Spore Story

Chapter 928 Spirit Talisman Class Distant Star Battleship

Chapter 928 Spirit Talisman Class Distant Star Battleship
While the military parade was being held by the Atmospheric Troops, the empty group that took a new type of shuttle and led a group of elders and senior government officials to the sky had just finished their rest and was preparing to start the parade of the Space Forces.

Since the orbiter was originally designed to increase the speed from zero to the first cosmic speed in just three kilometers, this required too much physical fitness for the crew, and it might leave hidden dangers, so that friends Selection for the Space Force is as rigorous as it gets.

Later, the space shuttle was designed, so that the orbiter only needs to accelerate the shuttle to a strength lower than the first cosmic speed, and then the shuttle continues to accelerate on the way up, and the problem of the orbiter's strict requirements on the crew's body can be solved. .As a result, the physical fitness requirements for the selection of members of the Friends of the Space Force are correspondingly lowered.

As a result, there are more candidates for the Space Force, and almost most of the original Atmospheric Fleet members can be selected.

However, this situation has caused many recruits of the Atmospheric Fleet to join the Atmospheric Force as a corridor for entering the Space Force in the future, so many veterans who stayed in the Atmospheric Force complained constantly about the attitude of these recruits.

Of course, this kind of thing is fine.

After the military parade of the atmospheric troops was over, Kong Huan stood on the stage and read aloud aloud for 3 minutes according to the manuscript that the maid girl had worked so hard to write for himself, and after successfully arousing people's enthusiasm, this Issue the parade to begin.The images here will be open to all friends through the Friends Network.

In this way, the people of the Pengzu, and even other races, can enjoy the elegant demeanor of the Pengzu space fleet through the monitors connected to the Pengzu network.

With the three major fleets as the main body, although only a part of them appeared at this time for defense, people still felt a strong sense of security when looking at the huge fleet passing outside the airport.The most dazzling one is no longer the Gashan-class mothership, but the Puyuanshan-class second-generation mothership that has not yet undergone interior decoration, but was temporarily pulled over to participate in the military parade to boost morale.

As a summary of the experience of the first-generation mothership and support ships in combating the Zerg, the second-generation space carrier developed to replace the Gashan class in the future, the Puyuanshan class has a length of nearly 500 meters and a width of nearly 100 meters. The highly automated, standardized, and mechanized design not only greatly reduces the number of crew members, but also enables it to theoretically expand infinitely like a space factory.

Based on the original version (that is, the current version that just left the factory), the Puyuanshan-class mothership excludes the number of fighter pilots, and only needs to be equipped with a fixed crew of 71 to fully exert the full functions of the ship.

As for the space fighters that are the source of the mothership's combat power, the X-01A multifunctional manned space fighter developed on the basis of the Pterosaur class is equipped with two brigades totaling [-] aircraft on the Puyuanshan-class mothership. It integrates the functions of command, combat and early warning.

In addition to manned aircraft, unmanned aerial vehicles are still the main force of the friend clan space carrier.

The MX-01A integrated UAV developed on the basis of the Hades class, because the latest mass-produced model 1F artificial brain is used as the control core, theoretically already has the ability to use multiple weapons, but in order to ensure combat effectiveness, It is still a single weapon, divided into four models like the Hades class.

Since such UAVs do not require the entry and exit of personnel, they only enter the apron during maintenance and overhaul, so a Puyuanshan class can carry a full 150 of them, forming a huge cluster formation together with manned UAVs.

In this way, the combat effectiveness of a single Puyuanshan-class is already comparable to that of three Gashan-class motherships, but the manufacturing time and cost are only one-third higher than the Gashan-class. It is on par with the Gashan class.Therefore, after the sea trials of the Puyuanshan class, all subsequent construction tasks of the Gashan class have been stopped.

As for the huge demand for fighter jets, the core base based on today's automated factories is responsible for it, and there has been no situation where it can't keep up with the progress.

Watching the huge Puyuanshan class lead his swarm-like formation of fighter planes to walk past the fleet, the entire space factory and the crowd on the ground fell into a higher level of frenzy.If the previous military parade on the ground brought everyone peace of mind to protect their homes, then the appearance of the space fleet led by the Puyuanshan class brought everyone hope for victory.

Although standing in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling window of the space factory, the illusion is very clear that a small Puyuanshan class is impossible to really turn the tide of the battle. This has been made clear in his previous wargame deduction with Dark Blood, but it does not hinder him The emotion of hope in the race at this time.

Of course, since it has become clear that the Puyuanshan class alone is not enough, they need to find more solutions.

So, as soon as the military parade was over, and after some dispensable congratulatory speeches, Kong Huan led a group of elders to leave the airport in an orbiter.After more than an hour, everyone rushed to a space factory with an open giant dock and a closed large and medium-sized dock.

