Spore Story

Chapter 910 Mass Energy: Shining Light

Chapter 910 Mass Energy: Shining Light
The sudden appearance of the Zerg did make the friends panic for a while, but this only refers to the recruits in the space fighters on the front line.

Because they were half bystanders, the fleet members in the rear did not encounter a surprise attack, and the meteorite group was still hundreds of kilometers away from the fleet, so they only reacted in the blink of an eye, and began to adjust the muzzle and angle, preparing to attack the enemy. Teach these bugs who are trying to raid a lesson.

The sound of the warning and the order to increase the combat level continue to echo inside the various battleships, but they will not be transmitted to the outer space.

Admiral Dia, who was on the main bridge of the Gashan, was staring at the constantly beating loss of his own fighter planes on the screen at this time. From the livid at the beginning, he was barely relieved at this time.

"Fortunately, there are drones for protection, but seven manned drones were lost at the beginning, and now only two drones have been destroyed. Captain, inform the aviation commander that the task of dealing with the Zerg will be mainly given to the drones, The manned machine is going all out to clean up the meteorites. Immediately, the meteorites will enter the attack range of the fleet. Who knows what tricks the Zerg will come up with, we must be on guard!"

"Yes, Commander."

When the carrier-based aircraft formation had just recovered, most of the fleet's muzzles had already been aimed at the two largest meteorites.Since the Zerg will put bugs in the small meteorite, then the two large meteorites will not be silent, right?Everyone thought so, but the movement came from their side first.

There was no explosion sound, no shock waves from conventional bombs, and no gorgeous flame effects, but just at that moment, a sphere was formed in the blink of an eye with the X1D mass-energy bomb as the center. shaped optically distorted region.

It keeps expanding from the inside out, and in the blink of an eye, it covers half of the large meteorite and the enemy and the enemy who are fighting around the meteorite. It obviously feels that the expansion speed is very slow, but it takes quite a while to completely cover the area with a radius of one kilometer. The break, such an uncoordinated feeling makes people feel uncomfortable.

The next moment, a violent flash of light ruled the world.

Even though anti-glare films were installed on the portholes, such shining light still dazzled the entire bridge, as if at that moment, a small sun appeared beside the big meteorite.

"Mom, look, what a bright star!" The child on the ground looked up at the starry sky inadvertently, and what he saw was not a pure sky, but a dangerous explosion.However, they don't know all this, and they only regard him as one of the members of the beautiful starry sky, bringing beautiful fantasies.

But on the space battlefield at this time, people were really taken aback by the light effect of the explosion, and even on the apron of the Dongshan, the researchers who made these weapons were checking the scene with drones, I was also surprised by this: "What's going on? It wasn't so bright in the previous experiments?"

"Could it be that in this space experiment, the energy intensity of the matter in the explosion range is relatively high, so after being converted into energy, a lot of energy per unit volume will gather, but not all of it will condense into crystals, so many of them are in the form of strong light. Scattered into the space?"

"It's possible, but in this way, the light radiation that didn't exist in the first place is also produced, write it down!"

"Unfortunately, during the battle, the data cannot be collected immediately."

"Yes, it's a pity."

"It's a pity, it turns out that this thing is so powerful, but I didn't aim it this time. I just cut off a small half of the meteorite." Under the protection of the drone, Chi Yu could relax and observe the power of the bomb, and waited carefully for the shining light to weaken. After a while, I went to check the explosive power.

Although it is still not clearly visible, the effect of this explosion can also be felt, which is infinitely stronger than the effect that can be produced by the same explosion of a normal bomb with a radius of one kilometer.Because as far as the eye can see, although the radius of the mass-energy weapon has not changed after it is activated, no matter the bugs, own fighters, or meteorites within the radius have disappeared without a trace, leaving only those little stars.

At this time, recalling the description of 'reversing all matter in the explosion area into energy' on the text file I saw at the beginning, even if Chi Yu didn't understand the principles of these high-tech things, he still understood a little at this time.

In order to be able to use the weapon better, he opened up the team's communication network: "Yan Ming, Prepare, I will use a drone to test later, if there is no danger, you can immediately launch the mass energy bomb into this meteorite ! As for the other big meteorite, the three of us will work together to solve it later!"

"Obey, Commander!"

Afterwards, the brigade's internal communication was activated, and Chi Yu contacted the other two manned teammates carrying mass-energy bombs: "You have also seen the effect, I don't need to talk about it!"

"Just wait and see the good show, Captain!"

But after the explosion effect gradually subsided, the pilots who saw the scene at the crack of the meteorite, including the fleet members who checked the situation through drones in the rear, couldn't help taking a breath.

It's not the size of the gap, but the densely packed bugs inside the gap that make one's scalp tingle.

"It's really a meteorite base!"

"If it wasn't for the appearance of the bomb this time, we might be caught off guard, and it would be dangerous if we were really broken through!"

For a time, everyone felt lucky.

But this is not an important matter for the soldiers on the front line, because the bugs also feel threatened by the bullets. In order not to encounter this situation, as soon as they rush out of the meteorite, they will attack the surrounding space fighters, especially the ones with the meteorite. UAVs are very different from manned machines, which launched a fierce attack.

For a while, most of the space fighter pilots, who were still relatively novice in mentality, were in a hurry.

