Chapter 142

The divine light pierced through, and Qingchen's whole body exploded, the unexpected blood rain fell, and a drop of Sanguang divine water suddenly appeared where Qingchen was originally.

The divine water exploded and turned into an incomparably huge water mass, shining with starlight, wrapping around and completely enveloping the giant hands transformed from desert insects.

Unsurprisingly, Sanguang Shenshui, as the sacred product in water, has extraordinary power and cannot be predicted. The desert zerg is easily suppressed, and there is no power to fight back. Dodging, but it didn't help, and was finally extinguished and swallowed by Sanguang Shenshui.


Cracks appeared in the giant hand, tens of thousands of desert worms died, and the wreckage turned into ashes with the wind. The killing was endless and continued. In the end, the giant hand collapsed, was annihilated into ashes, and disappeared completely.


The moment Qingchen's figure exploded and disappeared, the black-clothed figure felt something was wrong. He made a decisive decision, moved across the void, and came to another part of the void in this area, but after all, it was a step too late, and a sword light flashed across silently In the sky, the Shadowless Excalibur was sacrificed by Qingchen at some point, and it has been hidden in the void for a long time, ready to be used in conjunction with the more and more miraculous magic word sword formula.

Now, he rose up with a single movement, thunderous and silent, making it hard to guard against, unable to dodge in time, a sword slashed at the figure in black, and the extremely cold sword intent burst out, moving with the momentum, wreaking havoc into the body.

The man in black exclaimed, his throat was full of unbearable pain, he knelt in the void, his eyes wide open, watching in horror that the power in his body was frozen and eaten away, and the resurrection power he relied on was taken away Suppressed, collapsed, the surface of the body slowly covered with crystal ice and snow from the inside out, the extreme cold is hard to parry.

When the water source technique was cast, water vapor condensed from all directions, and Qingchen's figure stood out. He waved his hand and recalled the Qingmeng Excalibur from the yellow sand, and stood holding the sword. Clothed man, a message suddenly flashed in his mind.

The black-clothed Xuanwei, the guardian of the second floor of the Inheritance Hall, is comparable in strength to Daluo's Daoguo Dacheng, and his Taoism has reached the realm of Daluo, and his resurrection power is several times that of the red-clothed palace guard.

With a smile on his lips, Qingchen digested this information, and was eager to face the black-clothed Xuanwei who were about to appear in batches.

The real Daoguo Dao of Da Luo has reached the state of Dacheng in strength, Taoism, and mana. Qingchen has not reached this level, and neither has the black-clothed Xuanwei.

Qingchen's combat power is comparable to that of Da Luo Dacheng, Dao Xing has also entered Da Luo for the first time, and he has initially controlled the water, and his mana has a small world as his foundation. Dao Xing is almost evenly matched, and a sense of excitement of meeting an opponent arises spontaneously in Qing Chen's heart.

Qingchen's thoughts turned, and he made a decision in an instant.Opportunities are hard to find, opportunities are hard to find, he will not give up the inheritance of Biyuandongtian no matter what, that is the case, if he wants to break through the second floor of the inheritance hall, he will inevitably face the black-clothed Xuanwei, since he cannot overcome this difficulty , then you can only face up to the difficulties, have a hearty battle, use the pressure from the outside world to temper your body, sharpen your swordsmanship, improve yourself as much as possible, strengthen your own background,
The second layer is full of crises, there are many black-clothed profound guards, each one is not weaker than Qingchen, making such a decision, Qingchen is not ignorant, he has his own considerations, and he has the confidence to fight rampantly.

With the small world and the twelfth grade good luck Qinglian, Qingchen is sure to retreat completely when he may encounter the siege of the black-clothed Xuanwei. of worries.

Thinking of this, Qingchen smiled brightly at the corner of his mouth, and a trace of fighting spirit boiled away in a flash. He looked at the ice sculpture, and with a throw of the Qingmeng Excalibur, the light of the sword passed quickly towards the ice sculpture.

The ice sculpture was shattered, and the ice crystals were scattered all over the place. They were not affected at all in the hot sand sea. They were crystal clear, and the chill scattered around.

Qingchen waved his hand, collected some of the few remaining Zergs around, and put them into the small world. This kind of Zergs are rare in the outside world, and even less heard in the prehistoric world. Collect some now, maybe they will be used in the future.

After the dust settled, Qingchen turned around and left, striding forward, leaping hundreds of feet, and rushed to the distance. He wanted to seize the time and try his best to seize the opportunity before Dongyou and Shangxie arrived.

On the other part of the second floor of the Hall of Inheritance, there are majestic mountains, towering into the sky, like pillars supporting the gods, the mountains are shining brightly, with ancient trees everywhere, waterfalls and flowing springs.

