Spore Story

Chapter 992 The scum of combat power 5

Chapter 992

According to the introduction of Xigu and others, the Pumi Garcia tribe is a high-level cosmic civilization that occupies a full six river systems, and belongs to the main force in the war against the Zerg in the cosmic civilization.It owns a huge territory and population, and has organized hundreds of powerful fleets, which are not comparable to the friends in all aspects.

At the same time, he has also established communication relationships with thousands of cosmic civilizations, and joined forces with six advanced civilizations as the main body to form a semi-alliance organization similar to a joint conference.

But during the initial contact, the other party did not invite friends to join.

"It may be that the other party doesn't know us yet, or maybe we haven't met the prerequisites for the other party's invitation. After all, the history of our friends' civilization is only a few decades old, and we have just entered the universe." This is actually enough to shock all cosmic civilizations , but neither Dark Blood nor Otonashi were aware of this at this time.

And hearing the history of those cosmic civilizations with tens of thousands, everyone seemed a little guilty.

"Will that mean we will be treated as aborigines as Yadu said?" Dark Blood asked with some concern.

Regarding the existence of Shenshi Yadu, Kong Huan was responsible for it before, but now that he accidentally left his burden to live as a baby, he can only throw it to Dark Blood and others to take responsibility.

But for the sake of safety, no one has communicated with Yadu now, and its existence is only circulated among a few spirits.

"Probably not," Otonashi, who is a spiritual god and knows the information Yaduji put forward, quickly analyzed: "Judging from the performance of Xigu and others, the other party has a certain awe for us, although this may not be true. It will last for a long time, but at least it shows that the other party has already faced up to us who have just entered the universe."

"What's more, we just saved this group of people. Even if it's for the sake of face, they won't belittle us to the aborigines, right?"

"hope so."

Both Otonashi and Dark Blood are confident that the Friends will not be underestimated, but it also depends on the final result.

But at this time, Otonashi took out the thing that Xigu used to detect the combat power of friends before, and handed it to Dark Blood.After this thing was broken, it seemed that Xigu threw it away at will. After he had a certain understanding of Pumigarcia, he obtained the fragments of this thing through Sigu and repaired it.

"What is this?" Dark Blood played with the single-lens eye in his hand, looking curious.

"It should be some kind of instrument that obtains a combat power value through a unique algorithm after detecting various data such as the target's energy, consciousness strength, and physical strength. According to Xigu...ah, that is, Pumiga The commander of the fleet in West Asia said that it is a combat power detection technology left by an extinct intermediate space civilization."

"Are you sure?" Hearing that it can detect combat power, Dark Blood was obviously interested.

"It can only be used as a reference, but... ah, please don't use it!" Nervously stopped the dark blood, and after she took it back into her hand full of doubts, Otonashi heaved a sigh of relief and explained: "This thing can only be used now." It can test the combat power below 99999, it was broken when Sigu tested me before, and it took our technicians several days to repair it."

"Oh, so it's not complicated?"

"Yes, in essence, this is just a miniaturized detection device. It is not difficult for us to repair a large number of operations that can fine-tune the mind to the atomic level. But the core lies in the ability to integrate various data The formula calculated later, but it has been investigated in the past few days. As long as we need it, we can quickly make similar products that can detect higher strength."

"Very good. Knowing yourself and the enemy. Although you can't rely on it, it's good as a reference. Let the technical department be responsible, and maybe it can be used as an entry-level test instrument for some institutions."


"However, how much data did you detect? And the data of those Pumi Garcia people?" Dark Blood looked curious, wanting to wear it for a try, but worried about what Otono said would explode.Although it may not necessarily hurt yourself, it is not good to explode in front of your eyes.

"According to our laboratory's simple test, the combat effectiveness of soul-level friends, armored men, moon spirits, and shadow clansmen should all be in the four digits. ; while those at the Youshen level have increased to five figures. For example, Chi Yu, the newcomer commander of the Mecha Corps, has a combat power of 9527 in the middle of the Youshen level. Unable to count."

"It does appear to need improvement."

Even the Youshen-level advanced stage exceeds its calculated value, and now there are thousands of Youshen-level advanced stages in the entire friend clan. If the test range of this thing cannot be expanded, the practicality will have to drop a lot.

If Xi Gu knew what Dark Blood was thinking at this time, he didn't know how he would feel, but squatting in the corner was a firm decision.

"By the way, where are the Pumi Garcias?"

"Uh," couldn't help shaking his head, Otonashi smiled and raised a finger.

"one thousand?"

Otonashi shook his head.

"one hundred?!"

Otonashi continued to shake his head.

"No way," Anxue said with surprise on his face, "it can't be ten thousand, right? It's only ghost level."

"The average is in the single digits."


"It's true," Otonashi wiped off the sweat that didn't exist on his forehead, shook his head and said, "The opponent's average combat power is around 8, although Xigu said that there are also strong people in the Pumi Garcia tribe, it must be more than this combat power, But we also learned that the Pumi Garcia tribe does not have any cultivation methods to break through the limit, so the basic data will not exceed very much."

"Does that set out the average value of the universe they know?"


"You didn't manage to get it out either?" Dark Blood was a little surprised. With Otonashi's strength, how could he not be able to get a guy out of a little ghost level.

But Otonashi quickly explained.

"It's not that it can't be set, it's not. According to what the other party said, the differences between the various races in the universe are very large. Some are extremely powerful, and some are weaker than Pumi Garcia, so it is impossible to describe them with average values. For example, Pumi The Garcia tribe relies on mechanical and biological transformation, rather than fighting based on individual strength."

"Oh, how about the combat power of the strongest race?"

"The strongest one is also out of the table," Otonashi smiled bitterly: "But according to what he said, this type of civilization is very rare."

"Does that mean we are rare creatures?" Dark Blood laughed.

"In a sense, it should be." Otonashi said with black lines all over his head, "But as Xigu said, civilizations are very different and develop in different directions, and we can't use our own standards to judge others. "

"Exactly," Dark Blood nodded.

But soon Dark Blood changed the subject again.

"For Pumi Garcia, adhere to a few principles: don't let the other party underestimate, don't expose our full strength, and ensure a peaceful relationship with the civilization of the universe. If possible, it is best to be able to obtain the current situation in the universe through the other party, especially ours. The situation of the river system where it is located."

"Yes, my lord."

"However, we now lack the means of interstellar movement..." Otonashi raised concerns: "If we can't even make space transitions, will the other party look down upon us?"

"Don't worry about it. The technical department has already captured the wreckage of the opponent's warship and studied the engine for its leap. In addition, the research mode of the illusion of transferring the right to use through 8051 and the technical supplement of Yadu should be able to achieve a breakthrough within a few years. At that time, our friends The race of the universe can be regarded as the real race of the universe, but before that, we have to show the appearance of the race of the universe to these Pumigarcias."

"Of course, this has to be kept secret for the time being."


"Well, let's take a look at this, the latest situation."

"Huh?" After receiving the document from Dark Blood, Pumi Garcia has been busy recently and did not know much about the outside world. He calmed down and scanned the information in front of him, and then a look of joy appeared on his face: "Bai Yue and Lan Is the moon finally moving?"

"It's about time."

(End of this chapter)

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