After getting off the tarmac, the few people did not take too much rest, but let the reception staff lead them directly to one of the destinations of this trip.

"We will have two goals for this trip, one big and one small; one traditional and one innovative..." Kong Huan was talking nonsense, the surrounding elders echoed casually, and Dark Blood looked around impatiently. The interest in the city is countless times higher than that in the fantasy.

Soon, everyone walked through the corridor full of metallic atmosphere, and came to a door.

Looking up at the sign - 'Dock No. 01', it's clearly a large enclosed dock.

Pushing open the door, what caught everyone's eyes was a behemoth that could not be fully covered by sight, but what really attracted everyone was not the thick body of this behemoth, but the various types of muzzles that covered the hull.

Affected unconsciously by Kong Huan, although the design of the Pengzu warship is mainly based on the Pengzu style, in fact, there are still remnants of human thought in the core aspects. For example, the warships of the Pengzu also pursue: power, armor, power, precision, etc. , essentially no difference.

Of course, because technology is more advanced than humans, these things have been re-divided into: power, defense, attack power, etc., so I won't discuss them one by one.

Under the influence of such thoughts, in order to deal with the threat of the Zerg, the Friends have vigorously developed mothership technology on the one hand to strengthen the number of attack groups of the Friends to deal with the numerical advantage of the Zerg.But on the other hand, it is also pursuing elite combat effectiveness, so as to pursue the unique characteristics of the friends, and at the same time strengthen the possible decisive weapon lethality against the Zerg.

It is good to plan ahead and have a long-term view, but on the other hand, it is a waste of resources. (=.=)

Of course, we all know this feature, and it is still suspected of plagiarism in the eyes of humans.

For example now...

"We call this super gunship a battleship, just as Elder Konghuan said, it is a heavy battleship with high defense and high lethality."

The designers talked freely and showed their results to everyone.

The Spirit Talisman-class battleship is named after the ghost-class hero Spirit Talisman who once solved the Zerg at the cost of sacrificing himself in the battle with the Zerg.


In addition, its own plug-in capability also makes it possible for the battleship to additionally equip a large-scale drone group.

But that's not the point.

As an artillery battleship, the key point is that this ship is equipped with twelve 300mm super mass-energy rail guns that can use mass-energy conversion bombs as shells, all of which are single-barreled turrets, with a brutal combat capability of 300 kilometers with an accuracy of 10 meters.This makes it so that if it is based purely on theoretical data, the combat effectiveness of a single warship of this ship can compare with all space forces of the entire friend family.

Of course, this is just theoretical data.

As for the secondary guns, adhering to the belief of multi-turret religion, the designers installed thirty 10N plasma cannons with a range of less than 100 kilometers on the huge hull as medium-range weapons, ten six-tube 20mm super metal storm As the key to defending against the impact of the swarm.

Purely in terms of combat effectiveness... or in terms of lethality, the power of a talisman-class battleship would be no less than that of the Thunder God Floating Island Fortress that was completed in the atmosphere.

But in terms of defense, battleships are of course incomparable with fortresses.

The magnetic deflection shield that would interfere with the bombardment was canceled, and the space saved was used to expand the energy storehouse and power cabin, making the talisman-level protracted battle three times that of the Meteor-level.Although its defense is only the thunder cannon close-in defense system all over the ship and the abnormal armor of 300mm-1000mm, but looking at the data, we know that there is no need to worry too much about its thickness.

And thanks to the addition of an ecological cycle design, a revenue-generating solar energy collection device, and an improved gravitational induction engine, theoretically speaking, this battleship already has the capability of long-distance space combat. (Of course, the long distance here only refers to the planetary system (=.=))
Therefore, this type of battleship was later called the Far Star Battleship.

However, from the beginning to the end of the visit, the designers were praised and praised by the elders from time to time.Especially at the end of the visit, when the elders were about to go to the next project site, the elder Kong Huan even held the designer's hand to express his congratulations, and promised that once the sea trial was successful, this kind of talisman-class battleship would serve as the future friend clan battleship force Standard configuration.

But although this made the colleagues around work harder, the sensitive designer in charge of commentary could still feel the carelessness of the elders such as Kong Huan when they visited the talisman level.

This in the end is why?Is it an illusion?

He didn't know it at first, but when the elders finished the visit and walked to the next project site, he felt the nervousness of the elders.At this moment, he felt that he had found the reason.But he was a little unconvinced, why did that petty project get more attention from the elders than the behemoth he was in charge of?

Isn't it just being able to exert the power of thought?
Maybe, it's just that the elders love their houses and crows.

(End of this chapter)

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