiyue now, so can the upgrade benefits brought by the completion of the task take care of our Blue Moon and Baiyue people?"


This is a problem, Bai Nong is a little nervous, because it is not only related to their moon landing team. They perform chrysalis component upgrades, and the losses are not small.

"This should be taken care of, after all, the system is a magical thing."

But even though he said that, Bai Nong's tone was uncertain, and Bai Min, who had a thorough understanding of Bai Nong, obviously knew it clearly: "Besides, idiot brother, I'm still thinking about one thing these days."


"Even if the upgrade takes care of our Blue Moon and White Moon, then referring to the situation of the pupation of the original person into the winged person, at least some of the friends will start to pupate immediately. This should be related to the accumulation of energy and qualifications. right?"

"Well... it should be like this."

"Should?" Wagging his tail depressedly, as if unconsciously tapping Bai Nong's back, Bai Min stretched out his index finger and pointed to his colleagues around him: "But there is a problem at this time! Generally speaking, those who can meet those requirements , are you all in high positions in our clan now?"


"Do you think, with everyone's qualifications, will you become the first batch of pupated members? If so, it means that at the moment when the pupated components are upgraded in the future, many important people will be in the pupated state at the same time." I am afraid that there will be some people in various places who will fall into a state of no command."


"It's okay for us to talk about Blue Moon and White Moon, but what about Shuangyuexing?"

At this moment, Bai Nong frowned completely: "Have you reminded Shuangyue?"

"Although I think they can definitely think of it, they have been notified before."

"That's good."

(End of this chapter)

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