Spore Story

Chapter 958 The World About to Awaken

Chapter 958 The World About to Awaken

Located on the coast of the southwest of the Central Plains mainland of Double Moon Star, the G07 industrial zone related to Pengzu marine and aquatic products and other industries has been built.

Although life on the coast has become dangerous under the looming threat of the brood.Even now that the brood has stopped approaching, it has approached so much that the number of tide attacks on the coast has increased several times compared to previous years, and its power is even stronger.

However, the residents of G07 did not relocate to the inland like the residents of other small coastal gathering points due to the continuous improvement and construction of huge breakwaters and city walls relying on huge manpower and later mechanical power.

When wandering around every day, climbing to the tens of meters high city wall to watch the scene of the waves hitting the breakwater has also become one of the tourist attractions of G07.

Perhaps, this can also be regarded as a manifestation of the nervousness of the members of the friend clan.

But the focus of our attention at this time is not here, but a dungeon located not far from G07, under every surface industrial area.

The underground city under G07, which was built with the powerful digging ability of the Dunjia people and the mechanical construction of the friends in the later period, originally existed as a supplementary food for industrial areas and floating islands, as well as a living place for underground biological breeding. According to the agreement, it is only 200 meters deep, but its diameter exceeds even that of the industrial zone.

It's just that for the stability of the building, in terms of actual use of space, she is obviously not as wide as the surface industrial area.

Since friends began to upgrade the whole family, this place, like many dungeons, has become an industrial area, a gathering point for friends in the surrounding area, and a safehouse for friends near the floating island.

In order to ensure safety, after the friends moved in, not only did they have a mechanical legion of guards, but also many non-friend soldiers and managers were in charge of protection.

Because of the close distance, these people have practiced the cultivation skills of the friends, and their perception of consciousness is very clear, so they understand a lot more than those non-friends outside who know that their friends are sleeping, but don't know why they are sleeping.Of course, their sense of confidentiality is also much higher.

On this day, after personally inspecting the sleeping area of ​​the friend he was in charge of again, the Dunjia Ren Guyuan returned to the central control room.

As a new generation of Dunjia people, Gu Yuan's handsome face looks much more delicate than that of the older generation of Dunjia people. This is caused by the further improvement of living conditions, and it is also something they are proud of.

And Gu Yuan, who lived among the friends and took building the friends as his own responsibility since childhood, did not add the word Dunjia in front of his name like his grandparents did.Although the government doesn't care, Ke Guyuan, like many people in the public opinion, thinks this is an obstacle that prevents the Dunjia people from further integrating into the big family of friends.

Therefore, parents have the influence of their grandparents, and they still wear the prefix of Dunjia, but most of their grandchildren have already been named like friends.

Faced with this situation, even the grandfather in his hometown didn't say much.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this sense of identification with the friend family that he was urgently selected to take up the job of protecting nearly [-] friend sleepers in this area when the friend suddenly fell asleep.And he, indeed, fulfilled his duties according to the expectations of the public. Fifteen days had passed until now, and there was not a single accident here.

"Gu Yuan, it's really incredible, isn't it?"

In the communication channel, another Yueling who belongs to the same area, who is Gu Yuan’s subordinate in name, but is actually a friend, colleague, and neighbor, pushed the door open after finishing his inspection work with great emotion. , happened to see Gu Yuan with a curious face.

"Yeah," Gu Yuan nodded: "It was nothing in the first thirteen days. From the day before yesterday, I can clearly feel that almost all of my friends have been promoted to the soul level. What a powerful ability this is."

"The whole clan is soul-level, friends... I don't even know what to say," the Moon Spirit said with admiration on his face, "As expected of a race favored by gods."

"Moreover, among our 10732 people alone, there are at least 600 people who have consciousnesses stronger than the soul level. Although I only have a clear perception of the soul level at the beginning, but... it should be the Youshen level."

"You're serious!" Gu Yuan looked at Yue Lingren in shock.

Although Gu Yuan himself has good qualifications, he is only 21 years old after all.Among the current Dunjia people, he is only an adult, and his strength has reached the peak of the ghost level, which is enough to be proud of, but it is difficult to perceive the consciousness beyond the soul level.So when he was reminded by his friends from the early soul-level Moon Spirit, he was even more shocked.

And soon, his confidence in defeating the Zerg became stronger.

However, before this time, under the leadership of the Moon Spirit, he personally went to confirm the situation.

Through the perception of the instrument, the two further confirmed that 711 friends had reached the Youshen level. This data made them ecstatic.Gu Yuan quickly realized that even if it was not time for the daily report, he planned to inform the elders' house of the good news.

But at this moment, a ringtone different from the alarm sound came to mind in the control center.

Gu Yuan and Yue Lingren looked at the data window connected through the mechanical ants to monitor everyone at the same time, their faces full of expectation and joy.

On the other hand, Xinpeng Island, as the center of the rule of the friends, is obviously not as laid-back as the fringe industrial areas.

The sun was shining brightly, and the double moon star, which was about to enter summer, did not stop the supply of summer warmth due to the so-called glacial weather, but in the office of the patriarch of Xinpeng Island, the temperature was slightly higher.

Due to another outbreak of rebellion by the Black Bone Clan, although everyone believed that once this rebellion was subdued, the Black Bone Clan would further integrate into the Friends Clan, and it would be difficult to erupt into a large-scale rebellion.But on the other hand, it can be seen that this rebellion is not so easy to quell.

