Spore Story

Chapter 926 War Game Deduction

Chapter 926 War Game Deduction

"Well, how long has it been?" The time spent in the God's Stone space seems to be uncertain each time, which makes the number of times that Kong Huan enters the God's Stone space very small.

"10 minutes, what's your perceived time inside?"

"For a while, it seems that the time extension technology of the God Stone Space is much more advanced than our friends' fantasy world, and inside..." Tell Dark Blood what he saw inside the God Stone Space, especially those that seem to exist People and the world, illusory is more emphasis on description.

After hearing all this, Dark Blood seemed a little silent for some reason.

"What?" Kong Huan was concerned.

"Actually, it's a bit tangled." Walking in parallel with Kong Huan, Dark Blood thought for a while and said: "As you said, although our fantasy world can simulate a small-scale world that is close to reality, but for the simulation of autonomous consciousness, it can only be simulated. It all depends on the multitasking degree of the creator himself, no matter how powerful we are, how much can we use at one time? As a result, these worlds seem very empty, and those so-called plants are just models."

"However, the space of God's Stone seems so real. You said that you can't even feel the boundary, and the creature seems to have self-awareness. Under this situation, it's either that Yadu's multitasking ability is against the sky, or he has other methods Skills... But in fact, whether Yadu is strong or not is harmless for the time being, and that's not what I want to talk about."

"Oh? What is that?" Kong Huan looked curious.

Dark Blood stopped, and reached out to pat the big tree beside him: "After seeing so many things, I sometimes wonder whether our world is just a fantasy world created by others?"


"You're worrying too much."

With a dry laugh, Kong Huan patted Anxue on the shoulder, and gently dragged him towards the compound of the Elder's House.

"Maybe this is really a super fantasy world, but at least we perceive this world to be real, we perceive ourselves to be real, and the other party we perceive is also real... Moreover, this world has existed for so long, we cannot Interfering with the nature of this world, why do you still have to think about so many things that cannot be affected by mediocrity? Wouldn’t it be good to live on your own?”

"Hmph, standard answer," although the tone was disdainful, Dark Blood didn't say any more.

Only idle assholes go back and doubt the reality of the world, because real or not, what can you do?Kong Huan and the others obviously don't have that much time to relax. You only need to look back at the changes in the friends clan in the past 50 years to see how busy they are as the masters of the friends clan.

And right now, after the Zerg sent troops to land on Double Moon Star for the first time but were defeated, they obviously wouldn't let it go, which made it difficult for them to relax.

According to the latest astronomical observation results, as well as the intelligence of Baiyue and Blueyue, the Zerg nest is mobilizing resources from Baiyue, mobilizing troops from Blue Moon, and establishing a command center and space cluster in the nest. A series of steps are almost in progress. The friends lowered their eyelids and proceeded.

This is not to say that the Pengzu's space warning is so powerful, but that the whole Pengzu has dozens of astronomical telescopes and dozens of satellites aiming at the Zerg brood that is smaller than Baiyue all the time. Just pay attention to each other's every move.

But this kind of monitoring obviously still has a lot of loopholes. The universe is vast and boundless. It only needs the Zerg to send troops out of the nest and then accelerate out of the range of the nest and escape into the space.At that time, the friends only had two eyes to catch blind, and then the Zerg sneaked into the surrounding area of ​​​​Shuangyuexing. In fact, it was very easy to achieve, and it was impossible to guard against.

And this is the biggest loophole in the friends' defense against space, but this problem cannot be solved for the time being.

However, this series of actions of the Zerg gave Baiyue and Lanyue's friend army members hope, so in total, Baiyue did not launch a counterattack because the commander had not yet arrived. Blue Moon originally planned to be the same as Bai Yue, but Bai Nong and others could not resist the strong demands of the Blue Moon Rebels, and finally decided to launch an attack at the end of March 49.

But this is dozens of days later for the empty illusion at this time.

The current time is only around February 2th. After chatting with Shen Shiyadu, and by the way, using the standard answer to unravel the dark blood, the two returned to the big courtyard of the elders' house.At this time, there was light rain again in the sky, and those guys who were carelessly lying in the yard and entered the fantasy world would be soaked in water if they were not careful. Didn't get to see a good show.

"Sure enough, the clouds in the sky will disappear one day earlier, so you will suffer less." Looking up at the clouds in the sky, Kong Huan, who originally liked rainy days, couldn't help but feel helpless.

In order to hide the place where the friends gathered, these clouds filled the entire place where the friends were located.While bringing a good concealment effect to the friends, it also greatly increased the amount of rainfall in all the places where the friends are located.This is impossible. After all, clouds are formed by the rise of water vapor, and the laws of nature are difficult to modify even if they are small.

Fortunately, except for the need to strengthen the drainage facilities in the industrial area on the ground, although the floating island is considered a territorial floating island, its area is very large, but it is in the sky after all.

For drainage or something, you just need to dig a ditch without any discipline to release the island.

