Spore Story

Chapter 971 The Second Orbital Battle

Chapter 971 The Second Orbital Battle ([-])
After burying his whole body in the cockpit of the iron wing, feeling that his limbs and body were wrapped by soft but not tight objects, Ling Yu took a deep breath, and then realized that the last space helmet covered his body. Head, eyes suddenly dark.

But the next moment, after the mental power connected the control system of the entire Psychic Armor Iron Wing through the helmet, the world changed again.

The deepest feeling is that I have 'become bigger'.

"Every time it feels different."

As if controlling his own arm, the steel arm of the huge mech swayed left and right in front of his eyes, then clenched and loosened, and finally tried to punch.

But it stopped halfway.

Because the mecha has just been activated at this time, and there are colleagues around, and the maintenance team on the ground, if the mecha is messed up, who knows if it will cause an accident.

Therefore, Ling Yu just controlled the upper body to move slightly on the spot.

After a few minutes, the alarm finally stopped, but this did not mean the end of the battle, but the beginning of the real battle.

A virtual dialog box appeared in front of the line of sight, on which Ling Yu began to point out the course of action and the order of sailing, and after turning his attention away from Chi Yu, the former flight captain and now the head of the Mecha Legion, Ling Yu couldn't help but sigh. Take a breath.

"Even if it's also Youshen, even if it's already a unit, it feels like it's farther away."

Shaking his head dejectedly, the head of the mecha shook as well. As a result, Ling Yu himself did not feel the sobriety brought about by shaking his head. A big basin of cold sweat was so awake that he couldn't get any more. At this moment, he was yelling at Ling Yu like a mantis' arms in front of Ling Yu's eyes.

But she is not an overconfident praying mantis, nor is she a mighty cart, so Ling Yu can only use the mecha to put her palms together as a gesture of apology.

After all the maintenance teams on the entire apron were evacuated, she looked at the emptied apron in front of her, and the mecha group began to move.

"It's really like ordinary soldiers."

The mecha, which is completely imitated by the human body, and controlled like the body with mental power, only differs in size and equipment, looks like the world in Ling Yu's eyes, a group of giants.

The current apron is actually not a tool for special mechas to enter and exit, but a simple dock. This is because the mechas have been around for a short time and everyone has not had time to design a new apron. Therefore, every time a mecha enters and exits, a There are dozens of batches.

Control the mecha as if controlling the body, and floated forward for a certain distance following the main force, but actually jumped over a distance of hundreds of meters to the parking place divided into three spaces. Looking at the closed gate behind him, Ling Yu The spirit began to tense.

The next moment, the front gate opened, and the flow of air pushed the mecha, which was still suspended in the air, out of the apron.

He didn't control the mechs much, Ling Yu just tried to use his thoughts to adjust the mechas to prevent them from colliding with the surrounding colleagues. After about 30 seconds, the group of dozens of mechas flew out of the apron.

Outside, there are already hundreds of colleagues waiting in line.

It took more than ten minutes for a thousand mechas to come in and out, and after everyone lined up outside the airport, the million troops of the Zerg were only less than 300 kilometers away from Shuangyuexing, and there was even more distance between them and the airport. It is only more than [-] kilometers apart.

But it doesn't stop there.

Before the mecha troop and the main space troop launched an attack, many large and small round pits appeared in the insect swarm in the optical telescopic equipment, which caused the aggressive insect swarm to pause for a while.

And Ling Yu, who saw all this through the device, also felt the excitement of everyone through the Internet.

In fact, she did the same: "Great, the spy ship is indeed a spy ship, use mass-energy weapons to bombard them to death!" Ling Yu, who looked like a little girl, waved her fist with an excited look on her face, but it was a pity that she was shot by the Psychic Machine. A is blocked and cannot be shown to others.

But in this way, the morale of the army has once again improved at the time of the upcoming battle with the Zerg.

"Attention all teams, approach your warships immediately!" The command came from the headquarters

"Ah, yes!"

The order transmitted through the network made Ling Yu, the captain of the 201 team, quickly wake up from the excitement, and ordered the team members to follow, while she controlled the mecha and flew towards a meteor bomber ship in the distance.

That was the 'mothership' of their squad.

But having said that, the Pengzu doesn't have so much time to modify the warships, and the warships that are expected to be equipped with mechs in the future are still in the blueprint stage.

In order to solve this problem, the army came up with a whim: the mechas usually stay at the airport, and when they need to fight, the airport will release the mechas, and then each mecha will fly to the "mothership" to which it belongs, and use the arms of the mechas and other things to grab the mechas. Live in the relatively hard and safe place of the 'mothership' shell, and then be dragged by the 'mothership' to fly to the destination.

After arriving at the destination, the mechas will leave the 'mothership' and fight with the battleship.

In this way, the mech can fight at a long distance, but the durability is obviously still a problem.

This problem is difficult to solve. In the end, the Military Academy could only order to add charging equipment for the mechs on each battleship, so that the mechas can move independently for a long time. However, due to the difficulty of replenishing ammunition, the current situation Mechs generally use cold weapons.

However, Ling Yu is not used to melee combat, so although he carries a dagger-like weapon, he still chooses the 120mm ultra-long-range orbital sniper gun, which consumes less ammunition but is not low in lethality, as his main weapon.

