Waterfront in the Wilderness is Immortal

Chapter 12 The World Begins to Fight the Fierce Beast

Chapter 12 The World Begins to Fight the Fierce Beast
Following a trace of indistinct connections, Qingchen slowly searched in Buzhou Mountain, and gradually entered the depths of Buzhou Mountain. The ancient forests became denser, and ancient trees the size of tens of thousands of feet can be seen everywhere. mountain forest.

Shocking roars of beasts came from the mountains, ferocious birds and beasts infested the forest, and powerful coercion erupted from the forest from time to time. Qingchen saw with his own eyes a fierce beast whose strength was comparable to that of Taiyi Daoguo. Braving the blazing black flames, the lakes where it passed dried up, and the plants and trees were wiped out.

Mind tensed, Qingchen didn't know how long he had been walking, suddenly the surrounding rocks trembled, the ground shook, and a huge roar that sounded like a dragon's chant rang out, shaking the sky, where the sound spread, there were layers of sound waves, the rocks shattered, and the giant trees collapsed .

The sound was getting closer and closer, causing Qingchen's eardrums to roar, and he used his mana to suppress the discomfort.

Qingchen looked around vigilantly, with his soul shrouded for hundreds of miles, he carefully searched for the source of the sound. After all, there are giant beasts entrenched in the depths of Buzhou Mountain, and there are many fierce beasts stronger than him.


"Boom!" Qingchen's soul trembled, and a muffled thunder exploded from the Lingtai of Consciousness Sea, his face turned pale.

With no time to adjust his breath, the water movement technique was running, and with a flash of his figure, Qingchen jumped out and appeared several miles away.

"Bang!" A huge shadow appeared in the sky, revealing a giant palm that covered the sky, and it landed fiercely on the position where Qingchen was standing just now, making a loud noise that shook the sky, flying sand and rocks, vegetation turned to ashes, and a huge boulder fell in this palm. directly into powder.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Qingchen secretly thanked himself for hiding in time, otherwise he would be smashed into a ball of flesh by the giant palm in the next moment.



The surrounding hills swayed for a while, Qingchen felt a ferocious giant running in the mountains, coming towards him, and retreated again and again.




The giant palm stirred up layers of ripples in the air, constantly collided with the ground, and slapped Qingchen.

Countless ancient and giant trees flew across in front of him, huge wind and waves whizzed in, dust was flying all over the sky, the huge animal head suddenly rushed out, opened its bloody mouth, the stench rushed towards the face, the vegetation withered, and bit towards Qingchen.

The water movement technique continued to run, Qingchen kept dodging, the Qingmeng Divine Sword appeared in his hand, the Yingying Qingmeng Divine Light flickered, and he swung forcefully into the air.

"Hmph! Pindao will rinse your mouth for free!"

As soon as Qingchen's words fell, and the three tactics of water were cast, a mighty silver river of swords appeared out of thin air, rolled backwards in the air, rushed towards the giant beast violently, poured into the scarlet beast's mouth, and set off a huge wave.


Jianhe raged crazily at the mouth of the beast, and the sharp sword intent pierced through the flesh and blood of the beast, dripping with blood.The ferocious beast roared angrily, and the air wave was overwhelming, a coercion comparable to ordinary Taiyi Daoguo struck, and the entire body appeared in Qingchen's field of vision.

Standing a thousand feet tall, the black and hard scales of the whole body shone with earthy yellow light, and the two giant blue horns on the head of a huge and ferocious beast flashed faintly from time to time, and a pair of blood-red eyes stared angrily at Qing Chen in front of him.


The ferocious beast roared angrily, and its huge tail was wrapped in the power of collapsing mountains and rubble, and pulled towards Qingchen.

With a movement of Qingchen's body, he avoided the attack of the fierce beast, and his giant tail hit a hill. With a "bang", the hill slipped and shattered to pieces.

"Humph!" Qingchen's eyes flashed with a flash of water movement, and the next moment he appeared above the giant beast, the Qingmeng Excalibur suddenly grew bigger, revealing its dense sword light, and the ten thousand-zhang-sized Qingmeng Excalibur carried the immortal Mie Shen's aura slashed towards the huge head of the beast, at this moment Qing Chen's power to advance to the Golden Immortal Dao Fruit was fully displayed.


The Qingmeng Excalibur slashed on the black and hard scales of the beast, making a metallic symphony, and a khaki-yellow light burst from the beast's body, covering the whole body, resisting the Qingmeng Excalibur.

"Roar!" The fierce beast let out a painful roar. Although the scale armor of the fierce beast is hard and unparalleled in defense, the Qingmeng Divine Sword is a top-grade innate spiritual treasure after all, with extraordinary power. With the blessing of Qingchen's mana, it breaks through the scale armor in a few breaths Defense, piercing into the flesh and blood of the beast, the sharp sword light willfully destroys the beast's body.

