Spore Story

Chapter 964

Chapter 964

Blue Moon Resistance Elder Court

On May 49, 5th year of the Pengzu calendar, the weather... was full of bugs.

As the courtyard built by the Rebel Army for the Bainon moon landing team to "repay the favor", due to the lack of aesthetics of the builders, it looks ordinary. It is not until the elders themselves have made some modifications in it that it makes people feel a little elder The mystical majesty of being.

And Qi itself is directly above the original core base. The seemingly ordinary courtyard show seems to be very fragile on the top of the mountain, but it is actually quite strong.

The interior of the entire mountain has long been hollowed out by mechanic ants, but the military fortress supported by alloy steel guarantees its stability.Various forts and entrances and exits on several hills around the mountain ensure the protection of the main peak.Not to mention the huge city wall built on the small plain below around this mountain, which makes this place as solid as gold.

But all of this is based on the fact that the gap between the enemy and the enemy is not very different.

When the Zerg began to attack on a large scale, the rebel army began to shrink its forces to ten ground cities built around the core bases. Up to now, there are only six or seven core bases left on the surface.

As for the city where there are two elders stationed and the Bainong moon landing team sleeping, there are obviously the most people here, and there are more high-level rebels, so they can persist and even have spare energy, but this phenomenon It won't last long.

Lamia and Changzhan knew exactly what these people were up to, but they simply ignored them.

Even when the city wall was breached by the bug ground troops a few times, they only made small moves to ensure that they would not be resented by ordinary Blue Moon people.

After persisting like this for a day, the entire Blue Moon's rebel army finally maintained the defense of the five ground cities after paying huge mechanical soldiers and casualties.

As for the communication maintained by the network collar, "luckily" it was not destroyed by the Zerg, so all regions were able to communicate intermittently with the decision-makers of the rebel army located here, and organized the various rebel forces that retreated into the underground world to fight while facing security. regions close together.

But the pressure brought by the Zerg is still great.

The sky has once again become the world of Zerg, and all surface cities can only be intercepted with almost disposable anti-aircraft weapons, with little effect.

But even under such circumstances, the decision-makers still rejected Lamia's proposal that everyone retreat underground. The reason was that they did not want to live up to the will of the fighting Blue Moon people.

what is this?
The two elders were not in the mood to try to persuade them of this unnecessary act of saving face, and decisively returned to the elders' courtyard and placed themselves under house arrest.

As for the bugs, no one could break into the small courtyard of elders protected by two elders.

In this way, in the early morning of this day, the Blue Moon Rebel Army was exhausted after fighting all day and night, and the city was also full of flying Zerg corpses, and even land Zerg corpses that directly airborne or burrowed into the city.But even so, the Zerg's offensive not only did not decrease, but gradually increased as time went by.

Under the ebb and flow, policymakers seem to have no hope.

In the face of strong demands from all over the world to retreat underground, some places directly gave a reason of 'the battle situation is unfavorable, so we can only retreat underground', and even directly announced their refusal to accept future leadership from the decision-making level. More and more core base cities on the surface The decision-makers of the rebel army, who had already begun to retreat to the ground, came to the elders' courtyard in the early hours of this morning to ask for help after discussions with the decision-makers under increasing pressure.

Unfortunately, the door was closed.

Lamia looked through the window at the restless, jealous, dissatisfied, or pleading decision makers outside the courtyard, and shook her head in disappointment.

Pulling the curtains casually, she didn't shy away from the little maid who also belonged to the Blue Moon. She sat back on the sofa and looked at the long battle opposite.

"Even at such a dangerous moment, these people still chose to rely on others instead of working hard on their own, and they insisted on staying on the surface, unable to support them."

"However, in this way, the decision-making level of Lanyue is divided, and the reunion of core bases and scattered personnel in various places will be troublesome."

"Elders, please rest assured that Lord Lumen and several other adults have secretly reorganized the decision-making layer and started to secretly contact the cities and soldiers that have retreated underground. It's just the elders..."

The little maid looked expectantly at Lamia and Changzhang.

"Don't worry, the time is coming soon. As soon as Elder Bai Nong wakes up, we will be able to launch a counterattack against the Zerg, and then it will not be a simple Blue Moon counterattack," Chang Zhan said confidently.

"Yes," the little maid smiled.

At this time, Lamia cast aside the decision makers who were destined to be abandoned outside the window, turned to the little maid and said: "Go and drive these people away, at least before the official counterattack begins, they need to be a core to stabilize at least Now this base cannot put the entire rebel army in danger because of their inaction."

"Yes," the little maid turned and left.

After a while, Lamia looked away.

"Even if Bai Nong and the others wake up, it's still a question of when to launch a counterattack," she said to the long battle: "If the attack is launched too early, the Zerg brood will be prepared, so that it will affect the raid on the brood. It’s a little troublesome. So the best time should be the moment when everyone wakes up and launches a successful surprise attack on the brood.”

