Spore Story

Chapter 915 Qualification Issues in Pupation

Chapter 915 Qualification Issues in Pupation
Shuangyuexing Xinpeng Island Elderly Home
Just felt the situation brought about by the upgrade of the chrysalis components, and was still busy sorting out the list of reports from various places that suddenly started to chrysalis again, 8051 was the first to feel the instability of the protection of the planetary system.Without even having time to remind Kong Huan, she suddenly disappeared inside the elders' house, and even the paper she was holding in her hand fell to the ground with the wind.

The next moment, Kong Huan, who was still in a daze, knew why, because the voice of 'boo' sounded in his ears and he could understand what it was.

Due to the long-term preparations, 8051 is not willing to let the last bit of system energy disappear into the universe casually because it cannot support the protection of the planet.

Therefore, when the system energy was unable to support the protection of the planet and its structure collapsed in all aspects, and began to disperse into the universe as unowned energy, 8051 released the energy that had never been released under restraint. The breath of the system, and then attracted the surrounding system energy.

Perhaps for the system, such energy that can't even cover a small planet doesn't even bother to take it back, so it is given up, but for life forms like 8051 and Konghuan who still rely on planets for survival, this point 'The energy is so vast and boundless.

During the absorption process, the energy density around the airspace centered on 8051 is getting higher and higher, and some areas have a gravitational force that interferes with the real world due to the high concentration of energy, thus producing local gravitational anomalies.

If this situation is allowed to continue, everything within a radius of several hundred kilometers in this area will probably approach 100 flying in the air more than 8051 kilometers away.But since it has long been prepared to absorb these energies, 8051 will not do nothing to deal with it.

And so, at the same time, the double moon, which is located in the space of the planet’s will, is connected with 8051.

Afterwards, these enormous energies entered through 8051 and exited through Double Moon, and soon flowed into the space of the will of the planet.

The short-lived gravitational anomaly caused many plants on the ground to be uprooted. Fortunately, the animals had not had time to be raised by more than one meter, so after disappearing, the first reaction of the animals was to fall to the ground and scream, and then quickly got up and hid The place where I thought I was safest ended up shivering.

In this regard, the two planetary wills of 8051 and Shuangyue are not in the mood to pay attention to it.

This is a miraculous thing, because both of them have a responsibility to pay attention to the existence of these ordinary animals.But in the eyes of the two of them at this moment, the energy that the system doesn't want is an absolute treasure, and if it is used well, it will also have great benefits for the creatures of the double moon star.

"Then how should we absorb it?" After sending the last trace of residual energy of the system back to the will space of the planet, the connection with the system was completely eliminated. Like a nebula."

As for this, Shuangyue didn't know how to deal with it for a while, because right now, it seemed that the energy they collected far exceeded their initial expectations.

Thus, the two sisters were lost, happily lost.

"Why don't we absorb some first?" This is Shuangyue's idea, and she is the biggest.

However, 8051 did not agree: "We are not in a hurry to use these things now, so we should plan well. If the two of us absorb it, it may take tens of thousands of years to absorb it. It seems a bit wasteful to absorb such a little thing in tens of thousands of years. It's better to take it out and fill it into the consciousness cycle of the planet, and it can also raise the individual energy of the double moon star several steps."

"Then rush into the planet's consciousness cycle!" The reason for her quick answer is that Shuangyue has a clear understanding of the strength of the planet's will.

The strength of the planet's will is divided into two parts by Shuangyue privately: the ability of the planet's will itself, and the ability of the planet's biosphere to feed back to the planet's will as it feeds back the main consciousness.

8051 is based on independent consciousness. After merging with the planetary consciousness, it becomes the will of the planet. Therefore, its own ability is not weak. It has reached the middle stage of the spirit god level. Coupled with the consciousness of feedback from the planetary biosphere, its own strength is in a state that is about to break through the universe. Tipping points of conventional biological boundaries.

At this time, the external energy she needs is not much, and the focus has been shifted to the cognitive growth of the universe, so the current energy demand is not high, and the purpose of collecting it is just not to waste it.

However, Shuangyue is pure planetary will. With the support of biosphere feedback, although it has reached the advanced stage of spirit god level, but if its own strength throws out the support of planetary will, it has not even reached the soul level seen in the friends.And if she absorbs these energies, her own strength can at least reach the middle stage of the spirit god level, and with the support of the biosphere, she can also sit on an equal footing with 8051, and she doesn't need to be ravaged by Xiao 8's unscrupulous behavior at certain times.

However, after all, there is a limit like a critical point.

And if sending these consciousness energies into the reincarnation of the planet's will benefits the entire biosphere, even without mentioning the support rate of the biosphere obtained through this, the improvement in the consciousness of the biosphere feedback alone can allow the two of them to push that critical point to a certain extent.

But how to use it, you still need to find a balance in it.


"We still need to leave a part for Kong Huan, or friends," 8051 had proposed to Shuangyue before this: "Kong Huan is my husband and your brother-in-law, and he is also an existence affected by the system with me. , are eligible for a portion of the system residual energy.”

