Waterfront in the Wilderness is Immortal

Chapter 101 Secret talk of the ancient war, Li Tianxu

Chapter 101 Secret talk of the ancient war, Li Tianxu
"Hmph! I'll settle accounts with you later."

Qingchen snorted angrily, nodded in greeting with Zhen Yuanzi, turned into a beam of light and flew towards the island where Xuancang was.

"Hey! Let's go!"

Zhen Yuanzi sighed, and quickly chased after him.


The three of Hongyun looked at each other, did not dare to say anything, and quickly chased after Qingchen and Zhen Yuanzi.

Qingchen galloped all the way, and the cool sea breeze blew on his face, making Qingchen's feverish mind gradually regain his clarity and calmness.

Qingchen continued to gallop forward quickly, while thinking, secretly pondering about this matter, and soon found out that it was tricky, speculating that the Cang Ming lineage might be plotting something secretly, and might have focused their attention on himself.

After all, the Cang Ming lineage can attract the fear of all the lines of the Xuanwu clan, and its strength is no small matter. Not to mention that there are many masters, Xuan Cang alone is enough to shock all the lines.

The place where the top-level innate spiritual roots are located must be guarded by countless powerful prohibition formations, and under the eyes of Taoist Xuan Cang, it is not easy for even a strong Daoist with perfect cultivation to get close to the place of spiritual roots.Not to mention the Hongyun trio who didn't even reach the Daoguo realm.

Under such circumstances, most of the top-level spiritual fruits were still stolen by the three of Hongyun. Qingchen would never believe that such absurd things happened without calculation.


Qingchen snorted dissatisfiedly, anyone would feel uncomfortable being calculated for nothing like this.

"Those three idiots!"

Knowing that there was a pit ahead but still jumping down, Qing Chen felt very aggrieved and cursed angrily.


Duan Guang landed on the island where Xuancang was, revealing Qingchen's figure, looking at the boy who had been waiting here in front of him, Qingchen's eyes flashed coldly, and immediately followed the boy into the depths of the island.

In a palace, the congenital aura is rich and liquid, and strands of Dao Yun permeate the air. On the ground paved with ice and jade for thousands of years, a cool air that penetrates to the bone emanates.

Standing in the hall, Qingchen looked at Taoist Xuancang who was sitting on the cloud bed above him, and bowed his hands: "Qingchen has seen senior."

"Hmph! Qingchen, those two beasts of yours really did a good job."

Taoist Xuancang opened his eyes, a ray of light shot out, his body burst out with a terrifying aura, the space twisted, and he pressed straight towards Qingchen.

"Senior, forgive me, Qingchen will definitely discipline them strictly in the future, if senior has any demands, just ask, Qingchen will go all out."

Qingchen's body was shaken, and a clear and beautiful sword chant sounded, the true meaning of the sword rolled down, the avenue of water flowed around him, the power of the world wandered silently in the body, Qingchen tried his best to resist the powerful oppression around him The power, said straight to the point.


Xuan Cang stared at Qingchen below in amazement. As a strong man who could easily crush ordinary Daoist Daoguo perfection cultivators, he knew his own strength well.

Even if it is only part of the coercion released by oneself, it can easily suppress the powerhouses of Daluo Daoguo Xiaocheng realm.

He originally intended to give Qingchen a disarm so that he could further achieve his goal, but Xuancang did not expect it. He never expected that Qingchen, who was only a half-step Daluo cultivation base, would be able to withstand part of his pressure.

"That's right! I've actually understood the Waterway Dao thoroughly, it seems that the Dao Luo Dao fruit is just around the corner."

Xuan Cang nodded, and the aura that permeated the hall suddenly disappeared, disappearing.

Such a powerful person like Xuan Cang is very proud in his heart, since Qingchen has resisted part of his coercion, he doesn't bother to continue to do so, puts away the coercion, and looks at Qingchen coldly.

Although the incident was unexpected, it also proved that Qingchen was extraordinary, and he had more information about his future plans.

"Since you spoke directly, Pindao is not a man of beating around the bush, so he brought it up directly!"

Xuancang said to Qingchen, with a wave of his hand, a ban appeared in the main hall, blocking the sound from coming out, and the soul visited him.

Qingchen looked solemn, now they are in the territory of Cangming's lineage, and they are even in Taoist Xuancang's own dojo. Seeing that Taoist Xuancang is so cautious, it seems that what he has to do by himself is absolutely extraordinary, Qingchen feels heavy, and at the same time Curiosity also arose in my heart.

Qingchen and Taoist Xuancang stayed in the hall for three days, no one knew what they said or what they did, only that Qingchen walked out of the hall with a gloomy face in the end.

"Let's go! It's time to leave!"

Qingchen came to the side of Zhen Yuanzi and the others who were waiting on the outskirts of the island, and after saying goodbye to Xuanwei, he drove away at high speed towards the sea of ​​Tianxushen.

Galloping all the way, the three of Xiao Wuchen looked bitter and frowning, Qingchen was thinking of ways to train them all the way, tempering them in different ways, sealing their mana for a month, fighting with fierce beasts stronger than themselves, and running on foot Shiwanli beat them to death every time, trying to teach them a profound lesson.

After half a year, the three of them complained incessantly, but recently, Qingchen didn't bother them anymore, it wasn't that Qingchen was soft-hearted, but because he didn't have time at all.

Over the course of a month, Qingchen and the others saw hundreds of fights, and personally encountered dozens of fights. There were monks and fierce beasts, accidents and ambushes. They even saw a battle between tens of thousands of monks and fierce beasts. The entire Great Desolate Western Continent is filled with a chilling aura, with smoldering smoke everywhere, and evil spirits permeating the air.

Yuyuan is an ordinary piece of innate jade in the prehistoric world. It has been practicing quietly for more than ten thousand years. Thousands of years ago, it finally comprehended the Taiyi Dao Fruit and broke through to the Taiyi Dao Fruit Realm.

Originally, I was in the same fairy mountain with my old friend, and I wanted to visit and discuss whether we could survive the catastrophe together, but I didn't want to know the news of my old friend's death as soon as I left the customs, and many friends I knew died one after another.

Originally planned to return to the cave, close the gate of the mountain, but never leave the mountain after a catastrophe.I don't want to, people are sitting at home, disaster comes from the sky, several ferocious beasts suddenly seek the door to attack the mountain, after a great battle, they are defeated, so they can only abandon the dojo and escape.

For hundreds of years, Yuyuan wandered in the Great Desolate Western Continent with fear and fear, and experienced hundreds of fights, each time saving his life with great danger.

This time he ventured out from his hiding place, intending to pick a few innate elixir plants, so that he could go to Wanshou City to exchange for some life-saving elixir, which can be used to save his life at critical moments.

It's a pity that Yuyuan's luck was not good, not only did he fail to pick the spiritual fruit, but also encountered a fierce beast that had reached the half-step Daluo realm.

Before he could make a move, he was slapped to the ground by the fierce beast's paw, and was seriously injured. Seeing the giant claw roaring again, Yu Yuan cried out sadly: "My life is over!"


A bright sword light streaked across the sky, and fell on the giant claw covered with hard scales in the blink of an eye, like sharp scissors cutting through the cloth, the giant claw flew up, blood flew, and the sword light easily chopped off the giant claw.


A shrill and painful roar sounded, and the ferocious beast looked up and roared angrily.

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(End of this chapter)

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