Waterfront in the Wilderness is Immortal

Chapter 131 Inheritance of the Primordial Battle His Royal Highness

Chapter 131 Inheritance of the Primordial Battle His Royal Highness

"Two fellow Daoists!"

Qingchen glanced at Yingshu, turning a blind eye to the plea for help and hope in his eyes, turned his head and bowed to Dongyou and Shangxie, paused for a while, and smiled meaningfully.

"Fellow Daoists certainly hate this baby very much, but it's not cheap to end him like this. Going to the inheritance hall must be very difficult. Why don't you make the best use of everything and let this baby pave the way for us? It's also considered waste. , wouldn’t it be better to make the best use of everything.”



Shang Xie and Dong You's eyes met, they communicated calmly, and they both praised, their eyes turned to Ying Shu as if they thought of something interesting, and they burst into an inexplicable smile.


Yingshu let out a breath of relief, revealing a trace of joy of being saved from a desperate situation. Although he was upset that the three of them had settled their tragic fate in a few words directly in front of him, at least they saved their lives for the time being. To be able to survive, even if it is only a battle spirit whose soul is bound, it is even more precious than disappearing completely at this moment.

As for how to escape, wait until the so-called Palace of Inheritance mentioned by the three of them.

"It's not beautiful for you to look like this, let the poor Taoist help you."

Qingchen's cold voice rang out from Yingshu's ears, and just as soon as he saw it, Qingchen's fingertips trembled slightly, and a blue water drop suddenly appeared.

The water droplets, the water vapor are dense, and the starry light is blooming, and the rich vitality is scattered out. It is all Qingchen's healing holy thing, the most precious three-light divine water in the water.

Under the shroud of vitality, Shang Xie and Dong You's complexions changed, and they felt that the body of the war spirit was a little lighter, and they stared intently at the starlight water droplets in the sky.

Yingshu, who collapsed on the ground, was taken aback for a moment, and then he was ecstatic, looking at Qingchen cautiously with longing eyes, with a bit of flattery, for fear that Qingchen would go back on his word and take back the Sanguang Shenshui. Want to cry but have no tears.

Qing Chen had a panoramic view of the expressions of the three of them, a ray of light flashed in his eyes, a smug smile rippled on his face, with a flick of his fingers, the Sanguang Shenshui sank into Yingshu's brows, and the Yingying divine light shone.


The vitality flowed all over his body, and Yingshu let out a comfortable moan, and his breath suddenly changed drastically, completely reborn.

The originally broken bones re-condensed, and the white bones grew muscle, shining like jade.

The originally broken limbs re-condensed, flesh and blood were derived, and qi and blood manifested.

The originally broken meridians re-condensed, all the meridians were connected, and the spiritual power surged.

The moment the flowers bloomed, the tangy fragrance spread, and the downcast Yingshu recovered from his injuries in an instant and returned to his peak.The body of the battle spirit, standing on the top of the jade mountain, is extraordinary.

"Yingshu, thank you fellow daoist for your kindness in rebuilding!"

After carefully realizing the changes in himself, Yingshu was overjoyed, and bowed respectfully, this time he sincerely thanked Qingchen.

"Hands up!"

Sensing the change in Yingshu's battle spirit body, Qingchen's eyes flashed with surprise. The Sanguang Shenshui is worthy of being a rare fetish in the prehistoric world. Life and death, flesh and bones, actually make the battle spirit's body a bit more ordinary flesh Fang You has blood.

Shangxie and Dongyou, who are battle spirits, are more sensitive to the blood energy of the flesh than Qingchen. Facing the change of Yingshu, there is a huge wave in their hearts. Immediately, they look at Qingchen in ecstasy, like a hungry wolf pounced on him. Food, eyes greedy.


"It's just a hands-on effort!"