"As a matter of fact, every time the system ends its protection, the remaining part of the energy will not be recovered, and it is not without the purpose of letting the racial master consciousness under his protection absorb it and promote the growth of the race. If I hadn't destroyed the system space, then the empty illusion can now Absorb these directly, without me having to collect them again."

"I know this, sister, but how much do you want to give to Kong Huan?"

In the face of such huge benefits, little Lolita also hesitated.After all, whether it is absorbed by oneself or filled into the double-moon star ecological circle, the benefits to the planet's will are indescribable, and in her opinion, the growth of the double-moon star planet's ecological circle is also good for the friends.

But anyway, the friend civilization that affects Shuangyue loli is very gentle and generous in nature, so Shuangyue did not object to 8051's decision.

So, the two sisters began to discuss how to allocate, haggling over every ounce.

And Kong Huan, who knew nothing about it, continued to analyze the situation in front of him in the elders' house.

"Actually, the two most important issues are: one, after the system protection disappears, what should be done to deal with Zerg's actions; the other is the protection and supervision of pupation members and the judgment of the second pupation."

Under the stage, Kong Huan discussed the current situation with several elders and government managers gathered together: "The first point is the response to the Zerg, we have also discussed the response plan, if everyone follows the plan, unless the Zerg is unexpected If we don’t do anything else, then it’s not a big problem, we are not those guys on the blue moon who were still in cold weapons before.”

There was a burst of laughter from the crowd, obviously they were all people who knew about Lan Yue's situation.

Of course, there is no derogatory meaning in this, just a sense of superiority.

"As for the second point... It's been three hours since the task was completed, and the people who can be collected from all over the place and suddenly start to pupate again can be counted, and they will only appear steadily after that. Otonashi, read out the data for everyone Listen."

"Yes, Lord Void!"

Nodding his head, Otonashi brought up the data he had just sorted out: "There are a total of 12 people who have completed the first pupation of the entire Pengzu and became Yiren. From the data just harvested, the first There are seventeen people who have secondly pupated..."

"Everyone has also heard that only 12 out of a total of [-] people started to pupate twice. The pupation rate will obviously only be lower!"

In this regard, everyone was a little disappointed.

In this way, unless the celestial being after the second pupation has absolute strength or a rare but important special ability, then with such a disparity in the ratio, the upgrade gains of the pupation components are obviously not so satisfactory.What's more, the Pengzu now has Youshen-level and Yinshen-level energy bodies, which seem to be no worse than the imagined celestial beings.

Of course, these are only current conjectures, so no one expresses their dissatisfaction with the completion of the mission.

As for everyone's steady performance, Kong Huan was also very pleased: "Generally speaking, these pupated cocoons cannot be easily moved, so we will send enough energy bodies to protect them. But in order to avoid the natural emission of energy bodies The magnetic field affects the hatching of the cocoon, so they can't get close to it, and the people from the Military Academy proposed to send marines and airships to protect it, what do you think?"

"I think it's feasible. There are many ordinary organisms in the Marine Corps, so it won't cause any impact."

All the elders agreed, so Kong Huan didn’t say any more, but shifted the topic to the next one: “Then the next question is, according to the current statistics, although these secondary pupae can be considered geniuses, their qualifications They are very tall, but there are many people taller than them, so why didn't these people pupate?"

The people referred to in the question of emptiness are actually the members of the elders' house and those energy attendants.Surprisingly, among the first batch of people who chrysalised for the second time this time, there was not even a single elder, and even among the energyized attendants, there were only six of them.After comparing them, they found that these six people were all people who could only be quantified just now.

"If there is a problem with the energyization, then the six people who have been energyized should not start to pupate again? Their ability to pupate shows that at least the process of energyization is not a problem. So what is the reason?" Kong Huan Doubts were raised, but the people around were also puzzled.

After discussing for more than an hour, there was no solution to this problem in a short time, so it was decisively thrown to the biology research team.Anyway, they also gave the criteria for judging the qualifications of the first pupation, and now it is proved to be 90.00% correct, so the second pupation should also be judged by this group of people.

Then, another situation followed.

"Zhang Yan, do you remember this person?"

"I know, haven't I been in a coma in prison? Previous research has shown that this kid was lucky enough to absorb the energy of the God Stone to upgrade to the peak of Youshen. The process cannot be replicated, so I don't care much about it."

"Yes, but just now, the prison attendant informed me that he had also chrysalised." The puzzled expression on Kong Huan's face was even more incomprehensible: "Everyone knows that this kid's aptitude test at the beginning was not even soul level. You can't reach the peak, but now..."

Some elders exclaimed: "Could it be possible that the divine stone can change a person's aptitude?"

"Now that things have happened, we have to consider this situation," Kong Huan nodded: "So, it's time to get back the sacred stone of the crocodile clan."

Everyone unanimously agreed with this suggestion. As for the ownership of the sacred stone, which seemed to belong to the crocodile tribe at first, it was completely ignored by friends at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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