On this day, there was a constant roar from the depths of the sacred mountain, which had been calm for countless years. Crouching on the ground, trembling with fear.

The rocks pierced through the air, the giant trees lay horizontally, and the souls of the friends were unable to escape and were affected. The huge body was collapsed, exploded, and disappeared.

In the depths of the mountain range, a figure staggered back hundreds of steps. His body was covered with scars, his robe was torn, and the dust and smoke cleared away, revealing his true face. It was Yingshu who entered the second floor one step earlier than Qingchen.

He didn't care about his own injuries, and his embarrassed figure looked up to the sky and laughed, as if he had done a great deed that could shake the starry sky and the universe.

"Hahaha! Let you black boy stand in the way of the poor, I really thought that I had eaten the dragon's heart and phoenix gall, and dared to plot and intercept your baby grandpa. In the end, he was beaten to death. Ghosts crying and wolves howling, burned to ashes. Happy! Really happy! Go to hell with your fairy, get out of the hole of your father-in-law"

The long-term depression broke out and was vented. Yingshu's scolding echoed in the mountains, rude and rude, causing some mountain creatures to roll their eyes and slander in their hearts.

After a fierce battle and full-fledged cursing, Yingshu's depression that had been in his heart for the past few days dissipated immediately, and he felt refreshed, and everything was pleasing to the eye.

Sitting cross-legged in meditation, after refining the remaining power of Sanguang Shenshui accumulated in his body, Yingshu recovered from his injuries, and his strength has improved a lot. He has already recovered more than half of it. At that moment, his confidence was greatly increased.

At the same time, on the second floor of the Hall of Inheritance, Dongyou and Shangxie entered this floor, landing on a sparkling green lake and a crater of magma billowing respectively.

Ever since Qingchen and the others left, the luck of Dongyou and Shangxie seemed to have turned a corner after reaching the top of the mountain, and continued to go downhill.


As if the thunder was exploding, the undercurrent at the bottom of Qingze Great Lake surged, shooting out terrifying energy. There were strong men fighting fiercely, stirring up the wind and clouds. roar.

A gigantic jet of water suddenly soared into the sky, dispersing the wind and clouds, with great momentum, making a loud noise, like a sky avalanche, and the jet of water soared upwards, as if it was going to hollow out the entire Qinghu Daze.


A huge jet of water spat out a figure, with disheveled hair, an embarrassing figure, coughing up blood.

Dongyou felt that he was very unlucky. Before he came to the second floor, he was played by Qingchen again and again, which made him covered with a foul smell that couldn't be removed. He just entered the second floor and appeared in this big lake. Before he could take any action, he was chased and intercepted by a large group of mysterious guards in black. The strong smell on his body could not even be concealed by the most brilliant concealment techniques. It was like the aphrodisiac hormone released by some strange beasts when they were in heat. Exposing his own existence made him extremely resentful and disgusting.

He took great pains to kill the black-clothed Xuanwei who was invading. Before he could take a breather, he ran into a water riot again. He was caught off guard and was directly blown into the sky by the huge water flow.

Thinking of the experience of narrowly escaped death just now, in order to deal with those bastards, he spent a lot of well-prepared trump cards. Dongyou's face is ferocious, and he hates Qingchen.

"Ah~~~! Qingchen, Pindao is going to cut you into pieces!"

Dong You was sure that once Qing Chen appeared in front of him now, he would lose his mind and stab him with starlight into several big holes without mercy.


One after another, the sound of breaking through the air interrupted Dongyou's imagining. He glanced angrily at the gradually clear black spot in the sky, gritted his teeth and cursed secretly, and quickly turned into a stream of light, and fled forward at a fast speed.

Shangxie, who descended to the second floor almost at the same time as Dongyou, was in the same situation as Dongyou, and it can be called a disaster.

The volcanic crater was ablaze, and the hot high-melt magma spewed out, and the whole area was instantly turned into a sea of ​​flames. The hot temperature was enough to burn mountains and seas. It happened that Shangxie happened to appear at the crater when the volcano erupted. Take precautions, be blown away by a huge force, burn your body with fire.

Escaping at a high speed, he encountered a group of black-clothed Xuanwei unexpectedly on the way. After a fierce fight, they wiped out all the enemies. After a short respite, the filth that was stained on their bodies attracted another group of Xuanwei.

Fighting and fleeing from the evil, the way is like a target to attract the enemy. Wherever they pass, a group of black-clothed Xuanwei immediately joins them.

 The Dragon Boat Festival is coming, and Sea of ​​Blood wishes everyone a happy Dragon Boat Festival in advance.

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(End of this chapter)

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