Squinting at Shang Xie and the other two, Qingchen's mouth raised a hint of unnoticed interest, and then he snorted dissatisfiedly, and waved his hand at Yingshu, indifferently, as if it was rare in the eyes of Shang Xie and the other three just now. The heavy Shenshui Qingchen is completely ignored.

The fact is indeed so, Qingchen has a pool of Sanguang Shenshui in his hand, wasting a few drops is just a drop in the bucket for him, the reason for being so high-profile is just...deliberately sowing discord!
"Two fellow daoists, we have been staying here for a long time, and the Palace of Inheritance is of great importance. It is better for us to leave as soon as possible."

Qingchen's cold humming sounded like thunder from the sky, and Dongyou and Shangxie suddenly woke up. The two had gone through tens of thousands of years, and their minds were different from ordinary people. The obsession of bondage is at work.

After waking up, the two of them also knew the seriousness of the matter, and now they needed Qingchen's help to open the inheritance hall, but they could hold it back, temporarily suppressing the greed in their hearts, and soon calmed down as usual.


"What the Daoist said is very true!"

Several people agreed to quickly turn into a stream of light and flee away. As for Yingshu, Shangxie and Dongyou didn't take it seriously. The body of the war spirit recovered, but Yingshu's strength was greatly reduced. storm.

Half an hour later, the Biyuan Cave, the core place, is the Temple of Inheritance.

Four beams of light whizzed through the sky and stopped outside a misty valley.

Valleys, deep gullies, high mountains and narrow gorges, shrouded in clouds and mist all year round, covered by thick fog, it is difficult to see clearly.

Qingchen stands on the top of the mountain, with bright eyes and shining divine light, overlooking this steep valley.

Years ago, when Qingchen was just a fledgling, he and Zhen Yuanzi and his party strayed into the mysterious mountains of the prehistoric western continent. Create a kendo pupil technique.

This pupil technique was just a rough creation at the time, and compared to Qingchen's many methods, its power was not obvious.

Now, times have changed, Qingchen's insights, vision, and experience are far beyond those at that time, his strength is not what it used to be, and his comprehension of Tao is even more different. The Nine Heavens Dao has achieved great success, and the path of the sword is only one step away from breaking through the absolute realm of the sword.

In addition, in the City of Beasts, he also obtained the inheritance of Qinghua Sword Master, and the accumulation is so profound that it is eye-catching.

The power of the pupil technique, which contains the mystery of the way of swordsmanship, is now naturally stronger than in the past, and Qingchen sorted out what he learned, and directly transformed it into a third-level realm.

The first layer of the pupils of swordsmanship - slaying the enemy, condenses the supreme sword intent in the eyes, and the sword in the eyes turns into the supreme sword glow. Wherever the sword goes, it is unparalleled in killing and invincible.

The second level of swordsmanship supernatural powers - peeking into the void, borrowing the supreme sword intent, using the sword as the god, condensing the divine light of the swordsmanship, seeing the true nature of all things, breaking through the barriers of the world, and seeing at a glance, most of the invisible and hidden things in the world are inescapable Dharma eye.

The third level of swordsmanship supernatural powers - Mishen, using the eyes of his body to attract the supreme sword intent, generate the sword of Hunyuan, resist the spirit of annihilation, punish the heavens and the earth, cut the way and destroy the gods.

With Qingchen's cultivation base, he has only reached the first level, and the second level requires comprehension of the absolute realm of the sword. Now, Qingchen's cultivation level is only one line away, but he can still use it with all his strength.

As for the third level, it is necessary to break through the realm of Daluo Daoguo, to prove the Hunyuan Daoguo recorded in the Taishi lineage, and to practice it when you first glimpse the world of swords.

Today, Qingchen is standing high on the top of the mountain, and his eyes are shining brightly, which is the second layer of pupil technique - voyeurism.

 Thank you again for your support. In addition, the weather is hot. Please drink plenty of water to keep your body hydrated and prevent heatstroke.

(End of this chapter)

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