Waterfront in the Wilderness is Immortal

Chapter 137 Fierce Battle of the Primordial War

Chapter 137 Fierce Battle of the Primordial War

Waves of awe-inspiring aura were released without any scruples, converging into a shocking forceful aura, breathtaking and frightening.

Facing the red-clothed palace guards coming like a sea tide, Qingchen and the others looked serious, ready to fight.

"Fellow daoists, this inheritance hall is vast with just one floor, and there are countless guards in the red-clothed hall. If you fight to the death, you can only exhaust your mana and exhaust your energy, and you will eventually die here. Charge to the past, make a quick decision, and break out of the encirclement!"

Yingshu's resolute voice sounded in everyone's ears at this time, causing the three of Qingchen to look sideways, and saw that his face was sternly looking ahead, with murderous intent.

With a shout, the divine fire map was radiant, and the flames filled the sky, and rushed towards the large number of red-clothed palace guards who came, leading the soldiers, the divine fire surged, and the magic fire raged, rampaging among the ants-like dense palace guards.


Dongyou's eyes were cold, and his face was as gloomy as water. He stared at Yingshu, who was showing off his power among the palace guards. Killing the Quartet like venting anger.

Shang Xie stared straight at Yingshu, his whole body was filled with murderous intent, as if it were real, and he undisguisedly went straight to Yingshu who was fighting in front of him.

Yingshu was stabbed like a light, the hair on his back was standing on end, a fire dragon burned the several red-clothed palace guards who besieged him to ashes, taking advantage of the gap, he turned his head and glanced at Shangxie who was full of murderous intent, his eyes sank, and then No matter what, he rushed into the denser and more turbulent palace guards.

Seeing this scene, Shang Xie felt the chill all over his body, the golden divine sword soared to the ground, and a sword smashed dozens of red-clothed palace guards rushing towards him. Weizhong slaughtered the Quartet.

Qingmeng Divine Sword was blazing brightly, smashing the sharp blood-red light, and splitting the palace guards who came to him with a knife and slashed at him. Qingchen calmly watched the dark turmoil between Yingshu and the three of them, and the corner of his mouth showed meaning. Deep smile.

Shooting the first bird, Yingshu had no choice but to take the lead at this time. Dongyou and Shangxie's killing intent and calculations against Yingshu were obvious. The first floor guards of the inheritance hall were countless, and the strength became stronger as they went forward.

The three of Qingchen were at their peak, full of mana and powerful in battle. Compared with the three of them, Yingshu's situation was obviously not good, and his strength could only display half of his original strength.

If he really killed all the palace guards he encountered along the way, even they would not be able to bear it, let alone Yingshu who was in poor condition, he could only die.

Since then, Yingshu had no choice but to remind Dongyou and Shangxie to temporarily dispel the calculations in their hearts, and at the same time to show their favor to Qingchen again, and even he had already thought of a way out, deliberately doing it, taking advantage of the chaos get away.

Only Guan Yingshu fought all the way, kept moving forward, and was gradually overwhelmed by the red-clothed palace guards, as evidenced by his almost invisible figure.

Seeing this, the two of Dongyou were equally impatient, they stopped holding back and kept advancing, approaching Yingshu.

"Let me help you!"

With a change of mind, Qingchen smiled lightly, with a decision in his heart, he decided to use his tricks, and took this opportunity to find a way to get away from Dongyou and Shangxie who had evil intentions.

No matter what, they have entered the Palace of Inheritance now. Instead of being careful all the time to avoid being calculated, it is better to keep out of sight and leave by themselves to seek opportunities. At that time, even if they have some plans and they don't cooperate, they will He could only stare blankly, unable to do anything.

After quickly making a decision, Qingchen felt a rush in his heart. Looking at the three Yingshu who were invincible surrounded by the red-clothed palace guards, he let out a roar, and felt a surge of pride in his heart, wishing to kill all directions immediately To the enemy.

The Qingmeng Divine Sword is like a dragon coming out of a hole, its power suddenly increases in Qingchen's hands, the sword is mighty, every move and every move arouses the true meaning of the supreme swordsmanship, and the three water tactics are subconsciously displayed.

Lizijue is sharp and unparalleled
The soft word formula uses softness to overcome rigidity
The magic words are unpredictable
Countless exquisite swordsmanship comes from Qingchen's hand, the sword light is swarming, sometimes sharp, sharp, sometimes feminine, lingering, sometimes hidden, invisible



Killing all the way, Qingchen became more and more excited as he fought more and more, his blood boiled, the fighting spirit in his heart could not stop erupting, and he released it wantonly among the palace guards. Wherever he passed, the red-clothed palace guards were all shattered, and the palace guards coming from all directions were crushed. Jian Guang strangled all of them, and there was almost no single enemy. He forcibly blazed a path and kept moving forward.

The way of swordsmanship is the ultimate way of attack and warfare. It takes countless battles to understand the meaning of the sword in the battle, and sharpen the heart of the Tao in life and death. Ling Jue world.

The raids seemed endless, and more and more red-clothed palace guards rushed over. At first glance, it looked like a sea of ​​red blood.

The Qingmeng Divine Sword was thrust out, retracted, cut horizontally, and vertically by Qingchenyu.
Time is like water, one hour, two hours, three hours, one day, two days, three days.
For half a month, Qingchen was completely immersed in the boundless slaughter. From basic sword moves to supreme swordsmanship, each unique swordsmanship supernatural power became more and more perfect in Qingchen's hands. In the end, it's really wonderful to use the way of the sword with a flick of the hand, and a mysterious sense of Taoism gradually enveloped Qingchen.

With his eyes closed and his mind walking freely, Qing Chen, who had entered a deep level of comprehension, unconsciously attacked with moves. The Qingmeng Divine Sword was flying in the air, and every time the sword was just right, directly hitting the vital point, killing all the guards who rushed up around him, the sword light Senhan, with awe-inspiring murderous intent.

Three Secrets of Water
Great Luo Burning Sword

Double Dragon Binding

Sijijian Jue
Kendo pupil
Gradually, Qingchen became more and more comfortable in the siege of the palace guards. His green shirt was floating, his divine sword was clanging, and his sword was shining brightly.


Qingchen's changes here finally caught the attention of Dongyou and the others.

Yingshu used a fire-controlling tactic to manipulate several ferocious roaring fire dragons to burn out the oncoming sword lights and the besieged palace guards, and looked sideways at Qingchen's direction.

After seeing the situation clearly, Yingshu was surprised, and then looked at Qingchen enviously.

Once he realizes this, this is a rare opportunity. Although Yingshu has gained a lot from the continuous fighting, compared with Qingchen, it is not enough.

Epiphany, epiphany, hearing the Tao in the morning, you can die in the evening!What it talks about is that the great road leads to seclusion, and its meaning is the most mysterious and wonderful.All monks are pursuing and longing for epiphany during their journey of cultivation, because in the state of epiphany, they can be closest to the Dao and comprehend the profound meaning of the Dao, so that the Dao will greatly increase and the Dao will be harmonious.

(End of this chapter)

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