"Hoohoo!" The fierce beast swung its giant tail and rolled up a gust of wind to attack Qingchen in the sky. At the same time, a pair of horns flashed on its head, and a khaki-colored divine light that suppressed the void rushed towards Qingchen.

Qingchen's pupils flinched, looking at the giant tail and the divine light that were attacking him, he did not choose to meet head-on. Although he succeeded in injuring the beast, it was because of his cultivation of the Golden Immortal Dao Fruit and the sharpness of the Qingmeng Divine Sword. He dare not underestimate a blow comparable to Taiyi Daoguo realm.

With a movement of his body, Qingchen dodged the attack of the beast. At this time, the vague connection in his heart reappeared, and Qingchen decided to make a quick decision.

The water movement technique was running to the extreme, Qingchen kept shuttling around the beast, leaving afterimages, stabbing a sword at the beast from time to time.Enraged by Qing Chen's behavior, the beast roared loudly and attacked continuously, its eyes were red and madness was revealed in them.

"Five Elements Sword Formation, the Dao of the Sword is coming!" Qing Chen relied on the mysterious and fast water movement technique, once again dodged the attack of the fierce beast, swung the Qingmeng Excalibur in his hand, and the five mighty Qingmeng sword shadows hung above the fierce beasts respectively. The five sides of the beast surrounded the fierce beasts.

At the same time, a mysterious formula was cast instantly, and the five sword shadows intertwined with each other to form a five-color sword formation. It was the sword formation created by Qingchen when he advanced to the Golden Immortal Daoguo when he realized the Tao of Heaven. The energy is endless, attacking the beast.

A strong momentum of the way of the sword descended, and it was blessed on the formation. The sword formation suddenly shook, and its power increased greatly. The fierce beast was trapped in the formation, howling in fright, and constantly hitting the formation.

Seeing that the beast was temporarily trapped, Qingchen took advantage of this and put away the Qingmeng Excalibur. With a flash of his figure, he followed the faint connection and headed towards a hilltop of Buzhou Mountain.

"Roar!" Not long after Qingchen left, the ferocious beast broke through the blockade of the sword array, looked at Qingchen who was nowhere to be seen, and kept roaring, rampaging in the mountains and forests, rushing towards the old enemy's lair, ready to fight to vent its anger some.

Qingchen didn't know that his actions had caused an innocent disaster to another beast in Buzhou Mountain. At this time, Qingchen was trapped in an innate formation.

Ling cliffs, snow-covered, Qingchen felt that he had turned into a nine-color snow lotus, deeply rooted in the snow that has not melted for hundreds of millions of years, enduring the ravages of the nine-day gang wind every day, suffering from frost and snow Buried, gritted his teeth and insisted on growing vigorously.

Year after year, Qingchen worked hard to absorb nutrients from the ice and snow every day to provide nutrition for her own leaves. Gradually, Qingchen grew a pure white flower bud and worked harder to grow tenaciously.

Time passed, like crystal snowflakes floating on the top of a snow mountain, silently.Qingchen waited patiently for the buds to bloom, quietly accumulating strength, and 9000 years passed gradually.

"Boom!" One day, Qingchen's whole body felt a burst of excitement and trembling. The thousands of years of waiting finally came true at this moment. The white buds bloomed, and the spiritual energy surged. A snow lotus flower of nine colors appeared, and the fragrance spread. Miles.

When a gust of wind blows, the Qing Chen sways slightly, and the pollen flutters with the wind, falling everywhere on the snow, sowing the seeds of life.Gradually, Qingchen watched the seeds germinate and grow, followed their daily changes, and watched them grow and bloom in the wind and snow like himself, spreading the seeds of life.

I don’t know how many years have passed, snow lotuses of nine colors bloomed around Qingchen, and the entire top of the snow mountain was full of descendants of Qingchen, the fragrance spread to every corner of the snow mountain, watching the blooming snow lotus, Qingchen Immersed deeply in the beauty of life and cannot extricate myself.

"Ding!" Just as Qingchen continued to immerse himself in the breath of life, a clear and sweet sword sound rang out, the sound waves cleared and entered Qingchen's mind, and then the immeasurable sword light from the Qingmeng Excalibur continued to stimulate Qingchen's soul.

"Hey! This is me..." Qingchen finally woke up under the constant stimulation of the Qingmeng Excalibur, seeing that he was still in Buzhou Mountain, a flash of understanding flashed in his heart.

"What a powerful formation!" Qing Chen couldn't help feeling a palpitation when he thought of it, if it wasn't for the Qingmeng Divine Sword connecting with his mind and waking him up at the last moment, I'm afraid he would have sunk like this.

Qingchen stabilized his mind, swiped the Qingmeng Excalibur, and a sharp sword light split the formation, revealing the suppressed things inside. Qingchen felt a strong life and good luck attack, and his pores stretched, waiting to see clearly What's inside, can't help but exclaim,
"Fortune Qinglian."

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(End of this chapter)

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