Relying on Elder Tumu Xun's suggestion of "fighting black with black", Pengzu was able to suppress Feng Wenhong's rebels out of breath, but this group of rebels didn't seem to need to breathe, their slipperiness was even more speechless than that of a loach .

Over the past few days, although there have been news about how many rebellious black-skeleton clans have been destroyed here, how many rebellious black-skeleton clansmen have been arrested there, and how many original manufacturing machines have been killed, in the end, it is still less than the black-skeleton race that was actually killed. Half of the total number of Bone Race rebels.

And after owning a 1C-level artificial brain manufacturing factory, the original manufacturing machine is already something that the rebels can manufacture as much as they need.

Therefore, after integrating the hunting situation in the last few days, Warhammer, and the first batch of mineral shipments were processed, knowing that the friends did not have the so-called supply of the next few batches of minerals, and the upgrade of the friends was about to be completed, so they even prepared Lingyue, who did not take any action, agreed that the hunting plan should be adjusted.

"What do you think?" Pointing to the map sand table, Lingyue suggested to Warhammer: "Divide the areas where there may be rebels with two axes, and then use a legion of mechanical soldiers to clean them one by one?"

Every time her finger slid across a grid, it was blocked by the sand lifted up by her thoughts.

Then, when her fingers crossed all the grids, she lightly hit her fist, smashing the pieces representing the rebels into pieces.

But Warhammer thought for a while and shook his head: "The idea is good, but who can guarantee whether the other party will lurk and wait for our investigation to leave, or evacuate first, and then come back after our investigation is confirmed, or even other actions?"

"Can we send troops to garrison?"

"What kind of soldiers to send?" Warhammer asked: "Ordinary people sending them over can be said to be blind in front of Feng Wenhong, who is the god of Youshen, and a priest of tens of meters of soul level. Sending mechanical soldiers is even more useless. It's easy to be fooled by how big they are, whether they have much judgment ability."

"I'm not saying that soldiers should arrest them, it's just an early warning."

Lingyue waved her hand: "Ordinary people obviously can't, but the number of mechanical soldier ants is enough. We reduced the size of mechanical soldier ants, canceled those messy combat components, and expanded the production speed. Mechanical scout ants and even mechanical dragonflies come to cover the entire area that needs to be searched."

"Once the opponent appears, we only need these mechanical soldiers to be able to send out the signal before they find the target and are killed by the opponent. This is enough."


Warhammer's eyes lit up.

According to Lingyue's thinking, these mechanical scouts will definitely have very low manufacturing requirements.And further divergent thinking, if the scale of manufacturing is expanded again, this kind of thing can even be used as a link for the future friends to monitor the planet.

Of course, these things are still too far away to think about now.

After pondering for a moment and further thinking about its feasibility, Warhammer finally made a decision: "It shouldn't be difficult for the technical department to come up with the real object and production line as soon as possible."

"Yes," the Dunjia man turned and left.

Although the technical department is full of non-friends at this time, those who can enter have two brushes. The most important thing is that they are not spearmen (the cup of a lucky E), so this is just a slight improvement on the original version. Even the weakened work is easy for them to do.

However, after the orders in this regard are finished, the meeting still has to get back on track.

"In the end, how do we deal with these rebels?" Warhammer was a little anxious: "It has been fifteen days, and everyone may wake up at any time. If they find out that the friends are in a mess, we will definitely be despised."

"Anyway, our main task is to protect everyone until they wake up, and the rest is just expansion." Lingyue was obviously more open-minded about this: "When I came back, I went to see those sleeping guys in the elders' house, tsk tsk..."


Since returning to Double Moon Star, he was preoccupied with dealing with the rebels and other issues, and Warhammer didn't have time to look at the sleeping people in the Elder's House. At this moment, he was a little interested when he heard Lingyue's words.

"What? Oh, it's good, no, it's very good, it makes me a little jealous."

Lingyue smiled and waved her hand: "I went to look at it before, and there was nothing in my eyes. Sleeping beauties... ahem, they look like people who are asleep, but if I let go of my consciousness and scan with mental power, I will be able to To scare that..."


"Yeah, think about it. Ten days ago, you and I were at the Youshen level like you and me, and some guys who were weaker are at least at the peak of Youshen level now, and most of them have become Yinshen level. Among them The consciousnesses of Elder Xue, Elder Lingxue, and Elder Chu Jie are so huge that I can’t even feel the specific situation, so they should be at the level of spirit gods, I’m so envious.”


"Nonsense, I'm still lying to you, but unexpectedly, there is another one who is not weaker than the three elders."


"Yin Wu, the one who came out of Elder Kong Huan's shadow system," Lingyue said with curiosity on her face, "If I remember correctly, before this guy fell into a deep sleep, except for the mental power control reaching Lv7 and the body not being energized Besides, there aren't too many highlights, right?"

"Elder Otonashi..."

After thinking about it, Warhammer shook his head: "I don't know either."

But he knows that since all the elders can get such a big boost when they are promoted in batches, then when he and Lingyue are promoted alone in the future, it shouldn't be much less.

So soon, the feeling of envy to jealousy was quickly turned into anticipation.

And at this moment, the office door was pushed open without warning.

(End of this chapter)

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