Spore Story

Chapter 966

Chapter 966
Thank you for the reward of 'the morality was eaten' =w=
Why are you so loyal to the goddess in front of you in your memory?
Kneeling on the ground, feeling the additional deterrence brought by such a huge spiritual power, Tu Mu Xun unexpectedly recalled his past self.

At that time, he was just an ordinary black-boned man, fleeing the chaos of war in the mountain lair. He was nothing, unable to do anything, and had no ideal fighting spirit. He just lived a precarious life, one day at a time.Until that day, in times of crisis, I met that voice, the voice of the goddess.

Since then, she has been growing up under the guidance of the goddess.

Step by step, from a small team leader in the mountains, to the leader of the Black Bone Tribe God Kingdom, this seems like a miraculous story among the Black Bone Tribe, and it is indeed a miracle goddess who can create it, right?But now that I think about it, at that time, I thought I was clever enough to try to surpass the goddess in influence, which was even crazier than Fengmohong now.

Fortunately, the Goddess of the time subdued him before he did any harm.

In the face of absolute strength, he didn't have any chance to resist, but the goddess's frivolous move drove him into the abyss.

And he, Tu Mu Xun, is not a repetitive person like Feng Wenhong, so after recognizing this reality, especially after the goddess mercifully forgave his rebellious psychology, he wholeheartedly followed in the footsteps of the goddess.

How long?
It didn't seem long, but it seemed as if he had followed from the beginning, and he never had any thoughts of resistance.

But right now, the coercion unleashed by the goddess is even stronger than before, and even friends who were weaker than him in the past are now so powerful, which strengthens his loyalty to the goddess in his heart.

Grace, strength and majesty, the goddess is not lacking.

But Dark Blood didn't really care about these thoughts of Tu Mu Xun.

In her opinion, the Pengzu has completed the initial growth.

Nowadays, unless the friends are in civil strife, the Double Moon Star...even the Zerg can't completely defeat the friends, so she no longer pays attention to those who used to use tactics to control the influence.

Friends and non-friends are no longer on the same level.

When the population of the Black Bone Tribe was at its strongest, it was only about 50. At that time, based on the tribal union, most of the living materials relied on hunting. Therefore, the distribution of personnel was relatively wide, occupying an area of ​​nearly 60 square kilometers in the southwest peninsula of the Central Plains, even including Today's ShadowClan and FriendsClan Southwest.

Subsequently, under the rule of the Black Bone Cthulhu, the population and number of the Black Bone Race decreased sharply. By the end of its rule, there were only about 40 people left, and the ruled area was also reduced, but there were still nearly 50 square kilometers of land. area.

Until the rule of the evil gods of the Black-Bone Race broke down and the Black-Bone Race entered the era of the Kingdom of God. In order to maintain the rule and facilitate management, the rulers of the Kingdom of God gathered a large number of people to the central city, and the concept of the city began to appear in the Black-Bone Race.Due to the increase in the number of people who are not engaged in production, the pressure on the planting industry that has just emerged is very high, and the life pressure felt by the common people is even more painful than that of the evil god period.

During this period, due to the concentration of the population and the shift from hunting to animal husbandry, although the population actually ruled by the Black Bones increased slightly, the actual ruled area not only did not increase, but was further reduced to 10,000+ square kilometers, basically withdrawing The southwestern part of the Peng Clan was left, but it was separated from the Shadow Clan with the forest as the border.

However, with the development of the planting industry, the improvement of productivity, the gradual expansion of the Black-Bone Tribe God's War, and the conflict with the Friends and Shadow Clan, coupled with the secret actions of the Friends, the population of the Black-Bone Tribe is further decreasing. In order to facilitate management, the rulers of the countries of the Black Bone Race are also further shrinking their territories.

As a result, before the Dark Blood of the Peng Clan accepted the Black Bone Clan, the actual ruling area of ​​the Black Bone Clan had completely withdrawn from the Shadow Clan inhabited area, and retreated to a piece of land in the southwest of the Central Plains with a radius of less than [-] kilometers and a land area of ​​less than [-] square kilometers Area.

However, although the territory has shrunk, due to the increase in the output of farmland per unit area and the development of productivity driven by the Spiritual Church, the population of the Black Bones has remained at around 23, and their lives have not deteriorated, on the contrary It was infinitely better than before.

It is also because of this that even though the Black-Bone Clan knew that the Peng Clan was related to the turmoil in the past, they still devoutly believed in the Goddess of Mind and agreed with her rule over the Black-Bone Clan.

And when the Spiritual Church accepted the priests of the Black Bone Tribe, and even brought the two true gods Tumu Xun and Feng Menghong into the church, and became subordinate gods who could even command friends and priests under the goddess, it made the Black Bone Tribe rule over the goddess Totally agree.

Under such circumstances, although Feng Wenhong's rebellion will cause a small number of people to question the church, more people will not agree with it, and even feel hatred for Feng Wenhong's Black Bones Church, because Their presence will destroy the relationship between the Blackbone Clan and the Friends Clan.

Therefore, the development of the Church of Darkness of Black Bones has been very slow.

Coupled with the blending of the Peng Clan and the Shadow Clan, helping the Black Bone Clan to deal with this small organization, even though he has the original manufacturing machine and has even started to produce mechanical soldiers, Feng Wenhong still feels difficult.

This difficult feeling reached its peak in the early hours of this day.

The action of Dark Blood fully releasing his mental power is not a simple act of demonstration.

In her opinion, since the Dark Church of the Black Bones is dominated by the Black Bones, in order to continuously receive the Black Bones who are attracted to them, they will not stay away from the Black Bones territory.Therefore, although the entire Double Moon Star is sparsely populated, their activities must still be around the Black Bone Race.

Even in order to ensure the safety of the core base, but in order to facilitate the core base to support the safety of the church at any time, they will not build the core base too far away.

The entire territory of the Black Bone Clan is now only tens of thousands of square kilometers, with a radius of only [-] kilometers. In terms of the dark blood's own spiritual power that can spread to a radius of thousands of kilometers, it is obvious that they can be found no matter how far they hide.

Therefore, she diffused her spiritual power without any thought of discussing it with anyone.

But there was a slight accident at this time. The mental power did spread so far, but although it reached the level of the spirit god, the brain still expanded from the fifth-level brain of the Winged Man, so facing the psychic power within a radius of nearly a thousand kilometers The analysis of the huge amount of information, the dark blood's brain, which has always been invincible, was a little sluggish.

This made the dark blood sitting on the throne stunned.

Fortunately, none of the people around dared to look directly at her for a long time, and they just waited on the sidelines respectfully and responsibly.

Therefore, the dark blood who reacted didn't find anything unusual, heaved a sigh of relief, and then began to shrink the expansion boundary of mental power, preparing to expand outward a little bit from a radius of [-] kilometers.

And there is another advantage of doing so, which is to be able to observe the internal situation more clearly.

But even so, the pressure on her was still slightly greater.

(End of this chapter)

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