Spore Story

Chapter 934

Chapter 934

In the silent starry sky, a dusty bony spherical object wandered quietly in the universe. Some bulges in the shell seemed to pulsate from time to time, as if telling something to the outside world, but the surrounding No one is listening.

The bone sphere and its countless brothers have been floating in this universe for decades since they were thrown out.

They have made countless cosmic jumps. Under various accidents, there are not many left in the end, but the rest are still continuing their mission.

But for decades, they are still wandering in this galaxy, even just approaching the edge.

When can we leave this galaxy?Where is its final destination?They don't know anyone, and they don't think about it, they just continue the task mechanically.

But today, things changed slightly.

Just when the bony sphere was accumulating energy again and preparing to jump, the space not far away produced ripples of fluctuations.

Accompanied by slight flashes and space distortions like water ripples, a huge and elegant warship appeared in the airspace several kilometers away from the object, followed by continuous flickering... more and more warships Appeared next to the battleship that first appeared, forming a huge fleet.

When the flash finally stopped, the entire airspace was enveloped by a fleet of elegant battleships.

Just when the spaceship that found the bone sphere in the fleet was about to step forward to capture this bone sphere, which was obviously not a natural creation, the bone sphere couldn't stop because it had prepared to jump earlier, and it flickered and disappeared in the original place. Naturally, this change took the fleet by surprise.

Afterwards, a battleship in the fleet was quickly separated to follow the jump path of the bone ball, and the rest of the battleships were divided into two parts, and after staying for two days, they jumped in two directions respectively.

One faces out of the galaxy.

One faces inwards of the galaxy.

Not long after, the airspace returned to calm, continuing to operate as if nothing had changed.

And at the same time, in another airspace not far from this airspace, there was also a fleet different from the previous elegant fleet that had just completed the jump mission and was still resting and adjusting.

This is an obvious Zerg space fleet, and its huge size and bony shape clearly inform the cosmic civilization of its arrival.

At this moment, there was a ripple in the space, and the bone sphere suddenly appeared in the inner circle of the fleet.

The Zerg fleet that discovered the target captured the bone sphere without hesitation. Just as they were about to analyze the contents, an elegant battleship appeared not far from the bone sphere after it was captured. .

This act of throwing themselves into the net obviously terrified the members of the elegant battleship, and they naturally knew that the Zerg would not accept so-called prisoners, so they quickly fell into despair when they reacted to the Zerg attack.

And at this moment, they saw the bony sphere that led them here.

In resentment, at the moment before the battleship was destroyed by the Zerg fleet, the main gun of the battleship was fired ahead of time, turning the bone sphere just captured by the Zerg into cosmic dust.

In this way, the battle in this airspace came abruptly and ended sadly.

The Zerg fleet, which seemed to have gotten nothing, didn't mind, and quickly disappeared into this airspace through the calculated transition path.


On April 49, 4th year of the Friends' Calendar, probably because they couldn't get used to the leisurely attitude of the local civilization of the Double Moon planetary system, the Zerg brood finally made a new move under the attention of all the people.

The emergence of this action directly led to another turmoil in the entire double-moon star system.

Very surprising move.

It neither returned to clean up Blue Moon's rebel army as the friends had guessed, nor did it immediately send the fleet gathered in the brood to rush forward to fight against the friends of Double Moon. Instead, it took all the fleet back into the brood , and then gradually accelerated to move... in the direction, but it was directly facing the Double Moon Star.

Based on the calculations of the Shuangyue Technology Department, with the speed and acceleration of the mother nest, it will take four days to reach the [-]-kilometer distance of Shuangyue Star.

However, can we use these four days to make complete preparations calmly?
Of course not.

The Zerg brood has not directly attacked yet, but a simple approach has already projected its influence to Double Moon Star.

On the evening of the 11th, 8051 and Shuangyue, who were still discussing with Shuangyue in the space of the will of the planet, how to distribute the treasures left by the system, felt the abnormality of Shuangyue almost at the same time.

The first problem that appeared was the gravitational change in the surrounding area of ​​the Double Moon, which directly led to the appearance of the atmospheric anomaly of the Double Moon, and the abnormality of the orbit of the Pengzu artificial satellite in the satellite orbit of the Double Moon.

Subsequently, abnormal high tides appeared in the entire Shuangyue Xingjiang River, lakes, and oceans, which directly led to losses in inland waterway shipping and fisheries in various places, and the coastal security situation further gradually deteriorated. They all started migrating.

And with the constant approaching, even some small floating islands have their orbits shifted.

Under such circumstances, the various departments of the Friends Clan had to appease the masses on the one hand, relocate residents along the coast, along the river, and small floating islands, and on the other hand urgently discuss how to deal with the Zerg nest.

