Spore Story

Chapter 976 Lolita Moves the World

Chapter 976 Lolita Moves the World ([-])

In a panic, the Blue Moon man grabbed the girl's arm and dragged it inward.

He did have good intentions, but under the tension, he didn't pay much attention to how strong his grip was as a friend-like guard.As a result, the arms of the former friend's girl quickly became red and swollen, and the girl struggled even more in pain, trying to get rid of the panicked and rough soldier in front of her.

If one ignores the situation of the entire battlefield at this time, the friend-like people in front of you are the dicks in the eyes of their parents... what kind of control, or the kind of scum who can't even use lollipops, but can only use strong ones.

And at this moment, the wall probably was breached somewhere, and the entire base trembled slightly.

It wasn't a big deal at first, but at this moment, everyone in the base with a little cognitive ability was tense, worried about what might go wrong. Under the shock, the friend-like guards were accidentally broken free by the girl His palm then dashed from left to right, and rushed to the periphery again.

"Damn it, come back quickly, it's dangerous there!"

"I don't want... Puff!"

The little girl who was frightened by the guard turned around and made a grimace, and out of fright, she dodged the guard with speed and flexibility several times faster than before.After failing to catch up several times in a row, the anxious guard saw the mechanical ants he had brought this time, became dizzy for a while, and mobilized them to start rounding up the little girl.

But what made people dumbfounded was because the aisle happened to be in a narrow area at this time, because the little girl was petite and flexible, and because the mechanical ants obeyed the order and did not dare to hurt the little girl, but their limbs were all weapons, and they could only be blocked with their bodies... Most importantly, because there happened to be a vent in the hallway, and the little girl got in.

Annoyed, the friend-like guard actually directly commanded the mechanical ants, and started chasing the little girl along the ventilation pipe.

But he completely overlooked one thing, that is, the mechanical soldier ants who were supposed to be sent to the periphery to replenish the killed there had not yet gone to stabilize the defense line of the core base. After being transferred by him to arrest the little girl, As a result, the outer defense line suddenly became empty because of his momentary carelessness.

But in front of the all-pervasive Zerg, any negligence would be fatal to humans.

When the guard reacted, the Zerg's earth-drilling insects had already broken through the outer wall, opening up a brand new passage for the swarm behind them in the outer passageway that was empty except for the remains of the mechanical soldier ants.

So when the guard finally chose to ignore the little girl and led the mechanical ants to arrive, there were already hundreds of giant worms with super surprise ability gathered there.However, dozens of mechanical soldier ants who just arrived only persisted in front of these Zerg for more than ten seconds, and even the friend-like guards could not escape.

The embankment of a thousand miles collapses in an ant's nest
(Ant nest... Mechanical soldier ants... It seems to be really an ant nest!)

The breakthrough of this point in the defense line of the huge underground core base seems to be less dangerous than the entire defense line, and it is by no means inconspicuous. The channel has gone through wars, and the monitoring system has long since lost its function.

As a result, when the rebels in the inner and outer circles discovered something was wrong, the Zerg had already sent thousands of mid-level Zerg through this channel.

At this moment, it is very difficult to destroy this passage, not to mention that the two Youshen who came to support them have been exhausted after days of fighting, but they still have to guard the other two passages. It is impossible to estimate the situation here.

Panicked, the decision makers of the core base resolutely abandoned the peripheral core bases at this level, and planned to reorganize the defense line at the middle level.

But at this time, the Zerg can be regarded as breaking into the core base. Through the all-round roads and ventilation ducts and other systems in the base that the Blue Moon people failed to go back in a hurry, some hastily constructed defense lines can no longer stop the Zerg who raided at a super fast speed.

What's more troublesome is that the Zerg assault point happened to be in the middle layer of the core base.

The rapid defeat of this layer of defense, although it was temporarily stabilized at the entrance of the upper and lower passages, the Zerg also separated the upper and lower sides of the core base.

There are two Youshen and the main soldiers and guards above, and the defense is acceptable; but the lower floor is full of old and weak women and children. They were originally arranged here for better protection and to save guarding power, but who would have thought The Zerg just cut off the middle layer of the core base, causing problems for the lower layer defense.

If that's the case, it doesn't seem to be a big problem, after all, it's still the core base, and at this time the rebel army still relies more on mechanical ants than humans for their defensive and offensive power.

But at this time, there is a problem that I didn't pay attention to before, but now it is quite fatal.

The construction plan of the core base has taken into account the current situation of the Blue Moon Rebel Army - they need to transport minerals through underground passages, so the lower floors are basically all auxiliary mining stations, ore refineries, parts factories, and mechanical worker ants' manufacturing factories. The infrastructure, while the weapon manufacturing factories such as mechanical soldiers and ants are all located on the upper floor that is convenient for upward transportation.

The Zerg suddenly cut off the connection between the upper and lower floors, and the parts could not be sent to the upper mechanical soldier ant factory, which made the soldier ants unable to continue production; while the lower floor had some parts and a large amount of minerals, but it was impossible to manufacture a soldier ant.

The immediate consequence of this tragic situation was that in just one hour or so, the full-speed production of the mechanical ant factory was suspended, and the defense forces on the upper and lower floors also began to use one part and one part less.

