Spore Story

Chapter 917 In the Floating Island

Chapter 917 In the Floating Island

"It's not bad to be conservative, at least we can spend more time understanding the old things in your eyes, discover the heart of the designers contained in them, feel the unknown advantages in them, and feel the touch."

"And what about you? It seems to be out of wit, but more impetuous, liking the new and loathing the old, hard to define..."

Uncle Lian sighed, reached out and patted the console made of old steel plates, stroking the scratches left by years of work on it, as if they were not scratches, but engraved marks of history, Savor the memories and beauty in it carefully.

Uncle Lian obviously dismissed Xiuyuan's thoughts: "Sometimes I really think that the rapid development of technology has made you young people impetuous and difficult to define. Is this a good thing for the friends or not? bad thing?"

"I don't know whether it's good or bad, but I know that without the rapid development of technology, we can't even stop bugs, so how can we talk about the good life now?" Xiu Yuan retorted not to be outdone.

But he didn't know that he just said the same contradiction that everyone in the elders' house had.

Even if it is proposed to use technical reserves to control the speed of new technology flowing into society, so as to reduce the impetuous mood of the whole society and at the same time ensure the speed of technological development, such an argument.But in the face of the constant persecution of bugs, in order to equip the troops with the most advanced weapons, various technologies had to be promoted to expand production.

The friends are few and dense, and once the production is expanded, it is obviously impossible to keep it secret, and out of trust in the friends of the same family connected to the network, people seldom care about it.

As a result, technology entered the industrial production process, and was quickly turned out by profit-seeking private companies to become excellent civilian products.With the high-tech products launched by the first company, other similar companies have to come up with the same or even better products in order not to be surpassed, so the technology of Pengzu is like dominoes pushed one by one. can't stop.

This seems to be a good thing, after all, with the improvement of technology, the combat effectiveness of friends will be strengthened.

But in the face of all kinds of society, there are updates almost every few months or even new things appearing in the society, the middle-aged and elderly people with weaker acceptance ability are fine, they can stabilize their hearts, but the escaped teenagers are under the impact of these new things. Under, deeply caught in it, lost.

This thing is good, that thing is better, but it seems that it will definitely be better in a few days.

How to do?
Impossible, even if you wait until a better one appears in a few days, won't there be a better one in a few days?Don't need it.So I bought one today, and it seems to be better than this in a few days, so I lost the one I bought today... Infinite loops, repeated again and again, make it difficult for people to calm down to understand a certain product, and keep copying the use memory of new products. Keep throwing away the old ones and replacing them with new ones.

In this situation, how do you let a person calm down?
Even if there is no Zerg oppression, few people can calm down under such technological crushing, right?

Therefore, on the one hand, people admire the people who worked hard in the past few decades for their deep grasp of a certain technology, and comment on how impossible those people are, such as how high-end fishing technology is, and then continue to use it on the other hand. With the continuous emergence of new technologies, from manpower pulling nets to sweeping with electric batons, to mechanical fishing, and now mechanical ants are automatically caught and killed, cleaned up and even cooked for you...

"Forget about him, use the good stuff, and throw away the old ones," Xiu Yuan said a little against Uncle Lian, and decisively played a rogue: "At least we rely on these technologies to block the bugs!"

Well, the topic decisively returned to that contradiction.

"Sure enough, we still need to get rid of the bugs before our society can truly stabilize?" Uncle Lian expressed the feelings of most of his friends and even the people in the elders' house.

But in the depths of their minds, people are still worried, that is: "Even if the bugs are killed, now that the friends have become a cosmic race, we will definitely contact the cosmic civilization. At that time, there will be many or even more There are so many things we need to catch up with, so will this restlessness and rapid development continue without end?"

This is what Kong Huan and the others are worried about.

However, after this question was raised by Kong Huan in front of 8051, it caused a burst of ridicule from the handsome wife: "Based on your human memory, Kong Huan, this is a typical unfounded worry!"

"Why do you say that?" Kong Huan at the time was obviously surprised by 8051's reaction.

"It's very simple," Xiao 8 smiled optimistically, lying on the empty legs and turning around to show cuteness: "The universe is so big, so it's not easy to meet the civilization of the universe. The appearance of the Zerg is an accident. Now imagine, the system The possibility of the black hand is over 90.00%."

"And when the Zerg is resolved, based on the information we obtained from the brain worm of the Zerg, there is no other cosmic civilization in the galaxy where Double Moon is located, and this galaxy has lost its system protection and appeared in front of everyone in the universe. , but in the past because of the protection of the system, they were all called lost galaxies, and the universe is so big, it is very difficult for other cosmic civilizations to discover us in a short time."

"Then calculate it, from the time we solve the Zerg race to the development of the friends race to the edge of the galaxy or the end of the encounter with the civilization of the universe, the time during this period can be hundreds of years. A stable period of several hundred years should be enough for us to The society of the friend clan has completely stabilized."


"Of course it is true. Don't think that the more advanced the technology, the shorter the application of time. If it is true, wouldn't it be enough to break a second into a year when the civilization of the universe develops to an advanced stage? The end of civilization? In fact, according to the information I intercepted from the system, it is not an abnormal situation that some civilizations have not been able to progress for thousands of years due to the difficulty of high-tech research and development, but many civilizations exist. "

"So, can we friends easily deal with it after solving the bug?"

"Well, really clever."

But whether this is really the case, 8051 and Kong Huan don't know, neither do the senior management of Pengzu, sitting in the control room of the floating island while staring at the almost unchanging display screen, while chatting with Uncle Lian, Xiu Yuan doesn't know. Know.All they can do is to continue to stick to their posts, do their own work, and give everything for the friends' current battle against the Zerg.

However, at this moment, Xiu Yuan, who had been chatting with Uncle Lian, was about to pick up the teacup and drink tea to refresh himself, when his eyes accidentally glanced at the screen, and his eyes lit up.

"There seems to be something!" He jumped on the display screen that had been almost unchanged for several months, and began to control the joystick to fine-tune the rotation of the observatory, slowly backtracking.

"What's the matter?" Uncle Lian on the side still didn't take his eyes off the several monitors he was in charge of, but he also divided his attention a lot in the distance.

After the status of Xingkong Equator dropped, the number of staff also decreased a lot. There were originally five people in this control room, but now there were only him and Xiuyuan. Otherwise, he wouldn't pay attention to the annoying young man.

At this moment, Xiu Yuan let out an exclamation.

"Quick! Send the alarm!! Zerg army!!!"

Thank you for the rewards of 'The Wind Appears on the Track' and 'uuuuuxhy', as well as the monthly support of 'Little Danny CCTV' and 'Stars, Breeze and Silver Moon'~\(≧▽≦)/~
(End of this chapter)

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