"But everything can't go as planned, and," Chang Zhan said after thinking for a while, "if we only have a limited counterattack in Lanyue, it's best to stabilize the defense lines first, but not let the Zerg find any signs."

"Yes, but after everyone wakes up, let's read what Elder Bai Nong and his friends say."


"who am I?"

After Bai Nong opened his eyes, the first thing he did was not to pay attention to the improved strength, but the memory that had become a bit chaotic.

Bai Nong, a man born in a coastal tribe in the Central Plains, was very smart since he was a child. He led the villagers to plant crops and calculate the calendar, and even integrated many surrounding tribes to establish villages and farms.There is a black-bellied younger sister who can't tell the relationship, and the two live a life that is close to each other.Then one day, he was discovered by the management of the Friends of the Clan, and was led by a manager named Kong Huan Huili into the entire world of the Friends of the Clan, thus beginning to influence the world with farming and animal husbandry technology.


It seems that something is wrong, I forgot something, I forgot a lot of things.

However, I can't remember anything.

Bai Nong rubbed his head, got up and sat on the edge of the bed and looked around, he saw his younger sister who seemed to be blinking on the bed not far away and looked like she was lying in bed, with a smile on her face, and then put on her clothes neatly.

But the next moment, like Dark Blood, he also discovered the problem.

This time it is not a photo, but a diary.

Bai Nong has the habit of keeping a diary, and this is the only one among the three people who has this habit. It was left when the calendar was created, otherwise they would not need this thing at all with their strong memory.

However, at this time, Bai Nong, who originally only planned to use this retrospective memory to speed up his awakening, found that the content in the diary deviated from his own memory.

Eliminate those that were obviously tampered with by your own black-bellied sister, such as "some day, I ○○ my sister in the cabin", "some day, I was on the hillside with my sister ○○", "some day, I made a ○○ for my sister After making obviously unreliable records such as "feed her the food" and other obviously unreliable records, he still felt that the contents of the diary and his memory were biased.

Fortunately, this change was not big, so Bai Nong quickly cleared his mind and began to compare the differences between the two parties.

A few ten minutes later, when Bai Min, who was fully awake, saw her brother's tangled and complicated expression, and most importantly, when she noticed that he was engrossed in the diary in front of her, she resolutely gave up the idea of ​​saying hello and turned around Walked towards the door, presumably to escape.

Unexpectedly, Bai Nong let out a long sigh.


Then came the serious tone of my brother: "Where are you going?"

But the strange thing was that in that serious tone that always made Bai Min feel threatening, she noticed something strange.

"Well, um, we're just going to the bathroom, yes, ahaha, it's just going to the bathroom, Quack."

"Lying is not what a good boy should do." Bai Nong put down the diary in his hand with a smile, as if he didn't care about the modification made by the black-bellied sister, and turned his head to look straight at the other party.

"I'm not a child anymore!" Bai Min, who seemed to be a little crazy, nonchalantly straightened up the little steamed bun that was barely visible under his pajamas.

"Yeah, I'm not a child anymore," Bai Nong's expression became a little weird.

But before Bai Min could react, Bai Nong had already stepped forward and hugged her in his arms.

"You, what are you doing, idiot brother! Let go!"

"Why let it go, haven't you already done a lot of similar things?" Bai Nong teased the girl in front of him in a joking tone.

"What, what do you do...uh."

Bai Min, who intended to refute, suddenly saw the diary on the table, and his face turned red.

It's one thing to be funny, it's another thing to be pointed out on the spot and react accordingly.But wanting to tell that it was fake and stretching Bai Nong's arms, Bai Min felt that she was unwilling to do that either.

This seems to be the first time that my brother took the initiative to hug himself, it feels so strange.

At this time, Bai Nong's gentle voice sounded again: "Do you know? There is nothing that bothers me anymore."

"Hey, what's the matter, stupid brother, you are actually troubled by things?"

"Of course, I'm just a person." Bai Nong smiled wryly and sniffed the fragrance of the girl in front of him, feeling the heat emanating from her whole body, and let go of his arms with a smile: "I'm Bai Nong, don't look at me like that It’s just that I have become the real Painong, and I am no longer the one who is both Painong and illusory.”


Bai Min, who still had some unfinished thoughts, but also stared at Bai Nong suspiciously, had a sudden realization expression on his face: "But... doesn't it need to be merged to end?"

"Yeah, so it should be that Hui Li directly merged with Kong Huan."

Bai Nong sighed and looked at the sky, he was indifferent, even though he was content to continue to exist as Bai Nong, he just hugged Bai Min excitedly.

"It's dark blood, I don't know how happy it is."

"Since you are no longer an illusion, idiot brother, why do you care about others," Bai Min retorted jealously.

"Ah, yes, I'll just take care of you from now on?" Bai Nong smiled and patted Bai Min on the head.

Waving his restless palms away, Bai Min, who was a little unaccustomed but not resistant to this kind of intimacy, turned her head arrogantly: "Hmph, she's not a bad woman, why do you care about these things?"

"Yes Yes."

(End of this chapter)

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