Although it is still unknown how to deal with it, there is one point that everyone has reached a consensus on.

That is

no entry.

"We can't let the Zerg brood approach any more. A brood nest with a diameter of several thousand kilometers is simply not something that Double Moon can bear. Once the Zerg nest hits Double Moon, the entire ecology of Double Moon will be destroyed! "

"Even if the Zergs don't hit directly, just stopping the brood on a [-]-kilometer orbit for a few days, the meteorology, hydrology, and even terrain of Double Moon will change, which will still be devastating to us. strike!"

The discussions at the meeting were tense and chaotic. No one expected that the Zerg would do so well, and no one expected that the real cosmic race would be so powerful.At this moment, many people even thought of the previously spurned peace-seeking remarks, but after thinking about it carefully, people shook their heads and waved it out of their minds.


is it possible?
People just need resources.

Therefore, the focus of the debate quickly shifted to how to prevent the Zerg from continuing to approach. Now the Zerg brood is still in a state of slow approaching, and it will definitely fall if it is not completely captured by the gravity of the double moon star, so it is only necessary to destroy the brood at this time. Then it can be said that the celestial body crisis brought by the brood can be avoided.

Is that really the case?

After a simple analysis, the technical department gave several answers.

Now the brood is 12 kilometers away from Shuangyuexing. Assuming that the life response of the brood is eliminated at a distance of [-] kilometers, that is, its body is not eliminated, but its independent power and control are lost, then the brood may become The true third moon of Double Moon.

But the above idea tends to be idealized. Although everyone expects this, it is basically impossible to achieve it.

So the next best thing is to blow up the brood to pieces?

This presents two possibilities:
One is to form a gravel ring based on the fragments of the Zerg brood in the orbit of the double moon star satellite.

There are only three planets in the star system where Double Moon is located, none of which have gravel rings, so the consequences of this can only be estimated.But obviously there will be no good results. The future double moon stars may continue to encounter meteor scenes, but that is not a beautiful wishing star, but a disaster from outside the sky;

The other is that all the fragments of the mother nest fly to the double moon star at once.

This kind of result is definitely very happy for those who like meteor showers, but the consequences are fatal. Although it is better than the entire brood coming over, it is actually not much better. It is estimated that the double moon star ecological circle will destroy a whole Seventy to eighty percent is no problem.

So much has been destroyed, what a mess!
So besides the idealized answer of turning the brood into a third satellite, or the mutilated brood completely turning into fragments and destroying the world, are there any other practical answers?

Finally, the technical department did not let people completely despair.

At this time, the core is concentrated on the super weapon mass-energy bomb that has just been released not long ago.

"The mass-energy bomb, the strongest weapon of our family, can reach a killing range of seven kilometers in radius, and can reverse all matter in the area into energy."

"However, mass-energy bombs do not have the shock wave and gas inflation effects of chemical weapons, and there is no difference between launching them inside and outside the object. Therefore, only the existing mass-energy bombs with a radius of seven kilometers can deal with the Zerg. A mother nest with a diameter of a thousand kilometers has no decisive effect at all."

"To what extent can the power be increased?" Kong Huan asked.

"Theoretically speaking, with the explosion principle of the mass-energy bomb, we can even increase the reversal effect of the mass-energy bomb geometrically when the restrictions are lifted... In short, we can use a mass-energy bomb to Can bomb a planetary system."


"That's not right. Since it can be restricted, let's add a restriction so that its attack radius reaches [-] kilometers and it is enough to destroy a Zerg brood...Why, what are you looking at me for, is there something wrong?"

"No, we actually thought about it too..."

"Then what's the result?"

The Minister of Technology spread his hands regretfully: "Because the intensity of the reversal effect of mass and energy increases exponentially, that is to say, the larger the scope of its influence, the higher the technical requirements required to limit its continued expansion of influence. And our friends The existing technology can only reach the limit of ten kilometers, which is the sky."

"Is that so..."

The audience shook their heads in disappointment.

"Then what should we do? Hit it with thousands of mass-energy bombs?"

"This is obviously impossible," said the Minister of Technology with a bitter smile: "Even if it is a mature seven-kilometer-radius supermass energy bomb, we only have a dozen in reserve. And because of the high requirements for precision and safety , even in the current production line, only one can be rolled off the assembly line every day."

"We only have three days, one a day..."

"It's not enough!"


"Is it really necessary to detonate an unlimited mass-energy bomb and die with the Zerg?"

This is obviously impossible to accept, as long as there is a slight chance, people will not choose this ending.

At this time, someone made another proposal: "Why don't we leave."

(End of this chapter)

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