As a result, in the historical art paintings of later generations, the paintings related to this period often show white clouds above the head, a few long horses dragging along the edge of the island, and a beautiful scene of flying down tens of thousands of meters can be seen everywhere.Even a meteorologist who has time to spare has written a 300 million-word "huge article" on the emergence of a large number of waterfalls in the floating island during this period, and the impact on the earth's ecological circle. What is the name of the floating island waterfall? Monogatari and the like, I heard that the sales are dismal.

Of course, that is for posterity.

Back to the present, Kong Huan and Dark Blood played a game of wargames (Dark Blood Proposal) in the courtyard of the Presbyterian Court due to their boredom. The scene in the star field and even the ground is not difficult to complete with the power of thought, coupled with Youshen's super computing power.

As soon as it came up, the dark blood completely ignored all safety, and concentrated all the resources of the white moon and sent them to the brood (in fact, the mining of the Zerg has always been destructive), and then used the blue moon to deal with The troops built by the rebel army in large quantities were also sent to the hive for shipment (although the bugs are not so extreme now, similar signs have appeared), and finally, the hive began to mass-produce pure space combat troops.

Afterwards, Kong Huan mobilized the friends' troops on the frontal battlefield in a regular manner, and assembled the space fleet to prepare for the defense. At the same time, on the side, they suddenly launched a surprise attack on the Blue Moon Zerg with the Blue Moon's rebel army as the main force.

However, at this moment, Dark Blood uncharacteristically turned all the troops of the Zerg Hive in the Hive to attack the Blue Moon Rebels, even ignoring the safety of the Hive.

For a while, the Blue Moon Rebel Army, caught off guard, was severely damaged, almost completely destroyed.

"I found the Blue Moon Rebel Base, and started to concentrate my forces to attack. It's okay to be empty." Dark Blood was proud and worried. It was obvious that he had only just thought of this possibility, but he couldn't be sure.

But Kong Huan nodded indifferently, not caring: "How could I interfere with the decision-making of the Zerg commander?"

So, the deduction continued.

The two almost adopted a turn-based system, which was slightly different from reality but not too big, but it provided enough time for the commanders of both sides to think and respond.

Seeing that the "Zerg" sinisterly used the appearance of concentrated attack on Shuangyue to lure the Blue Moon's rebels, and then nearly wiped them out, Konghuan planned to immediately send space troops to launch a large-scale landing operation to support Blue Moon.But after thinking about it, he stopped the thought again.

Because, if they dealt with it like this, although the two sides could advance the battlefield to the blue moon and not return to the double moon star, the safety of the double moon star was guaranteed.However, the Zerg has some home court advantage after all, but the Friends are completely labor-intensive expeditions... To fight a long-distance space landing battle with a Zerg who is at least an intermediate-level cosmic civilization, the Friends do not have that strength.

And Dark Blood quietly waited for the unreal decision, and was also thinking about how to deal with 'his own' tactics.

At night, Kong Huan's eyes lit up, and he suddenly made a move to gather all the space fleets of the friend races and launch a surprise attack on the Zerg brood.

However, in this regard, the dark blood just calmly mobilized the space troops from the side of the brood facing away from the double moon star when the space fleet mobilized by the empty illusion was about to arrive at the brood, and easily transported the The full-strength space fleet of the friends blocked the door.

How should this be!

Dark Blood thought that Kong Huan would think so, but the two of them stopped probing each other's mind at this moment, so they didn't know what the other was thinking.

Then, in just a few rounds, the friend race space fleet and the Zerg space force fought a battle line outside the brood; and the Blue Moon Rebel Army and the Zerg Blue Moon main force fought a battle line that was extremely unfavorable to the friend race in Blue Moon.

Seeing that the war was becoming more and more powerless to the friends, at this moment, Bai Yue suddenly launched a large-scale counterattack.


At midnight, the weather finally cleared up, and the attendants dragged out the elders who had been hiding in the rain for most of the night in their cloaks to dry out, while Hollow and Dark Blood just ended their war games with each other and began to summarize the results of the battle.

Although the final result still ended in the failure of the friend clan, the two were not depressed, because the result this time was much better than the countless simulations before. The appearance of arms.

And the most important thing is that through this kind of deduction, several loopholes that can be plugged by the friends have been discovered.

Ask Dark Blood, the creator of the Military Academy, to communicate with the Military Academy on how to plug the loopholes. Kong Huan calmed down and was about to think about the content of the deduction carefully, but the elders and researchers who were left hanging in the yard woke up one after another. Come.

As a result, he had to stop.

"How, is there any result?" Kong Huan looked at Long Yue who woke up first, shouldn't we say 'you are the most qualified here'?
Kong Huan shook his head embarrassingly to wake himself up.

But hearing the empty question, Longyue did not answer immediately, took a deep breath, then nodded to Aiyi who woke up immediately, and then she said: "The result is yes, in order to deal with the reality Threats, we are mainly studying the military popularization of Psychic Devices. But the Technology Department can also obtain one-third of the resources for further research to ensure the continuity of the research of Psychic Devices. "

"Aiyi, do you agree?" Kong Huan looked at Aiyi and the others.

Several people nodded in agreement.

(End of this chapter)

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