During the period, the two Youshen found something was wrong. After decisively destroying the last two passages, they led the soldiers to take the risk of raiding the passages to regain control of the middle layer, but the Zerg finally broke into the core base, so how could they miss the great opportunity.

As a result, this counterattack not only failed to connect the upper and lower floors, but was seized by the bugs, and further seized the control of the upper and lower three floors with an absolute number of attacks.If it wasn't for the accumulation of too many corpses from both the enemy and our side, which temporarily blocked the passage, the upper part would be fine, but the old, weak, women and children troops below might be completely wiped out.

"Damn it, how could it be broken through! Stand up and explain to me!"

"Okay, the matter is already like this, is it useful to pursue it?"

"He fucked!"

On the upper floor, Xin Youshen, who had been exhausted for a long time, kicked angrily at the bug corpses blocking the passage.

Even in the upper layer, the defensive force has begun to become weak. They had to blow up the last two passages to block the attack of the Zerg, and even voluntarily gave up the periphery of the core base, and used mechanical ants to destroy all the areas on the periphery that could be connected to the inner circle. After that, rely on the new fort made up of alloy walls in the core base to reduce unnecessary consumption.

But this is just a measure of interests.

"Can I get in touch with Elder Bai Nong!" Xin Youshen, who was in a rage, calmed down, and turned his head to look at his colleague who was not much better, but calmer.

"No, the worms have covered almost the entire core base, completely blocking the way to release the spiritual power. For now, the only way is to send someone to break through the worm's defense and send a message to the elders in the sky," said the new Youshen Saying so, but there is another layer of meaning hidden in the words that is not specified.

Among the audience, apart from the two Youshen, who else can send a message to Elder Bai Nong after breaking through the Zerg defense intact?
But the problem is...

"Elder, you can't leave!"

Unexpectedly, the clever decision-maker of the Blue Moon people on the side reacted first: "Now the upper layer relies on the two, and the soldiers and ants use a little less. If any of the two is missing, it will be... and, breaking through the Zerg It's so difficult, it's not good if there is a mistake... Besides, with the great strength of Elder Bai Nong, they should be able to detect the danger here."


To be honest, the two Nether Gods themselves were not sure.

Although the tough battles in the past few days have honed their use of mind power very well, making the combat effectiveness of the two of them rapidly increase and has stabilized at the middle stage of the Youshen level, but under the siege of hundreds of thousands of Zerg that has already formed Flying into the sky and passing the distress message to Elder Bai Nong intact is already very difficult.

As for whether they can escape safely or even return after completing the letter transmission, this is a question that has not even been thought about.

However, if the current situation continues, will it really be possible to wait for reinforcements immediately?

"No, ours was one of several bases with relatively solid defense at the beginning, and it has become what it is now. The other bases may not be much better. Bai Min and Elder Beiming are responsible for the rescue of scattered Blue Moon people. Elder Nong is alone, how can we wait for him to find us and then rescue him."

"Yeah, when the time comes, maybe some of us at the upper level will survive, but the lower level...they are all old and weak, women and children, what should they do?"

"This..." The Blue Moon people who had opposed before also hesitated.

At this time, the ghosts added: "Now that one of us stays, we can still ensure the safety of this place. The other one goes out and calls Elder Bai Nong's rescue one minute earlier. I'm afraid there will be fewer women and children in the lower class." The loss of dozens or even hundreds of people does not allow us to hesitate now!"

The eyes of the two Nether Gods swept across the surrounding Blue Moon people, and finally focused on the face of the Blue Moon people's decision-maker at the core base in front of them.

He struggled, hesitated, and worried, but finally looked at the passage temporarily blocked by the corpses of Zerg and mechanical soldier ants, and his face gradually darkened.

"Okay, okay, stay safe."

"Well, you pay attention to your defenses, I'll go back as soon as I go!" The two ghosts discussed for a while, and one of them turned around and walked towards the upward passage.

Withdrawing his gaze from the back of the departing Youshen, the decision maker squatted on the ground in pain.

At this time, he seemed to have heard the screams and roars of the lower-level compatriots resisting the Zerg. Since the mental power scan was blocked by the bugs, they could not know the situation of the lower level, but they knew the danger.At this time, he even thought of the sudden change in the battle situation of Blue Moon during this period.

Suddenly, the decision-maker smashed the weapon in his hand to the ground, crouched with his head in his arms and cried loudly: "If I knew this, I would have made a sudden attack!"

Such thoughts have appeared many times in the Blue Moon Rebels, but he was the first to yell it out in public.

For such a performance, Youshen who stayed behind just sighed.

He has had more contact with the Blue Moon people. Unlike the elders, he can understand the psychology of the Blue Moon Rebels wanting to be proud in front of the Zerg that has oppressed them for decades or even longer, but for this it cost the lives of countless compatriots , and even affected the overall strategy of the Shuangyue friends to fight back against the Zerg, which is indeed a bit of a loss.

Thinking of these, he just let out a faint sigh.

Shaking his head and leaning over to pick up the weapon dropped by the other party, he patted the other party's shoulder lightly and handed it over to the other party's hand.

"Why think so much, our only purpose now is to kill all the bugs that appear in front of us, that's all."

(End of this chapter)

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