Facing the insect swarm that broke through the defense line of drones and attacked manned drones even at the cost of their lives, Chi Yu and Sparrow, under the protection of drones, further protected Yan Ming in the middle. The pair had been exposed, so they began to fly out The gap in the space Zerg's meteorite base rushed away.

However, such a huge swarm of insects is too large for three space fighters... Even with a squadron of drones as escorts, the distance between the few people and the big meteorite has not decreased, but has been continuously widening.

"That's not possible!"

Chi Yu anxiously swung the mechanical joystick, making his fighter plane perform high maneuverability to evade Zerg attacks, and kept thinking about countermeasures: "If you use a mass-energy bomb to explode at the dense swarm of bugs at this time, take advantage of cleaning up The other party fired another shot into the meteorite in an instant, and the effect can definitely clean up this meteorite, but we only have these two powerful D-class mass energy bombs!"

Turning his head and looking at the other one not far away, he also took off the disguise, and began to release the large meteorite base that was full of Zerg rushing towards the fleet in the distance. Although the release speed was a little slow because of the lack of a large exit that was blown out, but It is still not something three ordinary fighters can break through.

At this time, with Chi Yu's wisdom, he can also understand the Zerg's intentions.

That is, the Zergs transported by two camouflaged large meteorites and some other camouflaged meteorites used the paralyzed thinking generated by the previous four waves of meteorite attacks by the friends to raid the fleet.

If it goes well, they can not only clean up the space force of the friend family, but also protect the small and medium-sized meteorites to break through the defense line and attack the ground;In any case, it is better than the situation in the previous four waves of meteorite attacks that did not cause any damage to the friends except for consuming some friend ammunition.

But the Zerg obviously didn't take into account that this wave of friends was just testing powerful weapons.

Although the quantity was small, the appearance of the mass-energy bomb for the first time in actual combat successfully disrupted the Zerg's plan, making it impossible for them to reveal their main combat power when they approached the fleet, turning a good raid into a frontal battle.

But even so, the Zerg actually had a certain upper hand.

"No, it seems that these bugs must be dealt with first! And such a good opportunity cannot be missed!"


The bugs are still being released, and they are crowded with each other in the narrow meteorite area. Although in the eyes of conventional weapons, this kind of crowding is not dense, it can be seen from the previous explosion of the mass-energy bomb that once it explodes in the center of the opponent , the killing effect is also impressive.

With such a combination, Chi Yu immediately dismissed the idea of ​​using mass-energy bombs scatteredly, and quickly stopped his subordinates' plan to send out B and C-level mass-energy bombs at this time.

"Gather all together, team 03, later you decide the time to attack by yourself, but the core task is to kill the Zerg as much as possible, and at the same time, open a way for us to come out!"

"I've wanted to do this for a long time, Captain!"

"Ah, that's right! Be careful to inform your colleagues in the attack range before launching! The 02 team will keep up, don't rush to use it!"

"Notify all the formations in the meteorite area that the 03 team of the Dongshan formation is about to launch a mass-energy weapon against the swarms around the large meteorite. Please stay as far away from these locations as possible!"

The sound of the announcement quickly spread among the fighters of the meteorite swarm through the network. After seeing the power with their own eyes, the fighters did not dare to stay. Obviously it can't be blocked for too long, because the number of bugs has increased.

However, it only needs to be blocked for a moment.

Under everyone's watchful eyes, the magazine magazines of three ordinary space fighters opened, and six mass-energy bombs flew out of them in succession.These bombs themselves were installed in the body of a new generation of autonomously movable navigation bombs, so after being sent out, they each rushed to several previously marked areas.

At this time, the Zerg's main attention was still focused on 'breaking through the defense line of drones and catching up with manned drones'. Obviously, they hadn't paid enough attention to the missiles that were only three meters long and looked like toothpicks.

So the next moment, six consecutive spherical cavities appeared inside the swarm.

This is just the beginning.

The Zerg obviously miscalculated the strength of the friends. Although they did not carry many mass-energy weapons this time, a short assault could still be easily completed.

After six of the least powerful mass-energy bombs opened a 200-meter-diameter passage leading to the large meteorite, before the Zerg could react, six drones ventured into it, protecting Yan Ming and launching the second D Super mass-energy bomb, and let it rush all the way into the meteorite base that was blown out of a gap.

Dazzling flashes formed again.

Unlike ordinary bombs, mass-energy bombs can only be said to be activated but not detonated, because it does not generate any shock waves, but reverses all matter into energy from the inside out like a domino.Although difficult to suppress, it is very 'gentle' in nature.

At this time, this 'mild' mass-energy bomb exploded in the center of the meteorite with a diameter of two to three kilometers.

The mass-energy bomb with a killing radius of only one kilometer completely destroyed everything inside the meteorite, and accidentally retained the outer shell of the meteorite, so that the meteorite looked as if it had not been attacked.But at the next moment, a large amount of matter was suddenly converted into energy, which caused the inner space of the meteorite to be unstable, and finally prompted the collapse of the entire meteorite shell.

So, under the shocked expressions of everyone, the meteorite turned into fragments that no longer need to be ignored.

Even in the subsequent impact with the surrounding meteorites, it continued to fragment and turned into cosmic dust.

(End of this chapter)

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