Waterfront in the Wilderness is Immortal

Chapter 106 The Situation of the Primordial War, Down the Road

Chapter 106 The Situation of the Primordial War, Down the Road


A slender, fair-faced Taoist obviously disagreed, and retorted, "This Qingchen swordsman is good at swordsmanship, and he is not a reckless and brainless person. He knows that the other party is a Daluo monk from the Xuansnake clan, but he still dares to challenge him. See It is a well-thought-out plan, and it is necessary to rely on it. It is still too early to draw a conclusion on the outcome of this battle."


Taoist Folding Fan snorted coldly, obviously dissatisfied with his refutation of his words.

"Let's have a look!"

In Cangxiong Pavilion, in a palace, several strong men from the Great Luo who guarded this place gathered together.

Qingchen has not appeared for thousands of years, and has been retreating in the Xuanwu Clan's Heavenly Void Divine Sea. They naturally knew about it from Heifeng.It's just that Qingchen's sudden appearance made them unexpected.

Now in the Cangxiong Pavilion, Xuanli, a Daluo cultivator from the Black Snake Clan, suddenly appeared, and he confronted Qingchen, and wantonly slandered the Cangxiong Clan, framing his own clan to collude with the Demon Clan. While they were angry, they were also secretly thinking about observing the situation , I even want to take this opportunity to see Qingchen's strength clearly, to see whether he is worth their bloodshed with the Black Snake Clan.

The Xuan Snake Clan guarding the Ten Thousand Beasts City also rushed to the Cangxiong Pavilion, staring at Qing Chen with resentment, full of hatred, wishing to immediately devour Qing Chen alive.

At the same time, he was also somewhat dissatisfied with Xuanli, thinking that he did not accomplish enough and failed. Qingchen saw through it, ruined the family's calculations, and was forced to participate in the Taoist war.

In addition, they had some expectations in their hearts, hoping that Xuanli could kill Qingchen and wash away the shame.

As soon as Xuanli's words fell, the entire Ten Thousand Beasts City was full of turmoil, and a simple and grand dao platform suddenly appeared, with golden lights and mysterious dao patterns intertwined and flowing faintly, exuding an aura of supreme dignity.



Two golden beams of light fell and came in the blink of an eye, covering Qingchen and Xuanli respectively, leading them to the golden altar above the void.


As Qingchen and Xuanli entered the Daotai, the sky thundered and thunder lingered, and a huge picture was displayed in the mid-air of Wanshou City. In the picture, there are mountains and the sky is golden. Standing, Lie Lie in black, are Qingchen and Xuanli.


Qingchen observed the entire Daotai with a little attention, and found that the Daotai space is a world with extremely strong spatial barriers.

This world is full of aura, and there are mysterious laws in operation. As soon as Qingchen and the two came in, they were covered by a mysterious force, and they were overwhelmed to the ground, making it difficult to fly high.

A hundred thousand miles away, everything is covered by a cloud of fog, which cuts off the eyes of the soul, and a shocking aura emerges from the fog. From there, Qingchen feels the crisis of life and death, making Qingchen's scalp numb.


Qingchen yelled violently, and while Xuanli was also observing the place secretly, he took the lead in making a move. With the Qingmeng Divine Sword in his hand, he stabbed out with the sword light shining brightly, as he slashed towards Xuanli.But Qingchen shot with all his strength as soon as he came up, wanting to inflict heavy damage on Xuanli.




Several silver-white flying shuttles spun rapidly, hovering around Xuanli's body, intersecting and colliding with the extremely fast sword light, sparks ignited the void, and made a chirping sound.

Just at the critical moment, Xuanli reacted quickly and resisted Qingchen's stormy attack in time.

"Qingchen, today I will let you understand that the gap between you and me is like a moat, take my life!"

Xuanli was full of murderous aura, the silver-white shuttle in his hand was extremely glaring, gushing endless cold air, the void was frozen, and the space was stagnant. Under the control of Xuanli, he rushed towards Qingchen madly.


Qingchen was happy and fearless, he kept waving the Qingmeng Excalibur in his hand, and when the sword came out, heavy snow fell from the sky, the cold wind howled, the sky and the earth were covered with snow, and he and Xuanli kept colliding and fighting, fighting head-on.

The comprehension of Shui Xing Dao made each of Qingchen's swords soar in power, and every blow was accompanied by the power of Dao, and his strength improved by leaps and bounds, even in the face of Xuanli's violent attack, he did not lose the wind in the slightest.

"Boom~~~!" The two of them fought hundreds of times in an instant, their shots were merciless, and they showed off one after another with extremely powerful supernatural powers, their eyes were bloodshot.

"how can that be?"

"This Qingchen is really amazing!"

"Eye-opener! Eye-opener!"

The monks in the City of Beasts below were inexplicably horrified and shocked by Qingchen's tyrannical strength. This scene was beyond imagination, and it was never expected that Qingchen would have the strength to fight head-on with the strong Da Luo.

Then there was excitement, seeing such a wonderful and fierce duel was definitely more rare than Xiantian Lingbao.

The hearts of the many Da Luo powerhouses who were watching from the sidelines were turbulent. The gap between half-step Da Luo and Da Luo was like a bright moon and a firefly. I thought that there would be no suspense in this battle. Who would have thought that Qingchen would be so amazing and brilliant? , with a strength comparable to that of the big Luos, for a while Qingchen's status in the hearts of the big Luos rose again and again, and he was full of fear of Qingchen.

"Although this Qingchen's strength is extraordinary, and he understands how to walk the Dao through water, and the Dao line has increased to the Daluo Daoguo, but after all, he lacks mana. Compared with the Daluo monk, he is like a lake and the ocean. If you continue to fight like this, you will lose sooner or later. The stronger he is, the more prestige he will add to our Xuan Snake Clan in the end."

"This Qingchen will be beheaded by my clan Xuanli sooner or later!"

Da Luo of the Xuan Snake Clan said, without concealing his murderous intent and disdain for Qing Chen, his eyes were fixed on the sky.


Qingchen became more and more excited as he fought more and more, his whole body was trembling, his blood boiled with excitement, the results of 10 years of cultivation in the small world were verified at this moment, all kinds of magical powers and secret techniques combined with the water-walking avenue, became more and more handy, and the original overflowing The power gradually converges, and the power of each blow increases by three points again.

"Go to hell!"

Xuanli jumped into a rage, seeing that not only could he not attack Qingchen for a long time, but instead made Qingchen gradually control his own power during the battle, the shuttle in his hand was spinning faster and faster, tearing apart the void, making the entire Daotai world an extremely solid space All suddenly startled.

A huge vortex appeared, exuding the coldness that could easily freeze the world, and the endless strangling power shocked all the monks below, and even some big Luo powerhouses felt their scalps go numb.


Xuanli manipulated the huge icy vortex to attack Qingchen madly, intending to kill Qingchen.


With a loud shout, Qingchen mobilized the power of the entire small world, and the vast and surging mana poured into his body continuously.

Slashing the Qingmeng Divine Sword in his hand, the true meaning of the way of the sword descends, with a single swing of the sword, the sky and the earth turn pale, the stars dim, and all things are silent. A more in-depth experience and comprehension is far more powerful than Qingchen's sword that killed Tianfeng back then, causing a hole in the entire space of the Daotai world.

 It's the beginning of the month again, I hope everyone can vote for the recommendation ticket and the monthly ticket to Xuehai, Xuehai is grateful and will continue to work hard, don't forget to collect and reward, hee hee!
(End of this chapter)

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