"Squad 201, Captain Ling Yu requests to board the ship!"

"Boarding is allowed, please hold on tight."


After finishing the routine briefing with black lines all over his face, Ling Yu put a smile on his mouth, controlled the mecha to get closer to the meteor star, then found the right position, dragged his left arm, and sat on the bridge above the meteor star. Relatively sunken areas.

This is the sniper position she found for herself.

With the meteor bridge as the baffle, the mecha can be stuck in the middle of the hull, and it seems to be integrated with the battleship from a distance.

However, this move obviously made the members of the bridge feel helpless.

"I said Ling Yu, can't you change to a better place?"

"It's very good here. It has a wide field of vision and is blocked. When I was learning sniping in the land army, this was a natural good position. What's more, this vast universe is suitable for this place."

"But you also have to consider the feelings of our bridge members!" The captain was a little crazy, but they were used as shields. Are there such unscrupulous soldiers?

"Well, it's all about winning, and..."

"The target is approaching!"

"Ah, the battle is about to start, Captain, you have to work hard to command," Ling Yu took the opportunity to change the topic, and smiled, Lieutenant General completed the erection of the sniper gun, and a 120mm ultra-long-range sniper gun appeared on this star-rated ship. Right side of the bridge.

The captain, who was already helpless about this, covered his forehead, sighed, and then raised his head again, only the fighting spirit left in his eyes.

"Prepare for the first salvo of the First Squadron! The frontal distance is [-] kilometers, ultra-long-range bombardment!"

The muzzles of the battleships that had already aimed at the target began to gather energy, and the light blue electromagnetic light gradually turned into bright blue.

"Attention all fleets, the target swarm, prepare...to launch!"

Headed by the flagship of the fleet, the surrounding meteor stars and various warships launched attacks one after another.

After the condensed plasma ball was improved, it flew quickly for a distance of two hundred kilometers under the wrapping of the film-like substance of the mind force, and rushed into the swarm of insects far away.

However, it is very easy for the Zerg to evade an attack launched at a distance of two hundred kilometers in the open universe.Even when the surroundings were full of the same kind and there was little space to dodge, the thousands of plasma balls emitted by the Meteor Stars of this wave of four fleets still failed to hit a single Zerg.

But does it end like this?
of course not.

These are improved plasma balls. In order to increase the range of plasma balls from only three to four kilometers to hundreds of kilometers, so that the space force of the friends can have the strength of space warfare, the design bureau racked their brains to discuss the improvement plan. .And this wave of plasma balls is to use a simple and short-term thought force generating device to wrap the plasma balls when they are shot out of the muzzle.

When these plasma balls are shot into the insect swarm but are avoided, the Psychic film should disappear when the set distance is reached.

The next moment, the ignition device designed in fusion with the Psychic thin film generator will immediately ignite the plasma ball.

Although the plasma energy intensity of 100N is not enough compared to the height of Thunder Cannon 1000N and 2000N, it is actually equivalent to the strength of tens of kilograms of calcium carbide explosions. The explosion of a plasma ball can instantly cover a radius of nearly [-] meter area.

In the seemingly vast universe, the gigantic Zerg with a size of nearly a million occupied a small spot at this time, and the Zerg who were quite densely spaced, even though they avoided the direct attack of the plasma ball, were also enveloped by the explosion.

So from a distance, thousands of plasma balls bloomed into small blood-colored blue flowers among the insect swarm.

And this is just the beginning.

In this round, the Zerg lost to the friends in terms of attack distance. Over a distance of 150 kilometers to 150 kilometers, the Zerg almost passively endured dozens of waves of plasma balls and electromagnetic live ammunition.After entering [-] kilometers, a slender and unique insect finally flew out of the insect swarm.

Facing the fleet, they shot out long beams of energy light.

"Watch out for avoidance!"

Facing the light that is obviously not a good thing, the warships began to be on guard. Unfortunately, the drones and other small bodies that were caught in the match were destroyed before they could even react.

An ultra-long-distance ray worm aimed at the meteor star under Ling Yu. Under the watchful eyes of her and her colleagues, the light worm quickly traveled a distance of 150 kilometers. Just before it was about to bombard the hull of the battleship, it Blocked by an invisible film.

This is Youshen's mind shield.

In the past, there was a lack of Youshen, and the non-armored defense of warships was very weak, but now, tens of thousands of Youshen ensure that there are multiple Youshens on each space battleship of the Friends, thus improving the defense level of the Friends of the warships. ten times.

But the power of this light attack appears to be strong.

It took a full three seconds for the light attack to stop, and Youshen, who made the Psychic Mask in the battleship, was also in a trance for a while.

"The energy intensity is very high, at least at the level of 10000N," Youshen, who was in charge of this defense, said the data he felt while covering his dizzy head: "Try to activate the magnetic deflection shield at the same time next time."

However, for the second attack, the opponent changed the target.

I probably think that this kind of warship can't be dealt with in one blow, so let's put it in the back. The light worm's target is aimed at other warships.

But the Zerg was doomed to disappointment.

Three consecutive waves of ray worm ultra-long-range sniping, although each time they hit a battleship accurately, but none of the battleships were even damaged by a piece of armor plate.Then, these nematodes must face the revenge of the slower-moving plasma balls and electromagnetic solid projectiles of the friends.

(End of this chapter)

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