Waterfront in the Wilderness is Immortal

Chapter 104 Situation of the Primordial War, Dao War

Chapter 104 Situation of the Primordial War, Dao War

Western Continent, City of Beasts.

Qingchen saw the great shock caused by the casual cultivators in the city because of his appearance, on the surface he looked on coldly, as if everything had nothing to do with him, but there was a stir in his heart, and he had a better understanding of his situation. Not much different, not much better.

Walking lightly, Qingchen took a long step, and arrived in front of the Cangxiong Pavilion within a few breaths.

Sensitivity to various information, understanding and judgment of the situation is also an important source of confidence for the big forces to be able to dominate the prehistoric times.

The Western Continent is controlled by various clans, and the various materials and information are much more detailed than ordinary casual cultivators, and they know many secrets.

After all, Yuyuan is only a casual cultivator, and his cultivation level is insufficient, and his knowledge is limited. Qingchen wants to understand the current situation in the Great Desolate Western Continent, and needs the help of the Cangxiong clan to understand his own situation clearly.

Stepping into the space world, Qingchen can see all the people and scenery in a radius of ten thousand miles, except for a few places that are covered by the formation prohibition arranged by the Cangxiong clan.

"Qingchen thief, how dare you appear here!"

"What? Qingchen"

"Qingchen, you colluded with the demon clan and killed my friend, and now you appear in the City of Beasts, all clans will not let you go."

Qingchen ignored the commotion and abuse around him, walked casually in the Cangxiong Pavilion, and waited patiently.


Not long after, two figures came running wildly, and the leaves were flying, revealing two strong and burly Taoists, they were Hei Feng and Cang Hun.

"Fellow Daoist Qingchen!"

"It's really you!"

Two surprised voices sounded at the same time, Hei Feng and Cang Hun came to Qing Chen with excited eyes.

"The two fellow Taoists haven't seen each other for thousands of years, but they're doing well recently."

Qingchen smiled brightly, and greeted Heifeng and Canghun with his hands folded.

"Haha! Fellow Daoist is concerned, the two poor Taoists have been guarding this Cangxiong Pavilion for thousands of years, and it is quite good to have good wine and wine in their arms!"

Black Wind smiled heartily.

"Congratulations to the two who have reached the half-step Daluo, and are one step closer to Daluo Daoguo."

Qingchen glanced over the two of them, and seeing the deep breath of the two, he said happily.

"Compared to fellow daoist, it's far behind! Fellow daoist, let's go, I'll talk in detail later."

Cang Hun stretched out his right hand as a gesture of invitation.

"That's right! It's still Canghun, you are careful, fellow Daoist Qingchen please."

Hei Feng slapped his forehead, and said with a sudden realization.


Qingchen was sassy, ​​and he didn't refuse, and he was about to leave with Heifeng and the other two.

"Two fellow daoists, this Qingchen is cruel by nature, ruthless and merciless, and colluded with the demon clan, slaughtering a large number of casual cultivators of me. His evil is heinous. As monks of the Cangxiong clan, the two daoists should not help each other with all their strength, nor should they cooperate with this evil one. We are good friends, and I hope that the two fellow Taoists can drive this fellow out of the Cangxiong Pavilion."

A casual cultivator in a black robe with a half-step cultivation base suddenly stood in front of Heifeng and the others who were about to leave, stared at Qingchen resentfully, and said to Heifeng and Cang Hun.

"I also hope that the two fellow daoists can invite the noble and powerful Da Luo out to kill this evil fellow Qing Chen."

"Two fellow daoists, this Qingchen colluded with the demon clan and slaughtered a large number of fellow practitioners, and now he is blatantly appearing here. The City of Beasts was originally built by all clans to defend against the demon clan. I hope you can invite the powerful Da Luo who guards Cangxiong Pavilion Capture this evil way, stabilize the monks in the city, and return the city to a bright future."

The monks in the pavilion surrounded the three of Qingchen, the voices of crusading Qingchen, the words of admonishing Heifeng, and even scolding, one after another, the crowd was furious, and more and more monks poured into the Cangxiong Pavilion , Some impulsive and angry casual cultivators, relying on the fact that in the City of Beasts, there are many powerful people around, and the rules of the City of Beasts prohibit fighting, they have no fear, and their words become more and more sharp.


Heifeng glared at the monks who surrounded them, and said angrily: "What? When will it be your turn for our Cangxiong clan to make decisions? How can you blame us for what we do?"

"Heifeng, I only respect you three points for the sake of the Cangxiong clan. You have a good relationship with Qingchen, aren't you afraid that your Cangxiong clan will be isolated by other clans? Are you afraid that it will attract us to attack?"

Some monks were furious and arrogant, pointing at Hei Feng and scolding him.


"Fellow Daoist." Heifeng's eyes widened, and he was about to argue with the monk, but was interrupted by Qingchen waving his hand.

Qingchen turned his body slightly, and suddenly released his aura, like a vast ocean, deep and heavy, causing the surrounding air to stagnate suddenly, and ripples in the void rose slightly.

His eyes were cold, Qing Chen looked around, the monks who were yelling and cursing shut up instantly, their eyes drooped, not daring to look at Qing Chen, the originally noisy Cangxiong Pavilion fell silent for a moment.

Looking around, Qing Chen's eyes fell on the monk who was so arrogant and scolding the black wind just now, his cold and ruthless eyes made the monk tremble with fright, and then he said coldly: "Since you happened to come to the door , It also saves me another trip, the majestic Da Luo powerhouse of the Xuan Snake clan actually pretends to be a casual cultivator who is half a step Da Luo realm, and mixes with all the cultivators, fellow Taoist, what do you mean?"


What Qing Chen said surprised the casual cultivators around, and they all stared at the black-robed cultivator, their eyes full of suspicion, scrutiny, and curiosity.
"Fellow daoists, don't believe what Qing Chen said. How can Poverty Dao be a strong man of the Xuan Snake clan? This man slaughters all cultivators and has a cunning heart. He must have seen us surround him and couldn't escape, so he provoked me. Divide, pour dirty water on the poor."

The black-robed monk was startled, and hurriedly explained, fearing that all the cultivators would still not believe him, he continued: "Fellow daoists, the causal contradiction between this Qingchen and the Black Snake clan is well known, Qingchen was originally protected by the Cangxiong clan. The collusion between Chen and the Mozu could be that the Cangxiong clan was playing a bridge in it, maybe the Cangxiong clan had already colluded with the Mozu behind their backs, and I happened to accidentally mention it just now, so Qingchen became angry from embarrassment.

right!It must be so!Qingchen, you are too naive, do you really think that you and the Cangxiong clan's calculations can be hidden from many fellow Taoists present? "

"It makes sense!"

The scattered cultivators around heard the black-robed monk's detailed remarks, and their doubts disappeared. They immediately glared at Qingchen and the others, as if waiting for the black-robed monk's order to arrest them on the spot.

Some monks from various ethnic groups heard these words, their eyes were contemplative, and their hearts turned back and forth, thinking about the words of the black-robed monk.


Seeing this, the black-robed monk secretly observing the reactions of the surrounding monks breathed a sigh of relief, even if a few monks in the field still had some doubts, it would not affect the overall situation.

"Hehe!" Qing Chen sneered, his eyes shot at the black-robed monk like a sharp sword, which made the black-robed monk's heart tense suddenly, giving him the illusion that he was being seen through by Qing Chen.

 Today's update is a bit late, sorry, there are two more chapters tonight.

  It's the end of the month and I hope everyone can vote for the recommendation ticket and monthly ticket to Xuehai, bookmark, subscribe and go!
(End of this chapter)

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